1 00:00:01,090 --> 00:00:08,320 OK so now that we have the web interface installed and running let's see how we can use it to interact 2 00:00:08,320 --> 00:00:12,920 with better cap and launch all of the attacks that I showed you before. 3 00:00:13,000 --> 00:00:21,280 Without having to type any commands and as you can see we have a very simple and easy to use interface. 4 00:00:21,280 --> 00:00:26,410 There is no more commands that we have to run even though we can run commands here through the command 5 00:00:26,410 --> 00:00:27,960 line. 6 00:00:28,030 --> 00:00:30,150 Right here we have the event log. 7 00:00:30,190 --> 00:00:37,500 So this is similar to what you see in here and the terminal but it's in a much nicer interface. 8 00:00:37,660 --> 00:00:40,110 You can use the search bar here to filter. 9 00:00:40,150 --> 00:00:48,330 If you're looking for a specific log or for a specific event and you can actually click any event type 10 00:00:48,510 --> 00:00:56,360 too muted so you won't see any of that event on screen all of this is happening in here and the events 11 00:00:56,360 --> 00:01:03,470 menu the next useful page would be the land page right here which will show you all the devices connected 12 00:01:03,470 --> 00:01:04,570 to the network. 13 00:01:04,580 --> 00:01:10,880 So this is similar to when we used to do a net show as you can see right now we only have the Raptor 14 00:01:11,120 --> 00:01:18,890 which is a 10 0 to 1 and my current computer which is 10 0 to 15 This is Carly. 15 00:01:18,920 --> 00:01:27,200 Now as you know before we had to start the net dot recon and net dot probe to discover all of the devices 16 00:01:27,230 --> 00:01:29,090 on the same network. 17 00:01:29,120 --> 00:01:35,270 So in here instead of writing the commands all you have to do is click on display button to start the 18 00:01:35,270 --> 00:01:43,370 net dot probe and click on this play button to start the next three con you'll get nice notifications 19 00:01:43,370 --> 00:01:44,170 in here. 20 00:01:44,360 --> 00:01:49,430 And as you can see we managed to discover all of the connected devices. 21 00:01:49,440 --> 00:01:55,680 You can also see in here we have a nice tag to tell us that this is the gateway and a nice tag telling 22 00:01:55,680 --> 00:02:02,640 us that this is our computer and the devices that we discovered are these two devices and you can see 23 00:02:02,640 --> 00:02:04,930 this is my M.S. EDGE device. 24 00:02:05,040 --> 00:02:12,710 The windows machine that we have always been targeting again because this is a very simple web interface. 25 00:02:12,780 --> 00:02:19,040 You won't have to type anything you can click on this little arrow right here beside the machine beside 26 00:02:19,050 --> 00:02:20,700 the IP. 27 00:02:20,700 --> 00:02:27,930 You can either scan this machine for ports or add it to your spoofing targets so you won't have to set 28 00:02:28,020 --> 00:02:30,690 a piece poof the target's to this IP. 29 00:02:30,720 --> 00:02:36,900 All you have to do is literally click here and it's automatically added to the AARP spoof. 30 00:02:36,960 --> 00:02:42,150 Not only that but we'll see a nice little window in here to configure our AARP spoof. 31 00:02:42,450 --> 00:02:46,620 And remember we used to set this option to true the full duplex. 32 00:02:46,620 --> 00:02:52,590 So all I have to do now is just click here to check it and to start this spoof for all I have to do 33 00:02:52,590 --> 00:02:55,290 is click on Start spoofing and done. 34 00:02:55,290 --> 00:03:02,490 Now we should be spoofing the target as you can see we also see a nice icon in here beside this IP to 35 00:03:02,490 --> 00:03:08,670 tell us that at the moment we are spoofing this IP telling it that we are the gateway. 36 00:03:08,670 --> 00:03:17,640 So now if I go to my target and just do a sharpie A you can see that the rafters MAC address has changed 37 00:03:17,670 --> 00:03:21,140 to the MAC address of the Kelly machine which is this one. 38 00:03:21,150 --> 00:03:26,820 So that means that we are properly spoofing this device telling it that we are there outer and we managed 39 00:03:26,820 --> 00:03:33,160 to become the man in the middle now of actually showed you how to do all of this before in details. 40 00:03:33,160 --> 00:03:38,620 So if you don't remember any of this or if any of this feels strange then please go back and revise 41 00:03:38,620 --> 00:03:42,070 the lectures where I cover these things. 42 00:03:42,070 --> 00:03:50,650 Now I also showed you how to bypass hasty G.P.S. and partially bypass h as t as using a couplet. 