1 00:00:00,720 --> 00:00:03,290 Welcome to part two of this module. 2 00:00:03,300 --> 00:00:10,860 Last time we looked at the basics of virtual private servers what they are the simplest and most graphical 3 00:00:10,860 --> 00:00:12,220 way to connect. 4 00:00:12,360 --> 00:00:15,720 And a quick rundown on how to subscribe and set one up. 5 00:00:15,720 --> 00:00:23,010 Now we'll be taking a deeper dive into various ways we can connect to one in the last video we saw no 6 00:00:23,010 --> 00:00:31,080 machine used it was mentioned a few times but there are other ways that we can connect to a VPN is one 7 00:00:31,080 --> 00:00:34,830 such way is through a command line SSA H. 8 00:00:35,070 --> 00:00:42,210 This can be done in Cali from the terminal or by downloading a very simple tool called putty in windows. 9 00:00:42,210 --> 00:00:45,470 We'll be looking at both methods starting with the command line. 10 00:00:45,510 --> 00:00:53,870 However there is something that we need to do first Kelly Linux does not always allow route SSA connections 11 00:00:53,870 --> 00:00:59,810 by default on some version distributions it does on some. 12 00:00:59,810 --> 00:01:01,040 It does not. 13 00:01:01,190 --> 00:01:02,790 It is very easy to enable. 14 00:01:02,810 --> 00:01:10,880 However this may be a bit of a catch 22 in some cases which is to say if your VPN Provider limits you 15 00:01:10,880 --> 00:01:19,010 to SSA H initially and you install Cally as your operating system or upgrade Debian directly into Cali 16 00:01:19,340 --> 00:01:24,500 which is something that we'll be looking at how to do a little later in this module then you might be 17 00:01:24,500 --> 00:01:26,240 in for a bit of bother. 18 00:01:26,240 --> 00:01:32,600 All we really need to do is enable the option and a good CPS provider that offers Cali as one of its 19 00:01:32,600 --> 00:01:35,110 options will have done this for you by default. 20 00:01:35,660 --> 00:01:37,840 But in the event they did not. 21 00:01:37,850 --> 00:01:39,980 Here's what we do. 22 00:01:39,980 --> 00:01:45,620 Begin by opening up the terminal and now we're going to enter a few simple commands. 23 00:01:45,620 --> 00:01:57,440 First we're gonna do sudo system's CTO enable S S H dot service and the pseudo isn't really necessary 24 00:01:57,440 --> 00:02:04,820 in Cali but it will be necessary if you're using an upgraded version of Debian or rather if you converted 25 00:02:04,850 --> 00:02:17,960 Debian into Cowley and next we're going to do sudo system CTO restart test S HD to restart the service 26 00:02:19,000 --> 00:02:21,270 but we're not quite done yet. 27 00:02:21,310 --> 00:02:30,460 We're gonna need to do nano or the editor of your choice forward slash Etsy forward slash SS age forward 28 00:02:30,460 --> 00:02:37,330 slash s h d underscore config. 29 00:02:37,370 --> 00:02:42,560 Now we're gonna scroll down to where it says permit route log in. 30 00:02:42,560 --> 00:02:43,300 Yes 31 00:02:48,250 --> 00:02:57,060 if this has a pound sign in front of it that means that it's been commented out like so if that's the 32 00:02:57,060 --> 00:02:57,840 case. 33 00:02:57,900 --> 00:03:05,830 Simply remove the pound sign if permit route log in says no instead of yes. 34 00:03:06,000 --> 00:03:09,960 Simply change it to yes when you're done. 35 00:03:09,960 --> 00:03:17,950 Go ahead and save and then exit save the modified buffer. 36 00:03:18,500 --> 00:03:19,290 Yes. 37 00:03:19,400 --> 00:03:25,710 Now as I said most beeps providers that offer Cally will have this already enabled by default. 38 00:03:26,000 --> 00:03:29,820 But that's what you do in cases where it is not. 39 00:03:29,840 --> 00:03:34,700 So now having done that let's go ahead and shut down our no machine 40 00:03:37,410 --> 00:03:42,830 and we'll come over here and I've gone ahead and I've launched Cowley and virtual box. 41 00:03:42,870 --> 00:03:50,400 However the procedure would be the same even if we were using Cally as a regular installation or off 42 00:03:50,390 --> 00:03:58,880 a USP device will open up our terminal go ahead and maximize this and we can see that we're currently 43 00:03:58,880 --> 00:04:05,570 route at Cowley meaning that were interacting with our own machine but in a moment that's going to change 44 00:04:06,080 --> 00:04:10,360 we're going to use the command S S H. 45 00:04:10,460 --> 00:04:17,440 Actually I should say pseudo just in case you're not using Cally but some other distribution of Linux. 