1 00:00:00,690 --> 00:00:01,980 ‫What's going on, guys? 2 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:10,380 ‫My name is Hussein, and this course is one of the causes that I am really, really proud of building 3 00:00:10,740 --> 00:00:13,390 ‫and introduction to database engineering. 4 00:00:13,410 --> 00:00:21,750 ‫This part, of course, is is a course that I wish I had 15 years ago, and that's how I actually built 5 00:00:21,750 --> 00:00:21,980 ‫it. 6 00:00:22,260 --> 00:00:24,510 ‫I built this course in a way. 7 00:00:24,510 --> 00:00:32,610 ‫It's like, OK, if I am new, if I'm just starting out my career or I have I know a thing or two about 8 00:00:32,610 --> 00:00:33,840 ‫databases. 9 00:00:33,840 --> 00:00:36,400 ‫I know school and very basic things. 10 00:00:36,420 --> 00:00:43,170 ‫I studied in the uni university in college and I want to know like what is out there, what is people 11 00:00:43,170 --> 00:00:44,780 ‫doing in the professional world. 12 00:00:45,000 --> 00:00:50,080 ‫I wish I had a course or a book that kind of touched upon this concept. 13 00:00:50,100 --> 00:00:51,460 ‫And that's exactly what I did. 14 00:00:51,900 --> 00:00:57,810 ‫So I built this course not as a practical Hands-On. 15 00:00:58,750 --> 00:01:03,520 ‫Kind of boring, dull cause that you have to follow, right? 16 00:01:04,000 --> 00:01:09,610 ‫It is it tastes different sectors and database engineering. 17 00:01:09,910 --> 00:01:12,520 ‫And and I believe these are. 18 00:01:14,300 --> 00:01:22,010 ‫Seven or six parts of database engineering that anyone who wants to dive deep into database engineering 19 00:01:22,370 --> 00:01:23,010 ‫should know. 20 00:01:23,590 --> 00:01:25,640 ‫Now, what are you going to learn in these scores? 21 00:01:26,010 --> 00:01:32,540 ‫You're going to learn the basics of databases like anything that database engineers should know. 22 00:01:32,600 --> 00:01:35,510 ‫You will not like what is acid right? 23 00:01:36,260 --> 00:01:43,250 ‫At the consistency in isolation and durability, very detailed tests are going to show some examples, 24 00:01:43,250 --> 00:01:43,820 ‫obviously. 25 00:01:43,820 --> 00:01:45,640 ‫And then you're going to learn about index. 26 00:01:46,180 --> 00:01:49,610 ‫You going learn about concurrency control on databases. 27 00:01:49,760 --> 00:01:52,700 ‫You're going to learn about partitioning. 28 00:01:52,700 --> 00:01:54,920 ‫You're going to learn about sharding. 29 00:01:55,370 --> 00:02:00,700 ‫You're going to learn about deep indexing ideas as well. 30 00:02:01,700 --> 00:02:08,540 ‫And I go into a little bit of touch about advanced and I go through how do you actually apply these 31 00:02:08,540 --> 00:02:10,330 ‫concepts in real wars. 32 00:02:10,490 --> 00:02:19,820 ‫So I will actually do a system, a database system design with you guys and just walk you through exactly 33 00:02:19,820 --> 00:02:26,360 ‫how I think through things and then design a database system for a given problem. 34 00:02:26,840 --> 00:02:29,030 ‫So that that is very interesting. 35 00:02:29,030 --> 00:02:35,680 ‫Right, because you now put your the skills that you learn into use into the SCHAUS essentially. 36 00:02:35,780 --> 00:02:41,780 ‫I will also discuss database engines, the concept of database engines and how does it differ from a 37 00:02:41,780 --> 00:02:43,070 ‫database system. 38 00:02:43,430 --> 00:02:43,730 ‫Right. 39 00:02:43,730 --> 00:02:52,970 ‫And how is this really critical to think about when you actually design an app that consumes the nature 40 00:02:52,970 --> 00:02:54,500 ‫of the app actually matter? 41 00:02:54,530 --> 00:02:55,970 ‫Because that will. 42 00:02:57,440 --> 00:03:00,920 ‫Infer your decision to pick a database over another. 43 00:03:01,100 --> 00:03:06,680 ‫I go through that whole bit as well, so that is really, really interesting stuff to me, especially. 44 00:03:06,680 --> 00:03:06,890 ‫Right. 45 00:03:06,910 --> 00:03:13,940 ‫And the final part, I have a special section with Global for Advanced Topics to discussion that just 46 00:03:14,150 --> 00:03:14,720 ‫thinks that. 47 00:03:14,720 --> 00:03:24,920 ‫I think that just open discussions, whether we should use quick databases or not or quick the protocol, 48 00:03:24,920 --> 00:03:32,960 ‫whether whether we should how how how often should you implement your own Blum filter versus relying 49 00:03:32,960 --> 00:03:39,180 ‫on the one that is on the database and things like, I think the very things that just pick your curiosity. 