1 00:00:00,210 --> 00:00:07,380 ‫So although we do partitioning to do partitioning, guys, we're going to create the main table, which 2 00:00:07,380 --> 00:00:10,710 ‫is called table grades parts. 3 00:00:11,890 --> 00:00:12,300 ‫Right. 4 00:00:12,540 --> 00:00:15,390 ‫And here's the track, guys. 5 00:00:15,640 --> 00:00:16,410 ‫It's the same thing. 6 00:00:16,500 --> 00:00:17,940 ‫Serial not know. 7 00:00:18,420 --> 00:00:22,320 ‫And then that that great integer not no. 8 00:00:22,320 --> 00:00:30,330 ‫Also, but you have to say partition by range and which is the range in this case, the G will be the 9 00:00:30,330 --> 00:00:31,170 ‫range tier. 10 00:00:31,240 --> 00:00:31,590 ‫Right. 11 00:00:31,650 --> 00:00:35,490 ‫We didn't define the range, but you have to create a stable with partition in mind. 12 00:00:35,520 --> 00:00:36,780 ‫And just like that we created it. 13 00:00:37,290 --> 00:00:43,260 ‫Now you're responsible to create all the ranges, all the partition yourself, that the database is 14 00:00:43,260 --> 00:00:44,170 ‫not going to do this for you. 15 00:00:44,400 --> 00:00:50,190 ‫So I'm going to create the partition one by one now and I'm going to divide the partition as G, which 16 00:00:50,190 --> 00:00:55,300 ‫is just like and then the name of the table and then zero thirty five. 17 00:00:55,360 --> 00:00:59,610 ‫So grades from zero to thirty five goes into this table. 18 00:00:59,610 --> 00:01:03,250 ‫How do either of them create table Giurgiu. 19 00:01:03,570 --> 00:01:08,430 ‫And I'm going to make this exactly like the table above that. 20 00:01:08,610 --> 00:01:09,000 ‫Right. 21 00:01:09,010 --> 00:01:14,100 ‫So that I like the grades parts table and I'm going to include indexes. 22 00:01:14,320 --> 00:01:17,130 ‫I don't have to do that because there are no indexes in this table. 23 00:01:17,140 --> 00:01:20,730 ‫Remember, what I'm going to do is that going to add indexes after the fact? 24 00:01:20,850 --> 00:01:21,470 ‫And that's OK. 25 00:01:22,170 --> 00:01:25,410 ‫So now we have G zero thirty five. 26 00:01:25,900 --> 00:01:27,810 ‫That's just a normal table for now. 27 00:01:28,260 --> 00:01:30,910 ‫I just want to copy the same exact structure. 28 00:01:31,080 --> 00:01:37,230 ‫So if I describe this table, we have IDAG and there is no indexes or anything, so let's go ahead and 29 00:01:37,230 --> 00:01:38,580 ‫create the rest of the tables. 30 00:01:39,370 --> 00:01:47,100 ‫Did it from thirty five to sixty let's say, and then we're going to create. 31 00:01:49,900 --> 00:01:54,940 ‫From 60 to 80 and then finally from 80 to 100. 32 00:01:57,570 --> 00:02:03,690 ‫These are the four politicians in this case, only four politicians, and now what I'm going to do, 33 00:02:04,800 --> 00:02:13,860 ‫I am going to attach the partitions on my main main one by one to my major table. 34 00:02:14,370 --> 00:02:16,820 ‫And to do that, I do altar table which table? 35 00:02:17,460 --> 00:02:20,070 ‫Of course, the great parts that the partition table. 36 00:02:20,400 --> 00:02:20,760 ‫Right. 37 00:02:21,210 --> 00:02:28,530 ‫Attach partition zero zero thirty five, which is that stable for values. 38 00:02:28,530 --> 00:02:36,370 ‫Which values are this allowed for the stable, for values from zero to thirty five. 39 00:02:36,630 --> 00:02:37,770 ‫That's what I'm supposed to do. 40 00:02:37,960 --> 00:02:38,210 ‫Right. 41 00:02:38,430 --> 00:02:44,730 ‫And I have to do the same thing for the rest of the partitions, which is from thirty five to thirty 42 00:02:44,940 --> 00:02:45,660 ‫to sixty. 43 00:02:46,140 --> 00:02:46,490 ‫Right. 44 00:02:47,010 --> 00:02:51,690 ‫And we're going to change this guy to thirty five to sixty. 45 00:02:52,550 --> 00:02:52,950 ‫Boom. 46 00:02:53,240 --> 00:02:56,390 ‫And then we're going to do the same thing from 60 to 80. 47 00:03:02,530 --> 00:03:03,260 ‫Ed. 48 00:03:06,020 --> 00:03:10,970 ‫60 to 80, boom, and then finally, one hundred sixty eighty two hundred 49 00:03:14,150 --> 00:03:16,680 ‫eighty, two hundred nice. 50 00:03:17,480 --> 00:03:19,960 ‫Now these are or that but no dice. 51 00:03:19,980 --> 00:03:22,580 ‫This table is empty, it doesn't have anything. 52 00:03:22,730 --> 00:03:23,550 ‫It's empty. 53 00:03:23,840 --> 00:03:32,090 ‫So now if I if I describe any of the tables, obviously hundred they still they say the partition of 54 00:03:32,090 --> 00:03:34,580 ‫grades, parts for values from eighty. 55 00:03:35,000 --> 00:03:43,070 ‫It will describe details of this, but there are no indexes in this table nor on the the grid as clear 56 00:03:43,070 --> 00:03:44,810 ‫this upgrade parts. 57 00:03:45,020 --> 00:03:46,040 ‫There are no index here.