1 00:00:00,420 --> 00:00:02,640 Welcome to part two of this module 2 00:00:06,300 --> 00:00:07,140 in this video. 3 00:00:07,140 --> 00:00:10,340 We're going to start working with recon energy. 4 00:00:10,780 --> 00:00:17,160 Recon energy is an open source intelligence tool similar to multi go that comes prepackaged with Cally 5 00:00:17,160 --> 00:00:18,690 Linux. 6 00:00:18,690 --> 00:00:26,010 Unlike multiple ago it is entirely text based which means that all of our interactions with it will 7 00:00:26,010 --> 00:00:28,070 be through the command prompt. 8 00:00:28,320 --> 00:00:30,860 So to begin we're going to load up the program. 9 00:00:30,870 --> 00:00:33,010 There's two ways to do this. 10 00:00:33,060 --> 00:00:42,180 We can either go to applications information gathering and select recon and from the menu or we can 11 00:00:42,180 --> 00:00:50,330 load it up like a pro by opening up our terminal window and simply typing recon and 12 00:00:54,620 --> 00:00:59,450 the first time you load the program you're going to get a lot of error messages about missing api keys. 13 00:00:59,450 --> 00:01:00,680 I'll talk about that in a minute. 14 00:01:02,070 --> 00:01:03,420 So let's go ahead and get started. 15 00:01:04,790 --> 00:01:07,410 Recon and g is a web based framework. 16 00:01:07,490 --> 00:01:09,660 It is entirely text based. 17 00:01:09,680 --> 00:01:18,140 It was written by Tim tomes of Black Hills information security and IT functions very similar to existing 18 00:01:18,140 --> 00:01:25,360 frameworks that you might already be familiar with such as Metis Floyd and social engineering toolkit. 19 00:01:25,370 --> 00:01:31,910 So if you've used either of those before then using recon Angie will have the same feel and look to 20 00:01:31,910 --> 00:01:32,660 it. 21 00:01:32,780 --> 00:01:40,820 It is built around modules that include different functionality such as doing reconnaissance exploration 22 00:01:40,820 --> 00:01:42,600 and discovery. 23 00:01:42,620 --> 00:01:47,180 It's not a replacement for metal split or the social engineering tool kit. 24 00:01:47,240 --> 00:01:54,320 It is focused on doing reconnaissance against a specific target very similar to how Montego is designed 25 00:01:54,320 --> 00:01:56,950 to operate. 26 00:01:56,960 --> 00:02:00,480 There are several Web sites that it uses to gather information. 27 00:02:00,500 --> 00:02:07,640 Some of these sites are Google being linked in Facebook etc. It just depends on which modules you currently 28 00:02:07,640 --> 00:02:12,290 have installed and which api keys you're using. 29 00:02:12,410 --> 00:02:17,850 It works by sending queries to these sites to scrape open source information. 30 00:02:18,320 --> 00:02:24,680 Recon energy is written entirely in the Python programming language so if you have any experience with 31 00:02:24,680 --> 00:02:32,030 python you may be able to write your own custom modules fairly easily which can then be imported directly 32 00:02:32,030 --> 00:02:34,520 into the existing framework. 33 00:02:34,550 --> 00:02:39,680 The creator Tim has written an excellent developers guide for those wishing to get their feet wet in 34 00:02:39,680 --> 00:02:44,740 this area and it includes a module template that you can use. 35 00:02:44,810 --> 00:02:47,860 Check it out if you're interested in that side of things. 36 00:02:49,520 --> 00:02:55,730 I should note before I begin that the current version of recon in G which comes pre installed with Kali 37 00:02:56,270 --> 00:03:02,870 at the time of this recording is due to be upgraded several older modules for one reason or another 38 00:03:03,290 --> 00:03:07,740 became defunct over time and were removed from the framework. 39 00:03:07,760 --> 00:03:11,110 However replacements are currently in development. 40 00:03:11,330 --> 00:03:13,160 Your version of recon and G. 41 00:03:13,220 --> 00:03:20,240 May have additional modules not shown in this tutorial but hopefully after this class you will have 42 00:03:20,240 --> 00:03:27,380 enough of a working understanding to be able to use the framework and pick up the ins and outs of any 43 00:03:27,380 --> 00:03:29,880 newer modules that are released. 44 00:03:30,350 --> 00:03:37,250 They all follow the same general pattern and principles so it should not be too hard to learn any new 45 00:03:37,250 --> 00:03:38,800 ones. 46 00:03:38,970 --> 00:03:44,140 You may even wish to upgrade to the latest version before you start to play around with it. 47 00:03:44,400 --> 00:03:50,860 Just to take care of any bugs in the prepackaged version that comes with Kali. 48 00:03:50,900 --> 00:03:57,500 You can do this by get using the Get Command to clone clone the latest repository from the recon Energy 49 00:03:57,500 --> 00:03:58,760 Web site. 50 00:03:58,760 --> 00:04:06,020 However be aware that if you decide to upgrade to the latest version it may be necessary to either update 51 00:04:06,050 --> 00:04:11,510 or download the relevant Python libraries which as dependencies. 52 00:04:11,510 --> 00:04:18,040 Otherwise you may encounter errors when you try to launch the program once loaded. 53 00:04:18,040 --> 00:04:23,050 You will be presented with a text based title screen which is what you're looking at here. 54 00:04:24,710 --> 00:04:29,240 Listing out all of the modules that come prepackaged with this tool. 55 00:04:30,510 --> 00:04:36,440 Unlike multiple ago which was showcased in the last video recon energy is entirely text based. 56 00:04:36,630 --> 00:04:42,330 All of the commands will be run through the prompt which tends to intimidate newer users who are not 57 00:04:42,330 --> 00:04:44,740 as comfortable with this method of interaction. 58 00:04:44,760 --> 00:04:47,590 It really is easy once you get the hang of it though. 59 00:04:49,570 --> 00:05:00,380 The number next to each listed category is the number of currently installed modules yours may be different 60 00:05:00,380 --> 00:05:03,070 than mine depending on your version. 61 00:05:03,110 --> 00:05:09,560 Now before we begin actually using the program there is one major bit of setup we're going to have to 62 00:05:09,560 --> 00:05:13,280 accomplish before we can actually use this tool. 63 00:05:13,280 --> 00:05:19,880 As I said before recon and G perform searches through several different Web sites and some of those 64 00:05:19,880 --> 00:05:25,300 sites require you to have an API key in order to perform the searches. 65 00:05:25,310 --> 00:05:31,280 I'm not going to cover how to set up an account on each of those sites since they are constantly changing 66 00:05:31,280 --> 00:05:35,460 and such information would quickly be out of date. 67 00:05:35,480 --> 00:05:46,670 There are instructional websites online but really it's just as simple as setting up an account on say 68 00:05:46,730 --> 00:05:56,520 flicker or LinkedIn or Twitter and then finding the API key listed under your account information. 