1 00:00:00,180 --> 00:00:00,900 Hello. 2 00:00:00,900 --> 00:00:05,400 The beautiful people know at the end of the last video, I gave you a little bit of a teaser about something 3 00:00:05,400 --> 00:00:06,620 called aliases. 4 00:00:06,630 --> 00:00:12,780 Now, aliases are basically little nicknames for your commands or for your command pipelines that make 5 00:00:12,780 --> 00:00:14,280 them a lot easier to remember. 6 00:00:14,310 --> 00:00:19,260 Now, in this video, you're going to be learning how to create your very own command aliases. 7 00:00:19,260 --> 00:00:20,250 So very exciting. 8 00:00:20,250 --> 00:00:24,960 Now, in this video, I'm going to walk you through step by step, everything you need to do to create 9 00:00:24,960 --> 00:00:26,430 your own command aliases. 10 00:00:26,430 --> 00:00:31,020 And by the end of the video, you should have all the skills that you need in order to create easy to 11 00:00:31,020 --> 00:00:35,160 remember nicknames for your pipelines so that once you've written them, no matter how complicated they 12 00:00:35,160 --> 00:00:40,560 are, you can just use them over and over and over again without typing them all out, just using instead 13 00:00:40,560 --> 00:00:42,690 the easy to remember nickname. 14 00:00:42,690 --> 00:00:47,340 So this is super cool stuff and let's go ahead and jump right into it. 15 00:00:48,670 --> 00:00:48,980 Okay. 16 00:00:49,000 --> 00:00:53,710 So the first thing you need to do to start creating your own command aliases is to create a special 17 00:00:53,710 --> 00:00:57,560 file called Bash Aliases in your home folder. 18 00:00:57,580 --> 00:01:01,960 So to do that, to create the file, what we want to do is we want to click on activities at the top 19 00:01:01,960 --> 00:01:06,460 left and then in the search bar here, just type the word text. 20 00:01:06,460 --> 00:01:11,920 And it should come up with a thing that says Here, Text editor, just click on that and it will open 21 00:01:11,920 --> 00:01:14,530 up a new window where we've actually got a file. 22 00:01:14,560 --> 00:01:18,400 Now there's a button at the top here where you can click that says Save. 23 00:01:18,400 --> 00:01:24,100 So I'm going to click Save and in my home folder I'm going to type a file that starts that. 24 00:01:24,100 --> 00:01:27,130 It needs to be spelled exactly the way that I'm going to tell you. 25 00:01:27,610 --> 00:01:36,310 So first of all, you type a period or full stop, then you type bash base all in lowercase, then an 26 00:01:36,310 --> 00:01:38,980 underscore, then aliases. 27 00:01:38,980 --> 00:01:48,820 So s okay, so that's bash underscore aliases with a period or full stop at the beginning, everything 28 00:01:48,820 --> 00:01:51,880 in lowercase and then go ahead and hit save. 29 00:01:51,910 --> 00:01:57,850 Okay so now we have our bash aliases file and actually I don't think for the for the minute we'll need 30 00:01:57,850 --> 00:01:58,360 the terminal. 31 00:01:58,360 --> 00:01:59,830 So I'm just going to close that as well. 32 00:02:00,400 --> 00:02:02,950 So make sure it is spelt exactly as it is up here. 33 00:02:02,950 --> 00:02:09,820 Full stop then bash underscore aliases, aliases, everything in lowercase. 34 00:02:10,419 --> 00:02:13,390 And once you've got that, we should be all good to go. 35 00:02:13,540 --> 00:02:18,940 So now you might be wondering why did we actually need to name the file with a full stop at the beginning? 36 00:02:18,940 --> 00:02:19,810 That's quite strange. 37 00:02:19,810 --> 00:02:22,000 We don't normally name files like that, do we? 38 00:02:22,000 --> 00:02:27,490 Well, that full stop makes the file a special type of file called a Hidden File. 39 00:02:27,490 --> 00:02:33,610 So if we go back into the file browser here and we look at our home folder, you'll see that the bash 40 00:02:33,610 --> 00:02:35,870 aliases file isn't actually there. 