1 00:00:00,330 --> 00:00:03,240 Welcome to part four of this module. 2 00:00:03,240 --> 00:00:10,260 In this video we're going to be looking at how to download and setup Cally Linux on our newly installed 3 00:00:10,380 --> 00:00:12,970 Oracle virtual box. 4 00:00:13,050 --> 00:00:17,410 If you have not yet installed virtual box please see the prior module. 5 00:00:17,670 --> 00:00:24,220 So to begin we're going to open up our browser of choice and we're going to navigate to the Web site 6 00:00:25,600 --> 00:00:36,330 for Kelly Linux and click on Download Kelly and here we're presented with a number of download options. 7 00:00:36,330 --> 00:00:43,630 We're going to scroll all the way to the bottom and we're going to click on one of these two files. 8 00:00:43,820 --> 00:00:50,360 Linux 64 bit v box or Cally Linux 32 bit v box. 9 00:00:50,360 --> 00:00:55,530 Most users will probably use the 64 bit version of the operating system. 10 00:00:55,580 --> 00:01:03,560 However if you have an older computer 32 bit version is available there's really only very slight differences 11 00:01:03,560 --> 00:01:05,250 between the two versions. 12 00:01:05,270 --> 00:01:12,290 However this tutorial will assume that you're using 64 bit this version of Kali Linux is specifically 13 00:01:12,380 --> 00:01:15,320 optimized to run on virtual box. 14 00:01:15,380 --> 00:01:26,630 You could scroll up and download either the 64 bit or 32 bit ISO files and install those. 15 00:01:26,690 --> 00:01:34,250 However these files require a lot of jury rigging with virtual box to get them operating correctly. 16 00:01:34,400 --> 00:01:41,150 For more detailed instructions on how to install Cally Linux from an iso file either to a USB stick 17 00:01:41,240 --> 00:01:49,360 or a dedicated partition please see the subsequent modules in this section but for right now we're going 18 00:01:49,360 --> 00:01:51,350 to download one of these two. 19 00:01:51,430 --> 00:01:59,870 In this case the 64 bit version by clicking on the offensive security downloads page link. 20 00:02:00,050 --> 00:02:01,100 We're going to scroll down 21 00:02:06,410 --> 00:02:13,940 and here we have the option to download either directly by clicking on the file itself or you may torrent 22 00:02:13,940 --> 00:02:19,290 the file using a third party programs such as you torrent or BitTorrent. 23 00:02:19,700 --> 00:02:26,120 It is your choice and this is a fairly large file at three gigabytes and may be larger in the future 24 00:02:27,140 --> 00:02:32,630 as Kelly isn't operating system which is always being updated and improved. 25 00:02:32,630 --> 00:02:34,240 This is a legal download. 26 00:02:34,280 --> 00:02:40,850 The creators have given universal permission allowing it to be downloaded so there is no concern about 27 00:02:40,850 --> 00:02:41,830 taunting. 28 00:02:41,840 --> 00:02:46,190 However I am going to use the direct download link. 29 00:02:46,190 --> 00:02:50,790 Go ahead and save the file once the download is complete. 30 00:02:50,990 --> 00:02:53,190 You'll have a zip file. 31 00:02:53,360 --> 00:02:55,010 Go ahead and right click it. 32 00:02:56,010 --> 00:02:57,920 And then select extract all 33 00:03:01,150 --> 00:03:03,300 you may extract the files anywhere you wish. 34 00:03:05,190 --> 00:03:13,810 I will be placing them on the desktop once the files are extracted we can go ahead and open them and 35 00:03:13,810 --> 00:03:14,350 have a look 36 00:03:22,370 --> 00:03:27,560 and now please open Oracle virtual box. 37 00:03:27,640 --> 00:03:33,990 We're going to select new and we're going to name our new system. 38 00:03:34,030 --> 00:03:45,510 Kelly Linux and click next and here were presented with the option to allocate memory to our virtual 39 00:03:45,510 --> 00:03:46,700 system. 40 00:03:46,710 --> 00:03:48,690 This is not a permanent choice. 41 00:03:48,840 --> 00:03:55,020 You may alter how much you allocate at a later time for instructions on how to do this. 42 00:03:55,020 --> 00:03:58,650 Please see one of the following modules in this section. 43 00:03:58,650 --> 00:04:06,360 For the moment I recommend allocating half of your total system ram or just under half. 44 00:04:06,420 --> 00:04:11,270 You may not allocate more than half as this would destabilize your system. 