50 00:03:39,410 --> 00:03:43,120 ‫So, guys, if you decided to go this course, I really appreciate it. 51 00:03:43,310 --> 00:03:44,600 ‫And what are you going to learn? 52 00:03:45,590 --> 00:03:51,580 ‫Is, is the ability not you're not going to learn at Postgres or my school? 53 00:03:51,620 --> 00:03:55,630 ‫I have to be honest with you, because these are very easy to pick up. 54 00:03:55,670 --> 00:03:57,590 ‫You're going to learn the system. 55 00:03:57,800 --> 00:04:03,860 ‫You're going to learn the abstractions and the fundamentals essentially and first principles. 56 00:04:04,010 --> 00:04:10,600 ‫And then I think once you're finished with this course, you will start asking your own questions. 57 00:04:10,670 --> 00:04:15,080 ‫OK, I have this application or this back in the application. 58 00:04:15,230 --> 00:04:18,680 ‫And in order to build it, oh, I need this kind of database. 59 00:04:18,720 --> 00:04:20,180 ‫I need this concept. 60 00:04:20,180 --> 00:04:20,570 ‫Concept. 61 00:04:20,570 --> 00:04:21,620 ‫Oh, I need indexing. 62 00:04:21,620 --> 00:04:22,670 ‫I need partitioning. 63 00:04:23,570 --> 00:04:27,110 ‫I don't think I need Qadeem because it's a little bit of overkill. 64 00:04:27,350 --> 00:04:33,970 ‫You'll start automatically asking these questions because they will come to your radar essentially. 65 00:04:34,100 --> 00:04:40,160 ‫And the way I explain things and you know me from my YouTube channel, it's always like I try to ask 66 00:04:40,580 --> 00:04:45,140 ‫the same thing to myself, like, how do I start with these things? 67 00:04:45,140 --> 00:04:46,820 ‫Like there's so much out there. 68 00:04:47,010 --> 00:04:50,840 ‫So I lay them down into a progressive manner. 69 00:04:50,840 --> 00:04:53,440 ‫It's like, OK, so this learning none of those entities. 70 00:04:53,630 --> 00:04:57,090 ‫And when I say learn, you don't have to be expert and just look. 71 00:04:57,360 --> 00:04:59,630 ‫No, why does it exist? 72 00:04:59,810 --> 00:05:03,920 ‫I always ask this question in every every video that I make. 73 00:05:04,310 --> 00:05:06,200 ‫Why does a technology exist? 74 00:05:06,380 --> 00:05:13,910 ‫And I try my best to answer these questions and the entire nine sections in this course, around six 75 00:05:13,910 --> 00:05:16,040 ‫hours, I believe. 76 00:05:17,390 --> 00:05:17,660 ‫Yeah. 77 00:05:17,660 --> 00:05:20,300 ‫Six hours or I think a little bit more than that. 78 00:05:20,480 --> 00:05:21,910 ‫So there's a lot of content. 79 00:05:22,130 --> 00:05:23,810 ‫So take your time. 80 00:05:24,020 --> 00:05:25,040 ‫Take your pace. 81 00:05:25,220 --> 00:05:28,940 ‫This is not something you want to finish and and get over with. 82 00:05:29,180 --> 00:05:31,640 ‫This is something just like a dictionary or. 83 00:05:31,640 --> 00:05:31,800 ‫Right. 84 00:05:31,860 --> 00:05:36,680 ‫Or something you want to go back to and oh this is oh this is what I learned about this. 85 00:05:36,680 --> 00:05:38,390 ‫Oh this line a lot about this. 86 00:05:38,570 --> 00:05:40,940 ‫So it can jump freely through sections. 87 00:05:40,940 --> 00:05:41,180 ‫Right. 88 00:05:41,540 --> 00:05:44,740 ‫The course is if I had to apologize. 89 00:05:44,750 --> 00:05:49,400 ‫This causes Lobert for intermediate to advanced students. 90 00:05:49,730 --> 00:05:55,790 ‫If you don't know anything about databases, I think you're going to be a little bit lost, but. 91 00:05:56,770 --> 00:06:03,160 ‫If you know a little bit about what a database is, how to do a sequel, because I don't explain a sequel 92 00:06:03,340 --> 00:06:08,850 ‫because there are many, many other causes way better than I do explain it. 93 00:06:09,120 --> 00:06:09,930 ‫Many of these courses. 94 00:06:09,940 --> 00:06:10,100 ‫Right. 95 00:06:10,150 --> 00:06:11,280 ‫Sequel and stuff like that. 96 00:06:11,530 --> 00:06:17,260 ‫So I don't teach you like these practical skills to teach you how to apply to your thinking and design 97 00:06:17,260 --> 00:06:24,010 ‫your systems to to to the creatives, essentially the creative of system design and how to apply these 98 00:06:24,010 --> 00:06:24,260 ‫things. 99 00:06:24,640 --> 00:06:27,600 ‫So, yeah, so it's going to be an intermediate to advance. 100 00:06:27,760 --> 00:06:31,170 ‫So just pay that in mind when you start this course. 101 00:06:31,420 --> 00:06:33,640 ‫And I hope we really enjoy it. 102 00:06:33,760 --> 00:06:34,780 ‫I'm going to see the next one. 103 00:06:34,930 --> 00:06:36,220 ‫Thank you so much, guys.