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1. What is a Penetration Test.mp4 34M
1. What is a Penetration Test.srt 4.0K
2. Why Metasploit Framework AKA MSF.mp4 51M
2. Why Metasploit Framework AKA MSF.srt 6.2K
3. Importance of Penetration Testing.mp4 26M
3. Importance of Penetration Testing.srt 3.9K
4. Basics of Penetration Testing.mp4 17M
5. Types of Penetration Testing.mp4 22M
6. Penetration Testing Execution Standard.mp4 31M
6. Penetration Testing Execution Standard.srt 6.5K
7. Requirements ( Like Storage. Processor ).mp4 26M
7. Requirements ( Like Storage. Processor ).srt 3.4K
8. Lab Connectivity and Taking Snapshots.mp4 15M
8. Lab Connectivity and Taking Snapshots.srt 2.2K
9. Evolution of Metasploit.mp4 25M
9. Evolution of Metasploit.srt 4.6K
10. Metasploit Filesystem and Libraries.mp4 80M
10. Metasploit Filesystem and Libraries.srt 4.8K
11. The Architecture of MSF.mp4 15M
11. The Architecture of MSF.srt 1.8K
12. Auxiliary Modules.mp4 69M
12. Auxiliary Modules.srt 4.6K
13. Payload Modules.mp4 86M
13. Payload Modules.srt 6.2K
14. Exploit Modules.mp4 57M
14. Exploit Modules.srt 3.8K
15. Encoder Modules.mp4 40M
15. Encoder Modules.srt 2.6K
16. Post Modules.mp4 54M
16. Post Modules.srt 3.7K
17. Metasploit Editions.mp4 29M
17. Metasploit Editions.srt 4.5K
18. Metasploit Community.mp4 26M
18. Metasploit Community.srt 3.5K
19. Metasploit Interfaces.mp4 45M
19. Metasploit Interfaces.srt 5.1K
20. Armitage.mp4 22M
20. Armitage.srt 3.7K
21. MSFconsole.mp4 60M
21. MSFconsole.srt 5.2K
22. MSFConsole Basic Commands 1.mp4 44M
22. MSFConsole Basic Commands 1.srt 7.3K
23. MSFConsole Basic Commands 2.mp4 47M
23. MSFConsole Basic Commands 2.srt 8.4K
24. MSFConsole Basic Commands 3.mp4 21M
24. MSFConsole Basic Commands 3.srt 3.5K
25. Using Databases in MSF 1.mp4 32M
25. Using Databases in MSF 1.srt 5.6K
26. Using Databases in MSF 2.mp4 27M
26. Using Databases in MSF 2.srt 3.5K
27. More on Exploits in MSF.mp4 25M
27. More on Exploits in MSF.srt 3.4K
28. What is Enumeration.mp4 15M
28. What is Enumeration.srt 2.3K
29. Nmap Integration and Port Scanning.mp4 59M
29. Nmap Integration and Port Scanning.srt 7.0K
30. SMB and Samba Enumeration.mp4 55M
30. SMB and Samba Enumeration.srt 6.2K
31. MySQL Enumeration.mp4 43M
31. MySQL Enumeration.srt 3.8K
32. FTP Enumeration.mp4 47M
32. FTP Enumeration.srt 4.4K
33. SSH Enumeration.mp4 31M
33. SSH Enumeration.srt 2.6K
34. HTTP Enumeration.mp4 65M
35. SNMP Enumeration.mp4 35M
35. SNMP Enumeration.srt 3.7K
36. MTP Enumeration.mp4 35M
36. MTP Enumeration.srt 3.5K
37. Using Shodan with MSF.mp4 51M
37. Using Shodan with MSF.srt 4.9K
38. Intro to Vulnerability Scanning.mp4 21M
38. Intro to Vulnerability Scanning.srt 4.2K
39. Downloading and Installing Nessus Home.mp4 44M
39. Downloading and Installing Nessus Home.srt 5.8K
40. Vulnerability Scanning with Nessus Home.mp4 37M
40. Vulnerability Scanning with Nessus Home.srt 7.0K
41. Integrating Nessus into MSF.mp4 48M
41. Integrating Nessus into MSF.srt 4.9K
42. Metasploit as Exploitation Tool.mp4 13M
42. Metasploit as Exploitation Tool.srt 2.2K
43. Distributed Ruby Remote Code Execution (drb_remote_codeexec).mp4 36M
43. Distributed Ruby Remote Code Execution (drb_remote_codeexec).srt 3.1K
44. PHP CGI Argument Injection (php_cgi_arg_injection).mp4 41M
