1 00:00:00,180 --> 00:00:02,310 Welcome to part one of this module 2 00:00:07,350 --> 00:00:08,250 in this video. 3 00:00:08,250 --> 00:00:14,520 We're going to be taking a look at the open source intelligence program called multi Argo which comes 4 00:00:14,520 --> 00:00:16,530 pre installed in Cali Linux 5 00:00:19,330 --> 00:00:21,700 Montego is a very fun program to use. 6 00:00:21,700 --> 00:00:26,570 Which is why I've chosen it as the first program I'll be covering in this section. 7 00:00:26,770 --> 00:00:34,340 It is graphical and therefore very easy for visual oriented people to get used to. 8 00:00:34,540 --> 00:00:42,940 The program is very powerful and will allow for detective work of all kinds against various entities 9 00:00:43,030 --> 00:00:46,180 organizations persons. 10 00:00:46,270 --> 00:00:52,510 It can be used for foot printing for reconnaissance for fingerprinting and for a number of other open 11 00:00:52,510 --> 00:00:55,010 source intelligence possibilities. 12 00:00:55,060 --> 00:00:56,920 So we're gonna go ahead and load multi go. 13 00:00:56,920 --> 00:00:58,860 This can be done a number of ways. 14 00:00:59,020 --> 00:01:10,470 You can either go up to applications information gathering multi go or you can just load it from the 15 00:01:10,470 --> 00:01:18,840 main sidebar if it's there the first time you load the community addition you'll be asked to register. 16 00:01:18,890 --> 00:01:26,040 This is a standard procedure you just click the link and input your data once you're registered you 17 00:01:26,040 --> 00:01:32,730 will have the right to use the Community Edition which is somewhat limited if you like the tool. 18 00:01:32,730 --> 00:01:41,430 There is a commercial version available that has a great deal more options and power available to it. 19 00:01:41,430 --> 00:01:47,430 I should say that the goal of this tutorial is not to make you a master detective but rather to give 20 00:01:47,430 --> 00:01:52,330 you the basic skills and overview that you can play with the software. 21 00:01:52,590 --> 00:01:58,260 And from there develop your sleuthing skills through practice 22 00:02:00,800 --> 00:02:06,360 so this first screen that we find ourselves on is the transforms hub. 23 00:02:06,410 --> 00:02:11,750 I'll explain what this is shortly but to begin with we're going to want to start playing with the tool 24 00:02:11,750 --> 00:02:17,390 so we you get so that we can get a feel for what these various transforms are. 25 00:02:17,390 --> 00:02:22,700 So we're going to open a new graph by going up to this little icon in the upper left and clicking on 26 00:02:22,700 --> 00:02:30,060 it. 27 00:02:30,060 --> 00:02:32,910 Now we have an open empty graph. 28 00:02:32,910 --> 00:02:42,900 We notice that on this side panel there are numerous entities listed these are targets essentially that 29 00:02:42,900 --> 00:02:45,270 we can investigate. 30 00:02:45,280 --> 00:02:50,470 For example let's say we wanted to investigate a specific Internet domain. 31 00:02:50,470 --> 00:02:56,470 We click on domain and we drag it onto the graph. 32 00:02:56,480 --> 00:03:02,910 Now we can edit this by double clicking and we can change this to anything we want. 33 00:03:02,920 --> 00:03:07,270 I'm going to go ahead and use Space X dot com as a demonstration 34 00:03:11,020 --> 00:03:19,710 and now we have the domain that we wish to investigate if we right click we have the option to run what's 35 00:03:19,710 --> 00:03:28,050 called transforms transforms are essentially scripts that scour the Internet for open source intelligence 36 00:03:28,050 --> 00:03:35,400 data we could gather all of this data by hand but it would take a great deal of time as you can see 37 00:03:35,400 --> 00:03:41,370 there are numerous options and if we expand these options we can see that there are yet more options 38 00:03:41,370 --> 00:03:52,200 contained within them. 39 00:03:52,240 --> 00:03:56,470 We're going to begin by running all transforms by clicking the run all button 40 00:04:10,210 --> 00:04:13,240 as you can see at the bottom of the screen the transforms are running 41 00:04:16,410 --> 00:04:21,740 and here we've pulled up a great deal of data more data than I actually really intended to for this 42 00:04:22,970 --> 00:04:24,560 demonstration but that's OK 43 00:04:33,190 --> 00:04:41,850 here we have the VPN Space X dot com we have other Web sites associated with Space X dot com We have 44 00:04:41,880 --> 00:04:47,020 email addresses associated with Space X or at least the domain 45 00:04:51,170 --> 00:04:55,610 C we have names of individuals phone numbers come up. 46 00:05:10,990 --> 00:05:15,200 As well as related web entities. 