#!/usr/bin/env python # # DNSChef is a highly configurable DNS Proxy for Penetration Testers # and Malware Analysts. Please visit http://thesprawl.org/projects/dnschef/ # for the latest version and documentation. Please forward all issues and # concerns to iphelix [at] thesprawl.org. DNSCHEF_VERSION = "0.3" # Copyright (C) 2014 Peter Kacherginsky # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from optparse import OptionParser,OptionGroup from ConfigParser import ConfigParser from dnslib import * from IPy import IP import threading, random, operator, time import SocketServer, socket, sys, os import binascii import string import base64 import time # DNSHandler Mixin. The class contains generic functions to parse DNS requests and # calculate an appropriate response based on user parameters. class DNSHandler(): def parse(self,data): response = "" try: # Parse data as DNS d = DNSRecord.parse(data) except Exception, e: print " [%s] %s: ERROR: %s" % (time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), self.client_address[0], "invalid DNS request") if self.server.log: self.server.log.write("[%s] %s: ERROR: %s\n" % (time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z"), self.client_address[0], "invalid DNS request")) else: # Only Process DNS Queries if QR[d.header.qr] == "QUERY": # Gather query parameters # NOTE: Do not lowercase qname here, because we want to see # any case request weirdness in the logs. qname = str(d.q.qname) # Chop off the last period if qname[-1] == '.': qname = qname[:-1] qtype = QTYPE[d.q.qtype] # Find all matching fake DNS records for the query name or get False fake_records = dict() for record in self.server.nametodns: fake_records[record] = self.findnametodns(qname,self.server.nametodns[record]) # Check if there is a fake record for the current request qtype if qtype in fake_records and fake_records[qtype]: fake_record = fake_records[qtype] # Create a custom response to the query response = DNSRecord(DNSHeader(id=d.header.id, bitmap=d.header.bitmap, qr=1, aa=1, ra=1), q=d.q) print " [%s] %s: cooking the response of type '%s' for %s to %s" % (time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), self.client_address[0], qtype, qname, fake_record) if self.server.log: self.server.log.write( "[%s] %s: cooking the response of type '%s' for %s to %s\n" % (time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z"), self.client_address[0], qtype, qname, fake_record) ) # IPv6 needs additional work before inclusion: if qtype == "AAAA": ipv6 = IP(fake_record) ipv6_bin = ipv6.strBin() ipv6_hex_tuple = [int(ipv6_bin[i:i+8],2) for i in xrange(0,len(ipv6_bin),8)] response.add_answer(RR(qname, getattr(QTYPE,qtype), rdata=RDMAP[qtype](ipv6_hex_tuple))) elif qtype == "SOA": mname,rname,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5 = fake_record.split(" ") times = tuple([int(t) for t in [t1,t2,t3,t4,t5]]) # dnslib doesn't like trailing dots if mname[-1] == ".": mname = mname[:-1] if rname[-1] == ".": rname = rname[:-1] response.add_answer(RR(qname, getattr(QTYPE,qtype), rdata=RDMAP[qtype](mname,rname,times))) elif qtype == "NAPTR": order,preference,flags,service,regexp,replacement = fake_record.split(" ") order = int(order) preference = int(preference) # dnslib doesn't like trailing dots if replacement[-1] == ".": replacement = replacement[:-1] response.add_answer( RR(qname, getattr(QTYPE,qtype), rdata=RDMAP[qtype](order,preference,flags,service,regexp,DNSLabel(replacement))) ) elif qtype == "SRV": priority, weight, port, target = fake_record.split(" ") priority = int(priority) weight = int(weight) port = int(port) if target[-1] == ".": target = target[:-1] response.add_answer(RR(qname, getattr(QTYPE,qtype), rdata=RDMAP[qtype](priority, weight, port, target) )) elif qtype == "DNSKEY": flags, protocol, algorithm, key = fake_record.split(" ") flags = int(flags) protocol = int(protocol) algorithm = int(algorithm) key = base64.b64decode(("".join(key)).encode('ascii')) response.add_answer(RR(qname, getattr(QTYPE,qtype), rdata=RDMAP[qtype](flags, protocol, algorithm, key) )) elif qtype == "RRSIG": covered, algorithm, labels, orig_ttl, sig_exp, sig_inc, key_tag, name, sig = fake_record.split(" ") covered = getattr(QTYPE,covered) # NOTE: Covered QTYPE algorithm = int(algorithm) labels = int(labels) orig_ttl = int(orig_ttl) sig_exp = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(sig_exp +'GMT',"%Y%m%d%H%M%S%Z"))) sig_inc = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(sig_inc +'GMT',"%Y%m%d%H%M%S%Z"))) key_tag = int(key_tag) if name[-1] == '.': name = name[:-1] sig = base64.b64decode(("".join(sig)).encode('ascii')) response.add_answer(RR(qname, getattr(QTYPE,qtype), rdata=RDMAP[qtype](covered, algorithm, labels,orig_ttl, sig_exp, sig_inc, key_tag, name, sig) )) else: # dnslib doesn't like