* 14/03/17 Updated Whois module Fixed Install file Fixed Uninstall file Style Changes * 07/01/17 Added New Banner : Hieroglyphics Fixes * 25/12/16 New Core : Build:0068 Updated all modules. New Developer structure * 21/12/16 Added New Banner : Chapecoense commemoration Added New Function : isPortLive, check port services. Upgrading to Core: Build:0067 Happy New Years my friends. * 13/11/16 Deleted a Module : set/facebrok, is not appropriated. Added New Module : net/http.sniff, HTTP sniffer. Added Parameter to update : -f , Force to update the framework. Added Python2 version instance to head files. Added Collaborators variable in head modules. * 08/11/16 Added New Module : fle/scan.virus, Report of Virus Scan file API (VirusTotal.com). * 08/10/16 Added New Module : msf/back.door, Generator of backdoor with Metasploit Added New Function : session, save and load session Upgrading to Core: Build:0065 * 23/09/16 Added New Dependence : default-jre, for run ktg.gui Added New Lib ; setuptools, for usblib lib * 21/09/16 Added the GUI!!! Install : Install man files Doc : Added new paper (Spanish) Fixed Module : fbt/pr.pop Fixed Import modules installed * 23/08/16 Added New Function : Invoke, to call module within another module. Added New Dependence : xterm, For open news consoles in other windows Added new feature : [+], In "sop" command for extra variables alert * 18/08/16 Added New Module : clt/clt.adb, ADB console Client for android Fixed installer : Conflicts in ubuntu Change of style of Helper commands * 04/08/16 Added New Option to ktf.ktf class: import remote modules Create New Repository : rmfktf, for remote modules and tools * 01/08/16 New Class : ktf.ktf, for functions of framework (import, export, setting, etc) Change of banner for ktf.tool, ktf.run, ktf.linker Change of functions in ktf.tool, now to is just for tools use. * 30/07/16 Added New Module : net/web.dos, for web D.O.S in Local Area Network * 29/07/16 Change Name-Code Module : at.arpsp -> net/arp.pson Adedd New Module: dns.spoof, dns spoofing attack Added New Dependecies: arpspoof, dnsspoof * 28/07/16 Upgrading to Core: Build:0062 * 27/07/16 Update Module: net/at.arpsp module was update to 3.1 version {SSL protocol capturing with ssltrip} Added Args to ktf.console for not show banner or list modules Added Ramdon Banner * 26/07/16 Added New module : px.checker, Proxy List check HTTP, SOCK4, SOCK5 protocolos Added New library: pysock, Necesary for the new module * 21/07/16 Added New module : dns.fake, dns server for spoof dns List Reset in module net/sc.hosts Fixed errors in clt/clt.ftp module