47 00:05:16,270 --> 00:05:17,140 If we zoom out 48 00:05:20,060 --> 00:05:26,690 we can look at this by color as you can see. 49 00:05:26,890 --> 00:05:31,090 The key is right down here and it explains what each of these colors is 50 00:05:34,870 --> 00:05:35,020 now. 51 00:05:35,020 --> 00:05:43,910 Each one of these items that we have discovered we can run individual transforms against for more information. 52 00:05:43,930 --> 00:05:44,950 So for example 53 00:05:47,590 --> 00:05:51,850 let's say we wanted to investigate this email address. 54 00:05:51,990 --> 00:05:54,870 We will run all transforms against this email 55 00:06:01,870 --> 00:06:02,890 transforms are running 56 00:06:07,390 --> 00:06:12,650 and I should mention that you can scroll in and out using your mouse wheel. 57 00:06:12,680 --> 00:06:18,260 It's also possible to look at this information in different ways which I will show you in a moment 58 00:06:22,910 --> 00:06:30,740 so this email is associated with someone by the name of Brandon Spikes and there are two more emails 59 00:06:30,740 --> 00:06:43,060 that are associated with it. 60 00:06:43,360 --> 00:06:48,820 I should also mention that the number of results you get will be slightly limited in the community edition 61 00:06:48,820 --> 00:07:01,280 of multi go each transform can produce twelve total results of a particular type with the with the licensed 62 00:07:01,280 --> 00:07:02,440 edition. 63 00:07:02,450 --> 00:07:04,820 You can get up to 10000. 64 00:07:05,030 --> 00:07:08,840 And with this scroll bar you can control the number that you get. 65 00:07:08,840 --> 00:07:13,220 It's not always fruitful to get an excessive number of results 66 00:07:16,440 --> 00:07:18,870 sometimes it is advantageous to limit them 67 00:07:27,480 --> 00:07:36,050 we can also change the way the data is presented by clicking these icons we're currently in block mode. 68 00:07:36,210 --> 00:07:37,620 This is hierarchical mode 69 00:07:41,430 --> 00:07:42,270 circular mode 70 00:07:46,180 --> 00:07:53,370 organic mode. 71 00:07:53,420 --> 00:07:56,100 Now I'm going to close this and we'll begin a new search 72 00:08:07,800 --> 00:08:15,870 I mentioned that it's possible to add more transforms the more transforms you add the more potential 73 00:08:15,870 --> 00:08:17,670 results you can get. 74 00:08:17,670 --> 00:08:18,660 For example 75 00:08:23,080 --> 00:08:29,720 if we added the have I been ponied transform this will cause Montego to check against the have I've 76 00:08:29,720 --> 00:08:37,470 imposed lists for e-mails at through pastebin and potentially find compromised accounts. 77 00:08:37,540 --> 00:08:44,380 This can be useful when conducting reconnaissance for your own corporation to identify which of which 78 00:08:44,380 --> 00:08:46,730 accounts have been compromised. 79 00:08:48,270 --> 00:08:51,780 Some of these transforms are free. 80 00:08:51,780 --> 00:08:53,460 Some of them are not. 81 00:08:53,520 --> 00:08:58,170 Some of them require an API key that is semi free. 82 00:08:58,170 --> 00:09:02,190 For example showdown will require an API key. 83 00:09:02,190 --> 00:09:06,050 This key is free and will get you some results. 84 00:09:06,120 --> 00:09:14,030 But in order to use it to its fullest potential you will have to buy it have I've imposed on the other 85 00:09:14,030 --> 00:09:19,120 hand is completely free to install a transform off the list. 86 00:09:19,130 --> 00:09:20,150 Just click install 87 00:09:41,710 --> 00:09:43,310 and that will open up a new graph 88 00:09:46,870 --> 00:09:55,530 and we're going to check a domain again this time we're going to look up the domain of a game company. 89 00:09:55,640 --> 00:10:01,220 Now this company is called ion realms but it runs several games and we're going to look up one of the 90 00:10:01,220 --> 00:10:06,410 individual games to see if it links us back to the company. 