trailing dots if fake_record[-1] == ".": fake_record = fake_record[:-1] response.add_answer(RR(qname, getattr(QTYPE,qtype), rdata=RDMAP[qtype](fake_record))) response = response.pack() elif qtype == "*" and not None in fake_records.values(): print " [%s] %s: cooking the response of type '%s' for %s with %s" % (time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), self.client_address[0], "ANY", qname, "all known fake records.") if self.server.log: self.server.log.write( "[%s] %s: cooking the response of type '%s' for %s with %s\n" % (time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z"), self.client_address[0], "ANY", qname, "all known fake records.") ) response = DNSRecord(DNSHeader(id=d.header.id, bitmap=d.header.bitmap,qr=1, aa=1, ra=1), q=d.q) for qtype,fake_record in fake_records.items(): if fake_record: # NOTE: RDMAP is a dictionary map of qtype strings to handling classses # IPv6 needs additional work before inclusion: if qtype == "AAAA": ipv6 = IP(fake_record) ipv6_bin = ipv6.strBin() fake_record = [int(ipv6_bin[i:i+8],2) for i in xrange(0,len(ipv6_bin),8)] elif qtype == "SOA": mname,rname,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5 = fake_record.split(" ") times = tuple([int(t) for t in [t1,t2,t3,t4,t5]]) # dnslib doesn't like trailing dots if mname[-1] == ".": mname = mname[:-1] if rname[-1] == ".": rname = rname[:-1] response.add_answer(RR(qname, getattr(QTYPE,qtype), rdata=RDMAP[qtype](mname,rname,times))) elif qtype == "NAPTR": order,preference,flags,service,regexp,replacement = fake_record.split(" ") order = int(order) preference = int(preference) # dnslib doesn't like trailing dots if replacement and replacement[-1] == ".": replacement = replacement[:-1] response.add_answer(RR(qname, getattr(QTYPE,qtype), rdata=RDMAP[qtype](order,preference,flags,service,regexp,replacement))) elif qtype == "SRV": priority, weight, port, target = fake_record.split(" ") priority = int(priority) weight = int(weight) port = int(port) if target[-1] == ".": target = target[:-1] response.add_answer(RR(qname, getattr(QTYPE,qtype), rdata=RDMAP[qtype](priority, weight, port, target) )) elif qtype == "DNSKEY": flags, protocol, algorithm, key = fake_record.split(" ") flags = int(flags) protocol = int(protocol) algorithm = int(algorithm) key = base64.b64decode(("".join(key)).encode('ascii')) response.add_answer(RR(qname, getattr(QTYPE,qtype), rdata=RDMAP[qtype](flags, protocol, algorithm, key) )) elif qtype == "RRSIG": covered, algorithm, labels, orig_ttl, sig_exp, sig_inc, key_tag, name, sig = fake_record.split(" ") covered = getattr(QTYPE,covered) # NOTE: Covered QTYPE algorithm = int(algorithm) labels = int(labels) orig_ttl = int(orig_ttl) sig_exp = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(sig_exp +'GMT',"%Y%m%d%H%M%S%Z"))) sig_inc = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(sig_inc +'GMT',"%Y%m%d%H%M%S%Z"))) key_tag = int(key_tag) if name[-1] == '.': name = name[:-1] sig = base64.b64decode(("".join(sig)).encode('ascii')) response.add_answer(RR(qname, getattr(QTYPE,qtype), rdata=RDMAP[qtype](covered, algorithm, labels,orig_ttl, sig_exp, sig_inc, key_tag, name, sig) )) else: # dnslib doesn't like trailing dots if fake_record[-1] == ".": fake_record = fake_record[:-1] response.add_answer(RR(qname, getattr(QTYPE,qtype), rdata=RDMAP[qtype](fake_record))) response = response.pack() # Proxy the request else: print " [%s] %s: proxying the response of type '%s' for %s" % (time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), self.client_address[0], qtype, qname) if self.server.log: self.server.log.write( "[%s] %s: proxying the response of type '%s' for %s\n" % (time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z"), self.client_address[0], qtype, qname) ) nameserver_tuple = random.choice(self.server.nameservers).split('#') response = self.proxyrequest(data,*nameserver_tuple) return response # Find appropriate ip address to use for a queried name. The function can def findnametodns(self,qname,nametodns): # Make qname case insensitive qname = qname.lower() # Split and reverse qname into components for matching. qnamelist = qname.split('.') qnamelist.reverse() # HACK: It is important to search the nametodns dictionary before iterating it so that # global matching ['*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*'] will match last. Use sorting for that. for domain,host in sorted(nametodns.