41 00:02:35,890 --> 00:02:37,750 Oh, where has it gone? 42 00:02:37,750 --> 00:02:40,990 Well, it's a hidden file, so it's kind of hidden. 43 00:02:40,990 --> 00:02:46,960 But where it actually is, if you click on this button here with the three bars, if you click that 44 00:02:46,960 --> 00:02:51,700 and then click on down here, there'll be a checkbox that says Show Hidden Files. 45 00:02:51,700 --> 00:02:56,110 If we check that, we'll be able to see that our Bash Aliases file has been created. 46 00:02:56,110 --> 00:03:01,540 But there are actually also plenty of other plenty of other hidden files here that we hadn't seen before. 47 00:03:01,540 --> 00:03:02,140 But here we are. 48 00:03:02,140 --> 00:03:07,390 Here's our bash alias file that we're currently editing as well as actually even some hidden folders 49 00:03:07,390 --> 00:03:10,570 that maybe you didn't even know were sneaking around your system. 50 00:03:10,570 --> 00:03:12,490 But anyway, we don't need to worry about those for now. 51 00:03:12,490 --> 00:03:18,040 Let's just go ahead and click those three bars again and undo viewing hidden file so it all disappears 52 00:03:18,040 --> 00:03:18,430 again. 53 00:03:18,430 --> 00:03:23,080 So we don't have to continue looking at monsters under our bed and now we can go ahead and actually 54 00:03:23,080 --> 00:03:25,750 keep editing the bash alias file. 55 00:03:27,100 --> 00:03:27,430 Okay. 56 00:03:27,430 --> 00:03:32,400 So now that we're in our batch alias file, making an alias is actually really quite easy. 57 00:03:32,410 --> 00:03:34,890 So here's the command that we want to make an alias for. 58 00:03:34,900 --> 00:03:37,990 It's going to be a really long command with loads of complicated stuff in it. 59 00:03:37,990 --> 00:03:39,710 But we can do this, okay? 60 00:03:39,760 --> 00:03:40,900 It's there's nothing new. 61 00:03:40,900 --> 00:03:42,730 It's just quite it's just quite long. 62 00:03:42,730 --> 00:03:44,980 So we're going to type the date command. 63 00:03:44,980 --> 00:03:48,400 We're going to pass that into the cut command. 64 00:03:48,400 --> 00:03:50,500 We've seen this a bajillion times, right? 65 00:03:50,500 --> 00:03:55,840 We're going to tell it that the delimiter is a space and we're going to get the first field. 66 00:03:56,380 --> 00:03:59,560 Now, we also want to have a copy of that data. 67 00:03:59,560 --> 00:04:00,640 We want to take a snapshot. 68 00:04:00,640 --> 00:04:09,310 So we're going to take the T command and save that in a file in our home folder called full date txt. 69 00:04:09,580 --> 00:04:10,070 Okay. 70 00:04:10,210 --> 00:04:12,370 So we're doing well so far. 71 00:04:13,000 --> 00:04:17,649 Then we're going to take a snapshot of just the day of the week. 72 00:04:17,649 --> 00:04:23,530 We're going to save that in our home folder in a file called Short Date txt. 73 00:04:23,830 --> 00:04:28,960 And then everything that comes out, we're going to pass into the echo command, but also give the echo 74 00:04:28,960 --> 00:04:31,390 command its own argument. 75 00:04:32,080 --> 00:04:34,090 Whew, that's quite a long command. 76 00:04:34,090 --> 00:04:34,630 Right? 77 00:04:34,630 --> 00:04:36,760 So we're doing a lot of stuff in here. 78 00:04:38,500 --> 00:04:42,040 But the point is that it's long because then you can see how useful aliases are, right? 79 00:04:42,040 --> 00:04:48,250 So the only thing to make it work for your computer is instead of having Ziad Well, unless in the one 80 00:04:48,250 --> 00:04:53,500 in a bajillion chance that your name is also Ziad and you chose it to be your username on your virtual 81 00:04:53,500 --> 00:04:55,420 machine, which I think is unlikely. 