91 00:10:06,500 --> 00:10:12,570 In other words if we didn't already know the parent company well let's see what it pulls up. 92 00:10:22,030 --> 00:10:24,370 We'll run all transforms. 93 00:10:24,370 --> 00:10:53,570 This will include the newly installed have I been Poland. 94 00:10:53,610 --> 00:10:55,890 It appears that no breaches have been detected 95 00:11:03,960 --> 00:11:11,470 here we have the net block associated with the domain in question we can double click it and see the 96 00:11:11,470 --> 00:11:16,060 IP range we can click properties for more information. 97 00:11:16,060 --> 00:11:19,060 Unfortunately in this particular example there isn't very much 98 00:11:24,770 --> 00:11:26,900 we can see related domains. 99 00:11:26,900 --> 00:11:32,000 Some of them may not in fact be connected and you could delete erroneous results 100 00:11:42,830 --> 00:11:44,840 and here we have privacy. 101 00:11:44,890 --> 00:11:49,570 No IP dot com so it's good to know that this company is protecting itself 102 00:11:59,320 --> 00:12:02,190 let's have a closer look at their website. 103 00:12:02,380 --> 00:12:04,330 We will run all transforms against it. 104 00:12:05,750 --> 00:12:20,340 And we'll just go with the default settings. 105 00:12:20,440 --> 00:12:27,480 Now we can see information about what their Web site includes. 106 00:12:27,680 --> 00:12:35,170 There's the no IP protection that I mentioned and CloudFlare as well as the always popular kiss metrics 107 00:12:38,260 --> 00:12:42,070 BHP is included as well as Facebook for Web sites. 108 00:12:45,690 --> 00:12:52,280 We have an IP address and now we're starting to see related information. 109 00:12:52,290 --> 00:12:58,620 Here is the company that I mentioned the parent company that owns the game that's ion realms dot com 110 00:12:58,980 --> 00:13:00,350 firearms rooms Inc. 111 00:13:00,360 --> 00:13:02,210 Owns the arcade game. 112 00:13:02,280 --> 00:13:12,070 It also owns told the Star morn and let's see if any others came up doesn't look like it 113 00:13:14,850 --> 00:13:25,980 however from here now that we know the parent company we can run transforms against it and see what 114 00:13:25,980 --> 00:13:26,580 comes up. 115 00:13:35,420 --> 00:13:36,980 Quite a bit seems 116 00:13:43,990 --> 00:13:49,840 we can see a great many email addresses associated with these individual games. 117 00:13:49,840 --> 00:13:53,110 We can see the iron rooms dot com domain 118 00:14:06,900 --> 00:14:08,820 we can see administration addresses 119 00:14:30,550 --> 00:14:36,950 and now let's say that we wanted to check all of the emails associated with our search simultaneously 120 00:14:36,980 --> 00:14:45,020 against have been posted to see if any of these accounts that are used by this company have been compromised 121 00:14:46,020 --> 00:14:55,650 so it would be very tedious to select each one individually so we're going to click the select by type 122 00:14:56,120 --> 00:15:04,150 or rather add similar now we've selected all of the emails at once and we don't need to run all the 123 00:15:04,150 --> 00:15:09,190 transforms for the question we're asking we just want to know if any of these accounts have showed up 124 00:15:09,250 --> 00:15:11,130 on have I been posted. 125 00:15:11,140 --> 00:15:17,320 So we're going to run that individual set of transforms by clicking the run all for that particular 126 00:15:17,320 --> 00:15:17,830 option 127 00:15:20,970 --> 00:15:22,140 except the disclaimer 128 00:15:46,270 --> 00:15:53,340 and it looks like the tool has not found anything yet 129 00:16:01,050 --> 00:16:13,270 it appears that none of these accounts have been breached. 130 00:16:13,310 --> 00:16:18,950 Now let's say that we wanted to investigate a particular individual somewhere to close this existing 131 00:16:18,950 --> 00:16:23,330 graph and start a new graph 132 00:16:28,010 --> 00:16:40,290 and this time I'm going to drag the person icon and we're going to create the president Donald Trump 133 00:16:44,590 --> 00:16:50,830 click OK and this is the problem with researching a celebrity is that you usually get a lot of results 134 00:16:50,860 --> 00:16:56,960 and not all of them are applicable spy running all transforms. 135 00:16:57,200 --> 00:17:01,780 It may prompt me to log into Twitter. 