1 00:00:00,840 --> 00:00:06,510 In the previous lectures we learned how to use better cup to do a number of cool things. 2 00:00:06,670 --> 00:00:13,950 But everything we did we did it through a text or terminal interface. 3 00:00:13,960 --> 00:00:21,130 There is also a web interface or a graphical interface for a better cup that we can use to do everything 4 00:00:21,220 --> 00:00:23,770 that I showed you so far. 5 00:00:23,770 --> 00:00:29,620 The reason why I started with the text interface because first of all I actually prefer using it and 6 00:00:29,620 --> 00:00:33,680 I use that instead of the graphical interface all the time. 7 00:00:33,850 --> 00:00:39,820 I think it's faster you can use it to achieve your goal and launch the attacks much faster. 8 00:00:39,820 --> 00:00:48,520 It also requires less resources and less modules therefore it's less likely to fail and it's less buggy. 9 00:00:48,550 --> 00:00:52,120 Not only that but by learning how to use the text interface. 10 00:00:52,120 --> 00:00:58,390 I also showed you how to manually modify the couplets and the scripts where they are stored and how 11 00:00:58,390 --> 00:01:06,340 to use them properly without the need for an extra plugin which is the plugin that runs the web interface. 12 00:01:06,340 --> 00:01:11,770 With that being said some people still think the web interface is more user friendly and that's why 13 00:01:11,800 --> 00:01:14,530 I'm gonna cover it in this lecture. 14 00:01:14,530 --> 00:01:18,000 First of all we need to install the web interface. 15 00:01:18,190 --> 00:01:23,100 So I'm going to start Buttercup by doing better carb Dash. 16 00:01:23,260 --> 00:01:25,330 I face 88 0. 17 00:01:25,420 --> 00:01:31,270 My interface that is connected to the target network and I'm not going to use the dash couplet as usual 18 00:01:31,510 --> 00:01:33,810 because we don't want to start a couplet this time. 19 00:01:33,850 --> 00:01:39,610 We just want to start better cab and we're specifying the interface that is connected to the target 20 00:01:39,610 --> 00:01:41,380 network. 21 00:01:41,380 --> 00:01:46,950 As you know this will work with no errors and if we do help we'll get a list of all the modules. 22 00:01:46,960 --> 00:01:54,310 As I showed you before and the module that we want to run this time is the UI which is short for user 23 00:01:54,310 --> 00:01:55,610 interface. 24 00:01:55,930 --> 00:02:01,900 And as usual when we don't know how to run a module we usually do help followed by the module name which 25 00:02:01,900 --> 00:02:09,690 is you I and as you can see you can first get the version and you can updated now. 26 00:02:09,840 --> 00:02:16,800 At the moment it's not even installed so we have to do you a dot update to install it. 27 00:02:17,280 --> 00:02:25,020 But before doing that we need to specify the location where better cap is installed so that the UI is 28 00:02:25,020 --> 00:02:27,640 installed and the right the rectory. 29 00:02:27,960 --> 00:02:35,720 So if we go down and as shown in the previous lectures better is stored in us our share Buttercup. 30 00:02:35,760 --> 00:02:40,920 And remember when we were modifying couplets we used to go into this directory and modify the couplets 31 00:02:41,580 --> 00:02:45,180 but right now we just want to install the web interface. 32 00:02:45,180 --> 00:02:49,140 So we want to install it to user share Buttercup. 33 00:02:49,770 --> 00:02:56,940 So I'm gonna go up and I'm going to modify the UI that base path exactly the same way that I modify 34 00:02:56,940 --> 00:02:58,200 any other option. 35 00:02:58,620 --> 00:03:07,920 So we do set followed by the option name which is UI dot based path and we want to set that to USAR 36 00:03:08,430 --> 00:03:14,380 share Buttercup hit enter and that's done. 37 00:03:14,380 --> 00:03:21,170 So now we're ready to download and install the web interface and we can do that by doing you either 38 00:03:21,210 --> 00:03:30,310 don't update so you ie dot update and as you can see it saying it's downloading it from this Your L 39 00:03:30,340 --> 00:03:38,380 right here and it's going to be installed here so now that we have the UI installed we can run the UI 40 00:03:38,710 --> 00:03:48,760 and the command is haste TTP dash UI I'm going to hit enter and as you can see we get no errors. 41 00:03:48,770 --> 00:03:51,130 Everything is working as expected. 42 00:03:51,360 --> 00:03:59,490 It's still announced that we can access it on this particular your l so I'm going to copy the URL and 43 00:03:59,510 --> 00:04:01,470 I'm gonna go to a web browser. 44 00:04:04,080 --> 00:04:05,300 And we're going to paste it 45 00:04:08,500 --> 00:04:09,910 and perfect as you can see. 46 00:04:09,950 --> 00:04:18,140 We get the log in page for the web interface so the default user name is user and the default password 47 00:04:18,170 --> 00:04:27,020 is pass I'm going to click on log in to log in and perfect as you can see were logged in and we have 48 00:04:27,080 --> 00:04:34,460 a very nice and simple interface now in the next lecture I'm going to show you how to use this interface 49 00:04:34,730 --> 00:04:41,390 to run all of the attacks that I showed you before without having to type any commands.