69 00:05:56,570 --> 00:06:03,470 I mentioned that these keys are required and you can see which ones are required by typing the keys 70 00:06:03,530 --> 00:06:06,470 list command. 71 00:06:06,820 --> 00:06:10,570 This will list all of the keys that you will need. 72 00:06:10,570 --> 00:06:18,430 And again you will find them on the accounts page after you register for accounts but one thing I do 73 00:06:18,430 --> 00:06:24,820 have to note there are a couple of these sites that require you to pay to get access to some of the 74 00:06:24,820 --> 00:06:32,690 more advanced search features I mentioned this fact in the multi go module and it bears repeating here. 75 00:06:32,740 --> 00:06:39,870 The good news is that if you decide you wish to invest to obtain those extra features your API key should 76 00:06:39,870 --> 00:06:47,430 work for all open source intelligence tools that you use that call for them a bit a multi go recon energy 77 00:06:47,460 --> 00:06:54,610 or whatever it is not necessary to actually spend money to get value out of these tools though. 78 00:06:54,690 --> 00:06:57,640 But the advanced features are quite nice. 79 00:06:57,900 --> 00:06:59,690 The interface to add your keys. 80 00:06:59,700 --> 00:07:03,810 Once you've gathered them is very easy to use from within the framework itself. 81 00:07:03,990 --> 00:07:11,000 As you've seen me do just type keys list to bring up the directory of modules that require keys 82 00:07:13,670 --> 00:07:16,150 and then once you actually have your keys. 83 00:07:16,250 --> 00:07:27,830 Just use the keys and command and then I'll do an example being API and we would copy paste our API 84 00:07:27,860 --> 00:07:28,260 key. 85 00:07:28,280 --> 00:07:34,540 The one I'm about to show you is not a real API key but it is representative of what one looks like. 86 00:07:34,610 --> 00:07:38,860 They tend to be long nonsensical strings of letters and numbers. 87 00:07:38,990 --> 00:07:41,250 Sometimes they're shorter than this. 88 00:07:41,420 --> 00:07:46,920 The Bing Key was particularly long but some of them can be quite short. 89 00:07:47,210 --> 00:07:51,500 And this is essentially what you would look for in your account information. 90 00:07:51,680 --> 00:07:53,050 And some people get confused. 91 00:07:53,060 --> 00:07:58,430 They register for example for a flicker account and they look in their account information for the API 92 00:07:58,460 --> 00:08:04,670 key and they see where it's listed but then they see this long string of what appears to be nonsense. 93 00:08:04,670 --> 00:08:07,550 This is actually what the key looks like. 94 00:08:07,550 --> 00:08:14,270 So once we've entered it we just press enter these list and there we go. 95 00:08:14,310 --> 00:08:19,370 It's input it and you would do this for each one of these modules. 96 00:08:19,530 --> 00:08:24,420 Again some of them may require you to pay money when you register. 97 00:08:24,540 --> 00:08:30,710 It's not absolutely required and the tool will function without all of the API keys. 98 00:08:30,720 --> 00:08:36,450 So even if you're not able to use some of the modules that come with recon energy can still get a lot 99 00:08:36,450 --> 00:08:37,440 of value out of it. 100 00:08:38,720 --> 00:08:44,420 So I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to make a small cut to the video I'm going to add my own keys 101 00:08:45,110 --> 00:08:48,350 and then we'll proceed okay. 102 00:08:48,360 --> 00:08:55,420 I've got all of my keys installed and I've one thing I forgot to mention is that if you wish to add 103 00:08:55,420 --> 00:08:58,470 a key that is not listed you can do that. 104 00:08:58,540 --> 00:09:09,970 For example you could do keys add virus total API and then whatever your key might be. 105 00:09:10,270 --> 00:09:16,330 And this is useful if you know that there is a particular module in development that calls for that 106 00:09:16,330 --> 00:09:24,760 key and sometimes when you install module the entry for that key is not listed in the Keys list. 107 00:09:24,970 --> 00:09:34,480 And I didn't spell Virus Total correctly but you get the idea as long as you name it whatever the module 108 00:09:34,480 --> 00:09:35,740 expects it to be. 109 00:09:35,740 --> 00:09:38,950 So for a virus total it would be a virus total API. 110 00:09:39,100 --> 00:09:42,760 Then the module will check for it in the Keys list. 111 00:09:42,790 --> 00:09:44,320 So this is just something to remember. 112 00:09:44,320 --> 00:09:49,900 If you decide to upgrade later or if you decide to create your own modules and import them into recon 113 00:09:49,940 --> 00:09:50,440 Angie 114 00:09:54,700 --> 00:09:59,740 once you've got all your api keys entered we can get started by looking at the basics of the framework 115 00:10:01,450 --> 00:10:02,980 here for the command prompt. 116 00:10:02,980 --> 00:10:11,850 If you just type in the word kelp and hit enter we'll give you a list of the available commands if you 117 00:10:11,850 --> 00:10:15,050 would like more information about what each command does. 118 00:10:15,060 --> 00:10:20,820 Just type help and the name of the command and hit enter and this will give you case examples of how 119 00:10:20,820 --> 00:10:25,950 to use it as well as any optional arguments that may be included. 120 00:10:25,950 --> 00:10:36,580 For example help keys tells us that we can use the keys command with the arguments list add and delete 121 00:10:36,700 --> 00:10:38,730 as we saw a moment ago. 122 00:10:38,940 --> 00:10:42,340 The first command we want to try using is the show command. 123 00:10:42,480 --> 00:10:49,950 This command will allow you to view items within the framework such as the included modules any data 124 00:10:50,520 --> 00:10:59,810 that you have collected as well as the actual database schema you can use the tab completion to see 125 00:10:59,810 --> 00:11:02,100 commands for example. 126 00:11:02,120 --> 00:11:08,310 See all the commands that can be used with show type show and then press the tab key twice. 127 00:11:11,810 --> 00:11:17,540 So for example if I wanted to show the banner I could do show banner 128 00:11:24,270 --> 00:11:34,130 would help if I typed it correctly but a more useful demonstration of show would be to use the show 129 00:11:34,430 --> 00:11:35,290 schema. 130 00:11:36,470 --> 00:11:45,030 And this shows you how the various databases are setup all of the tables and columns for each one are 131 00:11:45,100 --> 00:11:46,020 currently blank. 132 00:11:46,030 --> 00:11:52,120 But as we begin to gather more and more information this tool these entries will start to fill up quickly 133 00:11:59,330 --> 00:12:01,970 we'll be using show command a lot as we go along 134 00:12:06,430 --> 00:12:12,200 so for now we're going to do show options. 