136 00:17:01,840 --> 00:17:04,480 It didn't because my logging was still good. 137 00:17:04,480 --> 00:17:10,480 You would probably be prompt prompted if this was your first time running these transforms because as 138 00:17:10,480 --> 00:17:12,760 we know the president is very fond of Twitter 139 00:17:21,120 --> 00:17:21,840 so 140 00:17:37,980 --> 00:17:39,120 we'll try this one. 141 00:17:43,860 --> 00:17:45,540 Tweets that this person wrote 142 00:17:55,370 --> 00:17:58,970 and here we have all of the latest tweets. 143 00:17:58,970 --> 00:18:00,310 There would be a great many more. 144 00:18:00,320 --> 00:18:06,320 But remember that multi go community edition is limited in how much information you can pull up at one 145 00:18:06,320 --> 00:18:25,180 time. 146 00:18:25,300 --> 00:18:33,050 So as you can see there's a great deal of information that can be pulled up using multi go and the real 147 00:18:33,050 --> 00:18:34,790 trick is just to play around with it. 148 00:18:34,790 --> 00:18:43,090 Try try looking into companies domain names people whatever you like that you could normally look up 149 00:18:43,100 --> 00:18:47,610 on the Internet and you could assemble all of this information by hand. 150 00:18:47,870 --> 00:18:54,550 You could piece together each individual email address you could find out how it associates with others 151 00:18:54,650 --> 00:18:59,540 but all of this information is available through multi go 152 00:19:04,300 --> 00:19:08,920 it could even look at Twitter and search by hashtag 153 00:19:11,940 --> 00:19:13,310 for example. 154 00:19:13,410 --> 00:19:18,510 Well hashtag multi go or run the transform 155 00:19:24,620 --> 00:19:35,340 and this will pull up all the most recent tweets using that hashtag and remember with the license version 156 00:19:35,380 --> 00:19:38,410 you can get up to 10000 results of these at a time 157 00:19:41,550 --> 00:19:42,930 so it may be good to limit them 158 00:19:52,670 --> 00:20:00,320 another fun little feature of multi go is that you can actually look at the tweet sentiment which is 159 00:20:00,320 --> 00:20:04,190 to say let's click on a particular tweet. 160 00:20:07,630 --> 00:20:09,570 And we can determine. 161 00:20:09,830 --> 00:20:14,560 Excuse me what sentiment. 162 00:20:14,660 --> 00:20:22,850 It has been assigned this particular one comes up as negative. 163 00:20:22,850 --> 00:20:23,990 Let's try another one. 164 00:20:30,040 --> 00:20:31,090 Let's try another one. 165 00:20:31,090 --> 00:20:35,590 Here we go sentiment negative. 166 00:20:35,740 --> 00:20:43,120 So once again it would be rather tedious to check each individual tweet for its sentiment. 167 00:20:43,360 --> 00:20:55,760 So we'll click on one of the tweets and then select by type and now will run sentiment transform 168 00:20:59,470 --> 00:21:04,810 and see which treat tweets are positive negative or neutral. 169 00:21:04,810 --> 00:21:13,650 And this might seem silly but consider imagine that you used another open source intelligence program 170 00:21:13,660 --> 00:21:19,030 or perhaps you are just familiar with the makeup of a particular organization. 171 00:21:19,030 --> 00:21:25,540 Let's say a company and you knew who the employees of this company where you had a list. 172 00:21:25,540 --> 00:21:34,000 So you decided to run transforms against people you would drag a person onto your graph you would enter 173 00:21:34,000 --> 00:21:34,920 their name. 174 00:21:35,170 --> 00:21:42,610 You could do multiple people at once if you pleased and you could pull up your tweets and then looking 175 00:21:42,610 --> 00:21:45,490 at their tweets you can check the sentiment of their tweets. 176 00:21:45,490 --> 00:21:49,930 You can see what they're saying how much of what they are saying about their own company is negative. 177 00:21:49,930 --> 00:21:51,970 How much is positive. 178 00:21:51,970 --> 00:21:58,560 You can really get a great deal of information about who a person is based on this. 179 00:21:58,630 --> 00:22:04,090 And it's also useful for finding points of compromise. 180 00:22:04,090 --> 00:22:07,690 Employees who are dissatisfied. 181 00:22:07,750 --> 00:22:13,300 For example whose security practices may not be ideal. 182 00:22:13,390 --> 00:22:17,980 This is something that you can infer sometimes based on tweets. 183 00:22:17,980 --> 00:22:24,300 It also allows for the use of targeted social engineering. 