1 00:00:00,840 --> 00:00:01,220 All right. 2 00:00:01,230 --> 00:00:01,890 Welcome back. 3 00:00:02,100 --> 00:00:07,410 In this section, I'm going to show you how to install Kali Linux on a Windows machine. 4 00:00:08,220 --> 00:00:12,240 We just had our new 2021 images. 5 00:00:12,690 --> 00:00:21,300 So this is part of my adaption for the new changes like the non root user and the dropping of Python 6 00:00:21,300 --> 00:00:22,200 two support. 7 00:00:23,100 --> 00:00:27,210 First, we need you to store only the 32 bit image. 8 00:00:27,540 --> 00:00:36,300 Go to Kali Dawg slash download it, get the live task, build a life image. 9 00:00:36,900 --> 00:00:37,530 And it has to be. 10 00:00:37,530 --> 00:00:44,460 That's 32 bit because two of our exercises in the course requires the 32 bit version of Linux to successfully 11 00:00:44,460 --> 00:00:45,000 exploit. 12 00:00:45,900 --> 00:00:52,140 So I will just click here, or if you want to turn faster, maybe it'll work faster with BitTorrent. 13 00:00:53,520 --> 00:00:54,690 I already have the file. 14 00:00:56,400 --> 00:01:00,840 So what I want you to do is start a VMware player. 15 00:01:00,840 --> 00:01:01,470 15. 16 00:01:06,460 --> 00:01:07,640 And then I want you. 17 00:01:07,720 --> 00:01:09,480 This is my demonstration. 18 00:01:09,520 --> 00:01:10,600 I'm going to delete this one. 19 00:01:13,360 --> 00:01:16,180 What you want to do is click on create a new virtual machine. 20 00:01:16,870 --> 00:01:20,020 Go down to the middle button installer image file. 21 00:01:22,550 --> 00:01:25,340 Locate your throat, shoot that iso. 22 00:01:25,640 --> 00:01:28,430 Remember it's always an i386 or 32 bit. 23 00:01:30,320 --> 00:01:31,130 Click next. 24 00:01:31,850 --> 00:01:32,540 Linux. 25 00:01:33,500 --> 00:01:34,160 Kali. 26 00:01:36,770 --> 00:01:38,960 And I want to give it about. 27 00:01:42,390 --> 00:01:44,190 50 gigs around will be adequate. 28 00:01:45,210 --> 00:01:45,900 Click next. 29 00:01:47,350 --> 00:01:47,830 Finish. 30 00:01:53,760 --> 00:01:55,560 Now play a virtual machine. 31 00:02:03,210 --> 00:02:09,840 Let's not try this go down to go down to GraphQL install. 32 00:02:22,800 --> 00:02:23,200 Um. 33 00:02:23,880 --> 00:02:27,540 Remind me later on that flat English. 34 00:02:29,520 --> 00:02:30,360 United States. 35 00:02:30,960 --> 00:02:31,320 American. 36 00:02:31,320 --> 00:02:31,860 English. 37 00:02:46,750 --> 00:02:51,470 While we are loading this, let me show you where to find VMware. 38 00:02:51,490 --> 00:02:52,090 15. 39 00:02:55,350 --> 00:02:56,580 We're going to play our. 40 00:03:01,940 --> 00:03:03,950 And go down to the word outcome. 41 00:03:03,950 --> 00:03:05,360 Download Workstation player. 42 00:03:11,470 --> 00:03:16,720 Don't be intimidated by all the costs that VMware player keeps on touting. 43 00:03:18,220 --> 00:03:23,860 What you want to do is get the VMware 15 five one player for 64 bit operating systems. 44 00:03:24,160 --> 00:03:31,120 Remember your Kelly Linux image is a 32 bit version, but your host hypervisor is 64 bit. 45 00:03:31,420 --> 00:03:33,130 Assuming you have a modern computer. 46 00:03:36,470 --> 00:03:40,100 So you just simply download that and install that. 47 00:03:42,420 --> 00:03:46,350 Don't worry about anything that says about cops or something like that. 48 00:03:47,520 --> 00:03:51,030 That's only if you want to get the commercial version of VMware Player. 49 00:03:52,810 --> 00:03:54,400 The free version is perfectly fine. 50 00:03:56,850 --> 00:03:59,010 So another thing to note to you. 51 00:04:00,330 --> 00:04:03,000 Jenny, another thing to note about. 52 00:04:09,170 --> 00:04:11,630 I listened to them after the city last year. 53 00:04:12,620 --> 00:04:20,800 Another thing to note is we actually now have a lower privileged user instead of the user. 54 00:04:21,810 --> 00:04:23,550 So I'm going to give the password. 55 00:04:24,090 --> 00:04:24,810 Password? 56 00:04:25,590 --> 00:04:28,900 That's not saying security policy, but I'm just doing this for a demonstration. 57 00:04:28,920 --> 00:04:32,820 Hopefully you pick a better, much better password. 