135 00:12:12,280 --> 00:12:19,390 These are all the global options that can be set for using the framework. 136 00:12:19,460 --> 00:12:24,500 You can see that it already has several defaults set. 137 00:12:24,500 --> 00:12:30,110 You can actually change these values either globally or for any of the individual modules that you'll 138 00:12:30,140 --> 00:12:31,030 be using. 139 00:12:31,280 --> 00:12:33,560 Using the set command. 140 00:12:33,800 --> 00:12:39,760 So for example let's say that we wanted to change the threads. 141 00:12:39,830 --> 00:12:51,570 We would do set threads and we'll do 20 show options we can see that threads have been changed from 142 00:12:51,570 --> 00:12:54,240 the value of 10 to the value of 20 143 00:12:57,360 --> 00:13:06,520 so as you can see it's pretty simple to use the name server that is listed as googles and DNS server. 144 00:13:06,560 --> 00:13:08,440 Some of you may not like that. 145 00:13:08,630 --> 00:13:10,880 And of course it can be changed. 146 00:13:10,880 --> 00:13:17,270 You might wish to use the DNS server of a specific target to narrow down your search results. 147 00:13:17,270 --> 00:13:21,070 You can change that option here. 148 00:13:21,080 --> 00:13:26,720 So now let's drill down a little further we're going to use the clear command to bring up a fresh screen 149 00:13:28,990 --> 00:13:35,800 and we're going to do show modules to give us a list of all of the available modules currently prepackaged 150 00:13:36,160 --> 00:13:44,960 with this version of recon G rather a long list if we scroll up we can see everything 151 00:13:49,610 --> 00:13:55,010 it's rather extensive and you'll notice that they're separated into categories 152 00:14:01,730 --> 00:14:06,080 so we've got Discovery exploitation import recon etc.. 153 00:14:06,290 --> 00:14:09,370 It's quite a bit of output and that can be a bit of a pain. 154 00:14:09,440 --> 00:14:13,490 So let's narrow it down to just what we want. 155 00:14:13,720 --> 00:14:16,880 Show modules reporting 156 00:14:19,500 --> 00:14:23,960 which will just show the relevant modules under the reporting category. 157 00:14:23,970 --> 00:14:26,360 You can do this for any of the categories. 158 00:14:26,490 --> 00:14:31,740 It can be helpful to remember this little trick until you really know what all the different modules 159 00:14:31,770 --> 00:14:36,510 are and what they do as you're doing a particular research against a target. 160 00:14:36,510 --> 00:14:41,350 You'll want to switch between the different types of modules very quickly. 161 00:14:41,370 --> 00:14:43,570 We'll get into this a bit more later. 162 00:14:43,860 --> 00:14:50,110 And one thing I'd like to note here you'll see this word default at the prompt. 163 00:14:50,130 --> 00:14:54,420 This is not anything to do with the module you have loaded. 164 00:14:54,420 --> 00:15:00,600 This is actually one of the work spaces that you can have loaded within the framework will cover workspaces 165 00:15:00,600 --> 00:15:01,140 shortly. 166 00:15:01,140 --> 00:15:04,140 But I wanted to point this out to avoid confusion. 167 00:15:04,140 --> 00:15:09,740 You can also back out of a particular module by typing back. 168 00:15:09,740 --> 00:15:16,160 So there's basically three ways to load a module from within recon and g the first two commands are 169 00:15:16,160 --> 00:15:22,470 a use and load either one of these will work. 170 00:15:22,470 --> 00:15:28,590 We could do load and just let's say 171 00:15:32,770 --> 00:15:45,620 recon domains hosts being domain web and that brings up the Bing domain web module. 172 00:15:45,810 --> 00:15:55,690 Now if we go back out of this for a moment if we know what the name of a module is and there aren't 173 00:15:55,690 --> 00:16:02,470 multiple modules that use the same name we can just use the use command to very quickly load up a module 174 00:16:02,740 --> 00:16:07,270 without having to type out the entire path such as with the load command. 175 00:16:07,270 --> 00:16:17,050 So for example use profiler will bring us directly into the profile and profile our module. 176 00:16:17,230 --> 00:16:23,490 And please note that the module you have loaded will always appear to the to the right of your workspace 177 00:16:23,490 --> 00:16:24,910 in the prompt. 178 00:16:24,910 --> 00:16:29,760 So the structure of the prompt is pretty simple it just tells you the first entry is that recon and 179 00:16:29,760 --> 00:16:31,360 G is what we're working with. 180 00:16:31,540 --> 00:16:36,560 The second entry which is currently default will show you the name of the workspace you're using. 181 00:16:36,700 --> 00:16:38,240 Again more on that in a minute. 182 00:16:38,410 --> 00:16:42,550 And the third entry will always be the module that you're currently running. 183 00:16:42,550 --> 00:16:45,010 So on the subject of work spaces. 184 00:16:45,190 --> 00:16:52,740 This is a quick concept I'm going to need to go over a workspace is basically just a separate location 185 00:16:52,770 --> 00:16:57,230 that you can setup to store all of your data for a specific target. 186 00:16:57,230 --> 00:17:02,850 And this would be handy if you're doing multiple tests against several different targets and it keeps 187 00:17:03,000 --> 00:17:08,180 all of the databases that you build up within recon energy nicely organized. 188 00:17:08,400 --> 00:17:14,430 You really don't want several different sets of data bases that are unrelated to exist in the same default 189 00:17:14,430 --> 00:17:21,240 profile because then you'll start pulling up totally unrelated and dare I say highly wonky results. 190 00:17:21,420 --> 00:17:29,930 So I'm just going to back out of profiler and clear the screen just to make things nice and neat. 191 00:17:30,000 --> 00:17:33,950 So like I said this word default means that we're in the default workspace. 192 00:17:33,960 --> 00:17:34,980 That's no good. 193 00:17:34,980 --> 00:17:39,580 We don't want to use that or things will get very messy very quickly. 194 00:17:40,380 --> 00:17:49,360 Let's go ahead and type work spaces list and hit enter and that'll bring up a list of the work spaces 195 00:17:49,360 --> 00:18:02,540 that we have set up which is currently just default so to add a new workspace we're gonna do work spaces 196 00:18:02,720 --> 00:18:05,560 add and you can call it whatever you want. 197 00:18:05,570 --> 00:18:11,470 It's generally a good policy to name it after whatever your target is. 198 00:18:11,570 --> 00:18:21,130 For instance if you were researching the Disney corporation you might want to name it Disney for right 199 00:18:21,130 --> 00:18:23,150 now I'm just going to name it. 200 00:18:23,260 --> 00:18:23,850 Class 201 00:18:30,000 --> 00:18:38,790 that spit out a few errors because I don't have a complete list of API so I don't have the jigsaw and 202 00:18:38,940 --> 00:18:41,610 POMALYST api keys entered. 