1 00:00:00,150 --> 00:00:06,210 OK, so let's talk about client consulting, so this is going to be after you've been able to get some 2 00:00:06,210 --> 00:00:13,020 experience with doing some bug bounty hunting, perhaps doing a little bit of freelancing, going to 3 00:00:13,290 --> 00:00:16,980 these different platforms where the clients are actually there. 4 00:00:16,980 --> 00:00:24,000 And all you really got to do is apply to the jobs, doesn't require your own ability to source client 5 00:00:24,240 --> 00:00:28,200 client consulting is going to be a little bit more challenging. 6 00:00:28,200 --> 00:00:30,180 But it also comes with the higher reward. 7 00:00:30,180 --> 00:00:31,350 With client consulting. 8 00:00:31,540 --> 00:00:39,900 You need to set up your own company as an organization such as, let's say, cybersecurity pros or cybersecurity 9 00:00:39,900 --> 00:00:44,760 zazie company or X, Y, Z company, or you can have it as your name. 10 00:00:45,030 --> 00:00:50,430 And let's say John Smith, LLC Consulting or John Smith Cybersecurity Consulting. 11 00:00:50,430 --> 00:00:50,670 Right. 12 00:00:50,970 --> 00:00:53,240 So it depends on how you want to go about it. 13 00:00:53,280 --> 00:00:56,880 You can do it either or there's no wrong there's no right way to go about it. 14 00:00:57,040 --> 00:01:01,730 It all depends on what is the most comfortable for you and which route you want to take. 15 00:01:02,220 --> 00:01:07,740 And so it's first recommended, like I mentioned, that you do freelancing projects so you can get some 16 00:01:07,740 --> 00:01:15,510 experience, you can get some testimonials that you can even copy and paste on your website so that 17 00:01:15,510 --> 00:01:20,310 client potential clients can see that you've actually been able to get others results. 18 00:01:20,310 --> 00:01:20,560 Right. 19 00:01:20,760 --> 00:01:26,820 That's one of the most important things to be able to showcase on your website is previous clients results 20 00:01:26,820 --> 00:01:30,420 and showing that you've been able to help others get a result. 21 00:01:30,430 --> 00:01:30,720 Right. 22 00:01:30,910 --> 00:01:37,140 And one of the best ways to get clients is by reaching out to either the owner or someone in the IT 23 00:01:37,200 --> 00:01:44,100 department and mentioned that you're concerned because you've come across some security issues that 24 00:01:44,100 --> 00:01:45,720 are really prevalent. 25 00:01:45,900 --> 00:01:52,500 I wouldn't necessarily say that you have actually gone into their code and you've gone access to their 26 00:01:52,500 --> 00:01:57,780 system because that is a violation of rights and you can actually get in trouble. 27 00:01:57,780 --> 00:02:02,880 So I don't recommend that you mentioned to them that you actually were, you know, having access, 28 00:02:02,880 --> 00:02:09,000 had access to their system just mentioned, hey, there is some new type of bugs or some, you know, 29 00:02:09,180 --> 00:02:13,860 different types of vulnerabilities that we just came across or something along those lines. 30 00:02:13,860 --> 00:02:14,200 Right. 31 00:02:14,220 --> 00:02:16,380 You want to remain with a little bit of mystery there? 32 00:02:16,890 --> 00:02:21,780 Have a little bit of curiosity because it'll allow the company to be curious about your message and 33 00:02:21,780 --> 00:02:22,770 respond back to you. 34 00:02:22,800 --> 00:02:25,860 OK, and so here's the thing with client consulting. 35 00:02:26,220 --> 00:02:31,920 This is going to be the most difficult as far as, you know, making money because it requires you to 36 00:02:31,920 --> 00:02:38,280 get your own clients and the whole client consulting thing is going to be a whole nother skill. 37 00:02:38,280 --> 00:02:42,690 So if you're just starting out in your, you know, by yourself and you're just working, you know, 38 00:02:42,690 --> 00:02:48,630 let's say for your own company that you've just created, do you not only need to be doing the actual 39 00:02:48,630 --> 00:02:54,750 physical work of the, let's say, penetration testing, but you also need to walk people through like 40 00:02:54,750 --> 00:03:00,390 a sales process where you, let's say, have them fill out an application on your website. 