82 00:04:55,570 --> 00:05:02,680 But if you are, send me a message, but otherwise just go ahead and change that with your username 83 00:05:02,680 --> 00:05:05,380 so that it matches the correct path on your computer. 84 00:05:05,380 --> 00:05:06,850 Otherwise you're going to start getting errors. 85 00:05:06,850 --> 00:05:13,090 Okay, so just if you, if your username was, you know, Sally, just change it to be Sally, but mine 86 00:05:13,090 --> 00:05:14,860 was Ziad, so I'll keep it at that. 87 00:05:15,010 --> 00:05:15,230 Okay. 88 00:05:15,340 --> 00:05:19,450 So this is the command that we want now to make an alias for it. 89 00:05:19,450 --> 00:05:24,190 Let's say, for example, we wanted to instead of typing out this massive command every time we wanted 90 00:05:24,190 --> 00:05:29,080 to do it, instead of just typing out that, what if we wanted to just type, get dates and that was 91 00:05:29,080 --> 00:05:30,910 going to be our alias? 92 00:05:31,240 --> 00:05:35,710 Well, all we have to do is just type the word alias, which is a special word. 93 00:05:35,710 --> 00:05:39,100 Then press a space, then get dates. 94 00:05:39,980 --> 00:05:45,820 An equal sign and then an apostrophe on either side of that command. 95 00:05:45,830 --> 00:05:50,690 So you can see there's an apostrophe here and there's an apostrophe here. 96 00:05:51,620 --> 00:05:58,130 So like a single quote on either side of the whole massive command, then alias at the beginning, the 97 00:05:58,130 --> 00:06:05,840 name of the alias and equals sign and then quotes on either side of the massive command. 98 00:06:05,840 --> 00:06:09,410 So what we're saying is, Hey, I want to make an alias called Get Dates. 99 00:06:09,410 --> 00:06:11,800 That is exactly equal to this command. 100 00:06:11,810 --> 00:06:18,320 Now when we save it and close it, so we need to close the the editor. 101 00:06:18,320 --> 00:06:26,210 So we go, we click on these three, these three bars over here, click close OC and close. 102 00:06:26,210 --> 00:06:29,580 All of this in general, I think let me just drag that down and close. 103 00:06:29,600 --> 00:06:35,690 Now, when we open our terminal, when we reboot our terminal, that alias should be loaded. 104 00:06:36,850 --> 00:06:37,210 Okay. 105 00:06:37,210 --> 00:06:42,060 So I want you to think of these aliases as being like your own commands. 106 00:06:42,490 --> 00:06:46,630 So if we try and run the get dates command, shall we call it? 107 00:06:46,870 --> 00:06:52,270 If we go ahead and press enter remembering that get dates was the name of our alias we actually get 108 00:06:52,270 --> 00:06:53,860 some output, so that's pretty cool. 109 00:06:53,890 --> 00:07:00,790 Now if we go ahead and look in our in our home folder, we'll also see that two new files have been 110 00:07:00,790 --> 00:07:01,240 created. 111 00:07:01,240 --> 00:07:04,230 So we've got full dates and short dates. 112 00:07:04,360 --> 00:07:06,890 So let's go ahead and take a look in full data. 113 00:07:06,900 --> 00:07:10,420 TXT We've actually gone and got the full date. 114 00:07:10,420 --> 00:07:16,900 All the data has been passed into that and short date dot txt has had just the day of the week passed 115 00:07:16,900 --> 00:07:17,410 in. 116 00:07:17,410 --> 00:07:18,550 Isn't that awesome? 117 00:07:18,550 --> 00:07:18,860 Okay. 118 00:07:18,880 --> 00:07:21,310 Because this has come from the alias. 119 00:07:21,310 --> 00:07:28,060 If I delete those and go ahead and run the get dates command again, we see that the files have been 120 00:07:28,060 --> 00:07:31,090 created one more time with the same data in them. 121 00:07:31,090 --> 00:07:32,650 So this is super cool, right? 