//LECTURE : Character Types in C++ #include int main(){ /* char - The Default types - 1 Byte - Signed or Unsigned - EXAMPLE : ASCII '' char16_t - Used for 2 byte char sets - EXAMPLE : UTF-16 Literal is u char32_t - Used for 4 byte char sets - EXAMPLE : UTF-32 Literal is U signed char - Same as char but guaranteed to be signed unsigned char - Same as char but guaranteed to be unsigned wchar_t - Large enough to contain the largest char of the implementation's locale : UNICODE L NARROW CHARS : char, signed char, unsigned char WIDE CHARS : char16_t, char32_t, wchar_t ESCAPE SEQUENCES : https://www.utf8-chartable.de/unicode-utf8-table.pl?utf8=bin Newline \n TAB \t TAB Vertial \v Backspace \b Carriage Return \r Form feed \f Alert \a Backslash \\ Single quote \' Double quote \" The NULL Char \0 A = '\u0041' */ char x = 'M'; wchar_t y = L'Z'; printf("Windows binaries start with %c%lc. \n",x,y); }