Partitioning Database Partitioning Explained Agenda What is Partitioning? Horizontal Partitioning vs Vertical Partitioning Partitioning Types Partitioning vs Sharding Demo Pros & Cons Summary What is Partitioning? id NAME 1 Ali 2 Mike 3 Edmond .. …. ... ... 700,001 Kim 700,002 Ali .. ... 1M James CUSTOMERS Table SELECT Name FROM CUSTOMERS_TABLE WHERE ID = 700,001 What is Partitioning? Which “partition” is customer 700,001 in? Partition CUSTOMERS_800K SELECT Name FROM CUSTOMERS_TABLE WHERE ID = 700,001 Split 1 million rows table into 5 tables called partitions.. Same schema id NAME 1 Ali ... .. 200,000 Edmond id NAME 200,001 James ... .. 400,000 Smith id NAME 400,001 Nasser ... .. 600,000 Karen id NAME 600,001 Nada ... .. 700,001 Kim ... ... 800,000 Tyler id NAME 800,001 Paul ... .. 1,000,000 Rick CUSTOMERS_200K CUSTOMERS_400K CUSTOMERS_600K CUSTOMERS_800K CUSTOMERS_1M Vertical vs Horizontal Partitioning Horizontal Partitioning splits rows into partitions Range or list Vertical partitioning splits columns partitions Large column (blob) that you can store in a slow access drive in its own tablespace Partitioning Types By Range Dates, ids (e.g. by logdate or customerid from to) By List Discrete values (e.g. states CA, AL, etc.) or zip codes By Hash Hash functions (consistent hashing) Horizontal Partitioning vs Sharding HP splits big table into multiple tables in the same database, client is agnostic Sharding splits big table into multiple tables across multiple database servers HP table name changes (or schema) Sharding everything is the same but server changes Demo - Example with Postgres Spin up a postgres instance create a table and Insert 10 million rows Create partitions Pros of Partitioning Improves query performance when accessing a single partition Sequential scan vs scattered index scan Easy bulk loading (attach partition) Archive old data that are barely accessed into cheap storage Cons of Partitioning Updates that move rows from a partition to another (slow or fail sometimes) Inefficient queries could accidently scan all partitions resulting in slower performance Schema changes can be challenging (DBMS could manage it though) Summary What is Partitioning? Horizontal Partitioning vs Vertical Partitioning Partitioning Types Partitioning vs Sharding Pros & Cons