1 00:00:01,530 --> 00:00:04,470 So now I'm going to check the Nessa's service and started. 2 00:00:07,000 --> 00:00:15,550 OK, so open your browser now and type HTTP Escalon, Celeste Colly, Colen eight eight three four. 3 00:00:17,050 --> 00:00:19,540 And then this will take you to the NSA login screen. 4 00:00:21,100 --> 00:00:24,790 So in the beginning, you may see an initialization screen like this one. 5 00:00:27,110 --> 00:00:30,140 So just down to your credentials and hit the Sinon button. 6 00:00:35,670 --> 00:00:37,740 OK, so now this is the Nessa's homepage. 7 00:00:39,040 --> 00:00:41,500 It has a pretty clear and clean interface. 8 00:00:42,420 --> 00:00:49,800 So what I'm going to do is quickly add a folder for my scans and name it PWI MSF. 9 00:00:51,560 --> 00:00:55,100 So create the folder and let's go into the folder. 10 00:00:56,640 --> 00:00:59,280 OK, so now you have two options here. 11 00:01:00,560 --> 00:01:02,630 You can either create a scan directly. 12 00:01:03,630 --> 00:01:09,750 Or you can create a policy and then use this policy for a particular scam. 13 00:01:10,920 --> 00:01:18,510 Me, I always create policies because then I can use them in every penetration test that I do. 14 00:01:19,550 --> 00:01:22,820 So I would advise you to do the same, just follow along. 15 00:01:24,460 --> 00:01:26,590 So even now, I'm going to show you how to create a policy. 16 00:01:28,770 --> 00:01:30,660 So click here to start. 17 00:01:32,230 --> 00:01:35,200 Right, so now these are the predefined policies. 18 00:01:36,080 --> 00:01:38,360 Now, for your purpose, you can choose one of them. 19 00:01:39,620 --> 00:01:43,820 But also, you have the option to start a custom policy. 20 00:01:44,980 --> 00:01:51,000 So over here on the upper left corner, there's an advanced scan, so click here. 21 00:01:52,740 --> 00:01:59,730 All right, so let's give it a name and description, and that's going to be your first scan. 22 00:02:01,420 --> 00:02:07,990 So Nessa's provides you an ability to share your policy or scan with other users. 23 00:02:09,070 --> 00:02:15,190 So if you want under the permission tab, select can use as an option. 24 00:02:17,810 --> 00:02:19,250 Under the discovery menu. 25 00:02:20,540 --> 00:02:26,870 You'll find how to discover hosts and services, and you can also can figure out how to scan the ports 26 00:02:26,870 --> 00:02:27,680 on the target. 27 00:02:28,970 --> 00:02:31,460 And there's really nothing to change here. 28 00:02:33,140 --> 00:02:38,420 Assessment menu, it provides extra assessment configuration. 29 00:02:40,020 --> 00:02:47,970 Now, here under brute force segment, I want you to check this box to not try after a successful launch 30 00:02:47,980 --> 00:02:48,180 in. 31 00:02:50,740 --> 00:02:55,120 All right, so you have Web applications in our lab open in. 32 00:02:56,530 --> 00:03:00,160 I won't change anything under Windows and Malware segment. 33 00:03:01,510 --> 00:03:07,840 Now, you can specialize in reports, but I think it doesn't allow much more than that, this might 34 00:03:07,840 --> 00:03:11,380 be, if there is one, a negative side of Nessa's. 35 00:03:13,040 --> 00:03:14,480 And the advanced menu. 36 00:03:16,590 --> 00:03:17,040 She now. 37 00:03:17,900 --> 00:03:25,280 I think I've said this before, but being stealthy is important, so you've got to check here to randomly 38 00:03:25,520 --> 00:03:26,780 scan targets. 39 00:03:28,030 --> 00:03:31,120 And also check here to prevent network congestion. 40 00:03:34,140 --> 00:03:41,370 And under the credentials tab, Nessus gives you the opportunity to scan targets with custom discovered 41 00:03:41,370 --> 00:03:41,970 credentials. 42 00:03:43,870 --> 00:03:49,390 Nessus will perform more tests on the targets if valid credentials are given. 43 00:03:50,990 --> 00:03:55,550 And you can also add ASH is as well as some other service accounts. 44 00:03:57,460 --> 00:04:03,610 So earlier, we have discovered how to use the vagrant username and password. 45 00:04:05,580 --> 00:04:06,870 So that's what I'm going to use. 46 00:04:10,050 --> 00:04:11,130 Compliance tab. 47 00:04:11,990 --> 00:04:13,400 Not going to change anything here. 48 00:04:14,590 --> 00:04:19,570 This this could be a good benefit for you when you perform a vulnerability assessment. 49 00:04:21,290 --> 00:04:29,780 Now, here there are many compliance checklists, you can choose a bunch of them and run a scan, but 50 00:04:29,780 --> 00:04:31,700 for now I don't need that. 51 00:04:33,350 --> 00:04:34,850 And here's a plug instead. 52 00:04:36,430 --> 00:04:43,990 So this is actually takes its power from plug ins, every plug in performs a particular task and the 53 00:04:43,990 --> 00:04:47,920 Nessa's team divides plug ins into families. 54 00:04:49,570 --> 00:04:54,760 So, for example, the denial of service plug ins resides under this category. 55 00:04:56,720 --> 00:05:03,350 Now, you also have to be careful to check the plug ins, because every unrelated plug in will create 56 00:05:03,350 --> 00:05:07,190 congestion in the network and that prevents you from being stealthy. 57 00:05:08,750 --> 00:05:11,990 And also some plug ins could very well crash the system. 58 00:05:13,360 --> 00:05:17,890 Sorry, now I am going to quickly uncheck unrelated plug in families. 59 00:05:19,140 --> 00:05:21,830 Not going to touch plug ins itself. 60 00:05:24,050 --> 00:05:26,660 But you can be that specific. 61 00:05:28,910 --> 00:05:32,300 So finally, save the policy. 62 00:05:33,730 --> 00:05:34,350 Okeydoke. 63 00:05:34,750 --> 00:05:38,200 So now you need to create a scan that's going to use his policy. 64 00:05:39,740 --> 00:05:43,460 So go up here to the top menu scan's. 65 00:05:44,760 --> 00:05:50,490 And here are the predefine scanned, but if you want to use your policy like I do. 66 00:05:51,810 --> 00:05:54,840 Follow me and go to the user defined tab. 67 00:05:56,050 --> 00:05:57,700 And click your policy. 68 00:05:58,760 --> 00:06:04,100 Now this green comes up, so name your skin and give it a description. 69 00:06:06,290 --> 00:06:14,420 And I'm going to choose the folder P wms f and now you can add targets. 70 00:06:16,220 --> 00:06:23,690 So, of course, we're going to use the both the Matus voidable two and three IP addresses. 71 00:06:25,060 --> 00:06:26,710 All right, so let's save the scan. 72 00:06:29,550 --> 00:06:36,810 Now, let's check the scan here and from that menu, just launch it or reconfigure it. 73 00:06:37,690 --> 00:06:38,590 I'm going to launch it. 74 00:06:41,850 --> 00:06:46,290 OK, so now you can watch the progress and examine what NASA's finds. 75 00:06:48,200 --> 00:06:50,090 Scans are going to take some time, so. 76 00:06:51,350 --> 00:06:54,970 I'll just let it finish up and I'll get right back to you.