46 00:04:17,630 --> 00:04:25,530 SS H route at and then the IP address of your server. 47 00:04:30,520 --> 00:04:37,210 And also just a quick little reminder by the time you see this video the server will no longer be mine. 48 00:04:37,570 --> 00:04:44,410 So please don't try to use this IP address to practice anything as it will no longer be associated with 49 00:04:44,410 --> 00:04:45,980 this class. 50 00:04:46,060 --> 00:04:52,660 So once we've done this we just press enter and this may take just a moment to establish a connection. 51 00:04:52,660 --> 00:04:53,320 There we go. 52 00:04:53,950 --> 00:04:56,920 Now we're gonna need the supplier credentials. 53 00:04:56,920 --> 00:04:57,910 And there we go. 54 00:04:57,910 --> 00:05:00,860 We're now logged into our Cally Linux CPS. 55 00:05:00,910 --> 00:05:05,410 You notice that the prompt has changed where it's said route at Cowley. 56 00:05:05,410 --> 00:05:13,060 We now have route at tutorial and that's because I named this server hostname tutorial dot Carly dot 57 00:05:13,060 --> 00:05:13,830 com. 58 00:05:13,900 --> 00:05:19,150 So yours will vary but it should be whatever name you gave it when you set it up. 59 00:05:19,450 --> 00:05:22,780 So we are now connected to our Kelly machine. 60 00:05:22,780 --> 00:05:29,780 Anything we type into this terminal would be the same as it would be in normal Kelly. 61 00:05:30,220 --> 00:05:39,090 And when we're ready to exit we just simply type pegs it to disconnect not logs it back out. 62 00:05:39,090 --> 00:05:46,310 The connection has been closed and our terminal prompt has returned to route at Cowley. 63 00:05:46,440 --> 00:05:52,170 So that was one method of connecting if you wanted to do this for a Windows machine. 64 00:05:52,170 --> 00:05:56,600 For that we're going to need a tool called putty which is very simple to download. 65 00:05:56,650 --> 00:06:00,060 So for now I'm going to close out of this virtual box 66 00:06:04,790 --> 00:06:06,190 open up a new tab 67 00:06:08,860 --> 00:06:12,370 and we'll go to putty and we will download it. 68 00:06:12,520 --> 00:06:21,220 Now a quick thing to note as the Web site tells us the use of putty is illegal in countries where encryption 69 00:06:21,220 --> 00:06:22,930 is outlawed. 70 00:06:22,930 --> 00:06:30,550 If you live in such a country or if you're using putty to connect to such a country please keep this 71 00:06:30,550 --> 00:06:31,400 in mind. 72 00:06:31,420 --> 00:06:33,970 Please be lawful at all times. 73 00:06:34,860 --> 00:06:36,050 Once you've downloaded it. 74 00:06:36,090 --> 00:06:37,650 Just run the installer. 75 00:06:37,650 --> 00:06:39,150 It is very straightforward. 76 00:06:39,150 --> 00:06:41,020 There is nothing to walk through. 77 00:06:41,040 --> 00:06:47,560 I've already done this putty is installed so once you have putty installed we just double click it. 78 00:06:48,890 --> 00:06:53,490 And now we will do the same thing as we did in our Linux terminal. 79 00:06:53,510 --> 00:07:01,430 We will do routes at and then give it the IP address of our virtual private server which hopefully you 80 00:07:01,430 --> 00:07:09,730 will have handy will leave the port as 22 and click open 81 00:07:12,730 --> 00:07:20,380 and now we are being prompted to supply our password once again and there we go. 82 00:07:20,380 --> 00:07:22,960 We're logged in exactly as we were. 83 00:07:22,960 --> 00:07:30,470 As if we were using the Linux terminal except when windows and the wonderful thing about SSA H and putty 84 00:07:31,090 --> 00:07:34,740 is that both of these are very very light weight. 