1 00:00:00,600 --> 00:00:03,310 ‫Let's throw the first one might, I assume. 2 00:00:03,330 --> 00:00:06,380 ‫OK, I'm going to sometimes I'm going to butcher the names I've got. 3 00:00:06,410 --> 00:00:08,300 ‫I'm going to say my -- am right. 4 00:00:08,310 --> 00:00:09,980 ‫But you know what I'm talking about. 5 00:00:10,320 --> 00:00:15,420 ‫So it stands for next sequential access method. 6 00:00:15,630 --> 00:00:21,240 ‫And yes, it says index because everything is indexed right. 7 00:00:21,360 --> 00:00:26,250 ‫And that means every index you create points directly to the row. 8 00:00:26,530 --> 00:00:26,930 ‫Right. 9 00:00:27,150 --> 00:00:30,120 ‫And that could be advantageous and sometimes bad. 10 00:00:30,130 --> 00:00:31,270 ‫So we're going to come through that. 11 00:00:31,270 --> 00:00:31,530 ‫Right. 12 00:00:31,710 --> 00:00:32,640 ‫So it could be three. 13 00:00:32,760 --> 00:00:36,510 ‫And I'm going to make a specific video about Beatriz's and LSM threes. 14 00:00:36,510 --> 00:00:36,880 ‫Right. 15 00:00:36,900 --> 00:00:38,610 ‫Let's not focus more about that. 16 00:00:39,630 --> 00:00:46,170 ‫B three is a computer science, architecture, computer sciences stuff that allows you to store data 17 00:00:46,170 --> 00:00:46,860 ‫on disk. 18 00:00:46,860 --> 00:00:47,130 ‫Right. 19 00:00:47,130 --> 00:00:49,310 ‫So you can search through them very fast. 20 00:00:49,590 --> 00:00:49,890 ‫Right. 21 00:00:50,190 --> 00:00:52,380 ‫A lot of people don't know what B stands for. 22 00:00:52,380 --> 00:00:55,050 ‫That's what the Wikipedia article says. 23 00:00:55,050 --> 00:00:56,790 ‫At least I call B.S. on that. 24 00:00:56,790 --> 00:00:58,850 ‫I think it's just balance three. 25 00:00:58,860 --> 00:01:01,790 ‫Why do we why do we keep complicating things? 26 00:01:01,830 --> 00:01:04,650 ‫Just it's obviously it's not binary three, right. 27 00:01:04,650 --> 00:01:08,490 ‫Because Beta is not really just you know, you can have multiple knowledge. 28 00:01:08,490 --> 00:01:10,080 ‫You can specify many nodes. 29 00:01:10,590 --> 00:01:10,850 ‫Right. 30 00:01:10,920 --> 00:01:15,360 ‫But yeah, I would, I would, I would just say stands for three. 31 00:01:15,630 --> 00:01:15,910 ‫Okay. 32 00:01:16,230 --> 00:01:17,760 ‫You can call me out on that. 33 00:01:17,760 --> 00:01:21,720 ‫What the indexes point directly to the arrows. 34 00:01:21,720 --> 00:01:22,020 ‫Right. 35 00:01:22,600 --> 00:01:27,150 ‫So if you think about it like there will be an index and there's likely to be the data itself that rose. 36 00:01:27,150 --> 00:01:27,510 ‫Right. 37 00:01:27,780 --> 00:01:36,090 ‫And then the the, the the index will point directly to this place on disk offset where that all exists. 38 00:01:36,540 --> 00:01:44,520 ‫So it's a very fast access to the location where stuff inserts are also fast, but it doesn't have really 39 00:01:44,760 --> 00:01:46,230 ‫transactional support. 40 00:01:46,250 --> 00:01:46,450 ‫Right. 41 00:01:46,680 --> 00:01:48,450 ‫So you cannot do acid stuff on it. 42 00:01:48,450 --> 00:01:51,840 ‫And we're going to show that and and the practical part of this video. 43 00:01:52,860 --> 00:01:54,350 ‫So are you going to do transactions, guys? 44 00:01:54,570 --> 00:01:55,230 ‫You're stuck. 45 00:01:55,410 --> 00:01:56,970 ‫You're going to do like a. 46 00:01:58,150 --> 00:02:03,510 ‫Banking stuff where we can debate I want account and put it into one account, in one transaction, 47 00:02:03,520 --> 00:02:04,390 ‫that's impossible. 