1 00:00:00,180 --> 00:00:02,610 OK, so let's talk about personal branding. 2 00:00:03,150 --> 00:00:09,700 So previously we discussed what exactly a brand is and how it functions and the sole purpose of it. 3 00:00:10,140 --> 00:00:15,390 And so now we want to talk about personal branding, because that's where we're really concerned with 4 00:00:15,390 --> 00:00:20,580 because for the most part, when you're creating a brand, it's going to be something where it's personal. 5 00:00:20,610 --> 00:00:26,970 And so what we're going to do here is dive into what exactly the differences are between a personal 6 00:00:26,970 --> 00:00:28,710 brand and a regular brand. 7 00:00:28,710 --> 00:00:35,940 And just at a very high level, if you think about a personal brand, it's really where you are, the 8 00:00:35,940 --> 00:00:37,380 actual brand. 9 00:00:37,380 --> 00:00:37,550 Right. 10 00:00:37,590 --> 00:00:40,980 It's the same type of concept here as an actual brand. 11 00:00:41,280 --> 00:00:42,970 And so let's go ahead and jump in here. 12 00:00:43,650 --> 00:00:50,880 So just like I mentioned, a personal brand is going to be the same as an actual brand, except you 13 00:00:50,880 --> 00:00:52,800 are the brand itself. 14 00:00:52,830 --> 00:00:53,260 OK. 15 00:00:53,280 --> 00:00:56,400 And when personal branding is really about your online persona. 16 00:00:56,400 --> 00:00:56,640 Right. 17 00:00:56,640 --> 00:00:59,040 Because that's where you're going to be known. 18 00:00:59,040 --> 00:01:04,710 That's where people are going to be able to look you up on Google, look you up on various social media 19 00:01:04,710 --> 00:01:05,550 platforms. 20 00:01:05,850 --> 00:01:10,110 And so that's where you are going to be doing a lot of your branding. 21 00:01:10,110 --> 00:01:13,800 And with the personal brand, it allows the outside world right. 22 00:01:13,800 --> 00:01:20,760 Employers, potential clients to really be able to perceive your skills, your personality, your experiences 23 00:01:20,760 --> 00:01:24,750 and what you're ultimately known for as an ethical hacker. 24 00:01:25,150 --> 00:01:28,100 And so personal branding has a ton of benefits. 25 00:01:28,110 --> 00:01:34,140 And one of the things here that I want you to understand is that it really puts you into a strategic 26 00:01:34,140 --> 00:01:37,650 position to broadcast your value to the entire world. 27 00:01:37,650 --> 00:01:37,980 Right. 28 00:01:38,250 --> 00:01:41,190 As to what you bring as an ethical hacker. 29 00:01:41,370 --> 00:01:43,860 Now, here's the thing about personal branding, OK? 30 00:01:43,860 --> 00:01:50,880 Because if you are, let's say, the number one top ethical hacker in the world as far as your skill 31 00:01:50,880 --> 00:01:51,180 set. 32 00:01:51,180 --> 00:01:51,450 Right. 33 00:01:51,450 --> 00:01:56,940 Not as far as people knowing about you, but let's say, you know, all the tricks, all the, you know, 34 00:01:57,090 --> 00:01:59,290 unique methods to break into different places. 35 00:01:59,310 --> 00:02:04,680 However, if you're alone in your basement and nobody knows about you, then it really doesn't matter. 36 00:02:04,680 --> 00:02:05,030 Right? 37 00:02:05,580 --> 00:02:10,650 You want to be the person that has, you know, medium skill or. 38 00:02:10,650 --> 00:02:11,850 That's pretty good, right? 39 00:02:11,850 --> 00:02:15,120 Because you can always improve and increase your skill set. 40 00:02:15,120 --> 00:02:15,450 Right. 41 00:02:16,140 --> 00:02:21,480 You want to have a medium amount of skill for the most part, and then obviously increasing that because 42 00:02:21,480 --> 00:02:28,020 that's always going to trump somebody else that has a ton of skill, but nobody knows about them. 43 00:02:28,020 --> 00:02:28,250 Right. 