1 00:00:00,370 --> 00:00:02,650 OK, so let's talk about networking. 2 00:00:03,380 --> 00:00:09,730 OK, so let's talk about networking now know OK, so let's talk about networking now. 3 00:00:09,730 --> 00:00:13,390 As the old saying goes, it's not what you know, it's who you know. 4 00:00:13,900 --> 00:00:20,740 And this is absolutely true here because you can be somebody that has mediocre skills. 5 00:00:21,070 --> 00:00:23,380 You can have maybe above average skills. 6 00:00:23,380 --> 00:00:23,700 Right. 7 00:00:24,130 --> 00:00:28,720 And know a ton of people in your network that have connections. 8 00:00:28,720 --> 00:00:29,080 Right. 9 00:00:29,500 --> 00:00:32,440 And be able to get a job very easily and quickly. 10 00:00:32,440 --> 00:00:32,740 Right. 11 00:00:33,220 --> 00:00:36,510 So let's go ahead and jump in to the network section here. 12 00:00:36,520 --> 00:00:41,590 Now, as far as an ethical hacker and a cybersecurity professional building, and now work is one of 13 00:00:41,620 --> 00:00:44,620 the most important things that you can do for your career. 14 00:00:44,620 --> 00:00:44,860 Right. 15 00:00:44,870 --> 00:00:50,470 It's going to open up opportunities right now, today and then also opportunities down the road for 16 00:00:50,470 --> 00:00:52,600 you as you progress in your career. 17 00:00:53,170 --> 00:01:00,280 Now, don't wait until things go bad or you, you know, lose a job or whatever that may be to start 18 00:01:00,610 --> 00:01:08,380 building a network because you want to actually make it so that whenever you do decide to go in a different 19 00:01:08,380 --> 00:01:13,780 direction, maybe want to quit your job and go full time into the cybersecurity space, you want to 20 00:01:13,780 --> 00:01:19,880 have that network already built up so that you can have it so you can have something to fall back on. 21 00:01:19,880 --> 00:01:20,080 Right. 22 00:01:20,160 --> 00:01:22,720 As far as that network that can help you land those jobs. 23 00:01:22,720 --> 00:01:25,210 And and like I mentioned, it's not about what you know. 24 00:01:25,210 --> 00:01:26,050 It's who you know. 25 00:01:26,080 --> 00:01:26,370 Right. 26 00:01:26,710 --> 00:01:32,320 Where you can develop the right kind of partnerships, the right kind of relationships, where it's 27 00:01:32,320 --> 00:01:39,610 not just one sided, it's where you are actually adding value, because that's where most people get 28 00:01:39,620 --> 00:01:40,720 networking wrong. 29 00:01:40,960 --> 00:01:45,400 They're trying to go in with self-interest and say, hey, can you help me do this? 30 00:01:45,410 --> 00:01:46,480 Can you do me a favor? 31 00:01:46,690 --> 00:01:51,400 Can you help me out versus coming in and going about it where they're adding value? 32 00:01:51,400 --> 00:01:58,480 First, they're complementing the individual and they're saying, hey, you know, perhaps there may 33 00:01:58,480 --> 00:02:03,130 be an opportunity or perhaps, you know, let me do this for you or can I do this for you? 34 00:02:03,370 --> 00:02:06,520 And I would really appreciate if you can do this for me over here. 35 00:02:06,520 --> 00:02:06,840 Right. 36 00:02:07,450 --> 00:02:11,140 But a lot of people will just have that self-interest. 37 00:02:11,140 --> 00:02:18,880 And, you know, you think about it going to networking events, a lot of people will talk about, hey, 38 00:02:18,880 --> 00:02:25,630 I do this, I do that, and they talk about themselves versus coming to a networking event and just 39 00:02:25,630 --> 00:02:28,420 being interested in other people. 40 00:02:28,420 --> 00:02:28,770 Right. 41 00:02:28,960 --> 00:02:31,200 And asking them, hey, you know, what do you do? 42 00:02:31,360 --> 00:02:36,730 How do you help people or, hey, you know, tell me a little bit about what you do, because I may 43 00:02:36,730 --> 00:02:38,650 be able to help you out in what you're currently doing. 44 00:02:38,650 --> 00:02:38,990 Right. 45 00:02:39,010 --> 00:02:44,500 And then all of a sudden they explain what they're doing, what they do, and then they're inevitably 46 00:02:44,500 --> 00:02:45,930 going to ask you what you do. 47 00:02:45,940 --> 00:02:53,680 So always coming in, understanding that you want to be somebody who is interesting and not looking 48 00:02:53,680 --> 00:02:57,300 for that self-interest because you're going to turn a lot of people off. 49 00:02:57,310 --> 00:03:02,660 So let's go into some of the different methods that you can use for networking here. 50 00:03:02,830 --> 00:03:08,440 LinkedIn is probably going to be the best, the quickest and the easiest way for you to build your network 51 00:03:08,440 --> 00:03:13,450 because you can just leverage your existing connections and also the connections of your connections. 