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1. Get Started with JavaScript .mp4 4.7M
2. What is JavaScript used for .mp4 22M
3. Run JavaScript in The Browser Console .mp4 12M
4. Run JavaScript with HTML .mp4 23M
5. Run JavaScript with Node.js .mp4 13M
6. Introduction .mp4 2.8M
7. Declaring Variables in JavaScript .mp4 20M
8. If, Else, and Else If in JavaScript .mp4 14M
9. JavaScript_s Many Different For-Loops .mp4 28M
10. While-Loops in JavaScript .mp4 12M
11. Introduction -3.mp4 2.6M
12. Weak vs. Strong Typing and Dynamic vs. Static Typing .mp4 16M
13. Numbers in JavaScript .mp4 18M
14. Strings in JavaScript .mp4 16M
15. Booleans in JavaScript .mp4 20M
16. Introduction -5.mp4 2.6M
17. Objects in JavaScript .mp4 34M
18. Arrays in JavaScript .mp4 15M
19. Functions in JavaScript .mp4 23M
20. BigInts, Symbols, and Undefined in JavaScript .mp4 20M
21. Introduction -7.mp4 3.1M
22. Let Variables vs. Var Variables .mp4 23M
23. Double- and Triple-Equals Comparisons in JavaScript .mp4 25M
24. Built-in Errors in JavaScript .mp4 23M
25. Try-Catch Blocks in JavaScript .mp4 13M
26. Introduction .mp4 2.7M
27. JavaScript Array Basics .mp4 13M
28. Using the Spread Operator with Arrays .mp4 23M
29. Array Equality and Passing by Reference .mp4 24M
30. Deep-Equals Testing with Arrays .mp4 24M
31. Introduction .mp4 3.0M
32. The Array Constructor and .fill Method .mp4 22M
33. The .shift and .unshift Methods .mp4 14M
34. The .splice and .slice Methods .mp4 21M
35. The .toString and .join Methods .mp4 6.9M
36. The .includes, .indexOf, and .lastIndexOf Methods .mp4 17M
37. Introduction -3.mp4 2.7M
38. The .forEach Method .mp4 17M
39. The .find and .findIndex Methods .mp4 22M
40. The .filter Method .mp4 16M
41. The .some and .every Methods .mp4 14M
42. The .map and .flatMap Methods .mp4 19M
43. Introduction .mp4 3.4M
44. JavaScript Object Basics .mp4 15M
45. The Spread Operator and Object Destructuring .mp4 33M
46. Object Equality and Passing by Reference .mp4 24M
47. Deep-Equals Testing with Objects .mp4 34M
48. Introduction .mp4 2.7M
49. The .keys and .values Methods .mp4 15M
50. The .entries and .fromEntries Methods .mp4 21M
51. The .assign Method .mp4 15M
52. The .freeze and .isFrozen Methods .mp4 16M
53. The .preventExtensions and .isExtensible Methods .mp4 14M
54. Introduction -3.mp4 3.0M
55. The .reduce Method Basics .mp4 23M
56. Intermediate .reduce Use Cases .mp4 28M
57. Advanced .reduce Use Cases .mp4 19M
58. The .reduceRight Method and Starting Values .mp4 16M
59. Introduction .mp4 5.7M
60. Calculate Array Min and Max .mp4 36M
61. Recreating Built-in Methods with Reduce .mp4 35M
62. Removing Duplicates .mp4 18M
63. Introduction .mp4 4.7M
64. Installing Lodash into a Node.js Project .mp4 23M
65. Adding Lodash to a Front-end Project .mp4 17M
66. Calling Basic Lodash Functions .mp4 29M
67. Extra Array Function Arguments .mp4 16M
68. Introduction .mp4 2.4M
69. Main Groups of Lodash Functions .mp4 11M
70. The .pull and .pullAll Functions .mp4 15M
71. The .pullAllBy, .pullAllWith, and .pullAt Functions .mp4 34M
72. The .uniq and .sortedUniq Functions .mp4 29M
73. Introduction .mp4 3.6M
74. The Four Main Function Groups .mp4 9.5M
75. The .intersection Functions .mp4 39M
76. The .difference Functions .mp4 17M
77. The .union Functions .mp4 11M
78. The .xor Functions .mp4 10M
79. The By Transform Function .mp4 14M
80. Introduction .mp4 4.1M
81. JavaScript_s Built-in .sort Method .mp4 9.2M
82. Sorting with Comparator Functions .mp4 22M
83. Preventing Array Mutation .mp4 17M
84. Sorting Arrays of Objects and Arrays .mp4 36M
85. Lodash Sorting Functions .mp4 20M
86. Introduction .mp4 2.9M
87. Basic Function Syntax .mp4 27M
88. The arguments Object .mp4 21M
89. Default Arguments in Functions .mp4 17M
90. Functions Inside Objects .mp4 20M
91. Introduction .mp4 3.1M
92. The .flatten, .flattenDeep, and .flattenDepth Functions .mp4 37M
93. The .chunk and .partition Functions .mp4 34M
94. The .zip and .unzip Functions .mp4 16M
95. Introduction .mp4 5.1M
96. The .toPairs and .fromPairs Functions .mp4 32M
97. The .zipObject and .zipObjectDeep Functions .mp4 21M
98. The .countBy and .groupBy Functions .mp4 37M
99. Introduction -3.mp4 5.1M
100. Creating New Dates .mp4 24M
101. Accessing Time Units .mp4 23M
