1 00:00:00,090 --> 00:00:02,920 So let's meet Kylie Lennox, our hacking machine. 2 00:00:02,940 --> 00:00:10,260 All right, Kelly is a costume distribution of Lennix as created and maintained by the Office of Security. 3 00:00:10,380 --> 00:00:17,520 It's a company that pretty much is the penetration testing gurus, pretty much of the industry. 4 00:00:17,850 --> 00:00:23,970 So it comes preloaded with all the tools necessary, you know, to successfully hack machines. 5 00:00:24,210 --> 00:00:30,420 And most most of our hacking is going to be done with Linux virtual machine that we're going to install 6 00:00:30,420 --> 00:00:31,160 on a computer. 7 00:00:31,190 --> 00:00:31,470 All right. 8 00:00:31,680 --> 00:00:37,770 So now let's go through the steps of actually downloading Kylie Linux so you can download the latest 9 00:00:37,770 --> 00:00:43,080 cuddliness virtual machine image from the Callisthenics Linux website from the following link right 10 00:00:43,080 --> 00:00:43,530 here. 11 00:00:44,220 --> 00:00:48,190 You can just visit that links so you guys in a second. 12 00:00:48,420 --> 00:00:55,540 So just make sure when you get there, click on the first option of calling Linux 64 bit installer. 13 00:00:55,860 --> 00:00:57,510 So let's go there and check this out. 14 00:00:59,280 --> 00:01:05,670 So right here, like I said, the first one, Colonie, 64 bit installer down and then we're going to 15 00:01:05,670 --> 00:01:10,080 download it so you can see is ISO files or download and save that. 16 00:01:10,410 --> 00:01:12,810 So it's pretty much downloads folder. 17 00:01:12,960 --> 00:01:13,810 Let's get that on here. 18 00:01:13,860 --> 00:01:19,140 Well, I have this I need download it again, but you're going to download that and then we can get 19 00:01:19,140 --> 00:01:21,330 back to setting up our lab. 20 00:01:21,510 --> 00:01:25,570 OK, so now let's talk about creating Uncleanliness Virtual Machine. 21 00:01:26,100 --> 00:01:32,070 OK, so to create the colonics virtual machine, you know, you're going to want to open up virtual 22 00:01:32,070 --> 00:01:34,990 box and hit the new button that you see right there in the screenshot. 23 00:01:35,380 --> 00:01:38,760 This is going to open up a window that's going to let us, you know, configure the settings for the 24 00:01:38,760 --> 00:01:39,630 virtual machine. 25 00:01:39,820 --> 00:01:41,220 I'm going to show you in a second. 26 00:01:41,220 --> 00:01:45,380 But let's briefly go over to settings that we're going to want to configure. 27 00:01:45,600 --> 00:01:50,380 So pretty much you're going to want to enter a name for the machine, whatever you want it to be hidden. 28 00:01:50,380 --> 00:01:53,250 Next, you're going to put four thousand ninety six in. 29 00:01:53,250 --> 00:01:57,540 The next box is going to ask you how much, Ramish, you want to give the machine, what, at least 30 00:01:57,540 --> 00:01:58,620 four gigabytes of RAM. 31 00:01:58,620 --> 00:01:59,530 So it's pretty quick. 32 00:01:59,970 --> 00:02:07,830 So you're also going to want to select, create, virtual now create and for the hardest time you could 33 00:02:07,830 --> 00:02:13,500 choose VDI unless you plan to use it with another virtualization software like VMware Player or something 34 00:02:13,830 --> 00:02:20,400 and keep the storage on a physical disk setting as dynamically allocated to hit next and then give you 35 00:02:20,400 --> 00:02:22,350 a machine as much space as you like. 36 00:02:22,710 --> 00:02:25,560 Just about 10 to 20 games should be fine and they create it. 37 00:02:25,680 --> 00:02:28,790 So now let's actually go through the process of creating this machine. 38 00:02:28,920 --> 00:02:33,810 So open a virtual box, we're going to hit new. 39 00:02:34,740 --> 00:02:35,820 I'm going to name my machine. 40 00:02:35,820 --> 00:02:36,420 Kyly. 41 00:02:36,720 --> 00:02:37,650 Very original. 42 00:02:37,650 --> 00:02:38,070 I know. 43 00:02:38,880 --> 00:02:45,300 And actually right here for the type you don't want to put Linux and you first lead is where it is now. 44 00:02:45,300 --> 00:02:49,750 Or you could just put Linux two point six, 64 bit right there. 45 00:02:49,770 --> 00:02:51,330 That's actually probably preferrable. 46 00:02:52,050 --> 00:02:58,260 And the max, like I said before, four thousand ninety six, that's going to give us a good amount 47 00:02:58,260 --> 00:02:58,800 of room. 48 00:02:59,970 --> 00:03:05,250 We're going to create virtual hard disk now because we don't have one yet. 49 00:03:05,260 --> 00:03:14,220 Keep it as VDI, which is a virtual box disk image, dynamically ALEC allocated is what we want to choose. 