52 00:03:13,450 --> 00:03:13,740 Right. 53 00:03:14,260 --> 00:03:19,540 You can reach out to, let's say, someone who's connected to one of your colleagues or ex colleagues 54 00:03:19,540 --> 00:03:23,740 and mention, hey, I noticed that you were connected with so-and-so. 55 00:03:24,040 --> 00:03:24,550 Hey. 56 00:03:24,550 --> 00:03:28,060 And also notice that you are in the cybersecurity space. 57 00:03:28,270 --> 00:03:35,860 I'm actually looking to get started or looking for future opportunities and, you know, mentioned something 58 00:03:35,860 --> 00:03:42,160 about them that you found out and what you can do for them and then mention, hey, do you know of or 59 00:03:42,160 --> 00:03:47,680 are you familiar or whatever that may be with any potential opportunities that are out there? 60 00:03:47,680 --> 00:03:48,070 Right. 61 00:03:48,100 --> 00:03:51,370 And like I mentioned, always add value first. 62 00:03:51,370 --> 00:03:52,060 Always. 63 00:03:52,060 --> 00:03:58,000 And you'll be surprised at just how much of a difference this makes, because people want to help others. 64 00:03:58,600 --> 00:04:05,560 However, they don't want to help others at an expense of their time when there is nothing that they 65 00:04:05,560 --> 00:04:07,000 feel that they're getting in return. 66 00:04:07,000 --> 00:04:07,330 Right. 67 00:04:07,690 --> 00:04:13,960 Even if you don't do anything for them, at least the fact that you offered them right to do something 68 00:04:13,960 --> 00:04:15,760 for them, like, hey, how can I add value? 69 00:04:15,760 --> 00:04:20,710 How can I help you in what you're doing and whatever it is that you're looking to accomplish? 70 00:04:20,710 --> 00:04:20,960 Right. 71 00:04:21,280 --> 00:04:27,820 Even if you don't do anything, just the fact that you're offering will go a long way in showing genuine 72 00:04:27,820 --> 00:04:28,240 interest. 73 00:04:28,240 --> 00:04:28,450 Right. 74 00:04:28,460 --> 00:04:33,910 This should go without saying, complimenting them, going through their profile, maybe doing a quick 75 00:04:33,910 --> 00:04:39,550 Google search and looking at some of their accomplishments, doing your due diligence before you reaching 76 00:04:39,550 --> 00:04:45,580 out to these folks is going to make a world of difference and always, always coming through with the 77 00:04:45,580 --> 00:04:52,220 positive, because if you come across that, it's just self-interest and it's about you and, you know, 78 00:04:52,240 --> 00:04:54,940 you're just trying to get something out of it without doing something. 79 00:04:54,940 --> 00:04:59,530 In return, people are going to get turned off and they're going to ignore you or your. 80 00:04:59,570 --> 00:05:05,870 Going to get a lot of people coming back at you and with not very nice messages, so be a real human 81 00:05:05,870 --> 00:05:13,310 being, compliment somebody, let them know that you want to add value and you're looking for some assistance. 82 00:05:13,310 --> 00:05:13,660 Right. 83 00:05:13,670 --> 00:05:17,330 And ultimately understand that this is all a numbers game. 84 00:05:17,330 --> 00:05:22,550 OK, do not take things personally when somebody tells you, hey, you know, I'm not interested or, 85 00:05:22,550 --> 00:05:26,300 hey, you know, I don't have anything for you or whatever that may be. 86 00:05:26,300 --> 00:05:26,570 Right. 87 00:05:26,570 --> 00:05:29,780 When you get turned down, it's all part of the process. 88 00:05:29,780 --> 00:05:30,920 It's all part of the game. 89 00:05:31,580 --> 00:05:34,690 It's all about the more quantity, right. 90 00:05:34,910 --> 00:05:41,720 That you do, the more probability you're going to have to find somebody who is actually going to be 91 00:05:41,720 --> 00:05:42,680 able to help you out. 92 00:05:42,680 --> 00:05:43,020 Right. 93 00:05:43,490 --> 00:05:47,810 So understand that networking is a huge, huge deal here. 94 00:05:47,810 --> 00:05:48,950 Very, very powerful. 95 00:05:49,460 --> 00:05:55,340 LinkedIn is probably going to be, like I mentioned, your best tool where you can and navigate through 96 00:05:55,340 --> 00:06:02,390 the platform, maybe add value in some sort of way to people's lives by letting them know that you notice 97 00:06:02,400 --> 00:06:07,820 something on their website, you notice something and that you would like to help them out. 98 00:06:07,820 --> 00:06:13,700 And remember, even if you don't actually do it, you offering it will make a world of difference and 99 00:06:13,700 --> 00:06:16,480 get people to respond and want to help you out. 100 00:06:16,490 --> 00:06:20,680 So that's going to be here for the networking section and we'll see you on the next one.