1 00:00:00,060 --> 00:00:04,750 Welcome to Section six in this section, we're going to cover wi fi hacking. 2 00:00:04,770 --> 00:00:10,560 I'm going to walk you through a big picture overview of what exactly wi fi is and how this is one of 3 00:00:10,590 --> 00:00:17,100 the most common ways that black hunters get access to networks, access to information, and how you 4 00:00:17,100 --> 00:00:20,220 can also learn how to hack wi fi yourself. 5 00:00:20,220 --> 00:00:20,470 Right. 6 00:00:20,670 --> 00:00:22,370 So let's go right ahead and jump in here. 7 00:00:22,410 --> 00:00:26,150 So we're going to go over specifically what is Wi-Fi? 8 00:00:26,220 --> 00:00:31,200 I want you to get a real understanding foundationally of what exactly Wi-Fi is. 9 00:00:31,200 --> 00:00:31,400 Right. 10 00:00:31,410 --> 00:00:36,990 We have that acronym there, but we don't really know oftentimes how it works, why it works and the 11 00:00:36,990 --> 00:00:37,860 back story of it. 12 00:00:37,860 --> 00:00:38,100 Right. 13 00:00:38,100 --> 00:00:39,420 We're going to go into that. 14 00:00:39,660 --> 00:00:44,400 We're going to go over how hackers break into Wi-Fi, what are the most common methods. 15 00:00:44,580 --> 00:00:48,930 And then we're going to go over setting up or Calli machine for Wi-Fi hacking. 16 00:00:49,260 --> 00:00:51,990 We're going to walk through the hacking. 17 00:00:52,470 --> 00:00:57,890 We're also going to walk through the WPA and WP to hacking as well. 18 00:00:57,900 --> 00:01:00,600 So what exactly is Wi-Fi? 19 00:01:00,600 --> 00:01:08,100 So Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology that allows devices such as computers, laptops, desktops, 20 00:01:08,580 --> 00:01:11,870 any other mobile devices to interface with the Internet. 21 00:01:11,880 --> 00:01:17,380 So if you look at the right hand side over here, you notice that you have all these devices, right? 22 00:01:17,640 --> 00:01:22,290 You have the computers, you have your cell phone, you have a laptop. 23 00:01:22,530 --> 00:01:25,560 They're all connected to a wireless access point. 24 00:01:25,560 --> 00:01:26,070 Right. 25 00:01:26,070 --> 00:01:32,760 Which is typically like a modem that serves as also Wi-Fi connection, which is a wireless access point 26 00:01:32,760 --> 00:01:35,940 that allows devices such as your cell phone. 27 00:01:35,940 --> 00:01:37,350 If you're walking around at home. 28 00:01:37,500 --> 00:01:37,900 Right. 29 00:01:38,070 --> 00:01:41,700 You don't need to connect your cell phone through a wired cable. 30 00:01:41,730 --> 00:01:42,900 Right to your modem. 31 00:01:42,900 --> 00:01:48,780 All you got to do is sign up to the Wi-Fi and you'll have the instant access to that network. 32 00:01:48,990 --> 00:01:55,920 That wireless access point serves as the actual Wi-Fi connection for any other devices in the network. 33 00:01:55,950 --> 00:02:01,800 So just think about a wireless access point as the same thing as an amplifier and what an amplifier 34 00:02:01,800 --> 00:02:03,410 does for a home stereo. 35 00:02:03,420 --> 00:02:07,340 It amplifies the connection and amplifies the sound. 36 00:02:07,350 --> 00:02:13,830 And so an access point takes the bandwidth coming from a router and stretches it out so that more devices 37 00:02:13,830 --> 00:02:14,910 can get on the network. 38 00:02:14,910 --> 00:02:20,910 And sometimes you'll just have like a wireless access point that is connected to a router. 39 00:02:20,910 --> 00:02:21,170 Right. 40 00:02:21,210 --> 00:02:26,040 You have an actual router that you can have for an actual access device. 41 00:02:26,160 --> 00:02:30,360 And sometimes you have a standalone wireless access point. 42 00:02:30,360 --> 00:02:30,750 Right. 43 00:02:30,780 --> 00:02:34,500 That will allow the network to stretch its actual coverage. 44 00:02:34,680 --> 00:02:37,200 And so this is essentially what Wi-Fi is, right? 45 00:02:37,200 --> 00:02:44,280 It's a wireless network, technology allowing devices to be connected to the Internet through the network 46 00:02:44,280 --> 00:02:45,760 on a wireless basis. 47 00:02:45,780 --> 00:02:49,190 And so now let's go over how hackers break into Wi-Fi. 48 00:02:49,290 --> 00:02:54,290 So here are some of the common methods that they use to break into the actual Wi-Fi networks. 