58 00:04:37,770 --> 00:04:42,870 And this is the first version of Linux that has that lower than privileged user. 59 00:04:43,200 --> 00:04:51,210 So after we finish setting all this up, we're going to show you how to add a root user because Kali 60 00:04:51,210 --> 00:04:58,050 Linux is basically to run from Debian into Debian allows the creation of a user account. 61 00:05:03,030 --> 00:05:03,900 Pacific. 62 00:05:14,260 --> 00:05:18,440 It's up to you whether or not you want to use Lux crypto lux. 63 00:05:18,610 --> 00:05:20,920 Let us politics unified key set up encryption. 64 00:05:22,180 --> 00:05:23,260 I'm going to go select. 65 00:05:23,260 --> 00:05:23,710 Yes. 66 00:05:27,320 --> 00:05:30,860 Use the volume recommended for new users. 67 00:05:32,210 --> 00:05:32,540 Click. 68 00:05:32,540 --> 00:05:32,990 Yes. 69 00:05:40,480 --> 00:05:45,070 This session is going to take a while because what it's doing is that's overwriting it with you. 70 00:05:45,070 --> 00:05:53,530 Random data to basically sterilize doesn't prevent any medical information from being recovered like 71 00:05:53,530 --> 00:05:56,290 in the KVM installed video. 72 00:05:56,290 --> 00:05:58,030 I made this part got cut off. 73 00:05:58,330 --> 00:06:05,530 Basically it's just overwriting the disk to ensure that it's perfectly not recoverable, not forensically 74 00:06:05,530 --> 00:06:06,520 possible to recover. 75 00:06:07,630 --> 00:06:10,630 So I'm going to pause this video until we get to the next screen. 76 00:06:16,150 --> 00:06:23,770 All right, everybody, we're back to our catalytic installation process for Windows 32. 77 00:06:23,770 --> 00:06:31,450 That images are Windows Health is actually the on 64 bit. 78 00:06:32,110 --> 00:06:37,360 So now we need to put in our encryption password for our Linux Linux Unified Key set up encryption. 79 00:06:37,870 --> 00:06:41,100 So for the purpose of demonstration, I just said do password. 80 00:06:41,890 --> 00:06:42,520 Password. 81 00:06:43,660 --> 00:06:44,920 Please choose a better password. 82 00:07:25,190 --> 00:07:30,860 And looks like the installer is doing something else. 83 00:07:30,860 --> 00:07:33,500 So I'm going to go cut this part of the video to. 84 00:07:35,860 --> 00:07:36,330 Okay. 85 00:07:36,340 --> 00:07:37,000 Welcome back. 86 00:07:37,540 --> 00:07:47,560 And here it's asking us how large of a volume that you want for maximizes for your partition. 87 00:07:47,650 --> 00:07:50,200 Since we create a virtual disk, we'll just use all of it. 88 00:07:50,200 --> 00:07:51,100 So continue. 89 00:07:55,150 --> 00:07:57,250 Finish partitioning and write into the disk. 90 00:07:57,340 --> 00:08:02,470 This is part of the part where it confuses a lot of people because what it's really doing is just asking 91 00:08:02,470 --> 00:08:04,360 you to be really, really sure. 92 00:08:05,850 --> 00:08:09,990 Just click continue and make sure you highlight finish partitioning and write changes to disk. 93 00:08:13,030 --> 00:08:15,220 Once again, it's asking you to make sure. 94 00:08:15,510 --> 00:08:16,060 Yes. 95 00:09:14,200 --> 00:09:17,450 But this is also going to take a while. 96 00:09:17,450 --> 00:09:20,120 So I'm going to just cut it out and skip to the part. 97 00:09:21,020 --> 00:09:21,530 All right. 98 00:09:21,770 --> 00:09:26,390 So this is actually something very new that I have not seen in the A installer. 99 00:09:26,780 --> 00:09:29,990 This is unique to Carly Linux 2021. 100 00:09:31,400 --> 00:09:32,840 I am exploring this. 101 00:09:37,040 --> 00:09:40,970 So it looks like it's a very lightweight, live CD. 102 00:09:43,240 --> 00:09:44,080 And. 103 00:09:46,130 --> 00:09:52,580 What we need because is an excellent development class Kelly desktop environment SBC is what they just 104 00:09:52,580 --> 00:09:54,050 shifted to this have no. 105 00:09:57,830 --> 00:09:59,630 Let's get top ten. 106 00:10:00,350 --> 00:10:06,590 And we need things such as, remember, you can install this later if you want. 107 00:10:09,180 --> 00:10:10,050 Forensics, 108 00:10:13,140 --> 00:10:14,130 reverse engineering. 109 00:10:15,430 --> 00:10:16,390 Exploitation. 110 00:10:17,360 --> 00:10:20,630 Not social engineering, but we can just shut that. 111 00:10:24,380 --> 00:10:26,060 An information gathering. 