44 00:02:28,260 --> 00:02:36,150 So having medium skill and a reputation and online presence is always going to trump somebody who's 45 00:02:36,150 --> 00:02:37,380 the best in the world. 46 00:02:37,380 --> 00:02:40,230 But does it have any kind of reputation? 47 00:02:40,240 --> 00:02:40,480 Right. 48 00:02:40,510 --> 00:02:43,050 So very important to understand that concept. 49 00:02:43,170 --> 00:02:49,050 And another thing to keep in mind here is think about ethical hacking in terms of the areas that you 50 00:02:49,050 --> 00:02:51,370 would want to most likely focus on. 51 00:02:51,390 --> 00:02:57,720 I know that cybersecurity, ethical hacking, there are a ton of different topics within that space. 52 00:02:57,720 --> 00:03:03,660 And perhaps when you're just starting out, it may be that you are just focusing in on the entire cybersecurity 53 00:03:03,660 --> 00:03:04,630 market as a whole. 54 00:03:04,680 --> 00:03:11,520 However, as you progress in your career, as you find different areas that you resonate towards more 55 00:03:11,670 --> 00:03:13,110 or that you connect more with. 56 00:03:13,110 --> 00:03:13,410 Right. 57 00:03:14,040 --> 00:03:18,900 You're going to want to get a little bit more specific as to what you focus on. 58 00:03:18,900 --> 00:03:19,130 Right. 59 00:03:19,140 --> 00:03:27,600 Maybe you can be the best penetration tester or somebody who focuses on just the vulnerability assessments 60 00:03:27,600 --> 00:03:29,520 or policy documentation. 61 00:03:29,520 --> 00:03:29,790 Right. 62 00:03:30,330 --> 00:03:37,160 And another thing is to think about a specific industry that you may want to work with then, or maybe 63 00:03:37,290 --> 00:03:43,230 a few select different industries that are, you know, similar or connected because with being able 64 00:03:43,230 --> 00:03:50,370 to get more specific as to what exactly you focus on as far as, let's say, penetration testing and 65 00:03:50,370 --> 00:03:56,640 let's say you focus only on health care, that's going to really allow you to set yourself apart from 66 00:03:56,640 --> 00:04:03,180 all the rest of the, you know, regular cybersecurity folks or just, you know, a simple ethical hacker. 67 00:04:03,180 --> 00:04:03,450 Right. 68 00:04:03,690 --> 00:04:09,210 If there's an ethical hacker that does everything and, you know, pretty much a jack of all trades 69 00:04:09,900 --> 00:04:16,800 versus somebody who is looking to compete and go after a job for a health care company, and they only 70 00:04:16,800 --> 00:04:20,370 work with health care companies and they only do penetration testing. 71 00:04:20,370 --> 00:04:20,630 Right. 72 00:04:20,880 --> 00:04:22,440 They're going to have that edge. 73 00:04:22,440 --> 00:04:28,890 So very important there to keep that in mind as you progress through your career as an ethical hacker, 74 00:04:29,190 --> 00:04:34,860 as a cybersecurity professional, that you look to me for something that you want to do as far as the 75 00:04:34,860 --> 00:04:42,690 branding element, look to kind of niche down within a certain market and a certain type of service 76 00:04:42,690 --> 00:04:45,660 that you may want to more or less focus on. 77 00:04:45,690 --> 00:04:45,970 Right. 78 00:04:46,170 --> 00:04:49,160 OK, so now let's talk about social media profiles. 79 00:04:49,560 --> 00:04:54,780 Now, as far as your personal branding and branding in general, this is one of the most important things 80 00:04:54,780 --> 00:04:59,640 that you can do as far as getting your name out there because you want to be. 81 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:05,700 On the most relevant social media profiles, because that's what's going to come up on Google when you 82 00:05:05,700 --> 00:05:10,290 have an employer, when you have, you know, potential clients that are looking you up, they want 83 00:05:10,290 --> 00:05:14,070 to see that you're active and that you actually have some sort of online presence. 