203 00:18:41,610 --> 00:18:46,770 But you probably won't get any errors and if you do it's no big deal. 204 00:18:46,770 --> 00:18:54,240 So now if we do work spaces list again we can see that class has been added to our table. 205 00:18:54,240 --> 00:19:00,330 Notice also that the prompt has now changed indicating that we are in the work space that we have just 206 00:19:00,330 --> 00:19:09,870 created any data we enter or find using the various modules and recon Angie will be unique to this workspace 207 00:19:09,880 --> 00:19:18,180 that will be separate from other workspaces that we create and will have its own databases that will 208 00:19:18,180 --> 00:19:24,390 not bleed over when we conduct searches using other workspaces or the default workspace 209 00:19:27,490 --> 00:19:32,320 so the last thing I'll say about work spaces for right now is that it's worth pointing out that whenever 210 00:19:32,320 --> 00:19:39,370 you create a new workspace an actual folder for that workspace is created within the recon energy directory 211 00:19:39,730 --> 00:19:46,180 and that folder will contain the unique database specific to that workspace that you built of over time. 212 00:19:46,270 --> 00:19:56,710 So I'm actually going to back out of recon and G and I may do C.T. recon in G and if I do. 213 00:19:56,820 --> 00:20:06,230 Alas can see there's a workspaces folder so will seedy workspaces unless again and there are work spaces 214 00:20:06,230 --> 00:20:12,810 for class and default and within the class folder is our database. 215 00:20:12,980 --> 00:20:14,580 So that's where it's stored. 216 00:20:14,600 --> 00:20:21,440 If you want to make any changes if you want to take it if you want to take your database and import 217 00:20:21,440 --> 00:20:30,620 it into recon and on another computer for example it's useful to remember these are the basic fundamentals 218 00:20:30,620 --> 00:20:32,880 of using a workspace. 219 00:20:32,900 --> 00:20:41,460 So with that all being said let's go ahead and restart recon and G OK and we'll go back to the workspace 220 00:20:41,480 --> 00:20:48,460 that we created with Workspace select glass 221 00:20:52,230 --> 00:20:54,710 and now we're in the class workspace. 222 00:20:54,720 --> 00:21:01,170 So now we're ready to begin working with the actual modules to gather input from various domains and 223 00:21:01,170 --> 00:21:03,720 use output for the hosts. 224 00:21:03,720 --> 00:21:08,720 Now we're ready to begin working with the modules to gather actual data. 225 00:21:08,760 --> 00:21:18,130 First off let's go ahead and list off the recon modules we're going to once again do show modules recon. 226 00:21:19,200 --> 00:21:21,750 And we're going to scroll up to find our module 227 00:21:34,820 --> 00:21:39,490 which in this case is going to be being domain Webb. 228 00:21:39,530 --> 00:21:46,760 Actually this is a good moment to point out that each module the module center contains both its input 229 00:21:46,790 --> 00:21:56,480 and output an information in this case it's going to be taking inputs from the domain tables and it 230 00:21:56,480 --> 00:22:00,110 will put the outputs into hosts. 231 00:22:00,290 --> 00:22:05,870 This will become more clear as we go along but it's just a little something to remember and come back 232 00:22:05,870 --> 00:22:12,410 to it'll probably make more sense on a second viewing of this video which brings us to the obvious question 233 00:22:12,770 --> 00:22:18,230 how do we input the basic information into our tables for the modules to use. 234 00:22:18,880 --> 00:22:23,450 Oh there are a couple of ways that you can do this. 235 00:22:23,630 --> 00:22:32,960 We can either set this on each module that we run or we can create a database entry with the add command. 236 00:22:33,170 --> 00:22:40,790 For example if we use the ad command we can take the target domain and add it to the database for domains 237 00:22:40,850 --> 00:22:46,580 so that every module we run will check against that listed domain. 238 00:22:46,580 --> 00:22:54,440 So to do this we're gonna do ad domains and I'm just going to pick one Disney dot com. 239 00:22:54,860 --> 00:23:04,510 And now we do show domains we can see that Disney dot com is now in our table of domains. 240 00:23:04,580 --> 00:23:08,840 The other way to set the data once we have a module loaded. 241 00:23:08,840 --> 00:23:30,360 If we go back and run let's say being a domain Web once we get that loaded if we do a show options command 242 00:23:30,930 --> 00:23:36,900 we can see that there is only one input required here and this is where you would set your input. 243 00:23:36,900 --> 00:23:41,130 If you have not already preset it to the relevant table. 244 00:23:41,130 --> 00:23:51,570 So for example we would do set source Disney dot com or whatever your relevant information is that would 245 00:23:51,570 --> 00:23:54,300 set it for this module alone. 246 00:23:54,540 --> 00:24:00,960 But since we've already added it to the database manually via the domains table we don't actually have 247 00:24:00,960 --> 00:24:02,790 to do this. 248 00:24:02,970 --> 00:24:09,420 It's just a second way if you wanted to run a particular module using a piece of information that you 249 00:24:09,420 --> 00:24:15,660 didn't want in your domains table for some reason maybe to keep your search results more narrow. 250 00:24:15,960 --> 00:24:21,450 It's also worth pointing out at this point that you can get additional information about a module that 251 00:24:21,450 --> 00:24:27,210 you currently have loaded by typing the show info command. 252 00:24:27,210 --> 00:24:33,360 This shows you who wrote the module and gives a brief description of the module shows the options that 253 00:24:33,360 --> 00:24:33,860 are needed. 254 00:24:33,870 --> 00:24:38,070 And finally shows the database that will be queried even more fun. 255 00:24:38,070 --> 00:24:45,920 You can do the show source command to see the code in Python. 256 00:24:45,940 --> 00:24:51,020 That particular module runs with if you have coding skills. 257 00:24:51,130 --> 00:24:58,690 This can be a veritable cornucopia of information about how the module works what exactly it is doing 258 00:24:58,690 --> 00:24:59,830 and so forth. 259 00:24:59,830 --> 00:25:07,300 You can see how each modules was written and you can use them as an example or a template when you write 260 00:25:07,300 --> 00:25:08,170 your own. 261 00:25:08,170 --> 00:25:11,510 Anyway now that our module is loaded and we have our data set. 262 00:25:11,530 --> 00:25:12,960 In this case our domain. 263 00:25:13,150 --> 00:25:18,000 We just need to run the module to do this. 264 00:25:18,110 --> 00:25:21,740 We just type the run command and hit enter. 