48 00:02:04,400 --> 00:02:12,010 ‫So that might be very dangerous to use this at my house and to maybe you can build it at Tomasetti and 49 00:02:12,250 --> 00:02:14,020 ‫in in the database layer. 50 00:02:14,350 --> 00:02:15,520 ‫That's possible, right? 51 00:02:15,670 --> 00:02:22,480 ‫It's not hard, but it could be done by my -- and on itself does not support transactions. 52 00:02:23,170 --> 00:02:29,560 ‫So if you're trying to use transactions, you cannot use my ASRM and as been opensource and owned by 53 00:02:29,560 --> 00:02:29,920 ‫Oracle. 54 00:02:29,920 --> 00:02:33,730 ‫So this thing has been flunking from different people. 55 00:02:34,360 --> 00:02:34,780 ‫Right. 56 00:02:34,810 --> 00:02:38,160 ‫So I don't remember the first company that created it. 57 00:02:38,170 --> 00:02:39,520 ‫It's a Swedish company. 58 00:02:39,760 --> 00:02:40,160 ‫Right. 59 00:02:40,420 --> 00:02:45,040 ‫I think, sleepyhead, I might be wrong there and then sun board that thing. 60 00:02:45,040 --> 00:02:45,430 ‫Right. 61 00:02:45,430 --> 00:02:50,080 ‫And then Oracle bought Sun and and MySQL and then Oracle owns all that stuff. 62 00:02:50,080 --> 00:02:56,650 ‫My Assim and MySQL database and owns a bunch, A.B., all that stuff. 63 00:02:56,650 --> 00:02:56,900 ‫Right. 64 00:02:57,620 --> 00:03:04,420 ‫And we're going to talk about why people really hate that part and why people started talking once Oracle 65 00:03:04,420 --> 00:03:09,670 ‫started owning this stuff, people started working this thing and creating their own databases. 66 00:03:10,090 --> 00:03:15,600 ‫So inserts are fast, updates are the delete are problematic and because they created fragments. 67 00:03:15,670 --> 00:03:16,800 ‫Let's talk a little bit about that. 68 00:03:16,960 --> 00:03:22,810 ‫So when you answered you always in such to the end of the disk and you know where the end of the file 69 00:03:22,810 --> 00:03:22,990 ‫is. 70 00:03:22,990 --> 00:03:28,360 ‫So that's fast ride because you always know where the end of the file is. 71 00:03:28,360 --> 00:03:29,290 ‫And that's a very. 72 00:03:30,350 --> 00:03:36,380 ‫Quick access to the end of the file, you know where it is, so, you know, you can throw stuff at 73 00:03:36,380 --> 00:03:36,980 ‫the end. 74 00:03:37,310 --> 00:03:42,290 ‫The problem is when you go back and they start updating existing laws. 75 00:03:42,440 --> 00:03:42,800 ‫Right. 76 00:03:43,040 --> 00:03:49,280 ‫Or maybe deleting existing laws in the middle. 77 00:03:49,310 --> 00:03:49,670 ‫Right. 78 00:03:50,690 --> 00:03:55,100 ‫So that's a problem because the moment you start deleting and updating, you change the wrong size. 79 00:03:55,100 --> 00:04:03,740 ‫And if you change the Rossides, the offsets change and all these the indexes that point to that row, 80 00:04:03,770 --> 00:04:05,420 ‫now the offsets change. 81 00:04:05,420 --> 00:04:08,990 ‫You have to go and update all your indexes and that's slow, man. 82 00:04:09,530 --> 00:04:11,510 ‫So that's why updates and deletes. 83 00:04:11,510 --> 00:04:11,890 ‫Right. 84 00:04:12,140 --> 00:04:14,330 ‫Are very slow in my --. 85 00:04:14,330 --> 00:04:18,500 ‫And because you're updating that thing and you're changing the structure of your file. 86 00:04:18,500 --> 00:04:26,630 ‫And that's why those four indexes that point to this roll index offsets 700 is no longer a seven hundred 87 00:04:26,700 --> 00:04:27,950 ‫hundred and five. 88 00:04:28,130 --> 00:04:30,260 ‫So you have to go and change all that stuff. 