49 00:02:54,450 --> 00:02:55,770 So we have sniffing here. 50 00:02:55,800 --> 00:03:02,130 And what snipping is it allows hackers to hijack any packet of data that is being transmitted between 51 00:03:02,130 --> 00:03:03,740 a device and a router. 52 00:03:03,750 --> 00:03:05,970 So in between that connection, right. 53 00:03:06,000 --> 00:03:12,540 There's packets of information that are going back and forth and the hacker is able to hijack any of 54 00:03:12,540 --> 00:03:15,810 those bits and pieces of information while they're being transmitted. 55 00:03:15,940 --> 00:03:17,340 And then we have spoofing. 56 00:03:17,340 --> 00:03:23,070 And how this works here is, you know, typically when you log into a specific network, wireless network, 57 00:03:23,070 --> 00:03:27,600 you have your saved login information as far as your username and your password. 58 00:03:27,600 --> 00:03:33,900 And so what a black header does here is they set up a network that is stronger and that allows your 59 00:03:34,050 --> 00:03:37,650 particular device to connect to whatever saved information there. 60 00:03:37,650 --> 00:03:39,330 As far as the login, the password. 61 00:03:39,330 --> 00:03:39,610 Right. 62 00:03:39,630 --> 00:03:42,230 The credentials then get saved. 63 00:03:42,240 --> 00:03:47,520 And so then that information is now available to that, you know, Blackadder and then they're able 64 00:03:47,520 --> 00:03:53,730 to actually get the login information to the actual network that you're looking to actually connect 65 00:03:53,730 --> 00:03:53,940 to. 66 00:03:53,940 --> 00:03:55,520 And then there's word driving. 67 00:03:55,530 --> 00:04:01,140 This is where hackers are physically driving around in their car and they're spotting and looking to 68 00:04:01,140 --> 00:04:05,430 exploit wireless local area networks while they're driving around. 69 00:04:05,430 --> 00:04:10,650 And this is typically for like, you know, businesses that have networks that, you know, expand to 70 00:04:10,650 --> 00:04:12,560 a given location given area. 71 00:04:12,690 --> 00:04:17,730 These are folks that are actually driving around looking to exploit these types of networks. 72 00:04:17,860 --> 00:04:19,940 And then we have encryption hacking. 73 00:04:19,950 --> 00:04:25,790 This is where hackers use brute force on the router in a bid to crack its decryption key. 74 00:04:25,800 --> 00:04:27,810 And then finally, here we have brute force. 75 00:04:27,840 --> 00:04:30,420 I really want to give you a full explanation here. 76 00:04:30,420 --> 00:04:36,360 What brute force is this is the equivalent of trying every single key on the key ring and eventually 77 00:04:36,360 --> 00:04:37,280 finding the right one. 78 00:04:37,290 --> 00:04:39,780 So let's say you have a set of numbers that you're working with. 79 00:04:39,780 --> 00:04:45,300 One through 10 brute force is essentially where you're going through each and every single combination 80 00:04:45,480 --> 00:04:47,340 within that one through 10. 81 00:04:47,340 --> 00:04:47,520 Right. 82 00:04:47,520 --> 00:04:54,060 You're trying one trying to three for know all the numbers and you're essentially putting in all your 83 00:04:54,060 --> 00:04:59,940 force, all your capabilities to be able to take over that particular network. 84 00:05:00,020 --> 00:05:06,140 Or to get into that particular information, whatever that may be, it's doing it by all means necessary, 85 00:05:06,140 --> 00:05:10,250 essentially, or trying everything in the book, throwing everything at everything in the kitchen sink 86 00:05:10,250 --> 00:05:16,040 to essentially be able to break into that network or whatever data or application that you're breaking 87 00:05:16,040 --> 00:05:16,400 into. 88 00:05:16,520 --> 00:05:20,290 And so this is a quick section overview here of wi fi hacking. 89 00:05:20,300 --> 00:05:23,420 We're going to go a lot more in-depth in these coming lectures. 90 00:05:23,660 --> 00:05:28,670 Anthony is going to walk you through a lot more examples, but this is more just a quick overview of 91 00:05:28,670 --> 00:05:34,430 understanding at a foundational level, wi fi is and what are some of the common methods that hackers 92 00:05:34,430 --> 00:05:36,370 use to break into wi fi? 93 00:05:36,380 --> 00:05:38,210 So that's going to be here for this one. 94 00:05:38,210 --> 00:05:39,520 And we'll see you on the next one.