50 00:03:14,370 --> 00:03:16,470 And then this is the disk space. 51 00:03:16,470 --> 00:03:18,870 You know, I'm going to give it like 20 gigabytes of space. 52 00:03:18,870 --> 00:03:19,950 You know, that's not bad. 53 00:03:20,130 --> 00:03:24,440 And then create and now we have a callisthenics machine created. 54 00:03:25,800 --> 00:03:30,690 So before we get started up, there's some settings that we had to change very quickly. 55 00:03:30,930 --> 00:03:37,800 So the structure machine selection machine and then click on the settings button and you know, you're 56 00:03:37,800 --> 00:03:43,310 going to want to select storage from the menu on the left and then click where this is empty underneath 57 00:03:43,320 --> 00:03:44,700 controller Idy. 58 00:03:45,420 --> 00:03:51,240 And then you're going to want to click this icon and then choose the file that Calli Linux file that 59 00:03:51,240 --> 00:03:52,420 we downloaded earlier. 60 00:03:52,440 --> 00:03:52,880 All right. 61 00:03:53,970 --> 00:03:55,920 So let's go ahead and do that right now. 62 00:03:55,930 --> 00:04:01,230 I can show you very quickly we're going to right click our machine has settings or just hit the button 63 00:04:01,230 --> 00:04:06,930 right there is this settings that you click it and then we're going to choose storage on the left. 64 00:04:07,440 --> 00:04:08,520 Click right here. 65 00:04:08,550 --> 00:04:15,150 Underwear's is empty and the controller idee click the little icon and choose a disk file and then choose 66 00:04:15,150 --> 00:04:15,630 the father. 67 00:04:15,630 --> 00:04:16,440 We download it. 68 00:04:16,740 --> 00:04:21,450 So this is my file right here and then I'm just going to hit, OK? 69 00:04:21,780 --> 00:04:22,980 And we're good to go. 70 00:04:23,730 --> 00:04:30,840 And pretty much what you want to do, you can just hit start and your machine is going to start up. 71 00:04:31,230 --> 00:04:32,940 So let's give it a second. 72 00:04:33,510 --> 00:04:35,550 Let's see how long it takes to actually start up. 73 00:04:35,550 --> 00:04:36,240 There we go. 74 00:04:36,600 --> 00:04:43,680 It popped up and now it's asking select a start up disk. 75 00:04:43,800 --> 00:04:50,300 So we're going to choose the ISO file, although we just chose a start and then it's going to take us 76 00:04:50,310 --> 00:04:52,590 do a lot of, like, initial setup at some point. 77 00:04:54,180 --> 00:04:59,880 So now, before we get into setting up Caleigh, there's really quickly because I notice this. 78 00:05:00,010 --> 00:05:07,440 Error, when I did this myself, when I was setting this up, I ran into an error. 79 00:05:07,960 --> 00:05:13,750 So if you run into this error on windows where you get this box right here, I'll open up a command 80 00:05:13,750 --> 00:05:17,020 prompt as an administrator and just type the following commands. 81 00:05:19,030 --> 00:05:24,160 You don't need to know exactly what they're going to do, but it's pretty much setting it up to where 82 00:05:24,160 --> 00:05:28,520 much of the box can use the hypervisor potential of your computer. 83 00:05:28,810 --> 00:05:31,980 So just do these two and it's going to shut your computer down. 84 00:05:31,990 --> 00:05:34,370 And then it started back up and then it should work now. 85 00:05:34,390 --> 00:05:35,680 That's what really worked for me. 86 00:05:36,670 --> 00:05:38,820 So let me know if it actually works for you guys. 87 00:05:38,830 --> 00:05:39,580 I definitely should. 88 00:05:39,790 --> 00:05:44,650 So when it pops up here and it says it has all these options, choose your language. 89 00:05:44,650 --> 00:05:46,600 Of course I'm going to choose English. 90 00:05:46,610 --> 00:05:48,630 The United States is my location. 91 00:05:49,030 --> 00:05:50,890 American English is what I want. 92 00:05:50,920 --> 00:05:53,050 So just hit it on all these options that you want. 93 00:05:54,700 --> 00:05:55,510 It's just said it. 94 00:05:55,510 --> 00:05:59,710 Like I said it, a lot of initial settings is very common with Linux distributions. 95 00:05:59,980 --> 00:06:01,630 Usually have to do a lot of this stuff. 