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)): # NOTE: It is assumed that domain name was already lowercased # when it was loaded through --file, --fakedomains or --truedomains # don't want to waste time lowercasing domains on every request. # Split and reverse domain into components for matching domain = domain.split('.') domain.reverse() # Compare domains in reverse. for a,b in map(None,qnamelist,domain): if a != b and b != "*": break else: # Could be a real IP or False if we are doing reverse matching with 'truedomains' return host else: return False # Obtain a response from a real DNS server. def proxyrequest(self, request, host, port="53", protocol="udp"): reply = None try: if self.server.ipv6: if protocol == "udp": sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) elif protocol == "tcp": sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) else: if protocol == "udp": sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) elif protocol == "tcp": sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(3.0) # Send the proxy request to a randomly chosen DNS server if protocol == "udp": sock.sendto(request, (host, int(port))) reply = sock.recv(1024) sock.close() elif protocol == "tcp": sock.connect((host, int(port))) # Add length for the TCP request length = binascii.unhexlify("%04x" % len(request)) sock.sendall(length+request) # Strip length from the response reply = sock.recv(1024) reply = reply[2:] sock.close() except Exception, e: print " [!] Could not proxy request: %s" % e else: return reply # UDP DNS Handler for incoming requests class UDPHandler(DNSHandler, SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): (data,socket) = self.request response = self.parse(data) if response: socket.sendto(response, self.client_address) # TCP DNS Handler for incoming requests class TCPHandler(DNSHandler, SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler): def handle(self): data = self.request.recv(1024) # Remove the addition "length" parameter used in the # TCP DNS protocol data = data[2:] response = self.parse(data) if response: # Calculate and add the additional "length" parameter # used in TCP DNS protocol length = binascii.unhexlify("%04x" % len(response)) self.request.sendall(length+response) class ThreadedUDPServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SocketServer.UDPServer): # Override SocketServer.UDPServer to add extra parameters def __init__(self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass, nametodns, nameservers, ipv6, log): self.nametodns = nametodns self.nameservers = nameservers self.ipv6 = ipv6 self.address_family = socket.AF_INET6 if self.ipv6 else socket.AF_INET self.log = log SocketServer.UDPServer.__init__(self,server_address,RequestHandlerClass) class ThreadedTCPServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SocketServer.TCPServer): # Override default value allow_reuse_address = True # Override SocketServer.TCPServer to add extra parameters def __init__(self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass, nametodns, nameservers, ipv6, log): self.nametodns = nametodns self.nameservers = nameservers self.ipv6 = ipv6 self.address_family = socket.AF_INET6 if self.ipv6 else socket.AF_INET self.log = log SocketServer.TCPServer.__init__(self,server_address,RequestHandlerClass) # Initialize and start the DNS Server def start_cooking(interface, nametodns, nameservers, tcp=False, ipv6=False, port="53", logfile=None): try: if logfile: log = open(logfile,'a',0) log.write("[%s] DNSChef is active.\n" % (time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z")) ) else: log = None if tcp: print " | DNSChef is running in TCP mode" server = ThreadedTCPServer((interface, int(port)), TCPHandler, nametodns, nameservers, ipv6, log) else: server = ThreadedUDPServer((interface, int(port)), UDPHandler, nametodns, nameservers, ipv6, log) # Start a thread with the server -- that thread will then start # more threads for each request server_thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever) # Exit the server thread when the main thread terminates server_thread.daemon = True server_thread.start() # Loop in the main thread while True: time.sleep(100) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): if log: log.write("[%s] DNSChef is shutting down.\n" % (time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z")) ) log.close() server.shutdown() print " | DNSChef is shutting down." sys.exit() except IOError: print " [!] Failed to open log file for writing." except Exception, e: print " [!] Failed to start the server: %s" % e if __name__ == "__main__": header = " _ _ __ \n" header += " | | version %s | | / _| \n" % DNSCHEF_VERSION header += " __| |_ __ ___ ___| |__ ___| |_ \n" header += " / _` | '_ \/ __|/ __| '_ \ / _ \ _|\n" header += " | (_| | | | \__ \ (__| | | | __/ | \n" header += " \__,_|_| |_|___/\___|_| |_|\___|_| \n" header += " iphelix@thesprawl.org \n" # Parse command line arguments parser = OptionParser(usage = "dnschef.py [options]:\n" + header, description="DNSChef is a highly configurable DNS Proxy for Penetration Testers and Malware Analysts. It is capable of fine configuration of which DNS replies to modify or to simply proxy with real