45 00:04:11,310 --> 00:04:13,500 Virtual Box will not run properly. 46 00:04:13,530 --> 00:04:20,010 You can allocate far less if you wish your performance will suffer if you don't allocate enough RAM 47 00:04:20,010 --> 00:04:22,670 for the virtual operating system. 48 00:04:22,680 --> 00:04:30,930 However it may be advantageous to allocate less if you wish to run multiple virtualize systems simultaneously 49 00:04:30,960 --> 00:04:33,310 perhaps for testing purposes. 50 00:04:33,600 --> 00:04:39,990 For the moment I recommend allocating half remember that this is not a permanent choice. 51 00:04:40,030 --> 00:04:47,360 And when you've decided how much to allocate click the next button and now we're going to select. 52 00:04:47,380 --> 00:04:57,320 Use an existing virtual hard disk file and we're going to browse to where we extracted our files which 53 00:04:57,320 --> 00:04:59,180 in this case it is on my desktop 54 00:05:02,180 --> 00:05:07,520 and we're going to select the first Kylie Linux image that we see in the list. 55 00:05:07,520 --> 00:05:15,860 This will have to kill a bytes worth of data and by doing this we are effectively selecting all of them. 56 00:05:17,220 --> 00:05:17,850 Click open 57 00:05:20,870 --> 00:05:21,620 click Create 58 00:05:25,610 --> 00:05:38,780 and now we can start our virtual system. 59 00:05:38,790 --> 00:05:41,100 This is the grub bootloader. 60 00:05:41,100 --> 00:05:45,330 Go ahead and select Kelly G giant you slash Linux press enter 61 00:05:49,810 --> 00:05:51,160 upon reaching the screen. 62 00:05:51,160 --> 00:05:56,830 We're going to need to enter our user name and password since we haven't set a user name and password. 63 00:05:56,890 --> 00:06:00,940 We're going to have to use the defaults that Kelly Linux provides. 64 00:06:00,940 --> 00:06:03,020 Until we change these properties. 65 00:06:03,220 --> 00:06:06,900 So for the moment enter the user name route 66 00:06:10,190 --> 00:06:12,800 and the default password for Kelly Linux. 67 00:06:12,800 --> 00:06:21,390 Going all the way back to the earliest editions of backtrack five is Tau t o o. 68 00:06:21,590 --> 00:06:27,800 That's route spelled backwards as you can imagine this is a terrible security practice. 69 00:06:27,820 --> 00:06:33,970 Everyone who has any familiarity with this operating system knows this default password so you will 70 00:06:33,970 --> 00:06:36,170 wish to change it at some point. 71 00:06:36,280 --> 00:06:41,200 For right now we'll sign in. 72 00:06:41,300 --> 00:06:50,560 This is the Cali Linux desktop all of our tools for penetration testing hacking open source intelligence 73 00:06:50,560 --> 00:06:55,030 and so forth are contained within this operating system. 74 00:06:55,090 --> 00:06:58,860 This side panel allows you to set your favorites. 75 00:06:58,870 --> 00:07:02,780 Several have been set by default if we wish to see more. 76 00:07:02,800 --> 00:07:05,220 We would simply click show applications. 77 00:07:08,360 --> 00:07:13,070 Or we could click on the upper menu for applications. 78 00:07:13,070 --> 00:07:19,610 Everything is neatly organized into the appropriate categories and many of these tools and files will 79 00:07:19,610 --> 00:07:25,700 be covered in successive modules in the advanced and intermediate sections. 80 00:07:25,700 --> 00:07:31,640 For the moment however our first order of business is to make sure that our internet connection is working 81 00:07:31,640 --> 00:07:32,580 properly. 82 00:07:32,690 --> 00:07:39,110 So we're going to open up the Firefox browser which comes default with Cally linux. 83 00:07:39,110 --> 00:07:45,140 You are free to change this later and we're going to attempt to navigate to any web page and make sure 84 00:07:45,140 --> 00:07:47,030 that it comes up. 85 00:07:47,120 --> 00:07:53,720 So to start out I'm just going to go to Google and please forgive me if the system is a little slow 86 00:07:54,560 --> 00:08:00,830 virtualize systems tend to be slower than your primary operating system due to its limited resources 87 00:08:10,980 --> 00:08:14,660 Google seems to be coming up. 88 00:08:14,850 --> 00:08:22,770 Now I wish to point out that if your internet connection is not working then it will be necessary to 89 00:08:22,770 --> 00:08:24,450 perform the following step. 90 00:08:24,450 --> 00:08:27,090 If it is working go ahead and skip this 91 00:08:31,940 --> 00:08:33,530 I'm going to close the web browser. 