96 00:06:04,060 --> 00:06:07,050 OK, so now he's asking for the host name. 97 00:06:07,060 --> 00:06:13,230 I'm was going to keep it the same as what I put in virtual box, just Caleigh and then domain name. 98 00:06:13,240 --> 00:06:18,820 I'm pretty sure if you just keep this blank, if you would like to, but you can name it if you want 99 00:06:18,820 --> 00:06:19,110 to. 100 00:06:21,200 --> 00:06:27,990 Now, this is asking us to set up the users and passwords and such, so fornia for new users. 101 00:06:28,020 --> 00:06:33,500 We're just going to say callisthenics just, you know, keep it anonymous, keep it simple. 102 00:06:33,860 --> 00:06:39,560 So the username for my password, for my account is going to be Caleigh and then I'm going to put a 103 00:06:39,560 --> 00:06:43,040 password, you know, so super secret password. 104 00:06:43,370 --> 00:06:44,340 That's not the password. 105 00:06:44,360 --> 00:06:44,840 Don't worry. 106 00:06:45,710 --> 00:06:47,990 The super secret password. 107 00:06:49,010 --> 00:06:51,730 Bam and continue. 108 00:06:54,110 --> 00:06:56,240 So now it's going to be doing some more set ups. 109 00:06:57,710 --> 00:07:01,900 OK, so I'm going to choose Eastern for my clock more and more setups. 110 00:07:01,910 --> 00:07:04,380 Of course, I will fast forward through these parts. 111 00:07:04,730 --> 00:07:09,450 OK, so right here, just you can put up you can choose any one of these that you want. 112 00:07:09,470 --> 00:07:15,080 I would just say use the entire disc just to keep it very simple to enter the again. 113 00:07:15,770 --> 00:07:19,340 And then right here, just all files and one partition. 114 00:07:19,340 --> 00:07:20,480 Not too big of a deal. 115 00:07:21,740 --> 00:07:22,850 Finish partitioning it. 116 00:07:22,850 --> 00:07:23,000 Right. 117 00:07:23,000 --> 00:07:28,430 Change to the disclosers creating your hard drive and then you when you're going to want to go down. 118 00:07:28,730 --> 00:07:29,300 Yes. 119 00:07:29,840 --> 00:07:32,830 There's nothing on the hard drive anyway so that we're using. 120 00:07:33,080 --> 00:07:38,450 So it's not a big deal if it wipes everything off the hard drives anything on there and where it's not 121 00:07:38,450 --> 00:07:40,130 going to break your computer, your laptop. 122 00:07:41,540 --> 00:07:44,960 OK, so when the screen comes up and it says configure the package manager. 123 00:07:45,110 --> 00:07:45,410 Yes. 124 00:07:45,410 --> 00:07:50,840 Right here to continue without, you know, setting up the network mirror, it'll just give you all 125 00:07:50,840 --> 00:07:51,800 kinds of errors. 126 00:07:52,610 --> 00:07:57,020 So now it's just going to, you know, install more software, of course. 127 00:07:57,320 --> 00:08:03,000 So by the power of video editing, we're going to fast forward. 128 00:08:03,140 --> 00:08:06,210 OK, so right here, you just keep this pretty defaults. 129 00:08:06,920 --> 00:08:07,700 It's in you. 130 00:08:10,050 --> 00:08:11,220 We're just about finished. 131 00:08:12,510 --> 00:08:19,740 OK, so now I'm back and it's asking us to install the grubbed loader, so just yes, right here, don't 132 00:08:19,740 --> 00:08:21,390 worry about exactly what this is. 133 00:08:22,170 --> 00:08:23,700 Click on right here. 134 00:08:23,760 --> 00:08:25,760 You see slash dev Celesta. 135 00:08:26,760 --> 00:08:27,810 Hey, continue. 136 00:08:28,020 --> 00:08:32,910 So once again, we're waiting a little bit more finalizing our installation. 137 00:08:33,420 --> 00:08:40,830 OK, so now installation is complete and we're going to continue in just a couple of important things 138 00:08:40,840 --> 00:08:42,690 and then we're going to be good to go. 139 00:08:42,960 --> 00:08:48,180 So it's going to reboot and let's get going with our Calli Linux machine. 140 00:08:48,210 --> 00:08:54,330 OK, so just make it or it'll automatically do it in like five seconds or something. 141 00:08:55,300 --> 00:08:57,240 It's got a load of lennix. 142 00:09:01,270 --> 00:09:05,570 Nice, cool dragon, glowing emblem. 143 00:09:05,860 --> 00:09:10,740 So now Callisthenics is loading and then it's going to show us a login screen where you're going to 144 00:09:10,750 --> 00:09:13,120 put your username and password that you created. 145 00:09:13,990 --> 00:09:16,130 So let's give it a couple more seconds. 146 00:09:17,200 --> 00:09:21,080 So now I see my username was Califf, in case you didn't remember. 147 00:09:21,670 --> 00:09:23,440 And super secret password. 148 00:09:23,980 --> 00:09:28,260 That's not password log in and it's loading just a computer. 149 00:09:28,270 --> 00:09:32,700 So now we have our Lennix hacking machine. 150 00:09:32,740 --> 00:09:33,220 All right.