Hey guys,

I use Docker to spin up database instances in all my exercises and examples, some of you might run into trouble connecting to the Docker containers. If you did please use these methods. 

When you spin up a docker container named "pg" for example, you can connect to it that in two methods

1) Expose the port to your host machine as I do in all the examples in this course. E.g  For example if I run my container with the option -p 5555:80 this exposes port 80 in the container to your host machine. For instance, my host machine is husseinmac, I can access the container using husseinmac:5555

2) Access the docker container IP directly. This doesn't work on mac but works on other operating systems. You can do "docker inspect pg" to reveal the IP address of the container then connect to it. e.g. or

You can also ask in the Q&A if you run into any trouble

Thanks and enjoy the course