112 00:10:27,500 --> 00:10:29,030 And post exploitation. 113 00:10:29,240 --> 00:10:29,660 I'm sorry. 114 00:10:29,690 --> 00:10:31,430 This is actually a brand new menu for me. 115 00:10:31,670 --> 00:10:33,350 I have not yet seen this before. 116 00:10:35,740 --> 00:10:37,870 We're not doing wireless tax and only that. 117 00:10:39,190 --> 00:10:40,330 So click continue. 118 00:10:48,700 --> 00:10:53,020 And we are back on the waiting game again for another 30 minutes, I believe. 119 00:10:55,020 --> 00:10:57,660 Sorry, you guys, about these interruptions. 120 00:10:58,170 --> 00:11:02,940 Um, I'm just trying to see whether I'm checking out the new install is new to me, too. 121 00:11:02,940 --> 00:11:03,960 Just like do you guys. 122 00:11:06,640 --> 00:11:07,130 Okay. 123 00:11:07,210 --> 00:11:16,780 So the reason why it's taking hours like 2 hours, almost 3 hours install and call it Linux is because 124 00:11:16,780 --> 00:11:23,800 right now it's using its app packet manager to download and install configure. 125 00:11:24,010 --> 00:11:27,670 Remember today's the first day of tally 2021. 126 00:11:28,060 --> 00:11:31,660 So obviously there will be the servers will be overloaded. 127 00:11:32,140 --> 00:11:35,500 The the closest app repositories will be overloaded. 128 00:11:35,560 --> 00:11:36,480 Look, 5 hours. 129 00:11:36,490 --> 00:11:36,910 Wow. 130 00:11:37,600 --> 00:11:43,720 So I am going to skip all the way to the end for you guys. 131 00:11:44,440 --> 00:11:49,960 And don't worry, guys, this is not going to be that slow for you guys. 132 00:11:50,350 --> 00:11:56,470 Once the initial high traffic slows down, everybody gets their casual Linux installation is installed. 133 00:11:58,560 --> 00:11:59,070 Okay. 134 00:11:59,640 --> 00:12:00,890 So I logged in. 135 00:12:04,630 --> 00:12:05,080 Oops. 136 00:12:05,650 --> 00:12:06,190 But I do. 137 00:12:08,640 --> 00:12:09,330 Logged out. 138 00:12:09,840 --> 00:12:18,420 So my screen name, when I added the user, under-privileged user, the city of Leicester and I chose 139 00:12:18,660 --> 00:12:20,640 the password password. 140 00:12:21,990 --> 00:12:23,340 And that's what was going on. 141 00:12:25,820 --> 00:12:31,100 So because we don't have a normal user. 142 00:12:31,160 --> 00:12:31,700 Let me see. 143 00:12:36,150 --> 00:12:37,410 Terminal emulator. 144 00:12:40,070 --> 00:12:40,610 Um. 145 00:12:42,990 --> 00:12:44,910 Let's change the password for myself. 146 00:12:49,060 --> 00:12:49,410 Really? 147 00:12:59,380 --> 00:13:02,290 And then I want to do pseudo food to get to the user. 148 00:13:03,430 --> 00:13:03,970 Yes. 149 00:13:05,630 --> 00:13:06,330 Password. 150 00:13:10,470 --> 00:13:16,920 And that is how you get around the roadblock to. 151 00:13:18,790 --> 00:13:22,870 The non root superuser or non root user. 152 00:13:23,470 --> 00:13:24,520 This is how you do it. 153 00:13:24,700 --> 00:13:27,520 You simply just log in with your own republic account. 154 00:13:28,000 --> 00:13:28,720 You then. 155 00:13:30,280 --> 00:13:35,740 You pseudo ask you to log in as route to get privileges and they had a password for it. 156 00:13:36,070 --> 00:13:37,510 So let's see if this actually works. 157 00:13:49,380 --> 00:13:52,140 For some reason, my mouth is not working. 158 00:13:59,950 --> 00:14:00,550 Log out. 159 00:14:03,360 --> 00:14:04,820 And I should be on the lot back in. 160 00:14:07,810 --> 00:14:08,320 Yes. 161 00:14:08,800 --> 00:14:15,580 And that is how you log in with a add a new super user to this. 162 00:14:16,810 --> 00:14:21,370 I understand that this installation process was full of frustration. 163 00:14:23,290 --> 00:14:26,500 I was not even familiar with the brand new installer options. 164 00:14:27,190 --> 00:14:29,050 But we finally got to figuring out. 165 00:14:31,010 --> 00:14:32,810 Remember, this is 2020, not one. 166 00:14:33,200 --> 00:14:43,460 And what we did is we walked in through the installation process from a 32 bit Linux iso and then we 167 00:14:43,700 --> 00:14:46,760 installed Lux key encryption. 168 00:14:48,270 --> 00:14:50,010 To using crypt setup. 169 00:14:50,970 --> 00:14:56,340 Then we logged in with our default non root account and at our root user.