265 00:25:21,760 --> 00:25:23,920 This may take some time. 266 00:25:24,110 --> 00:25:30,350 If you have a domain with a lot of subdomains and I suspect that Disney has a lot of subdomains 267 00:25:39,130 --> 00:25:45,880 this information as it's being gathered is being added to our tables each green asterisk next to an 268 00:25:45,880 --> 00:25:53,740 entry represents a new piece of information a blue asterisk is either notifying you of something or 269 00:25:53,770 --> 00:26:01,210 telling you that a piece of information that is already present within the tables has been found you'll 270 00:26:01,210 --> 00:26:04,860 also notice that it will sleep to avoid lockout. 271 00:26:04,930 --> 00:26:10,050 That's because there's a limited number of search queries with some of these modules. 272 00:26:10,150 --> 00:26:16,220 It can slow this process down a little bit but I recommend that you not change that setting. 273 00:26:16,300 --> 00:26:23,650 It can be very annoying to be locked out completely and lockouts can last up to I believe 24 hours. 274 00:26:23,650 --> 00:26:30,440 It may have gone up to 48 with some Web sites that recon and she queries. 275 00:26:30,560 --> 00:26:33,860 You also won't necessarily be told if you get locked out. 276 00:26:33,860 --> 00:26:39,350 So if you find that your search queries are running and you're not getting any results and you know 277 00:26:39,350 --> 00:26:47,270 you should be consider trying again after about 24 hours of past if you've been running a module excessively 278 00:26:47,600 --> 00:26:51,350 against certain Web sites without limiting your thread count. 279 00:26:51,350 --> 00:26:51,640 All right. 280 00:26:51,650 --> 00:26:55,070 So it looks like we found quite a lot of information. 281 00:26:55,190 --> 00:26:57,950 So if we do these show hosts command 282 00:27:00,630 --> 00:27:04,720 and we pulled up quite a lot of subdomains. 283 00:27:08,400 --> 00:27:13,330 Now you'll notice that at the moment we only have the name of the host. 284 00:27:13,350 --> 00:27:20,970 The row I.D. and the module that was used to find it the IP address region country and coordinates are 285 00:27:20,970 --> 00:27:25,200 not yet included but we'll be getting those pretty soon now. 286 00:27:25,230 --> 00:27:30,150 We could have done this all manually we could have looked up each one of these and added them to a table 287 00:27:30,810 --> 00:27:33,390 individually just like this. 288 00:27:33,390 --> 00:27:35,960 That's the beauty of open source intelligence programs. 289 00:27:35,970 --> 00:27:38,340 All of this information is available out there. 290 00:27:38,940 --> 00:27:45,870 However as we go along our database tables will improve as more and more information fills up inside 291 00:27:45,870 --> 00:27:47,730 them. 292 00:27:47,730 --> 00:27:54,420 And for this reason it is sometimes advantageous to run the same module several times at different points 293 00:27:54,450 --> 00:27:56,730 during your research process. 294 00:27:56,730 --> 00:28:00,770 We just ran big being web domain. 295 00:28:00,780 --> 00:28:09,420 Now if we run some of the other modules that relate to finding hosts and finding domains then our tables 296 00:28:09,420 --> 00:28:16,490 will improve those modules may find things that Bing domain Web did not find. 297 00:28:16,530 --> 00:28:22,860 And then if we go back and run Bing domain Web again later in this process we may get still more results. 298 00:28:22,860 --> 00:28:27,840 But that's just something to keep in mind we don't need to worry about being that fastidious just for 299 00:28:27,840 --> 00:28:29,260 this tutorial. 300 00:28:29,280 --> 00:28:35,880 So now let's go ahead and start filling in those additional fields that I mentioned such as IP address 301 00:28:35,880 --> 00:28:37,500 region and country et cetera. 302 00:28:37,530 --> 00:28:42,180 We'll start by focusing on how to get a hold of the IP address for the host. 303 00:28:42,270 --> 00:28:56,270 There's a good module for this we can use that as cold resolve so we'll just use resolve. 304 00:28:56,400 --> 00:29:06,360 Pardon me use recon hosts hosts resolve would help if I spelled it right. 305 00:29:06,360 --> 00:29:09,740 Wouldn't it. 306 00:29:09,740 --> 00:29:10,160 There we go. 307 00:29:11,230 --> 00:29:12,310 OK. 308 00:29:12,410 --> 00:29:13,550 Sorry about that. 309 00:29:13,550 --> 00:29:15,200 So we have the module loaded. 310 00:29:15,290 --> 00:29:16,570 Let's go ahead and run it 311 00:29:19,490 --> 00:29:27,950 and we can see that it's pulling up IP addresses for each of those subdomains that we found or hosts 312 00:29:27,950 --> 00:29:32,330 rather pardon me. 313 00:29:32,390 --> 00:29:37,630 So now if we do show hosts Well there we go. 314 00:29:37,630 --> 00:29:44,620 We now have all of these IP addresses included in our database. 315 00:29:44,630 --> 00:29:48,380 So now let's go ahead and fill in the rest of those blanks. 316 00:29:48,380 --> 00:29:49,920 We have the IP address. 317 00:29:49,940 --> 00:29:53,700 Let's find out where on earth that corresponds to. 318 00:29:53,960 --> 00:29:55,450 There's a useful module for this. 319 00:29:55,460 --> 00:30:07,410 We'll use free geo ip and if we do show info you can see that it uses IP addresses as the input since 320 00:30:07,410 --> 00:30:10,290 we already have that in our database. 321 00:30:10,290 --> 00:30:12,530 All we need to do is type run. 322 00:30:12,900 --> 00:30:18,840 And again you could set this individually if you wanted to limit your results to a single IP address 323 00:30:19,250 --> 00:30:23,780 you would use the set command here and just simply use a single IP. 324 00:30:23,790 --> 00:30:38,870 But we're gonna go ahead and check them all and now it's pulling up location data. 325 00:30:38,900 --> 00:30:46,530 Now if we do show hosts again while our table has become a little bit muddled and that will happen we 326 00:30:46,530 --> 00:30:47,840 can make this pretty later. 327 00:30:47,850 --> 00:30:48,450 Don't worry. 328 00:30:48,450 --> 00:31:00,230 But for right now we can see that almost all of these produced a result we have the location country 329 00:31:00,350 --> 00:31:01,820 latitude longitude 330 00:31:06,010 --> 00:31:11,500 hopefully this example gives you an idea of how you develop information about your target. 331 00:31:11,860 --> 00:31:17,260 The more information you uncover the bigger your databases become more your subsequent usage of various 332 00:31:17,260 --> 00:31:23,590 modules will uncover so it may seem tedious at first starting with just a small amount of information 333 00:31:23,590 --> 00:31:30,130 like but like a row of falling dominoes one thing leads to another pretty quickly and pretty soon your 334 00:31:30,130 --> 00:31:36,130 search will blossom into a large trove of information before even before you know it they'll have a 335 00:31:36,130 --> 00:31:43,030 huge picture of the activities of your target locations habits all of this data is coming without having 336 00:31:43,030 --> 00:31:46,980 to set foot on their property or sending any packets to their servers. 