122 00:07:32,650 --> 00:07:38,170 Like instead of typing out that really really really long alias, that really, really long command, 123 00:07:38,170 --> 00:07:42,730 every time we wanted to get that functionality because we've created an alias and basically given a 124 00:07:42,730 --> 00:07:49,570 cute nickname to the command get dates instead of the massive pipeline, we can now get the same functionality 125 00:07:49,570 --> 00:07:54,310 but in a much easier to remember way and a way that's actually easy to reproduce. 126 00:07:54,310 --> 00:07:55,570 So that's really awesome. 127 00:07:55,570 --> 00:07:57,450 But now let me show you something super cool. 128 00:07:57,940 --> 00:08:04,450 You can actually also use aliases in bigger pipelines, so think of your alias as just being its own 129 00:08:04,450 --> 00:08:05,440 pipeline, right? 130 00:08:05,470 --> 00:08:12,220 If your alias if that mini pipeline that you save can accept standard input, if the first command in 131 00:08:12,220 --> 00:08:17,770 it can accept standard input, then you can just pipe to the alias and run the whole pipeline and then 132 00:08:17,770 --> 00:08:19,600 pipe out of the alias and continue on. 133 00:08:19,600 --> 00:08:23,020 It's like having your own little pipeline building block so let me show you. 134 00:08:23,020 --> 00:08:23,470 Okay. 135 00:08:23,500 --> 00:08:29,020 Let's say that we wanted to have an alias for our command that showed a calendar with one month before 136 00:08:29,020 --> 00:08:31,630 and one month after the current month. 137 00:08:31,630 --> 00:08:36,880 So the command for that would be KAL then A one, B one. 138 00:08:37,120 --> 00:08:41,679 So after one month before one month and we get the current month with one month after and one month 139 00:08:41,679 --> 00:08:42,309 before. 140 00:08:42,549 --> 00:08:43,990 So that's the command. 141 00:08:44,650 --> 00:08:50,590 If we go and head back in here, click these three horizontal arrows, horizontal bars, sorry, and 142 00:08:50,590 --> 00:08:51,910 show hidden files. 143 00:08:51,910 --> 00:08:56,830 Click on our bash aliases file to open it up and go on to a new line in the file. 144 00:08:57,040 --> 00:08:59,440 Let's create a new alias for that command. 145 00:08:59,650 --> 00:09:00,970 So we're going to say alias. 146 00:09:01,360 --> 00:09:06,640 We're going to say cow magic, short for calendar magic, and we're going to type in equals sign. 147 00:09:06,640 --> 00:09:08,860 And then you can actually type some speech marks. 148 00:09:09,070 --> 00:09:13,450 You don't have to have the single quotes, you can have speech marks as well and we're going to type 149 00:09:13,450 --> 00:09:14,470 in their KAL. 150 00:09:14,470 --> 00:09:21,490 Then the a option, give it a number one as its own argument, then a, B, capital B, then one is 151 00:09:21,490 --> 00:09:28,840 its own argument and we're going to output that into a file in my home directory called thing txt. 152 00:09:28,840 --> 00:09:34,990 And of course remember to replace this bit with your username that you're using on your virtual machine. 153 00:09:35,170 --> 00:09:36,910 So we're going to call that cow magic. 154 00:09:37,060 --> 00:09:43,570 But the cow command here, right, the cow command only accepts command line arguments. 155 00:09:43,570 --> 00:09:46,720 You can't pipe to the cow command by default. 156 00:09:46,720 --> 00:09:52,030 So to make this a valid pipeline that you can actually this this whole cow magic thing, a valid pipeline 157 00:09:52,030 --> 00:09:58,330 that you can pipe to we need to actually put the x args command at the beginning. 