84 00:05:14,070 --> 00:05:14,360 Right. 85 00:05:14,760 --> 00:05:21,210 So for ethical hackers, the most important platforms that you want to be on are LinkedIn, Twitter, 86 00:05:21,450 --> 00:05:23,270 Facebook and Instagram. 87 00:05:23,280 --> 00:05:29,490 I would say if I had to choose maybe top two, I would say LinkedIn and Twitter, because those are 88 00:05:29,970 --> 00:05:31,050 the most widely known. 89 00:05:31,050 --> 00:05:33,170 Those are more like the professionals, right. 90 00:05:33,720 --> 00:05:37,160 LinkedIn be to be Twitter's more B2B as well. 91 00:05:37,500 --> 00:05:41,910 And Facebook is going to be more on the consumer side. 92 00:05:41,920 --> 00:05:48,300 Same thing with Instagram, but even if you just have LinkedIn and Twitter and then you're active on 93 00:05:48,300 --> 00:05:54,210 those, but then on Facebook and Instagram, you're more or less just have your profiles there and maybe 94 00:05:54,210 --> 00:05:55,530 you post every so often. 95 00:05:55,530 --> 00:05:56,580 That should be just fine. 96 00:05:57,360 --> 00:05:58,950 And then here's the thing. 97 00:05:59,310 --> 00:06:03,660 You don't have to post every single day on your platforms, right. 98 00:06:03,660 --> 00:06:05,160 Once a week should be fine. 99 00:06:05,580 --> 00:06:08,310 Maybe, you know, even once every couple of weeks. 100 00:06:08,310 --> 00:06:13,410 It's just so that people can see that you're active in months and months and not going by without any 101 00:06:13,410 --> 00:06:14,220 kind of posting. 102 00:06:14,220 --> 00:06:14,520 Right. 103 00:06:14,970 --> 00:06:21,930 So very important there to have posts going on maybe once a week, once every couple weeks, just so 104 00:06:21,930 --> 00:06:23,340 that you stay up to date. 105 00:06:24,090 --> 00:06:25,140 And here's the thing. 106 00:06:25,440 --> 00:06:32,580 But you can also do instead of actually spending time going out there, writing your own posts or looking 107 00:06:32,580 --> 00:06:39,090 for content to share, what you can do is spend twenty dollars a month and fully automate to your post 108 00:06:39,390 --> 00:06:46,260 with curated content using platforms such as Buffer and Q Now we're going to walk through both of those 109 00:06:46,260 --> 00:06:47,610 here and I'm going to show you how they work. 110 00:06:47,610 --> 00:06:55,980 Essentially, Buffer is in automation platform where you connect, let's say LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook 111 00:06:55,980 --> 00:06:57,060 and Instagram to it. 112 00:06:57,750 --> 00:07:06,180 And then you go out to Q and you find content that's already curated that they have a ready for, let's 113 00:07:06,180 --> 00:07:14,130 say, ethical hacking, cybersecurity, and you can actually plan out your posts through the buffer 114 00:07:14,130 --> 00:07:22,020 tool and you can have your posts automatically be posted on your profiles either once a week, twice 115 00:07:22,020 --> 00:07:24,120 a week, and it's all automated. 116 00:07:24,120 --> 00:07:30,180 So that's something that you should consider because it'll keep your profiles up to date. 117 00:07:30,180 --> 00:07:35,130 It'll keep them active and it'll show people that you actually know what you're talking about. 118 00:07:35,130 --> 00:07:35,460 Right. 119 00:07:36,000 --> 00:07:37,860 And so let me show you here. 120 00:07:38,000 --> 00:07:46,230 I want to show you an example of a buddy of mine who has used these two tools and has used them exceedingly 121 00:07:46,230 --> 00:07:46,500 well. 122 00:07:46,500 --> 00:07:49,620 So let's go ahead and go over to my computer and I'll see you there. 123 00:07:49,920 --> 00:07:57,540 OK, so here we are on Twitter and I want to show you here a buddy of mine who is not active anymore. 124 00:07:57,750 --> 00:08:00,960 This is when he used to work for a startup. 