184 00:22:24,340 --> 00:22:30,040 The more you know about a person the easier it is to devise a social engineering attack that is appropriate 185 00:22:30,040 --> 00:22:30,960 for them. 186 00:22:36,490 --> 00:22:44,380 And just from what we're looking at now we can infer that the president is in more of a bad mood at 187 00:22:44,380 --> 00:22:47,440 this particular moment in time than a good one. 188 00:22:47,470 --> 00:22:51,730 Most of his tweets are negative only one of them is neutral 189 00:22:56,300 --> 00:23:03,130 we can also look at Twitter affiliations. 190 00:23:03,220 --> 00:23:06,220 This would show who wrote tweets to the person. 191 00:23:06,220 --> 00:23:11,800 I suspect that given the nature of the celebrity in question this would be a very long list and it would 192 00:23:11,800 --> 00:23:18,910 not produce very useful results particularly as were given to a limit of twelve results for the community 193 00:23:18,910 --> 00:23:20,730 addition. 194 00:23:22,090 --> 00:23:29,730 However it may be interesting to see who this individual has written tweets to so let's do that 195 00:23:42,100 --> 00:23:48,560 no real surprises here. 196 00:23:48,670 --> 00:23:54,310 I'm afraid I can't tell from this picture it's rather small on my screen and I don't read Japanese but 197 00:23:54,340 --> 00:23:57,220 I'm going to guess that that is the prime minister of Japan 198 00:24:04,610 --> 00:24:06,650 and we could have a look at these individuals. 199 00:24:06,650 --> 00:24:08,060 Actually let's have a look. 200 00:24:09,270 --> 00:24:18,930 At this individual or on transforms against the person and see what comes up. 201 00:24:19,280 --> 00:24:27,800 Japanese Well anyway you see how this can get very complicated very quickly. 202 00:24:27,800 --> 00:24:32,080 Let's try Eric Trump. 203 00:24:32,140 --> 00:24:33,010 We'll look at the person 204 00:24:43,310 --> 00:24:45,470 sometimes we have to break it down multiple times 205 00:25:04,530 --> 00:25:09,380 and I'm not too sure how much of this is really useful but it's interesting to see what comes up it 206 00:25:09,380 --> 00:25:10,160 can be fun. 207 00:25:13,260 --> 00:25:14,850 We have a look at their tweets 208 00:25:25,790 --> 00:25:26,570 now. 209 00:25:26,660 --> 00:25:33,910 Let's have a look at their attitude or their sentiment excuse me. 210 00:25:47,670 --> 00:25:53,150 Well I'm afraid the uh graph layout is quickly becoming a mess. 211 00:25:53,250 --> 00:25:56,360 We've got a bit too much information on our screen at the moment. 212 00:25:57,900 --> 00:25:58,710 So 213 00:26:01,750 --> 00:26:05,870 I could change the layout but I'm not sure that would really help in this case. 214 00:26:17,920 --> 00:26:22,570 But as you can see a great deal of information can be pulled up very quickly 215 00:26:25,630 --> 00:26:45,850 and associations can also be inferred and discovered. 216 00:26:45,900 --> 00:26:49,380 For example we could learn about the Eric Trump Foundation. 217 00:26:49,470 --> 00:26:52,700 This appears to be a twitter link 218 00:26:58,100 --> 00:27:01,540 just listed as an affiliation so 219 00:27:06,060 --> 00:27:08,040 let's see what comes up for location 220 00:27:12,520 --> 00:27:18,000 New York City so I take it that it is based out of New York City. 221 00:27:18,030 --> 00:27:18,280 OK 222 00:27:26,290 --> 00:27:34,610 this particular aspect has been well demonstrated so I'm going to close these graphs and talk a bit 223 00:27:34,670 --> 00:27:41,000 about the differences multi-year transforms and what they entail 224 00:27:48,940 --> 00:27:54,130 so as we've seen demonstrated in this module there's a wealth of information that can be called up with 225 00:27:54,130 --> 00:28:02,920 this tool multi go can be used to draw conclusions about people and organizations and to establish links 226 00:28:02,920 --> 00:28:03,980 between them. 227 00:28:04,090 --> 00:28:09,940 It's a powerful research device that can really allow you to do some deep detective work if you're willing 228 00:28:09,940 --> 00:28:14,110 to put in the time to learn all of the nuances of the tool. 229 00:28:14,110 --> 00:28:19,390 Now as I said at the start of this tutorial My goal was not to give you an absolute understanding of 230 00:28:19,510 --> 00:28:25,240 every possible use of multi go but to give you enough tools to get your feet wet so that you can play 231 00:28:25,240 --> 00:28:31,690 around with it and learn for yourself all the various different applications and possibilities that 232 00:28:31,690 --> 00:28:33,660 multi ego has to offer. 