158 00:09:59,110 --> 00:10:00,820 So let's just do that. 159 00:10:00,820 --> 00:10:03,190 If you don't understand what I'm doing at the minute, just bear with me, okay? 160 00:10:03,190 --> 00:10:08,020 We're just making a building block, this whole thing that we can pipe to. 161 00:10:08,020 --> 00:10:09,590 Okay, so that's what we've done right there. 162 00:10:09,620 --> 00:10:15,970 Now, whatever's going to be pipe to cow magic will actually be piped to the x args command, which 163 00:10:15,970 --> 00:10:21,040 will then convert the data from standard input, which cow doesn't accept to command line arguments, 164 00:10:21,040 --> 00:10:22,870 which cow does accept. 165 00:10:22,870 --> 00:10:24,820 And so therefore the whole pipeline will work. 166 00:10:25,000 --> 00:10:25,840 This is going to be awesome. 167 00:10:25,840 --> 00:10:26,410 Just trust me. 168 00:10:26,410 --> 00:10:29,260 Okay, let's go ahead and do this. 169 00:10:30,070 --> 00:10:30,640 Let's close. 170 00:10:30,640 --> 00:10:36,670 Let's save and close the close that close everything and close our terminal and reboot it. 171 00:10:36,670 --> 00:10:37,630 So I'm going to press control. 172 00:10:37,630 --> 00:10:39,520 Alton T Terminal about terminal. 173 00:10:39,640 --> 00:10:48,880 Now if I echo 12, 2017 into cow magic, what's going to happen is I'm going to be echoing this data 174 00:10:49,060 --> 00:10:52,120 as command line arguments to the cow magic command. 175 00:10:52,120 --> 00:10:59,740 So what we're expecting to happen is that we're expecting that we're going to get December 2017, the 176 00:10:59,740 --> 00:11:02,770 calendar for it with a month before and a month after. 177 00:11:02,840 --> 00:11:06,040 Okay, save to a file in our home directory. 178 00:11:06,040 --> 00:11:09,280 So if I press enter, we don't get any output. 179 00:11:09,280 --> 00:11:17,740 But if we go into our files here, we will see that there is a file in here called here thinks text 180 00:11:17,890 --> 00:11:20,830 that we've actually managed to save the calendars for December. 181 00:11:20,830 --> 00:11:27,760 So December 2017, one month before and one month after into a file called thing txt in our home folder. 182 00:11:27,760 --> 00:11:31,900 And the reason that happened, it's probably a lot easier to see if I actually get rid of these hidden 183 00:11:31,900 --> 00:11:32,440 files. 184 00:11:33,040 --> 00:11:35,470 No, no, I will. 185 00:11:35,470 --> 00:11:35,950 I will keep. 186 00:11:36,340 --> 00:11:37,920 Because otherwise I'll lose where I am. 187 00:11:37,930 --> 00:11:41,570 But what happened is we echoed. 188 00:11:41,590 --> 00:11:49,000 We basically passed to the X Command to piece of information, but it 12 and 2017, which were then 189 00:11:49,000 --> 00:11:52,270 given as command line arguments to the calendar command. 190 00:11:52,270 --> 00:11:54,790 So you can see how all this stuff is starting to tie together. 191 00:11:54,790 --> 00:11:54,940 Right. 192 00:11:54,940 --> 00:12:01,870 And we've made a mini pipeline called Cow Magic that will now be able to run a command whenever we want. 193 00:12:01,870 --> 00:12:03,340 So we don't have to type out this ugly thing. 194 00:12:03,340 --> 00:12:04,720 We just have to remember cow magic. 195 00:12:04,720 --> 00:12:11,380 And because we made it possible to pipe to the first command in our alias, the whole pipeline will 196 00:12:11,380 --> 00:12:15,790 work and we can just use it like a mini building block in whatever programs that we want to make. 197 00:12:15,790 --> 00:12:17,170 So how awesome is that right? 198 00:12:17,380 --> 00:12:22,840 Can you see how crazily powerful the ability to write aliases for pipelines and use those aliases in 199 00:12:22,840 --> 00:12:25,810 other pipelines can actually be right. 