102. Date Setter Methods .mp4 24M
103. Introduction .mp4 2.3M
104. Basic Class Syntax .mp4 29M
105. Defining Methods and Static Variables .mp4 26M
106. JavaScript Class Inheritance .mp4 35M
107. Introduction -3.mp4 3.8M
108. Pre-ES6 JavaScript Classes .mp4 30M
109. The instanceof Keyword .mp4 19M
110. Prototypal Inheritance Basics .mp4 32M
111. Interfaces in JavaScript .mp4 16M
112. Introduction -5.mp4 4.0M
113. The 3 Main Asynchronous Strategies .mp4 15M
114. Asynchronous Programming with Callbacks .mp4 24M
115. Callback Examples .mp4 33M
116. Asynchronous Programming with Promises .mp4 26M
117. Asynchronous Programming with Async and Await .mp4 12M
118. Introduction .mp4 3.9M
119. Setting Up an Express Project .mp4 15M
120. Creating an Express Server .mp4 19M
121. Adding Basic Request Handlers .mp4 20M
122. Separating Express Routes by Path .mp4 25M
123. Introduction .mp4 4.1M
124. Handling Different Request Types .mp4 16M
125. Testing POST, PUT, and DELETE Routes .mp4 24M
126. Handling a Request Body .mp4 38M
127. Handling URL and Query Parameters .mp4 26M
128. Introduction .mp4 3.1M
129. Methods for Customizing Responses .mp4 35M
130. Working with Cookies .mp4 27M
131. Adding Middleware to Express Servers .mp4 43M
132. Introduction -3.mp4 3.1M
133. Creating a List Endpoint .mp4 3.3M
134. Creating a Read Endpoint .mp4 13M
135. Creating a Search Endpoint .mp4 21M
136. Creating a Create Endpoint .mp4 23M
137. Creating Delete and Update Endpoints .mp4 26M
138. Introduction .mp4 5.0M
139. In-Depth String Details .mp4 27M
140. Array-Related String Methods .mp4 36M
141. Colorizing Strings with Chalk .mp4 14M
142. Introduction .mp4 6.0M
143. Basics of the FS Package .mp4 38M
144. Reading Files .mp4 26M
145. Writing Data to Files .mp4 22M
146. Introduction .mp4 5.0M
147. Command-Line Arguments in Node.js .mp4 30M
148. Parsing Flags in Command-Line Arguments .mp4 25M
149. Boolean Flags and Flags with Multiple Values .mp4 29M
150. Introduction .mp4 7.5M
151. Getting User Input with Prompts .mp4 26M
152. The Readline Promises Package .mp4 21M
153. Strategies for Displaying Multiple Prompts .mp4 25M
154. Collecting Multi-Line Input .mp4 32M
155. Introduction .mp4 7.0M
156. Basic Functions for Console Drawing .mp4 38M
157. Drawing a Square .mp4 19M
158. Creating a Draw Rectangle Function .mp4 34M
159. Introduction .mp4 5.6M
160. Basic 4-Bit Console Color Syntax .mp4 26M
161. 8-Bit and RGB Console Color Syntax .mp4 19M
162. Other Font Decorations .mp4 8.9M
163. Creating Color Helper Functions .mp4 30M
164. Introduction -3.mp4 3.4M
165. Creating a Basic Loading Animation .mp4 38M
166. Creating an Animated Loading Bar .mp4 31M
167. Position Adjustments for Animations .mp4 16M
168. Displaying Progress for Real Tasks .mp4 15M
169. Introduction -5.mp4 6.6M
170. Designing the Game .mp4 13M
171. The Main Game Loop .mp4 26M
172. Displaying Player Moves on the Grid .mp4 13M
173. Tracking Player Moves .mp4 17M
174. Displaying the Tic-Tac-Toe Grid .mp4 13M
175. Introduction -7.mp4 2.9M
176. Deciding Who Wins and Ending the Game .mp4 40M
177. Calculating Vertical, Diagonal, and Corner Wins .mp4 25M
178. Validating and Parsing User Input .mp4 32M
179. Introduction -9.mp4 5.9M
180. Basics of Websockets .mp4 20M
181. Setting Up A Socket.io Client and Server .mp4 24M
182. Sending and Handling Socket Events .mp4 20M
183. Creating a Simple Chat-Room Program .mp4 29M
184. Introduction 1.mp4 6.1M
185. Creating Client-Side and Server-Side Programs .mp4 22M
186. Basic Server-Client Communication Strategy .mp4 19M
187. Waiting for Other Players to Join .mp4 21M
188. Hosting Node.js Servers on Heroku .mp4 26M
189. Introduction 3.mp4 3.0M
190. Starting the Game and Printing the Grid .mp4 24M
191. Getting Player Input Remotely .mp4 33M
192. Ending the Game Remotely .mp4 34M
193. Validating Input and Releasing Updates .mp4 20M
194. Introduction 5.mp4 3.9M
195. Calculating Cats_ Games .mp4 28M
196. Rethinking the Player Management Strategy .mp4 47M
197. Managing Multiple Games .mp4 35M
198. Introduction 7.mp4 4.2M
199. Making Sure Positions are Empty .mp4 24M
200. Publishing the Client-Side Script to NPM .mp4 15M
201. Joining Games by ID .mp4 34M
202. Handling Different Join Methods .mp4 46M
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