1 00:00:01,170 --> 00:00:11,460 Hello and welcome in this lecture, I'm going to analyze the wishing tree obfuscated function in peace 2 00:00:11,460 --> 00:00:17,400 to you, so I drank the wishing tree to be still you. 3 00:00:18,630 --> 00:00:28,200 If you head over to the imports group now and screw all the way down to Dynamic Link Library. 4 00:00:28,680 --> 00:00:32,090 You can still see that get progress here and get more new handle. 5 00:00:32,250 --> 00:00:37,500 He still visible, however, these to not include it by our program. 6 00:00:38,460 --> 00:00:44,910 It is loaded by the loader operating system for Windows, so it is quite safe. 7 00:00:45,730 --> 00:00:50,910 Now you can confirm that by opening Hasti Big 64bit. 8 00:00:55,960 --> 00:01:02,980 Make sure your option preferences, high schools and then open our tree. 9 00:01:07,300 --> 00:01:09,010 And then we will put a break point. 10 00:01:10,840 --> 00:01:16,750 Go to Planetary two and look for progress 11 00:01:23,680 --> 00:01:25,720 and put points on both of these. 12 00:01:30,180 --> 00:01:39,300 Check to make sure check to make sure that your for any set and then right now he's on Cape Progress. 13 00:01:39,870 --> 00:01:49,230 But if you take a look at the X in the second parameter for get from, if it's not being called or used 14 00:01:49,230 --> 00:01:58,530 in by our movie, it is used by the operating system loader, which many loads you will use to get progress. 15 00:01:59,370 --> 00:02:00,900 So this is nothing suspicious. 16 00:02:00,900 --> 00:02:03,060 It'll run again. 17 00:02:03,630 --> 00:02:06,000 It from addresses hit again the same empty. 18 00:02:08,370 --> 00:02:14,760 No, it is capable address dress is using address as a lock. 19 00:02:15,360 --> 00:02:22,350 Again, it is not something that is used by our military, our members using which you are a lock and 20 00:02:22,350 --> 00:02:26,550 you will never you will never find what you are being used by a proper address. 21 00:02:26,820 --> 00:02:37,950 Because if you quiz Katie, using our own customize can progress building right now is ever have a set 22 00:02:37,950 --> 00:02:38,370 value. 23 00:02:42,190 --> 00:02:45,190 Same now is initialized critical sections. 24 00:02:47,680 --> 00:02:54,670 And again, at least a look at as good value. 25 00:02:57,460 --> 00:03:00,460 Set value, not strings 26 00:03:04,420 --> 00:03:07,500 for ABC, right? 27 00:03:08,520 --> 00:03:12,670 Sunken handle, Santa Close handle. 28 00:03:16,670 --> 00:03:19,730 And debugging stuff, because the program actually did. 29 00:03:20,210 --> 00:03:26,330 So you see that progress was never used to call to look forward to a lock. 30 00:03:26,900 --> 00:03:35,090 So even though it shows up in here, but there is no connection whatsoever with our program, we'll 31 00:03:35,150 --> 00:03:35,600 know there. 32 00:03:36,140 --> 00:03:40,740 So there's a distinct appearing here is quite say it is not our program. 33 00:03:40,800 --> 00:03:44,990 She looks the gate progress or get them on your hanger. 34 00:03:46,040 --> 00:03:49,850 So that's all I wanted to point out to explain. 35 00:03:50,120 --> 00:03:57,470 Why is this issue showing here, even though we have already managed to create our own customized, 36 00:03:57,810 --> 00:04:01,280 capable and modular API functions? 37 00:04:01,670 --> 00:04:02,990 So that's all for this video. 38 00:04:03,260 --> 00:04:04,310 Thank you for watching.