125 00:08:00,990 --> 00:08:02,910 He used to work for a company called Lozito. 126 00:08:02,940 --> 00:08:04,200 They're no longer in business. 127 00:08:04,530 --> 00:08:12,180 And what he did to actually grow his own personal network profile as well as the companies is he signed 128 00:08:12,180 --> 00:08:13,800 up with Buffer, I believe it was. 129 00:08:13,800 --> 00:08:22,800 And he used a constant curation software such as Q And he posted daily through his automation. 130 00:08:22,800 --> 00:08:30,060 And you can see here he has four sixty four thousand following and sixty three followers as far as sixty 131 00:08:30,060 --> 00:08:30,810 three thousand. 132 00:08:31,410 --> 00:08:36,570 And you don't need to go and actually go and follow people if you don't want to. 133 00:08:37,140 --> 00:08:40,220 Maybe you can if you want to get some people there following you there. 134 00:08:40,920 --> 00:08:47,250 However, the automation posting is really just more for you, for your personal brand to let people 135 00:08:47,250 --> 00:08:51,480 know when they land on your profiles that you're actually active. 136 00:08:51,480 --> 00:08:51,810 Right. 137 00:08:52,170 --> 00:08:54,030 And so you can see here all these different posts. 138 00:08:54,030 --> 00:09:00,810 Sometimes they were if you go down to like twenty, seventeen, eighteen, they were pretty much like 139 00:09:00,810 --> 00:09:06,690 twice a day, two to three times a week, depending on how much he wanted to post. 140 00:09:06,690 --> 00:09:08,640 And this was all automated. 141 00:09:09,300 --> 00:09:09,930 You can see here. 142 00:09:09,930 --> 00:09:13,800 Well, you know, one fifth of the calls, this is when he was working for March six. 143 00:09:13,800 --> 00:09:18,780 Now he's working for a different company and his online presence really isn't that important anymore 144 00:09:18,780 --> 00:09:20,970 to him because he's doing something completely different now. 145 00:09:20,970 --> 00:09:26,970 So as you can see here, all of these posts here are different content that he's sharing, used to work 146 00:09:26,970 --> 00:09:29,970 for this company here and they recently got bought out. 147 00:09:29,970 --> 00:09:32,790 And so he helped them grow their social media quite a bit. 148 00:09:32,790 --> 00:09:35,100 They're through using those automation tools. 149 00:09:35,100 --> 00:09:41,400 So as you can see here, you can find different things that are related to your industry and have all 150 00:09:41,400 --> 00:09:42,960 of these be posted automatically. 151 00:09:42,960 --> 00:09:45,900 Now, let me go and show you here. 152 00:09:46,380 --> 00:09:48,120 Let's go to Buffer. 153 00:09:50,630 --> 00:09:56,870 And we'll be able to look at exactly what this does, so you can see here the pricing thing, it's like 154 00:09:56,870 --> 00:10:02,540 ten dollars, fifteen dollars, OK, so 15 dollars a month and 14 day trial. 155 00:10:02,540 --> 00:10:07,030 You can connect a social account and you can do one hundred scheduled posts. 156 00:10:07,400 --> 00:10:14,870 So basically, I mean, if you had, let's say, you know, one post a week or one post or two or three 157 00:10:14,870 --> 00:10:17,100 posts a week, I should be just fine there. 158 00:10:17,720 --> 00:10:20,170 So let's go to the four home page here. 159 00:10:20,570 --> 00:10:25,460 And as you can see here, pretty much you can publish your content, plan it all out, plan a whole 160 00:10:25,460 --> 00:10:28,400 month's worth of content and a couple hours. 161 00:10:28,580 --> 00:10:34,850 And you won't need to do any of the actual work yourself as far as manually going in there to publish 162 00:10:34,850 --> 00:10:35,380 content. 163 00:10:35,390 --> 00:10:35,720 Right. 164 00:10:36,320 --> 00:10:39,050 And you can get the different metrics, engagement. 