responses. In order to take advantage of the tool you must either manually configure or poison DNS server entry to point to DNSChef. The tool requires root privileges to run on privileged ports." ) fakegroup = OptionGroup(parser, "Fake DNS records:") fakegroup.add_option('--fakeip', metavar="", action="store", help='IP address to use for matching DNS queries. If you use this parameter without specifying domain names, then all \'A\' queries will be spoofed. Consider using --file argument if you need to define more than one IP address.') fakegroup.add_option('--fakeipv6', metavar="2001:db8::1", action="store", help='IPv6 address to use for matching DNS queries. If you use this parameter without specifying domain names, then all \'AAAA\' queries will be spoofed. Consider using --file argument if you need to define more than one IPv6 address.') fakegroup.add_option('--fakemail', metavar="mail.fake.com", action="store", help='MX name to use for matching DNS queries. If you use this parameter without specifying domain names, then all \'MX\' queries will be spoofed. Consider using --file argument if you need to define more than one MX record.') fakegroup.add_option('--fakealias', metavar="www.fake.com", action="store", help='CNAME name to use for matching DNS queries. If you use this parameter without specifying domain names, then all \'CNAME\' queries will be spoofed. Consider using --file argument if you need to define more than one CNAME record.') fakegroup.add_option('--fakens', metavar="ns.fake.com", action="store", help='NS name to use for matching DNS queries. If you use this parameter without specifying domain names, then all \'NS\' queries will be spoofed. Consider using --file argument if you need to define more than one NS record.') fakegroup.add_option('--file', action="store", help="Specify a file containing a list of DOMAIN=IP pairs (one pair per line) used for DNS responses. For example: google.com= will force all queries to 'google.com' to be resolved to ''. IPv6 addresses will be automatically detected. You can be even more specific by combining --file with other arguments. However, data obtained from the file will take precedence over others.") parser.add_option_group(fakegroup) parser.add_option('--fakedomains', metavar="thesprawl.org,google.com", action="store", help='A comma separated list of domain names which will be resolved to FAKE values specified in the the above parameters. All other domain names will be resolved to their true values.') parser.add_option('--truedomains', metavar="thesprawl.org,google.com", action="store", help='A comma separated list of domain names which will be resolved to their TRUE values. All other domain names will be resolved to fake values specified in the above parameters.') rungroup = OptionGroup(parser,"Optional runtime parameters.") rungroup.add_option("--logfile", action="store", help="Specify a log file to record all activity") rungroup.add_option("--nameservers", metavar=" or or 2001:4860:4860::8888", default='', action="store", help='A comma separated list of alternative DNS servers to use with proxied requests. Nameservers can have either IP or IP#PORT format. A randomly selected server from the list will be used for proxy requests when provided with multiple servers. By default, the tool uses Google\'s public DNS server when running in IPv4 mode and 2001:4860:4860::8888 when running in IPv6 mode.') rungroup.add_option("-i","--interface", metavar=" or ::1", default="", action="store", help='Define an interface to use for the DNS listener. By default, the tool uses for IPv4 mode and ::1 for IPv6 mode.') rungroup.add_option("-t","--tcp", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use TCP DNS proxy instead of the default UDP.") rungroup.add_option("-6","--ipv6", action="store_true", default=False, help="Run in IPv6 mode.") rungroup.add_option("-p","--port", action="store", metavar="53", default="53", help='Port number to listen for DNS requests.') rungroup.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True, help="Don't show headers.") parser.add_option_group(rungroup) (options,args) = parser.parse_args() # Print program header if options.verbose: print header # Main storage of domain filters # NOTE: RDMAP is a dictionary map of qtype strings to handling classes nametodns = dict() for qtype in RDMAP.keys(): nametodns[qtype] = dict() # Incorrect or incomplete command line arguments if options.fakedomains and options.truedomains: print " [!] You can not specify both 'fakedomains' and 'truedomains' parameters." sys.exit(0) elif not (options.fakeip or options.fakeipv6) and (options.fakedomains or options.truedomains): print " [!] You have forgotten to specify which IP to use for fake responses" sys.exit(0) # Notify user about alternative listening port if options.port != "53": print " | Listening on an alternative port %s" % options.port # Adjust defaults for IPv6 if options.ipv6: print " | Using IPv6 mode." if options.interface == "": options.interface = "::1" if options.nameservers == "": options.nameservers = "2001:4860:4860::8888" print " | DNSChef started on interface: %s " % options.interface # Use alternative DNS servers if options.nameservers: nameservers = options.nameservers.split(',') print " | Using the following nameservers: %s" % ", ".join(nameservers) # External file definitions if options.file: config = ConfigParser() config.read(options.file) for section in config.sections(): if section in nametodns: for domain,record in config.items(section): # Make domain case insensitive domain = domain.lower() nametodns[section][domain] = record print " [+] Cooking %s replies for domain %s with '%s'" % (section,domain,record) else: print " [!] DNS Record '%s' is not supported. Ignoring section contents." % section # DNS Record and Domain Name definitions # NOTE: '*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*' domain is used to match all possible queries. if options.fakeip or options.fakeipv6 or options.fakemail or options.fakealias or options.fakens: fakeip = options.fakeip fakeipv6 = options.fakeipv6 fakemail = options.fakemail fakealias = options.fakealias fakens = options.fakens if options.fakedomains: for domain in options.fakedomains.split(','): # Make domain case insensitive domain = domain.lower() domain = domain.strip() if fakeip: nametodns["A"][domain] = fakeip print " | Cooking A replies to point to %s matching: %s" % (options.fakeip, domain) if fakeipv6: nametodns["AAAA"][domain] = fakeipv6 print " | Cooking AAAA replies to point to %s matching: %s" % (options.fakeipv6, domain) if fakemail: nametodns["MX"][domain] = fakemail print " | Cooking MX replies to point to %s matching: %s" % (options.fakemail, domain) if fakealias: nametodns["CNAME"][domain] = fakealias print " | Cooking CNAME replies to point to %s matching: %s" % (options.fakealias, domain) if fakens: nametodns["NS"][domain] = fakens print " | Cooking NS replies to point to %s matching: %s" % (options.fakens, domain) elif options.truedomains: for domain in options.truedomains.split(','): # Make domain case insensitive domain = domain.lower() domain = domain.strip() if fakeip: nametodns["A"][domain] = False print " | Cooking A replies to point to %s not matching: %s" % (options.fakeip, domain) nametodns["A"]['*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*'] = fakeip if fakeipv6: nametodns["AAAA"][domain] = False print " | Cooking AAAA replies to point to %s not matching: %s" % (options.fakeipv6, domain) nametodns["AAAA"]['*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*'] = fakeipv6 if fakemail: nametodns["MX"][domain] = False print " | Cooking MX replies to point to %s not matching: %s" % (options.fakemail, domain) nametodns["MX"]['*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*'] = fakemail if fakealias: nametodns["CNAME"][domain] = False print " | Cooking CNAME replies to point to %s not matching: %s" % (options.fakealias, domain) nametodns["CNAME"]['*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*'] = fakealias if fakens: nametodns["NS"][domain] = False print " | Cooking NS replies to point to %s not matching: %s" % (options.fakens, domain) nametodns["NS"]['*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*'] = fakealias else: # NOTE: '*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*' domain is a special ANY domain # which is compatible with the wildflag algorithm above. if fakeip: nametodns["A"]['*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*'] = fakeip print " | Cooking all A replies to point to %s" % fakeip if fakeipv6: nametodns["AAAA"]['*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*'] = fakeipv6 print " | Cooking all AAAA replies to point to %s" % fakeipv6 if fakemail: nametodns["MX"]['*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*'] = fakemail print " | Cooking all MX replies to point to %s" % fakemail if fakealias: nametodns["CNAME"]['*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*'] = fakealias print " | Cooking all CNAME replies to point to %s" % fakealias if fakens: nametodns["NS"]['*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*'] = fakens print " | Cooking all NS replies to point to %s" % fakens # Proxy all DNS requests if not options.fakeip and not options.fakeipv6 and not options.fakemail and not options.fakealias and not options.fakens and not options.file: print " | No parameters were specified. Running in full proxy mode" # Launch DNSChef start_cooking(interface=options.interface, nametodns=nametodns, nameservers=nameservers, tcp=options.tcp, ipv6=options.ipv6, port=options.port, logfile=options.logfile)