elhacker.INFO Downloads
Name Size
Parent Directory -
1. Introduction to Cloud Computing For Hackers/ -
2. Cloud Basics/ -
3. Phishing/ -
4. Phishing - Bypassing 2 Multi Factor Authentication (2FA MFA)/ -
5. Accessing Cloud Server Desktop/ -
6. BitB - Browser In Browser Attack/ -
7. Mobile BitB - Mobile Friendly Phishing & 2FA Bypass/ -
8. Multi-BitB Attack/ -
9. Hacking Web Browsers/ -
10. Command & Control Servers (C2 C&C)/ -
11. Hacking Windows, Linux & Apple Mac OS From the Cloud/ -
12. Post Exploitation With StarKiller/ -
13. Hacking Windows Using Discord as a C2/ -
14. Windows Post Exploitation via Discord/ -
15. Creating Windows Trojans/ -
16. Creating Apple Mac OS & Linux Trojans/ -
17. Advanced Malware Delivery/ -
18. Bonus Section/ -