1 00:00:00,150 --> 00:00:07,590 OK, so another option for, you know, maintaining your privacy online is to use a non serve, a non 2 00:00:07,590 --> 00:00:12,870 serve is a tool that's going to allow you to stay anonymous by routing, you know, every packet from 3 00:00:12,870 --> 00:00:15,010 your computer through the torch relay. 4 00:00:15,300 --> 00:00:20,910 So when you use an answer for ethical hacking, all the traffic from your system is going to go through 5 00:00:20,910 --> 00:00:22,290 a tour proxy server. 6 00:00:22,470 --> 00:00:29,880 So it's kind of similarities in Tor Tor browser, but it's actually, you know, for things like when 7 00:00:29,880 --> 00:00:34,140 you're not in the browser, so you're be doing stuff like maybe phone command line is something that 8 00:00:34,140 --> 00:00:37,520 just all of the traffic is going to go through a torch relay. 9 00:00:37,650 --> 00:00:43,860 So if you want to download and launch and for Linux, you can do the following commands so you can have 10 00:00:43,860 --> 00:00:45,700 the Cloney from GitHub. 11 00:00:46,740 --> 00:00:49,350 This is something that, you know, an ethical hacking community. 12 00:00:49,350 --> 00:00:54,510 GitHub is very widely used where people post code publicly for you to download. 13 00:00:54,610 --> 00:01:00,930 And one way that you can download is a get clone command, followed by the link to the actual, you 14 00:01:00,930 --> 00:01:06,200 know, GitHub repository that you want to clone or, you know, copy down to your computer. 15 00:01:06,210 --> 00:01:11,370 So it's just going to copy the folder from this location and all the files inside of it to your local 16 00:01:11,370 --> 00:01:11,910 computer. 17 00:01:12,820 --> 00:01:19,480 And you don't want to change the change to the folder called Caleigh Dash and serve and then run the 18 00:01:19,480 --> 00:01:26,650 installer files just to show file and then just announces that unassertive start and then we're good 19 00:01:26,650 --> 00:01:26,840 to go. 20 00:01:26,860 --> 00:01:28,360 So let's go ahead and try this out. 21 00:01:28,630 --> 00:01:30,910 OK, so we're back on callisthenics machine. 22 00:01:30,920 --> 00:01:34,440 So let's try this right here we are in our California. 23 00:01:34,450 --> 00:01:35,250 So let's see. 24 00:01:36,010 --> 00:01:38,770 Get clone htp us. 25 00:01:39,640 --> 00:01:47,140 Let's get Hubb dot com slash undie three. 26 00:01:48,120 --> 00:02:03,270 Are F 10 W. Slash Kelly Dash Anon's surf surf dive, yet the SO now was going through Cloney eight when 27 00:02:03,420 --> 00:02:09,480 it found all the objects, it copied it down knock and KDDI to the coloniser folder. 28 00:02:09,720 --> 00:02:17,360 And then I can do, I'm going to do a pseudo just to be safe to avoid potential issue and solid show 29 00:02:18,090 --> 00:02:23,340 and now it's going to go ahead and install a non surf and once this is done we're going to be able to 30 00:02:23,340 --> 00:02:23,760 launch. 31 00:02:23,760 --> 00:02:29,840 It will just be an awesome start and then all of our pacas will be routed through Tor relays. 32 00:02:30,330 --> 00:02:32,220 So let's give it a minute and then we'll start it up. 33 00:02:32,760 --> 00:02:37,110 OK, so now we see that the installation is finished actually launch. 34 00:02:37,110 --> 00:02:40,620 It's a non surf start. 35 00:02:43,410 --> 00:02:48,300 Make sure that you run as Ruzzo pseudo announcer start. 36 00:02:49,600 --> 00:02:56,920 And then it's going to go ahead and start a tour, and now we're all of our traffic is being routed 37 00:02:57,520 --> 00:03:02,470 through tor relay, so technically we know where we're going to maintain our privacy here. 38 00:03:02,710 --> 00:03:09,330 So this is another option for you if you don't want to, you know, necessarily just use it to our browser 39 00:03:09,340 --> 00:03:10,660 if you're going to be doing other things. 40 00:03:10,960 --> 00:03:15,610 This is just to give you an extra layer of privacy and security.