1 00:00:00,120 --> 00:00:06,210 In this video, we're going to go over some ethical hacker terminologies so that when we're going over 2 00:00:06,360 --> 00:00:12,480 more information throughout the course that ties around these key terms, you're not necessarily left 3 00:00:12,480 --> 00:00:13,110 behind. 4 00:00:13,110 --> 00:00:18,050 You no one understand what these mean and what these are essentially used for. 5 00:00:18,060 --> 00:00:19,940 So let's go ahead and jump in here. 6 00:00:20,190 --> 00:00:25,590 So the first term that I want you to become aware of here is nice and simple one here. 7 00:00:25,710 --> 00:00:32,430 A threat, a threat is simply a situation that could lead to a potential breach of security. 8 00:00:32,430 --> 00:00:32,670 Right. 9 00:00:32,670 --> 00:00:36,860 Nice and simple, straightforward explanation there and exploit. 10 00:00:37,260 --> 00:00:45,180 This is a piece of software or technology that takes advantage of a bug glitch or vulnerability leading 11 00:00:45,180 --> 00:00:47,850 to unauthorized access of a system. 12 00:00:47,860 --> 00:00:48,100 Right. 13 00:00:48,450 --> 00:00:55,800 This is essentially where a hacker is getting access to a system through some type of mechanism. 14 00:00:55,800 --> 00:00:56,060 Right. 15 00:00:56,070 --> 00:01:05,100 Some type of technology, software, whatever that may be, to be able to gain unauthorized access vulnerability. 16 00:01:05,640 --> 00:01:13,860 This is the existence, right, of some type of floor design, execution, implementation within a network, 17 00:01:14,010 --> 00:01:16,440 software, whatever that may be. 18 00:01:16,440 --> 00:01:16,710 Right. 19 00:01:16,710 --> 00:01:25,020 That is actually leaving itself open to hackers that are wanting to and looking to take over the information, 20 00:01:25,020 --> 00:01:26,820 gain access, whatever that may be. 21 00:01:26,820 --> 00:01:27,170 Right. 22 00:01:27,690 --> 00:01:29,610 And then target of evaluation. 23 00:01:29,610 --> 00:01:37,060 TOEIC this is a system, a program or network that is subject of a security analysis or attack. 24 00:01:37,080 --> 00:01:44,970 So this is essentially thinking about it from the perspective of a military individual or the military 25 00:01:44,970 --> 00:01:45,300 right. 26 00:01:45,750 --> 00:01:47,510 Targets target of evaluation. 27 00:01:47,520 --> 00:01:49,200 Just think about a target, right? 28 00:01:49,440 --> 00:01:54,390 When somebody says, hey, I've seen the target, the target's over here, it's really just something 29 00:01:54,390 --> 00:02:03,150 that is telling you that this is the actual target that we're looking at taking over, going after whatever 30 00:02:03,150 --> 00:02:03,780 that may be. 31 00:02:04,050 --> 00:02:11,670 And then we have remote this is the exploit that is sent over a network and exploits security vulnerabilities 32 00:02:11,850 --> 00:02:14,700 without any prior access to the vulnerable system. 33 00:02:14,720 --> 00:02:21,930 So this is where a hacker is working essentially remotely, where they are not connected to any type 34 00:02:21,930 --> 00:02:25,290 of network and they're just working from really anywhere in the world. 35 00:02:25,500 --> 00:02:31,800 And they don't have any prior access, but they're gaining access to a system to exploit the vulnerabilities. 36 00:02:32,430 --> 00:02:39,210 And then we have local the exploit is delivered directly to the computer system or network, which requires 37 00:02:39,390 --> 00:02:43,150 prior access to the vulnerable system to increase privileges. 38 00:02:43,170 --> 00:02:49,650 Now, like I mentioned and gave you the example of the target of evaluation, a lot of these terms come 39 00:02:49,650 --> 00:02:51,680 from the military background, right? 40 00:02:52,110 --> 00:02:58,290 A lot of these terms are used in the military because they're very precise terms that are utilized in 41 00:02:58,290 --> 00:03:00,620 the physical security realm as well. 42 00:03:00,960 --> 00:03:09,390 And so they're essentially tying this over to the cyber security space so that security as a whole can 43 00:03:09,390 --> 00:03:16,170 have the same type of terms used for both the cyber security and as well as the physical security. 44 00:03:16,980 --> 00:03:22,710 And then we have here an attack, right, pretty straightforward and simple here, an attack occurs 45 00:03:22,710 --> 00:03:26,520 when a system is compromised based on its vulnerability. 46 00:03:27,060 --> 00:03:31,740 And so that's going to be here for the ethical hacker terminology, very straightforward. 47 00:03:31,860 --> 00:03:38,880 Just giving you an overview of what exactly the main key terms are for you to know as an ethical hacker, 48 00:03:39,000 --> 00:03:40,500 cybersecurity professional. 49 00:03:40,890 --> 00:03:42,060 That's going to be it for this one. 50 00:03:42,060 --> 00:03:43,380 And we'll see you on the next one.