337 00:31:46,990 --> 00:31:52,910 It's all open source so let's take a look at the other tables in the database. 338 00:31:52,910 --> 00:32:03,110 The locations if we do a quick show locations we can see that it currently does not have any data. 339 00:32:04,560 --> 00:32:10,440 One of the other modules we want to use is the reverse geo code using the latitude and longitude that 340 00:32:10,440 --> 00:32:12,550 we have already obtained. 341 00:32:12,600 --> 00:32:17,400 So the module that we were going to use for this is called 342 00:32:19,750 --> 00:32:22,230 reverse geo code 343 00:32:25,360 --> 00:32:32,840 where you show info you can see that it needs latitude and longitude which we already have. 344 00:32:32,890 --> 00:32:38,240 I think we need to add them individually for this one but let's go ahead and try running it first. 345 00:32:38,260 --> 00:32:40,210 This may not work. 346 00:32:40,210 --> 00:32:46,480 Yeah it has to be added individually some modules will not automatically check your database if you 347 00:32:46,480 --> 00:32:47,960 get an error like this. 348 00:32:48,160 --> 00:32:54,520 You will have to add the individual pieces of information to the module. 349 00:32:54,640 --> 00:32:57,200 It's just the way the module is designed. 350 00:32:57,400 --> 00:33:04,300 So we're going to add some of these two are locations table so we do add locations. 351 00:33:06,170 --> 00:33:08,570 And I'm just going to do one of these to start out with. 352 00:33:08,570 --> 00:33:10,970 We're going to do our latitude. 353 00:33:10,970 --> 00:33:12,430 We will copy it. 354 00:33:15,140 --> 00:33:16,280 And paste 355 00:33:19,100 --> 00:33:23,180 and now we're going to do our longitude. 356 00:33:23,300 --> 00:33:25,280 Same deal copy 357 00:33:29,050 --> 00:33:30,670 paste. 358 00:33:30,670 --> 00:33:32,490 We don't have the street address yet. 359 00:33:32,500 --> 00:33:35,530 That's what we're trying to find out so we're gonna leave this blank. 360 00:33:35,540 --> 00:33:39,770 We'll just press enter and now we're gonna go ahead and run it. 361 00:33:44,870 --> 00:33:45,390 OK. 362 00:33:45,460 --> 00:33:51,610 Show hosts I'm sorry show locations. 363 00:33:51,610 --> 00:33:52,730 And there we go. 364 00:33:52,730 --> 00:33:57,770 Now we have an actual street address to go with that information so as you can see this is pretty easy 365 00:33:57,770 --> 00:33:59,020 sometimes. 366 00:33:59,900 --> 00:34:06,380 These modules will not pull up the relevant information I actually had that happen during a previous 367 00:34:06,380 --> 00:34:13,400 attempt to record this class where a couple of these a latitude and longitude just simply did not produce 368 00:34:13,400 --> 00:34:16,340 a result and that was simply a failure of the module. 369 00:34:16,430 --> 00:34:20,150 But in the vast majority of cases you will get information back. 370 00:34:20,150 --> 00:34:21,940 So just be patient. 371 00:34:21,950 --> 00:34:25,190 Keep trying it does occasionally take multiple tries. 372 00:34:25,190 --> 00:34:28,940 If a module fails it doesn't hurt to run it twice. 373 00:34:28,940 --> 00:34:31,930 I've actually had it succeed on a second attempt. 374 00:34:32,030 --> 00:34:37,850 So here we go all the basic information we were looking for. 375 00:34:37,850 --> 00:34:38,300 All right. 376 00:34:39,140 --> 00:34:43,110 So the next table we're going to look at is called push pins. 377 00:34:43,160 --> 00:34:49,220 This is one of the more fun aspects of recon and gee it's also one of the creepier aspects of recon 378 00:34:49,250 --> 00:34:57,540 energy and open source intelligence in general and you'll see why shortly with push pins Well we can 379 00:34:57,540 --> 00:35:06,340 collect data from sites like flicker YouTube Instagram and we can actually put that info up on a map. 380 00:35:06,570 --> 00:35:15,210 For example if you use push pin module for flicker it will connect to flicker using the GOP data that 381 00:35:15,210 --> 00:35:21,990 we have already obtained and pull down any photos related to that particular location within a certain 382 00:35:21,990 --> 00:35:23,490 radius of it. 383 00:35:23,610 --> 00:35:27,190 It will take the data and plot it out for you on the map. 384 00:35:27,380 --> 00:35:28,530 So we'll show you what I mean. 385 00:35:28,530 --> 00:35:32,670 We're going to go ahead and we're going to use flicker 386 00:35:35,340 --> 00:35:42,450 and we'll do show info you can see that it requires inputs from latitude and longitude which we have 387 00:35:42,510 --> 00:35:44,670 already input it. 388 00:35:44,760 --> 00:35:49,700 We could put in more but that would result in a lot of options and it would take a lot of time. 389 00:35:49,700 --> 00:35:56,780 So for simplicity's sake we're just going to use the one set of coordinates and now we're just going 390 00:35:56,780 --> 00:35:59,040 to go ahead and we're going to run this module 391 00:36:03,030 --> 00:36:11,970 and we can see that it's finding a lot of photographs that are associated with this set of coordinates 392 00:36:12,390 --> 00:36:17,880 and this number would be a great deal more if we were using all of the coordinates that we had pulled 393 00:36:17,880 --> 00:36:18,480 up. 394 00:36:18,690 --> 00:36:23,760 And it's true that not all of these would be relevant and I should also mention that this is being done 395 00:36:23,760 --> 00:36:28,750 through the API key that we entered for flicker worked 1000 photos already. 396 00:36:28,920 --> 00:36:34,920 As you can see this takes some time and if you're using a lot of locations it will take even longer. 397 00:36:34,920 --> 00:36:45,650 It's generally best to keep your search somewhat narrow if you include many disparate locations your 398 00:36:45,650 --> 00:36:49,440 map information is going to be a jumbled mess. 399 00:36:49,440 --> 00:36:56,740 I'm actually going to go ahead and make a pause to the video once we get up to about a foul 3000 photographs 400 00:36:58,970 --> 00:37:04,580 just in the interest of not taking up too much time with this process. 401 00:37:04,580 --> 00:37:05,420 OK. 402 00:37:05,450 --> 00:37:15,530 Well four thousand two hundred and six total push pins were found or thirty three thousand two hundred 403 00:37:15,530 --> 00:37:24,160 and fifty photos Yeah I am I will say that you won't normally find this many from a search. 404 00:37:24,160 --> 00:37:33,230 And the reason this number is so high is because Disney in any case this will certainly do for an example. 