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[Volver] Parent Directory - [VID] 1. Course Overview.mp4 19M [VID] 2. Video - Downloading ISO and OVA Fles for VirtualBox.mp4 55M [VID] 3. Video and lab - Creating a Virtual install of Kali using VirtualBox.mp4 87M [VID] 4. Video and Lab - Creating a Virtual Install of CSI Linux 2021.2.mp4 129M [VID] 5. Video and lab - Creating an Unattended Virtual Install of XP Using Virtualbox.mp4 25M [VID] 6. Video and lab - Creating an Install of Metasplotable3-w2k8.mp4 51M [VID] 7. Video - Installing the VirtualBox Extension Pack.mp4 21M [VID] 8. Video - Taking a Snapshot of Your Current Configuration.mp4 33M [VID] 9. Video and Lab - Gathering Information Using Maltego.mp4 142M [VID] 10. Video and Lab - Gathering Information Using CSI Linux Investigator.mp4 74M [VID] 11. Video and Lab - Preparing CSI Linux to Use Shodan.mp4 33M [VID] 12. Video and Lab - Using Shodan to Find Vulnerable Devices.mp4 146M [VID] 13. Video and lab - Using Shodan to Search for Vulnerable Databases.mp4 83M [VID] 14. Video and Lab - Introduction to Nmap.mp4 256M [VID] 15. Video - Service and Open Port scan.mp4 28M [VID] 16. Video - OS Detection.mp4 57M [VID] 17. Video - Host Discovery.mp4 52M [VID] 18. Video - Analyzing NMap Results.mp4 58M [VID] 19. Video and lab - NMap Scripting Engine (NSE).mp4 238M [VID] 20. Video and lab - Scanning for WannaCry Ransomware.mp4 191M [VID] 21. Video and Lab - Installing NESSUS Using Docker.mp4 74M [VID] 22. Video and lab - Scanning for Vulnerabilities Using Nessus.mp4 77M [VID] 23. Video - Using Your Nessus Scan Results.mp4 174M [VID] 24. Video and Lab - Installing OpenVAS Using Docker.mp4 143M [VID] 25. Video and Lab - Scanning for Vulnerabilities Using OpenVAS.mp4 120M [VID] 26. Video and Lab- Using Metasploit to Launch a DOS Attack Against Windows XP.mp4 140M [VID] 27. Video and Lab - Establishing A VNC Shell Using Meterpreter.mp4 280M [VID] 28. Video and Lab - Using Meterpreter to backdoor Windows XP.mp4 180M [VID] 31. Video and Lab - Use MSFVENOM to Create a BIND Shell Payload.mp4 59M [VID] 32. Video and Lab - Use MSFVENOM to Create a Reverse TCP Payload.mp4 51M [VID] 33. Video and Lab - Use MSFVENOM to Create a HTTPS Payload.mp4 51M [VID] 34. Video and Lab - Use MSFVENOM to Create a Hidden Bind TCP Payload.mp4 37M [VID] 35. Video and lab - Installing Metasploitable2 Using VirtualBox.mp4 100M [VID] 38. Video and lab - Lab - Social Engineering with ZPhisher.mp4 38M [VID] 39. Video and Lab - Introduction to BASH Scripting.mp4 231M [VID] 40. Video and Lab - Creating a BASH Script for Scanning Vulnerable Ports.mp4 245M [VID] 42. Video and Lab - Password Cracking Using Hydra.mp4 44M [VID] 43. Video and Lab – Password Cracking Using Medusa.mp4 75M [VID] 44. Video and Lab - Passwords Cracking Using Mimikatz.mp4 173M [VID] 45. Video and Lab - Installing a Wireless Adapter in Kali.mp4 53M [VID] 46. Video and Lab - Hacking a Wireless Network Using Kali Linux.mp4 97M [VID] 47. Video and Lab - Wireless Deauthentication Attack.mp4 43M [VID] 48. Video and Lab - PMKID Client-less Wireless Attack Using Bettercap.mp4 73M [VID] 49. Video and Lab - Installing w3af in Kali Linux Using Docker.mp4 121M [VID] 50. Video and Lab – Conducting A Website Vulnerability Scan Using w3af.mp4 81M [VID] 51. Video and Lab – Performing a Browser Based Attack.mp4 135M [VID] 52. Video and lab - SQL Injection Attack Using SQLmap.mp4 167M [VID] 53. Video - Configure Kali for Exploitation the WAN.mp4 181M [VID] 54. Video and lab - The Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF).mp4 202M [VID] 55. Video and Lab - Anonymize Kali Using Whonix.mp4 70M [VID] 57. Video Walk Through -Key #1.mp4 218M [VID] 58. Video Walk through - Key #2.mp4 269M [VID] 59. Video Walk Through - Key #3.mp4 138M [VID] 61. Video - Capture the Flag - Stapler Part 1.mp4 291M [VID] 62. Video - Capture the Flag - Stapler Part 2.mp4 205M [VID] 63. Video - Capture the Flag - Stapler Part 3.mp4 181M

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