43 00:03:50,890 --> 00:03:57,610 Again we have a nice menu here for couplets and as you can see we have all of the couplets currently 44 00:03:57,610 --> 00:04:03,990 available with better cap and all you have to do is just click on the couplet that you want to run. 45 00:04:04,090 --> 00:04:08,680 And in my case it's the H S T S hijack couplet. 46 00:04:08,680 --> 00:04:15,070 Also if you remember when we were modifying this couplet we used to have to open the location where 47 00:04:15,070 --> 00:04:21,850 the couplets are installed and then open the couplet in a text editor and then modify its options. 48 00:04:21,850 --> 00:04:28,440 Whereas in here you can literally modify any options you want with this within this menu click on the 49 00:04:28,440 --> 00:04:35,260 this icon right here to save and then click on play to on this couplet. 50 00:04:35,260 --> 00:04:41,920 And as you can see you get nice notifications telling you that everything got executed as expected. 51 00:04:41,920 --> 00:04:44,230 And right now we can go ahead and test this. 52 00:04:45,010 --> 00:04:54,330 So if I go here and just clear the browsing data as usual and then if I just go to a normal hasty TTP 53 00:04:54,480 --> 00:05:04,230 page such as Stack Overflow dot com you'll see that this will load over hash TTP so we can log in and 54 00:05:04,230 --> 00:05:10,570 we should be able to get the user name and password as I showed you before and we can test the partial 55 00:05:10,590 --> 00:05:12,250 HST yes bypass. 56 00:05:12,300 --> 00:05:19,520 So if I go to Google dot I E and search for Facebook. 57 00:05:19,790 --> 00:05:21,470 Click on the first result 58 00:05:24,430 --> 00:05:29,040 and perfect as you can see it's loading over a normal hash TTP here again. 59 00:05:29,050 --> 00:05:34,430 So if I log in the information will be captured by My sniffer. 60 00:05:34,510 --> 00:05:40,630 So as you can see it is very very easy to edit couplets and even run them through this web interface 61 00:05:42,170 --> 00:05:47,280 you can also run all of the other plugins through the advanced menu in here. 62 00:05:47,330 --> 00:05:53,030 So for example if you wanted to start the sniffer all you have to do is just scroll down here looking 63 00:05:53,030 --> 00:06:00,850 for the sniffer and we have it right here that dog sniff if I click on that as you can see on top it's 64 00:06:00,850 --> 00:06:02,670 telling us it's not running. 65 00:06:02,950 --> 00:06:07,720 And right here instead of running the commands all you have to do is just click on the commands that 66 00:06:07,720 --> 00:06:13,200 you want to run not only that but if you wanted to modify any of the options. 67 00:06:13,310 --> 00:06:19,100 Again all you have to do is just type whatever you want to modify in here click on this even here and 68 00:06:19,100 --> 00:06:22,070 then run the command that you want to run. 69 00:06:22,430 --> 00:06:28,370 So if I wanted to start the sniffer now all I have to do is just click on net dot sniff on and this 70 00:06:28,370 --> 00:06:29,800 will start the sniffer for me. 71 00:06:31,110 --> 00:06:37,290 Now the sniffer combined with the nice events that we can get in here makes it easier to filter through 72 00:06:37,290 --> 00:06:38,980 the data that we capture. 73 00:06:39,240 --> 00:06:46,870 But it's still not the best way to filter through the captured data I will cover how to properly sniff 74 00:06:46,870 --> 00:06:52,570 data and filter it using wire shark which is the best tool for sniffing and filtering data. 75 00:06:53,020 --> 00:07:00,810 But again this web interface right here provides a nicer way of interacting and using better cup. 76 00:07:00,900 --> 00:07:08,010 Now I want to show you how to use the Wi-Fi the BLT the idea and the poison menus because we actually 77 00:07:08,010 --> 00:07:10,800 did not use any of these modules previously. 78 00:07:11,070 --> 00:07:19,100 So I just wanted to focus on showing you how to do everything we have done so far using this interface. 79 00:07:19,310 --> 00:07:21,730 Like I said it it is easier to use. 80 00:07:21,740 --> 00:07:22,540 I agree. 81 00:07:22,610 --> 00:07:28,370 But once you get used to the terminal interface it will be just as easy as this one. 82 00:07:28,460 --> 00:07:30,280 To me it's more organized. 83 00:07:30,290 --> 00:07:33,440 It can be used to achieve my goals much quicker. 84 00:07:33,440 --> 00:07:36,340 It uses less resources and it's faster. 85 00:07:36,350 --> 00:07:40,280 That's why I prefer using it over the web interface. 86 00:07:40,340 --> 00:07:45,470 And if it wasn't for showing you how to use the web interface I wouldn't even install it. 87 00:07:46,490 --> 00:07:52,580 But at the end of the day I want to show you both options and obviously you're free to use whatever 88 00:07:52,580 --> 00:07:53,900 is easier for you.