405 00:37:33,280 --> 00:37:38,890 So now that we have the data let's go ahead and run one of the reporting modules and see what it looks 406 00:37:38,890 --> 00:37:42,290 like when everything is nicely plotted out on a map. 407 00:37:42,310 --> 00:37:43,180 So 408 00:37:46,660 --> 00:37:55,060 let's go ahead and use reporting push pen show options 409 00:37:58,170 --> 00:38:04,800 so we're going to narrow down our search a bit more by getting specific latitude and longitude that 410 00:38:04,800 --> 00:38:06,120 we used for 411 00:38:09,190 --> 00:38:10,780 just this location 412 00:38:13,280 --> 00:38:16,910 set latitude 413 00:38:23,320 --> 00:38:25,510 we can copy and paste 414 00:38:28,660 --> 00:38:32,540 set the longitude. 415 00:38:32,590 --> 00:38:36,000 Pardon me for being imprecise 416 00:38:50,400 --> 00:38:57,720 and now we don't want to come up with an excessive number of results because we got a lot of push pens 417 00:38:58,230 --> 00:39:04,320 from this search and once again you will not find so many in the vast majority of cases only with very 418 00:39:04,320 --> 00:39:09,870 large corporations such as Disney would you tend to find so many push pens. 419 00:39:09,870 --> 00:39:18,660 So we're going to set the radius of our search to one and that will narrow down the results to the specific 420 00:39:18,660 --> 00:39:23,160 area on the map and now we're gonna go ahead and run it. 421 00:39:26,180 --> 00:39:28,630 Now it's going to open our browser window. 422 00:39:28,630 --> 00:39:31,630 And forgive me that this is excessively slow sometimes. 423 00:39:31,630 --> 00:39:38,860 This module is very slow to assemble a map particularly with so many different push pin results and 424 00:39:38,860 --> 00:39:43,110 photographs to plot so it's creating the map. 425 00:39:43,110 --> 00:39:47,600 Now it should just take a moment and here we go. 426 00:39:47,630 --> 00:39:50,230 We can see that all the data has been plotted out on the map. 427 00:39:51,800 --> 00:39:55,960 Two different windows that go with this particular module. 428 00:39:56,000 --> 00:39:57,770 This is the media reporting. 429 00:39:57,770 --> 00:40:04,800 You can scroll down this list and see the individual entries and there's the push pins map. 430 00:40:04,980 --> 00:40:07,680 And this is the radius that we set radius 1. 431 00:40:07,680 --> 00:40:11,520 So everything within this radius is relevant to our search. 432 00:40:11,520 --> 00:40:14,990 Now again you won't get this many results. 433 00:40:15,000 --> 00:40:21,290 I chose Disney and that's why we're seeing so many different geo tags. 434 00:40:21,510 --> 00:40:24,930 A smaller company will definitely have more focused results. 435 00:40:24,930 --> 00:40:28,860 And this is what I meant earlier when I said this is kind of creepy because if you know what you're 436 00:40:28,860 --> 00:40:33,430 doing you can actually track people down like this. 437 00:40:33,540 --> 00:40:42,180 You can see in essence where they've been where they took a particular photo. 438 00:40:42,460 --> 00:40:45,880 You can track their patterns and their movements. 439 00:40:45,880 --> 00:40:49,730 And this is the way the Internet in the way of open source intelligence gathering. 440 00:40:49,960 --> 00:40:56,290 People are just not careful about what they post online and they're not sensible about what information 441 00:40:56,290 --> 00:41:02,920 might be included with those posts even geo tags for simple photographs. 442 00:41:02,980 --> 00:41:13,350 And of course we could click on individual pins and get more information but you get the general idea. 443 00:41:13,510 --> 00:41:20,410 Also this module that we're using was just limited to flicker but if we included for example the Instagram 444 00:41:20,410 --> 00:41:28,480 module this would be also included down here and we could uncheck a particular module in this case flicker 445 00:41:28,490 --> 00:41:35,470 tune again get rid of all of the plotted results for that module to help narrow things down further. 446 00:41:35,470 --> 00:41:40,900 And so as you can see there is a wealth of information that can be pulled up with recon energy and like 447 00:41:40,900 --> 00:41:42,520 the multi go tutorial. 448 00:41:42,520 --> 00:41:48,190 This is really just scratching the surface of what you can do if you practice and play around with this 449 00:41:48,190 --> 00:41:48,690 tool. 450 00:41:48,700 --> 00:41:54,900 I guarantee you'll be able to pull up far more information than this and all of this is open source. 451 00:41:54,910 --> 00:41:56,260 It's free. 452 00:41:56,380 --> 00:41:58,540 It's nicely organized for you. 453 00:41:58,540 --> 00:42:05,380 And as you play around with the various modules you'll be able to find ultimately almost any piece of 454 00:42:05,380 --> 00:42:09,700 information that you might be looking for on either a person or a company. 455 00:42:09,700 --> 00:42:10,840 It's all out there. 456 00:42:10,840 --> 00:42:18,080 So I'm going to close this for the moment and the last aspect of recon energy I want to touch upon before 457 00:42:18,080 --> 00:42:24,280 I close out this introduction is the use of snapshots snapshots. 458 00:42:24,320 --> 00:42:28,980 Essentially let you take a quick backup of your current workspace. 459 00:42:29,030 --> 00:42:32,300 You can then restore from a snapshot if you need to. 460 00:42:32,300 --> 00:42:37,610 So let's say for example that you've gathered a lot of data and now you want to run a new experimental 461 00:42:37,610 --> 00:42:40,420 module that you've never run before. 462 00:42:40,430 --> 00:42:44,900 This module might corrupt your database with a lot of useless junk. 463 00:42:44,960 --> 00:42:51,320 So before you run that you might want to take a snapshot of your current workspace and backup all your 464 00:42:51,320 --> 00:42:55,910 databases very quickly so that you can revert back if anything goes wrong. 465 00:42:57,260 --> 00:43:00,290 So help snapshots 466 00:43:09,380 --> 00:43:18,030 sorry need to be in the right context menu help snapshots gives us our arguments. 467 00:43:18,030 --> 00:43:21,540 So we're gonna do snapshots list. 468 00:43:21,540 --> 00:43:34,020 We don't have any yet no notice workspaces no snapshots so snapshots take if we list 469 00:43:40,420 --> 00:43:40,850 sorry. 470 00:43:44,070 --> 00:43:48,840 We can see that we now have one that we could load up if we needed to 471 00:44:06,200 --> 00:44:08,320 and it's as easy as that. 472 00:44:08,510 --> 00:44:14,870 And you can take multiple snapshots throughout a reconnaissance project all for the same workspace if 473 00:44:14,870 --> 00:44:22,280 at any point you find that a particular search has given new york databases an influx of completely 474 00:44:22,280 --> 00:44:27,410 irrelevant information which can happen which is then cluttering up your searches. 475 00:44:27,410 --> 00:44:34,250 It's very easy to revert back without having to start the entire process over again in a new workspace 476 00:44:34,580 --> 00:44:39,440 or having to edit your databases which let's face it can be quite painful. 