41 00:03:00,660 --> 00:03:06,690 You get on a quick discovery call, and then you walk them through the, you know, next steps or the 42 00:03:06,690 --> 00:03:12,600 process for showing them what you're going to do and then you sign them on as a client. 43 00:03:12,600 --> 00:03:17,220 So that's going to be something else that you need to develop on your own. 44 00:03:17,730 --> 00:03:21,930 And so that's why the client consulting is a little bit more difficult. 45 00:03:22,240 --> 00:03:27,690 However, like I mentioned, with it being more difficult, it also comes with higher reward because 46 00:03:27,690 --> 00:03:28,980 you get larger projects. 47 00:03:29,580 --> 00:03:33,870 I mean, a lot of these contracts when I was working with a lot of these private security companies, 48 00:03:34,170 --> 00:03:39,210 I mean, their contracts are well into the six figures for, you know, six, eight months rent. 49 00:03:39,630 --> 00:03:44,880 And so there is a lot of opportunity here, just a matter of whether or not you want to go down this 50 00:03:44,880 --> 00:03:51,300 route or you're more comfortable doing the freelancing work or just doing the hacker one or just doing 51 00:03:51,300 --> 00:03:52,560 the bug bounty hunting. 52 00:03:52,800 --> 00:03:54,450 Or if you just want to get a job right. 53 00:03:54,600 --> 00:03:56,100 It's all up to you now. 54 00:03:56,490 --> 00:04:01,500 We're going to go to my computer and I'm going to show you an example of Anthony's website, his client 55 00:04:01,500 --> 00:04:06,510 consulting site, and then I'm going to show you mine at security, Élodie, and we're going to show 56 00:04:06,510 --> 00:04:09,120 you kind of how you want your website to be set up. 57 00:04:09,360 --> 00:04:11,220 What are the different things you want to cover? 58 00:04:11,580 --> 00:04:13,590 And let's go ahead and go to my computer now. 59 00:04:13,620 --> 00:04:15,870 OK, so here's Anthony Timber's dotcom. 60 00:04:16,380 --> 00:04:19,110 This is Anthony's actual kind consulting website. 61 00:04:19,290 --> 00:04:22,830 You can see it's a very nice website, very modern. 62 00:04:23,010 --> 00:04:28,080 And he has some stats here that talks about these different factors. 63 00:04:28,080 --> 00:04:28,410 Right. 64 00:04:28,800 --> 00:04:32,940 So mentioning that every thirty nine seconds there's a hacker attack. 65 00:04:33,300 --> 00:04:35,520 Forty three percent of them target small businesses. 66 00:04:35,520 --> 00:04:35,780 Right. 67 00:04:36,090 --> 00:04:42,430 So this is great here because what he's doing is telling businesses that if they don't have a plan right, 68 00:04:42,480 --> 00:04:46,440 they don't have a cybersecurity strategy, then they are at risk. 69 00:04:46,710 --> 00:04:52,980 And especially with the, you know, growing of actual cybersecurity, you know, black hats, it's 70 00:04:52,980 --> 00:04:58,080 important to be able to educate the clients and let them know that they are at risk. 71 00:04:58,080 --> 00:04:59,490 And it's oftentimes when they. 72 00:04:59,750 --> 00:05:04,370 Expected or, you know, they don't think that it could ever happen to them and then lo and behold, 73 00:05:04,370 --> 00:05:09,740 that happens and it just needs to happen once in order for the business to get, you know, unfortunately, 74 00:05:09,890 --> 00:05:16,400 you know, taken down or held ransom with the example that I mentioned previously where a hacker can 75 00:05:16,400 --> 00:05:23,390 take over the entire network or some files and require that you pay a ransom in order for them to release. 76 00:05:23,420 --> 00:05:29,120 So you can see here his website goes over the different services, a compliance, the assessments, 77 00:05:29,120 --> 00:05:30,040 the testing here. 78 00:05:30,290 --> 00:05:31,520 He has testimonials. 79 00:05:31,520 --> 00:05:31,710 Right. 80 00:05:31,730 --> 00:05:37,760 So this is what you want to do, like I mentioned, after you've got some experience, some reviews, 81 00:05:37,970 --> 00:05:43,220 and you can even take a lot of the reviews that you get from like five or maybe different, you know, 82 00:05:43,340 --> 00:05:50,300 platforms and put them on here so that clients can see that you've actually been able to get some results. 83 00:05:50,930 --> 00:05:53,030 And so here are some services. 84 00:05:53,660 --> 00:05:57,200 Why cyber security consulting about US industries? 