92 00:08:33,530 --> 00:08:45,960 It's doesn't need to be open click on machine click on settings go down to network and again only do 93 00:08:45,960 --> 00:08:51,290 this if your connection is not functional where it says attached to. 94 00:08:51,290 --> 00:08:59,620 We're going to drag down this menu and change the net option to bridge adapter and from there you can 95 00:08:59,620 --> 00:09:03,800 specifically select your adapter. 96 00:09:03,830 --> 00:09:09,430 This is not necessary in my case but if you do this select your adapter and click ok 97 00:09:13,940 --> 00:09:19,700 then repeat the test with Firefox to make sure that your connection is functioning. 98 00:09:19,820 --> 00:09:29,270 This icon up here of two plugs together will indicate that your connection is from your primary computer 99 00:09:29,270 --> 00:09:36,720 is being routed through to the virtualizing machine once we're sure that our connection is functioning 100 00:09:36,720 --> 00:09:37,720 properly. 101 00:09:37,830 --> 00:09:42,060 It's going to be necessary to update our operating system. 102 00:09:42,110 --> 00:09:48,620 You may have noticed that Carly is operating in a windowed mode currently within our primary operating 103 00:09:48,620 --> 00:09:49,610 system. 104 00:09:49,670 --> 00:09:57,680 If we try to make Carly full screen by either pressing the host key and F simultaneously the host key 105 00:09:57,680 --> 00:10:06,410 is the right control key by default or if we go up to view and click on full screen mode we'll notice 106 00:10:06,410 --> 00:10:09,680 that it's not really full screen mode. 107 00:10:09,680 --> 00:10:11,390 The aspect ratio is wrong. 108 00:10:11,390 --> 00:10:18,400 We have these black bars on the sides of our screen and it doesn't look very appealing. 109 00:10:18,600 --> 00:10:26,140 So I'm going to exit full screen mode back into windowed mode now to fix this. 110 00:10:26,210 --> 00:10:28,510 We're going to need to update our operating system. 111 00:10:30,100 --> 00:10:34,680 Experienced users a virtual box will know that with most operating systems. 112 00:10:34,690 --> 00:10:42,460 It's possible to achieve full screen mode shared folders and other key functions by using the virtual 113 00:10:42,460 --> 00:10:52,800 box guest CB which would involve going to devices and clicking insert guest additions. 114 00:10:52,820 --> 00:10:54,490 CB image. 115 00:10:54,490 --> 00:10:59,340 However I'm not going to do this with Cally Linux on virtual box. 116 00:10:59,350 --> 00:11:07,900 The reason is that there is a bug with the current iterations of Cally in as it relates to virtual box 117 00:11:08,320 --> 00:11:17,350 where the guest editions CDE will essentially not work it will tell you that the kernel is either incorrect 118 00:11:17,410 --> 00:11:21,010 or that the headers are out of date or it just won't tell you anything. 119 00:11:21,040 --> 00:11:24,040 And the installation process will fail. 120 00:11:24,040 --> 00:11:27,200 Now the header is actually fine. 121 00:11:27,220 --> 00:11:33,430 It is up to date and when you try to update it you will be very confused because everything will work 122 00:11:33,550 --> 00:11:38,180 properly but the guest editions will not function. 123 00:11:38,190 --> 00:11:43,640 The simple solution is to update the operating system once this is done. 124 00:11:43,860 --> 00:11:51,420 We will be able to easily install manually the files that we need to as the update will correct the 125 00:11:51,420 --> 00:11:52,350 bug. 126 00:11:52,350 --> 00:11:58,530 So we're going to open up our terminal window by clicking on the terminal icon in the left favorites 127 00:11:58,530 --> 00:12:03,940 menu and we're going to need to run three commands back to back. 128 00:12:03,940 --> 00:12:09,310 You can do these one at a time or you can do them in the way that I'm going to present them. 129 00:12:10,400 --> 00:12:14,600 And they are apt dash get update 130 00:12:19,080 --> 00:12:24,940 pardon me two ampersand is apt. 131 00:12:25,130 --> 00:12:28,060 Dash get upgrade. 132 00:12:34,880 --> 00:12:37,880 Two more ampersand is apt. 133 00:12:37,880 --> 00:12:42,560 Dash get dissed dash upgrade. 