# 1. Installation
Linux: apt install gnupg
MacOs: brew install gnupg

# 2. getting help
gpg --help

# 3. Symmetric encryption
gpg -c secret.txt  # -> results secret.txt.gpg (binary file)

# specifying an alternative algorithm and an output file (my_secret.txt.gpg)
gpg -c --cipher-algo blowfish -o my_secret.txt.gpg secret.txt

# creating a text (ascii) encrypted file
gpg --armor -c secret.txt  # -> results secret.txt.asc (ascii file) 

# 4. Symmetric decryption
gpg -o secret.txt -d file.txt.gpg # -> secret.txt is the resulting file in clear-text

# 5. Key management
# generating a key pair
gpg --gen-key

# displaying the public keys stored in the keyring
gpg --list-keys

# displaying the secret keys stored in the keyring
gpg --list-secret-keys
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format short
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format long

# exporting a private key by id into a text format
gpg --export-secret-keys --armor B211B48E > private_key.asc 

# exporting a public key by id into a text format
gpg --export --armor B211B48E >

# deleting a secret key by id
gpg --delete-secret-keys B211B48E

# deleting a public key by id
gpg --delete-keys B211B48E

# importing a private or public key from a text file
gpg --import private.asc 
gpg --import 

# importing a public key from a key server
gpg --keyserver  --recv 8483C65D

# publishing a public key on a key server
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --send-keys 30E6A0BE

# searching for a key on a key server
gpg --keyserver --search-keys string_to_match
gpg --keyserver --search-keys

# 6. Asymmetric (Public Key) encryption
# encrypting a file asymmetrically using the public key id 95FC2D9E80DB23C0 (should have it in the keyring) 
gpg --encrypt --recipient 95FC2D9E80DB23C0 message.txt # -> results a binary file
gpg --encrypt --recipient 95FC2D9E80DB23C0 --armor message.txt # -> results an ascii file

# decrypting the file (should have the private key)
gpg --decrypt -o file.txt message.txt.asc

#7. Digital Signing
# generating a clear-text ascii file that contains both the content and the signature at the end (file.txt.asc).
gpg --clearsign file.txt

# generating a clear-text binary file that contains both the content and the signature at the end (file.txt.gpg).
gpg --sign file.txt

# generating a binary detached-signature
gpg --detach-sig --output message.txt.sig message.txt

# generating an ascii detached signature
gpg  --detach-sig --armor --output message.sig.asc message.txt

# To check a signature you need: a) the file to check b) the signature c) the public key of the one that signed

# checking a signature
gpg --verify message.txt.asc

# checking a signature and extracting the document without the signature
gpg --decrypt message.txt.asc
gpg --output file.txt --decrypt message.txt.asc

# checking a detached signature
gpg --verify message.sig.asc message.txt

# encrypting (asymmetrically) and signing a file
gpg --encrypt --recipient PUBLIC_KEY_ID --sign message.txt