85 00:05:58,340 --> 00:06:04,520 Typically, you are going to work in the very beginning with a variety of different industries, and 86 00:06:04,520 --> 00:06:09,980 then if you want to maybe niche down and just, let's say, work with health care companies and just 87 00:06:09,980 --> 00:06:16,580 provide them penetration testing, that can really also help you land more of those types of clients. 88 00:06:16,580 --> 00:06:16,790 Right. 89 00:06:16,790 --> 00:06:22,550 Because if your penetration expert just focusing on the health care industry space. 90 00:06:22,550 --> 00:06:28,970 Right, then you're going to be able to command a higher type of pay and then higher contract value, 91 00:06:28,970 --> 00:06:31,700 because that's your whole area of focus. 92 00:06:31,700 --> 00:06:31,970 Right. 93 00:06:32,300 --> 00:06:38,090 And so now let me show you my security Élodie dotcom consulting website as well. 94 00:06:38,090 --> 00:06:43,970 Here I work with a lot of cybersecurity businesses and helping them develop their value proposition 95 00:06:43,970 --> 00:06:49,510 to help develop their marketing plan and also do some sales consulting as well. 96 00:06:49,520 --> 00:06:55,750 So you can see here the record areas of focus, marketing strategy, lead generation sales support. 97 00:06:56,090 --> 00:06:58,910 And then I have some testimonials here. 98 00:06:59,240 --> 00:07:02,870 And then I have this that goes to the actual contact form. 99 00:07:03,110 --> 00:07:03,440 Right. 100 00:07:03,440 --> 00:07:10,280 And then I educate them as far as the different stages that we go through to actually get them qualified 101 00:07:10,280 --> 00:07:10,580 leads. 102 00:07:10,580 --> 00:07:16,310 Because what I found is a lot of these folks in the cybersecurity space are very good at what they do. 103 00:07:16,340 --> 00:07:21,470 However, they lack oftentimes a sales process, maybe sales training. 104 00:07:21,470 --> 00:07:24,510 And so that's kind of where I come in and add value to the team. 105 00:07:24,980 --> 00:07:30,790 And so I got some different brands here that we've been able to get our clients projects with. 106 00:07:30,860 --> 00:07:35,890 And then I go to the services here and just essentially shows the deliverables here. 107 00:07:36,380 --> 00:07:41,840 One of the first things we do is a marketing strategy, and then we do enterprise outreach. 108 00:07:41,840 --> 00:07:48,700 We actually run code outreach campaigns through actual email marketing and LinkedIn. 109 00:07:48,710 --> 00:07:53,450 So that's probably going to be one of your best bets for you if you're looking to jump into the cyber 110 00:07:53,450 --> 00:08:00,440 security consulting space is by doing direct outreach through called email, through LinkedIn lead generation 111 00:08:01,100 --> 00:08:04,190 and being able to reach out to your potential clients. 112 00:08:04,190 --> 00:08:08,060 So that's going to be here for the client consulting section. 113 00:08:08,600 --> 00:08:15,140 As you can see here, there's essentially going to be a little bit of a learning curve with client consulting 114 00:08:15,140 --> 00:08:23,210 because you need to have some sort of sales process to walk clients through your actual plan and how 115 00:08:23,210 --> 00:08:24,110 you onboard them. 116 00:08:24,290 --> 00:08:27,480 And a lot of times you can develop that in the freelancing stage. 117 00:08:27,500 --> 00:08:34,790 So let's say with the freelancing stage, you may be first, get them on a call and then you then do 118 00:08:34,790 --> 00:08:40,700 some kind of quote or some kind of strategy or some kind of outline or plan, and then you get them 119 00:08:40,700 --> 00:08:43,240 on a follow up call and actually close a deal. 120 00:08:43,250 --> 00:08:44,680 And so that's typically how it goes. 121 00:08:44,690 --> 00:08:51,260 You have the initial discovery call to find out what they're wanting to accomplish, the pain points. 122 00:08:51,260 --> 00:08:51,590 Right. 123 00:08:51,980 --> 00:08:59,390 And then you maybe put together some kind of strategy plan and then you get them on another call and 124 00:08:59,390 --> 00:09:01,280 walk them through it and then close the deal. 125 00:09:01,300 --> 00:09:06,650 OK, so that's going to be here for the client consulting session and we'll see you on the next one.