134 00:12:43,060 --> 00:12:51,110 Now the ampersand I mean they tell Cali to run the successive command after the first one finishes. 135 00:12:51,110 --> 00:12:57,050 In other words doing it this way all three of these commands will run one after another though as I 136 00:12:57,050 --> 00:13:01,710 said you could dispense with the ampersand and just run them one at a time. 137 00:13:01,820 --> 00:13:03,310 It's your choice. 138 00:13:03,560 --> 00:13:09,860 Now please keep in mind that this update process is unfortunately very long and I'm not going to show 139 00:13:09,860 --> 00:13:12,680 the whole process but when we press enter 140 00:13:17,370 --> 00:13:18,600 the process will begin 141 00:13:27,390 --> 00:13:29,070 and we will be prompted. 142 00:13:29,070 --> 00:13:35,150 Whether or not we wish to continue this is going to install and update a lot of tools. 143 00:13:35,220 --> 00:13:38,620 It will also fix the inherent problems I mentioned. 144 00:13:39,000 --> 00:13:47,580 So we're going to say yes now as I said this is a very long process and I'm not going to record at all 145 00:13:47,590 --> 00:13:51,520 I will pause the recording for efficiency sake. 146 00:13:51,520 --> 00:13:59,920 I recommend that you devote quite a bit of time to this process at least an hour possibly more depending 147 00:13:59,920 --> 00:14:07,580 on your system specifications your connection speed and so forth unfortunately as much as I'd like to 148 00:14:07,580 --> 00:14:13,760 say that you can just get up and let this process run it may prompt you again at various points during 149 00:14:13,760 --> 00:14:21,680 the process to confirm the installation of a particular tool or the updating of a particular file. 150 00:14:21,680 --> 00:14:23,900 I'm afraid there's just no way around this. 151 00:14:24,650 --> 00:14:34,230 So how will pause the recording here and resume when the update is complete and here is a rather annoying 152 00:14:34,230 --> 00:14:41,130 example of why you can't just need this process to run in the background the process has been interrupted 153 00:14:41,130 --> 00:14:44,140 by the need for user input specifically. 154 00:14:44,160 --> 00:14:48,090 This is telling you well it doesn't really matter what it's saying. 155 00:14:48,090 --> 00:14:54,060 Just use the down arrow to scroll down to the very bottom 156 00:14:57,160 --> 00:15:02,220 and then we can press Q And this will resume the process. 157 00:15:02,590 --> 00:15:08,980 As I said there may be moments during this procedure when you are prompted for either user input or 158 00:15:08,980 --> 00:15:12,440 to confirm the installation of a file. 159 00:15:12,570 --> 00:15:13,770 It is irritating 160 00:15:42,990 --> 00:15:45,210 once the updates are complete. 161 00:15:45,210 --> 00:15:51,680 The last step is to reboot the virtual machine. 162 00:15:51,810 --> 00:15:55,670 This is absolutely necessary or the next step will not work. 163 00:16:08,480 --> 00:16:13,700 Once you've rebooted and you're back on the Kelly Linux desktop there's one last thing that needs to 164 00:16:13,700 --> 00:16:14,230 be done. 165 00:16:15,460 --> 00:16:20,920 We're going to go over and we're going to open up our terminal file and we're going to input the following 166 00:16:20,920 --> 00:16:22,840 command apt. 167 00:16:22,960 --> 00:16:34,570 Dash get install dash why virtual box dash guest dash x eleven and press enter 168 00:16:42,650 --> 00:16:49,100 and now with virtual box guest editions finally installed it will be necessary to reboot the system 169 00:16:49,130 --> 00:16:50,450 one final time 170 00:17:09,090 --> 00:17:10,080 all right. 171 00:17:10,350 --> 00:17:16,140 Once back on the desktop we'll know that the installation of the guest editions and all of the updates 172 00:17:16,140 --> 00:17:22,240 have been successful because we should be able to enter full screen mode without any difficulty. 173 00:17:22,260 --> 00:17:33,370 Remember that to do this we press the right to control key and f or we can go up to view and click Fullscreen 174 00:17:38,870 --> 00:17:40,100 and there we go. 175 00:17:40,100 --> 00:17:45,560 Kelly Linux is now in the proper aspect ratio which means that all of the other updates were successful 176 00:17:46,100 --> 00:17:53,320 and that Kelly Linux is has been successfully installed on virtual box thank you.