233 00:28:33,850 --> 00:28:40,030 You can also go back to this tool at various points throughout this class and take pieces of information 234 00:28:40,030 --> 00:28:45,970 that you may acquire through your own experimentation with other open source intelligence tools and 235 00:28:45,970 --> 00:28:51,580 run them through multi go to see what else you come up with sometimes Montego will generate a result 236 00:28:52,030 --> 00:28:58,930 that another program like for example recon and G might not yield. 237 00:28:58,930 --> 00:29:06,580 So by using these tools in concert you can gain a more clear picture of whatever your target may happen 238 00:29:06,580 --> 00:29:13,960 to be and it can help you to identify weaknesses as well as trends or just gain information that is 239 00:29:13,960 --> 00:29:18,430 necessary for larger projects you may be working on. 240 00:29:20,840 --> 00:29:26,390 It should also be noted that there are a great many additional transform packages that can be installed 241 00:29:26,390 --> 00:29:27,820 from alter ego. 242 00:29:27,830 --> 00:29:34,370 Now I'm really not an expert on all of them and I think that there's probably no limit to the number 243 00:29:34,370 --> 00:29:43,200 that can be created using the framework that is presented with multi go with most of the transform packages 244 00:29:43,200 --> 00:29:44,070 being coded. 245 00:29:44,070 --> 00:29:52,350 I believe in X AML and a few of them being coded in Python if you're interested in learning more about 246 00:29:52,350 --> 00:29:55,020 creating your own transform packages. 247 00:29:55,050 --> 00:30:01,380 There's a great deal of useful information available on the multi goat Web site in the modern era. 248 00:30:01,380 --> 00:30:09,090 Information can be weaponized so multi go is also a useful defensive tool to look over an organization 249 00:30:09,120 --> 00:30:12,200 and make sure that there are no points of compromise. 250 00:30:12,210 --> 00:30:20,610 For example the I have I've been to transform that was run earlier in the video had it actually drawn 251 00:30:20,610 --> 00:30:29,160 up a result we could have found compromised emails on pastebin along with their passwords and the individuals 252 00:30:29,160 --> 00:30:34,770 who have been compromised might have absolutely no idea that they were compromised by that particular 253 00:30:34,770 --> 00:30:35,930 breach. 254 00:30:36,090 --> 00:30:43,530 And since security practices can be rather lax especially in some organizations if you have one person's 255 00:30:43,890 --> 00:30:51,930 email and password if they use that same password and maybe email across multiple accounts then they 256 00:30:51,930 --> 00:30:59,070 may be unwittingly creating a point of compromise that can be leveraged to break into higher level and 257 00:30:59,070 --> 00:31:03,630 more secure areas of their life or their organization. 258 00:31:03,630 --> 00:31:10,740 So good security practices are essential and multi go is a way of sniffing out these vulnerabilities 259 00:31:10,830 --> 00:31:20,190 and correcting them before more nefarious individuals find these weaknesses and exploit them. 260 00:31:20,490 --> 00:31:25,980 As was mentioned earlier in the video which you've seen used in this tutorial has been the multi go 261 00:31:25,980 --> 00:31:27,620 Community Edition. 262 00:31:27,660 --> 00:31:30,800 Now the community edition has the limits that I mentioned. 263 00:31:30,810 --> 00:31:37,950 It is also not possible to export the graphs that you create to either make them into presentations 264 00:31:37,950 --> 00:31:39,970 or for use with other tools. 265 00:31:40,080 --> 00:31:45,720 But the licensed edition will allow these features to be utilized. 266 00:31:45,720 --> 00:31:52,690 So if you like multi go and you use it a lot you should consider getting a license. 267 00:31:52,700 --> 00:31:56,450 This concludes the basic introduction to the multi go tool. 268 00:31:56,450 --> 00:31:57,880 I hope you enjoy it. 269 00:31:57,890 --> 00:32:00,950 I hope you have a lot of fun playing around with it. 270 00:32:00,980 --> 00:32:01,400 Thank you.