477 00:44:41,320 --> 00:44:46,930 Before I close out this section of the tutorial though I'd like to show you what you can do with all 478 00:44:46,930 --> 00:44:47,580 of this data. 479 00:44:47,620 --> 00:44:54,700 Once you've assembled it so it's actually very easy to take all of this disparate information and assemble 480 00:44:54,700 --> 00:44:59,460 it into a a nicely readable format. 481 00:44:59,500 --> 00:45:04,480 So what we're gonna do is we're gonna use one of the many reporting modules that comes with recon energy 482 00:45:04,480 --> 00:45:06,810 and this will assemble all of that data for you. 483 00:45:06,810 --> 00:45:15,960 So let's go ahead and first off show and launch rules reporting we have quite a few choices. 484 00:45:16,060 --> 00:45:25,470 I'm going to use the H Tam l version use reporting punched in the mouth and now we're gonna do show 485 00:45:25,560 --> 00:45:39,220 options so we're gonna set it creator to Udemy the customer student. 486 00:45:39,810 --> 00:45:46,470 And as you notice the file name is the path where the report will be generated. 487 00:45:46,470 --> 00:45:53,220 So in this case it would be placed in the work spaces folder that we've created under recon and G but 488 00:45:53,240 --> 00:45:56,820 I'm going to change that to the desktop set 489 00:45:59,180 --> 00:46:10,460 route desktop Disney dot HD PML and now we're gonna go ahead and run the reporting module and this is 490 00:46:10,460 --> 00:46:12,310 generated the report for us. 491 00:46:12,320 --> 00:46:21,310 So I'm going to minimize recon and G in here it is and then a double click this and this will open up 492 00:46:21,310 --> 00:46:27,530 the file in our web browser. 493 00:46:27,830 --> 00:46:29,060 And here we go. 494 00:46:29,060 --> 00:46:33,650 A nicely assembled report of all of the information that we've pulled up. 495 00:46:33,800 --> 00:46:40,130 Now of course we only ran a few of the modules that came with recon energy which is demonstrated in 496 00:46:40,130 --> 00:46:45,250 the summary here and in the categories that the report generated for us. 497 00:46:45,470 --> 00:46:54,380 So we can see from our search all of the hosts that we found their coordinates their locations the fact 498 00:46:54,380 --> 00:46:58,090 that we which which module we used 499 00:47:10,280 --> 00:47:13,700 we can see which domains we searched which in this case was only the one 500 00:47:16,780 --> 00:47:18,230 the locations that we pulled up 501 00:47:25,320 --> 00:47:29,310 and as you can see from the summary a great deal of information can be assembled. 502 00:47:29,410 --> 00:47:37,080 And this is of course what you're seeing is limited to the modules that came prepackaged with recon 503 00:47:37,080 --> 00:47:37,850 energy. 504 00:47:37,930 --> 00:47:45,580 I mentioned at the start of this tutorial that the Facebook and linked in modules are currently being 505 00:47:46,310 --> 00:47:50,230 recreated as it were as they had some problems. 506 00:47:50,260 --> 00:47:58,660 So with those modules in use as well as others you can generate a picture of your target. 507 00:47:58,670 --> 00:48:08,640 That would include all of the employees in a particular corporation how they interrelate their contacts 508 00:48:09,120 --> 00:48:15,210 their credentials and you can take this information and you can run it through other open source intelligence 509 00:48:15,210 --> 00:48:20,310 tools to see how individuals within a corporation interrelate. 510 00:48:20,340 --> 00:48:27,540 That's a very good use of multi go to see how the credentials linked to specific individuals and so 511 00:48:27,540 --> 00:48:28,000 forth. 512 00:48:28,710 --> 00:48:36,450 So really the sky is the limit in terms of what you can discover about corporations people really anything 513 00:48:36,450 --> 00:48:37,430 you can search for. 514 00:48:37,440 --> 00:48:44,990 And as you find more information you're able to refine the questions that you ask. 515 00:48:45,120 --> 00:48:46,400 And this is very important. 516 00:48:46,410 --> 00:48:52,890 If you look into something in a very general way you're likely to pull up a great deal of information 517 00:48:52,920 --> 00:48:55,380 and not a lot of it will be really useful. 518 00:48:55,380 --> 00:48:59,390 But as you assemble a picture you can focus your search. 519 00:48:59,460 --> 00:49:06,370 And by doing that you can really find out the inner details that you really want to know. 520 00:49:06,410 --> 00:49:12,720 So going to go ahead and close out of the reporting module for the moment and I'm going to show you 521 00:49:12,720 --> 00:49:22,480 one final tool of recon Angie and that is the ability to run scripts. 522 00:49:22,480 --> 00:49:29,800 So this script is very simple it's just a list of all the commands that you saw me run during the tutorial 523 00:49:30,700 --> 00:49:38,290 and you can actually load recon energy using this script or any other script that you write and it will 524 00:49:38,320 --> 00:49:46,000 automatically run through each of these steps one by one it can be very handy if you're conducting research 525 00:49:46,030 --> 00:49:54,160 against multiple different targets to have these scripts you just load an instance of recon energy with 526 00:49:54,160 --> 00:50:00,600 one script and then you can load another and all you would do is we might change the name of the workspace. 527 00:50:00,610 --> 00:50:05,070 So anyway it's a useful thing to know so I'll demonstrate it now. 528 00:50:07,170 --> 00:50:12,810 So to show this off we're in a fresh instance of recon energy and the command that we're looking for 529 00:50:12,810 --> 00:50:14,520 is called resource. 530 00:50:14,520 --> 00:50:23,670 So we're going to help resource in the root context menu and we can see that the resource command simply 531 00:50:23,670 --> 00:50:28,230 requires a file name in this case the path to the script that we want to run. 532 00:50:28,890 --> 00:50:36,470 So we're going to do resource groups desktop and I named it script and we press center 533 00:50:39,400 --> 00:50:44,650 and now it's going to run through all of the commands one by one that you saw me use throughout the 534 00:50:44,650 --> 00:50:46,750 course of this tutorial. 535 00:50:47,080 --> 00:50:49,540 And it's not really necessary to showcase all of this. 536 00:50:49,540 --> 00:50:50,800 You get the idea. 537 00:50:51,070 --> 00:50:56,260 And when this concludes a report will be generated on the desktop just as before. 538 00:50:56,260 --> 00:50:58,930 Because I told the script to do that. 539 00:50:58,930 --> 00:51:03,530 So it's not really necessary to showcase all of this is this is all something you've seen. 540 00:51:03,790 --> 00:51:06,390 So I will close out the tutorial here. 541 00:51:06,400 --> 00:51:12,040 I hope you enjoyed it and that you have a lot of success with recon Angie. 542 00:51:12,250 --> 00:51:12,700 Thank you.