200 00:12:25,810 --> 00:12:30,820 The possibilities really are limitless with what you can achieve with that ability. 201 00:12:30,820 --> 00:12:32,530 So let's just leave it there. 202 00:12:32,530 --> 00:12:35,500 I'm going to leave your mind blown with that. 203 00:12:36,040 --> 00:12:39,730 And let's just go ahead and now take a summary of what we've learned about aliases. 204 00:12:41,080 --> 00:12:43,210 So that's enough being mind blown for now. 205 00:12:43,240 --> 00:12:47,230 I hope you're as excited as I am by what you've learned in this video about aliasing. 206 00:12:47,260 --> 00:12:53,050 Aliasing is an absolutely incredible ability with really limitless potential if used in the right way. 207 00:12:53,050 --> 00:12:56,770 So let's just have a quick recap to make sure that you've got it all down. 208 00:12:56,770 --> 00:13:01,870 So in this video, first of all, you learn that an alias is basically just an easy to remember nickname 209 00:13:01,870 --> 00:13:03,820 for a command or a series of commands. 210 00:13:03,820 --> 00:13:05,500 Join together in a pipeline. 211 00:13:05,500 --> 00:13:12,880 Now to create an alias, you need to first have a file called Dot Bash, underscore aliases or in lowercase 212 00:13:12,880 --> 00:13:14,560 in your home folder. 213 00:13:14,560 --> 00:13:16,590 And that's where you actually put you. 214 00:13:16,630 --> 00:13:18,940 That's the file that you actually put your aliases in. 215 00:13:18,940 --> 00:13:22,870 And these aliases, therefore, will be specific to your user. 216 00:13:23,980 --> 00:13:29,770 Now, as a bonus point, you learn that a period or full stop or a dot at the start of a file name makes 217 00:13:29,770 --> 00:13:31,270 that file hidden. 218 00:13:31,270 --> 00:13:38,020 So and you also saw how to turn on or off the visibility of hidden files in your file viewer. 219 00:13:38,200 --> 00:13:38,580 Okay. 220 00:13:38,650 --> 00:13:43,840 Now inside the bash alias file, you saw that it was actually quite easy to make an alias, right? 221 00:13:43,840 --> 00:13:45,130 This is the way that you do it. 222 00:13:45,130 --> 00:13:51,640 First you type the keyword alias all in lowercase, then you put a space and then you put the alias 223 00:13:51,640 --> 00:13:51,940 name. 224 00:13:51,940 --> 00:13:56,770 So as was get dates or it was cow magic or whatever you want to call it, that's your nickname. 225 00:13:57,280 --> 00:14:02,560 Then you put an equal sign without adding a space without a space at all between the alias and the equal 226 00:14:02,560 --> 00:14:03,870 sign you put in. 227 00:14:04,090 --> 00:14:07,570 So you just put it in equal sign immediately, then you open some quotes. 228 00:14:07,570 --> 00:14:12,070 These quotes can be either single quotes using an apostrophe or, you know, normal double quotes like 229 00:14:12,070 --> 00:14:15,700 you would use for speech marks again without any spaces, without any gaps. 230 00:14:16,890 --> 00:14:21,990 Between that and the equal sign, then you just create your pipeline or you use your command. 231 00:14:22,260 --> 00:14:25,550 Again, you can have options and command line arguments just like you normally would. 232 00:14:25,610 --> 00:14:29,520 Okay, these can go on for as long as you want now. 233 00:14:29,520 --> 00:14:37,170 As long as you make sure that you restart your terminal, you'll then have access to that alias forever. 234 00:14:37,710 --> 00:14:39,750 And as another bonus point, look at you. 235 00:14:39,750 --> 00:14:41,490 Look, you get two bonus points in this summary. 236 00:14:41,490 --> 00:14:43,320 You should be very it should be feel very spoiled. 237 00:14:43,320 --> 00:14:50,010 But as long as you make sure the first command in that alias in that pipeline can actually be piped 238 00:14:50,010 --> 00:14:57,480 to OC, then you can just pipe to the alias, pipe to the nickname, and it's as if you're piping to 239 00:14:57,480 --> 00:14:59,370 the whole pipeline. 