165 00:10:39,050 --> 00:10:42,850 As far as how many people clicked on your post, did they engage with it? 166 00:10:43,130 --> 00:10:44,600 Did they share it? 167 00:10:44,600 --> 00:10:45,230 Did they like it? 168 00:10:45,240 --> 00:10:46,390 You know, things like that. 169 00:10:46,400 --> 00:10:48,860 And so now let's go to Q. 170 00:10:51,180 --> 00:10:52,710 And let's pull this up here. 171 00:10:53,740 --> 00:10:58,010 And so this is where the power comes in also as well. 172 00:10:58,330 --> 00:11:02,080 So you have a buffer, that's the actual automation posting. 173 00:11:02,440 --> 00:11:05,020 And then Q is where you find the content. 174 00:11:05,020 --> 00:11:05,340 Right. 175 00:11:05,530 --> 00:11:13,300 And you can find essentially articles that people write from different syndication publication sources 176 00:11:13,570 --> 00:11:14,890 and be able to share those. 177 00:11:14,890 --> 00:11:23,440 Because, I mean, I remember when I was going heavily into the acquisition phase and I was reaching 178 00:11:23,440 --> 00:11:25,560 out to a lot of businesses on LinkedIn. 179 00:11:25,840 --> 00:11:32,800 One of the things that I did to really spice up my profile is I set it up so that I had my LinkedIn 180 00:11:33,250 --> 00:11:40,360 posting different news articles, news information once a week or so, maybe even a couple of times. 181 00:11:40,660 --> 00:11:45,610 And then I started reaching out to businesses, providing value right up front. 182 00:11:45,910 --> 00:11:52,120 And then they would go and check on my profile and see that I had relevant content being posted on my 183 00:11:52,120 --> 00:11:55,000 profile and that added value to them. 184 00:11:55,030 --> 00:11:59,560 And so I had a bunch of people that I reach out to tell me, hey, I can tell, you know, what you're 185 00:11:59,560 --> 00:12:03,080 talking about with the posting that you're doing on your profile. 186 00:12:03,100 --> 00:12:04,860 I can tell that you're an expert, right? 187 00:12:05,230 --> 00:12:11,650 Because automatically I had all those posts that were adding value about my topics. 188 00:12:11,650 --> 00:12:11,950 Right. 189 00:12:12,370 --> 00:12:14,830 My area that were automatically posting. 190 00:12:14,830 --> 00:12:19,820 So very, very important as far as, you know, what this can do for you and the power of this. 191 00:12:19,840 --> 00:12:25,810 So this essentially allows you to go in here and find different topics and you connect your social media 192 00:12:25,810 --> 00:12:26,230 accounts. 193 00:12:26,230 --> 00:12:26,440 Right. 194 00:12:26,440 --> 00:12:28,240 You connect buffer to it. 195 00:12:28,390 --> 00:12:31,440 And so you got a buffer with all your social media. 196 00:12:31,630 --> 00:12:38,770 Then you have Q with all the content and then they work together and the buffer actually does the actual 197 00:12:38,770 --> 00:12:39,530 posting for you. 198 00:12:40,120 --> 00:12:42,130 So I think this is like ten dollars as well. 199 00:12:42,340 --> 00:12:42,760 OK. 200 00:12:42,790 --> 00:12:43,920 Nineteen dollars a month. 201 00:12:44,170 --> 00:12:44,710 So yeah. 202 00:12:44,710 --> 00:12:51,310 I mean twenty bucks a month is going to allow you to have fresh content every single day if you want 203 00:12:51,310 --> 00:12:58,360 it to be right on your profile so that you are being able to build that personal brand and be able to 204 00:12:58,360 --> 00:13:00,570 separate yourself from the competition there. 205 00:13:00,760 --> 00:13:07,930 OK, so highly recommend here, buffer and queue for social media profile posting automation. 206 00:13:07,930 --> 00:13:12,760 If you don't want to post different things on your own and have to spend the time looking up for content, 207 00:13:13,180 --> 00:13:15,700 buffer and queue is a perfect combination. 208 00:13:15,860 --> 00:13:18,730 And like I mentioned, it's only going to be about twenty dollars per month.