85 00:07:34,780 --> 00:07:42,820 In terms of system resources you can pretty much use SSA H or putty even on the oldest computers using 86 00:07:42,820 --> 00:07:52,720 the smallest Linux distro as you could in theory use something like I don't know puppy linux or tiny 87 00:07:52,720 --> 00:08:01,300 Linux or some other very small distribution of Linux on let's say a five dollar Raspberry Pi then SS 88 00:08:01,300 --> 00:08:10,030 H or putty from that into a VPN machine that has quite a bit more power and resources. 89 00:08:10,030 --> 00:08:12,520 Even the resources of a full server. 90 00:08:12,550 --> 00:08:18,610 In any case when you're done simply type exit as before. 91 00:08:19,690 --> 00:08:28,000 The final thing to be aware of and it's worth pointing out about putty is that there is a 64 bit version 92 00:08:28,000 --> 00:08:29,890 and a 32 bit version. 93 00:08:30,040 --> 00:08:36,400 So if you're using a very old laptop let's say one that you picked up at a yard sale or something like 94 00:08:36,400 --> 00:08:36,740 that. 95 00:08:36,760 --> 00:08:38,650 That is entirely disposable. 96 00:08:38,650 --> 00:08:44,580 This might be a consideration as you could then SS H into a much more powerful system. 97 00:08:44,650 --> 00:08:50,110 And I do want to mention although it is a little outside of the scope of this tutorial that you can 98 00:08:50,110 --> 00:08:57,070 setup your own virtual private server if you have a dedicated computer out there really quite easily. 99 00:08:57,070 --> 00:09:04,480 Just use the steps shown to enable SSA connections and make sure any necessary port forwarding with 100 00:09:04,480 --> 00:09:09,010 your router is setup if applicable and you're pretty much good to go. 101 00:09:09,010 --> 00:09:14,560 In any case another method of connecting is with me and c viewer. 102 00:09:14,970 --> 00:09:16,960 It's potentially even easier. 103 00:09:17,050 --> 00:09:21,220 We can't just go to our console and then click the NC viewer. 104 00:09:22,600 --> 00:09:25,460 And in this case will select each team L5 105 00:09:29,110 --> 00:09:30,730 and there we go. 106 00:09:30,730 --> 00:09:32,830 Arguably even easier than no machine. 107 00:09:32,830 --> 00:09:40,770 Although be aware that the NC viewer is extremely laggy at least I find it to be. 108 00:09:40,810 --> 00:09:47,860 This is really not my preferred method of interaction but it is graphical and it is often offered even 109 00:09:47,860 --> 00:09:50,300 when no machine support isn't. 110 00:09:50,310 --> 00:09:57,070 No machine support is a bit more rare from service to service whereas me and c viewer is pretty easy 111 00:09:57,070 --> 00:09:58,570 to setup. 112 00:09:58,600 --> 00:10:06,250 Also be aware that if you download VNS viewer and connect it would be much the same as putty and no 113 00:10:06,250 --> 00:10:07,090 machine. 114 00:10:07,090 --> 00:10:14,650 However this particular service will supply you with a unique the NC password sometimes you set this 115 00:10:14,650 --> 00:10:21,790 password up yourself at the time you sign up and sometimes the provider of the V.P. yes we'll just simply 116 00:10:21,790 --> 00:10:22,910 send you one. 117 00:10:23,080 --> 00:10:25,270 So keep that in mind. 118 00:10:25,570 --> 00:10:33,730 You'll need to use the VNS password not your regular account or Cali Linux passwords and it seems to 119 00:10:33,730 --> 00:10:36,460 have disconnected us due to idleness but that's okay. 120 00:10:36,780 --> 00:10:37,290 All right. 121 00:10:37,300 --> 00:10:38,640 That about covers it. 122 00:10:38,650 --> 00:10:45,410 These are the major methods of connecting to and interacting with your virtual private server. 123 00:10:45,430 --> 00:10:55,470 Once you have root access either via SSL H and a command line or a more graphical option you just treat 124 00:10:55,470 --> 00:10:59,130 it as a regular computer in terms of how everything works. 125 00:10:59,170 --> 00:11:02,170 If you want a piece of software on it download it. 126 00:11:02,170 --> 00:11:07,510 If you want to run a server make sure the server is on the remote machine and run it. 127 00:11:07,510 --> 00:11:13,360 Setting it up exactly as if you were running it off your home computer thank you.