240 00:15:00,210 --> 00:15:03,420 If I say the word pipe one more time, I'm probably going to go insane. 241 00:15:04,640 --> 00:15:06,000 But you get the point, right? 242 00:15:06,000 --> 00:15:13,380 If you make it so that your pipeline can be piped to either by using the x args command or by just using 243 00:15:13,380 --> 00:15:18,630 a normal command that can accept standard input, then instead of having to, you can basically use 244 00:15:18,630 --> 00:15:25,320 that alias, that mini pipeline as a tiny building block in some massive other pipeline that you're 245 00:15:25,320 --> 00:15:29,670 building to create a really epic bit of functionality. 246 00:15:29,940 --> 00:15:36,090 So aliases using the right way with what you've learned about piping and x args and all sorts of stuff, 247 00:15:36,090 --> 00:15:39,330 making these long pipelines is an epic, epic ability. 248 00:15:39,330 --> 00:15:45,420 So now you can build your own command pipelines and even save them for use later when you understand 249 00:15:45,420 --> 00:15:50,670 that basically anything in the Linux operating system can be modified using command line. 250 00:15:51,570 --> 00:15:55,500 You've really understood the crown jewel that makes the Linux operating system so amazing because anything 251 00:15:55,500 --> 00:15:59,730 can be edited using the command line and you know how to create these commands, how to use these commands 252 00:15:59,730 --> 00:16:01,770 and pipe them all together to do whatever you want. 253 00:16:02,100 --> 00:16:06,360 You've really got a master key there to take your computing to the next level, but in order to take 254 00:16:06,360 --> 00:16:10,650 advantage of this, all you need now are just some more building blocks to actually build your pipelines 255 00:16:10,650 --> 00:16:11,180 with, right? 256 00:16:11,190 --> 00:16:15,660 So in the next section of the course, we're actually going to be covering a whole bunch of those building 257 00:16:15,660 --> 00:16:20,340 blocks because the next section of the course is all about navigating your file system, creating a 258 00:16:20,340 --> 00:16:25,380 manipulating files, making folders, copying and pasting files, creating backups of your system, 259 00:16:25,380 --> 00:16:26,270 and so much more. 260 00:16:26,280 --> 00:16:30,600 But before we get into all that goodness, I want to make sure that you understand everything that we've 261 00:16:30,600 --> 00:16:36,030 covered in this entire section of the course first, because it's been an incredibly foundational, 262 00:16:36,030 --> 00:16:38,190 incredibly important section of the course. 263 00:16:38,190 --> 00:16:43,170 And if you understand everything in this section, you will not go far wrong with anything else you 264 00:16:43,170 --> 00:16:44,310 learn when using Linux. 265 00:16:44,310 --> 00:16:50,220 And I also want to make sure that you're duly congratulated for your amazing progress so far. 266 00:16:50,220 --> 00:16:54,690 You really, really deserve to have some recognition of what you've done in this section, what you've 267 00:16:54,690 --> 00:16:56,010 learned, and how far you've come. 268 00:16:56,010 --> 00:16:59,910 So in the next video, we're going to have a celebration of your really impressive progress and a quick 269 00:16:59,910 --> 00:17:01,710 recap of what we've covered in this section. 270 00:17:01,710 --> 00:17:02,970 It's going to be awesome. 271 00:17:02,970 --> 00:17:07,349 So for review of this section and some well deserved celebration and praises, I will see you in the 272 00:17:07,349 --> 00:17:08,069 next video.