89 00:04:30,260 --> 00:04:31,770 ‫And that's expensive, right? 90 00:04:32,600 --> 00:04:35,720 ‫So database crashes, corrupt, stable, IRA, this place. 91 00:04:35,720 --> 00:04:41,720 ‫And a lot of people complain when I face this personally, back when I own my own MySQL, what is it 92 00:04:41,730 --> 00:04:41,960 ‫called? 93 00:04:41,960 --> 00:04:43,370 ‫The lamp stack. 94 00:04:43,620 --> 00:04:44,810 ‫I didn't own Alamsyah. 95 00:04:44,810 --> 00:04:48,560 ‫I owned a stack because of windows, but it's the same thing. 96 00:04:49,700 --> 00:04:53,300 ‫The database, like in the middle of an inserts, long inserts or updates. 97 00:04:53,870 --> 00:04:58,880 ‫If it crashes, you have a corrupt cable you cannot access unless you repair it. 98 00:04:58,940 --> 00:05:00,050 ‫And that is right. 99 00:05:00,050 --> 00:05:02,030 ‫And that is very problematic. 100 00:05:02,040 --> 00:05:02,360 ‫Right. 101 00:05:02,600 --> 00:05:09,080 ‫If you corrupt your indexes and and you can see why my -- and tables can get corrupted guys, because 102 00:05:09,080 --> 00:05:10,070 ‫we just explained it. 103 00:05:10,400 --> 00:05:16,400 ‫We we have a lot of indexes that point directly to the location of the roll on disk. 104 00:05:16,880 --> 00:05:18,380 ‫That's bad, right? 105 00:05:18,380 --> 00:05:23,690 ‫Because now you have to make sure the database have to update all these indexes. 106 00:05:23,700 --> 00:05:29,780 ‫And that's bad because anything that gets out of sequence, well, you have to go and update that there 107 00:05:29,780 --> 00:05:33,620 ‫is a repair, the utility that repair stables for you. 108 00:05:34,880 --> 00:05:37,040 ‫And it's a portable level locking. 109 00:05:37,070 --> 00:05:38,620 ‫There is no overall level locking. 110 00:05:38,630 --> 00:05:46,190 ‫So if you want prevent people from editing, you left the whole table versus so that poor people, if 111 00:05:46,190 --> 00:05:51,260 ‫they want to insert an irrelevant throw, they cannot write verses. 112 00:05:51,260 --> 00:05:55,790 ‫If you want to just really you won't stop people from editing that particular role. 113 00:05:56,270 --> 00:05:56,740 ‫Right. 114 00:05:57,020 --> 00:05:58,520 ‫You can't write. 115 00:05:58,890 --> 00:05:59,930 ‫That's the problem. 116 00:05:59,930 --> 00:06:04,760 ‫A.B. supports the role of licking my -- and doesn't sell that kind of loss. 117 00:06:04,790 --> 00:06:07,280 ‫Writing down if you have concurrent users. 118 00:06:07,970 --> 00:06:12,740 ‫Music Well, Moradi, Arizona DB All of these guys I myself worked well. 119 00:06:12,890 --> 00:06:14,630 ‫I was not responsible for it. 120 00:06:15,260 --> 00:06:17,920 ‫They also bought my -- am persona. 121 00:06:18,140 --> 00:06:26,390 ‫Maria TV used to be the default engine for my sequel until I believe Virgin 5.5 or this guy says, you 122 00:06:26,390 --> 00:06:28,430 ‫know what, this is a mess, right? 123 00:06:28,760 --> 00:06:35,960 ‫Let's support transaction's a support role Level Looking-Glass support all that foreign kids, all that 124 00:06:35,960 --> 00:06:36,950 ‫beautiful stuff. 125 00:06:37,220 --> 00:06:41,000 ‫We cannot just start building all these functionality on the database itself. 126 00:06:41,240 --> 00:06:44,060 ‫Let's push it down to the storage database. 127 00:06:44,060 --> 00:06:48,950 ‫Right as a database engine so people can use this database engine to build their own databases. 128 00:06:48,950 --> 00:06:49,220 ‫Right.