44. PHP CGI Argument Injection (php_cgi_arg_injection).srt 2.9K
45. MS17-010 EternalBlue SMB Remote Windows Kernel Pool Corruption.mp4 50M
45. MS17-010 EternalBlue SMB Remote Windows Kernel Pool Corruption.srt 4.2K
46. Java JMX Server Insecure Configuration Java Code Execution (java_jmx_server).mp4 39M
46. Java JMX Server Insecure Configuration Java Code Execution (java_jmx_server).srt 2.9K
47. Elastic Search Dynamic Script Arbitrary Java Execution (script_mvel_rce).mp4 35M
47. Elastic Search Dynamic Script Arbitrary Java Execution (script_mvel_rce).srt 3.1K
48. SunOracle GlassFish Server Authenticated Code Execution (glassfish_deployer).mp4 70M
49. Jenkins-CI Script-Console Java Execution (jenkins_script_console).mp4 52M
49. Jenkins-CI Script-Console Java Execution (jenkins_script_console).srt 5.9K
50. WinRM Script Exec Remote Code Execution (winrm_script_exec).mp4 51M
50. WinRM Script Exec Remote Code Execution (winrm_script_exec).srt 4.1K
51. HTTP Writable Path PUTDELETE File Access (http_put).mp4 52M
51. HTTP Writable Path PUTDELETE File Access (http_put).srt 4.8K
52. Exploiting Poorly Configured MySQL Service.mp4 33M
52. Exploiting Poorly Configured MySQL Service.srt 3.1K
53. Axis2 SAP Business Objects Authenticated Code Execution via SOAP.mp4 48M
53. Axis2 SAP Business Objects Authenticated Code Execution via SOAP.srt 4.8K
54. Using Allports Payload.mp4 51M
54. Using Allports Payload.srt 6.4K
55. Using Resource Files.mp4 64M
55. Using Resource Files.srt 6.4K
56. Privilege Escalation.mp4 71M
56. Privilege Escalation.srt 8.6K
57. Extracting Password Hashes.mp4 50M
57. Extracting Password Hashes.srt 5.4K
58. John the Ripper Module.mp4 18M
58. John the Ripper Module.srt 1.6K
59. Pass The Hash with Metasploit.mp4 42M
59. Pass The Hash with Metasploit.srt 6.4K
60. Token Impersonation.mp4 48M
60. Token Impersonation.srt 6.4K
61. Extracting Cleartext Passwords.mp4 85M
61. Extracting Cleartext Passwords.srt 10K
62. Visual Interaction with the Target.mp4 32M
62. Visual Interaction with the Target.srt 3.6K
63. Enabling Remote Desktop.mp4 48M
63. Enabling Remote Desktop.srt 5.3K
64. Searching for Critical Information.mp4 55M
64. Searching for Critical Information.srt 5.9K
65. Packet Sniffing.mp4 57M
65. Packet Sniffing.srt 6.3K
66. Pivoting.mp4 90M
66. Pivoting.srt 11K
67. Port Forwarding.mp4 66M
67. Port Forwarding.srt 7.9K
68. Maintaining Access.mp4 13M
68. Maintaining Access.srt 2.2K
69. Interacting with the Registry.mp4 52M
69. Interacting with the Registry.srt 6.3K
70. Keylogging.mp4 55M
70. Keylogging.srt 6.8K
71. Antivirus Evasion and Cleaning.mp4 18M
71. Antivirus Evasion and Cleaning.srt 3.1K
72. MSFvenom.mp4 66M
72. MSFvenom.srt 6.8K
73. MSFVenom Using Encoders.mp4 37M
73. MSFVenom Using Encoders.srt 4.2K
74. MSFVenom Using Custom Executable Template.mp4 49M
74. MSFVenom Using Custom Executable Template.srt 5.8K
75. Using Custom Payload Generators.mp4 76M
75. Using Custom Payload Generators.srt 9.4K
76. Cleaning Events and Security Management Logs.mp4 36M
76. Cleaning Events and Security Management Logs.srt 3.9K
77. Deceiving File System Using Timestomp.mp4 56M
77. Deceiving File System Using Timestomp.srt 6.0K
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