#### comment: used to explain the code #print(12) # 1-one line comment # 2-two line comment '''print(13) print(14) print(15)''' ### variable: container for storing data value _x = 12 # integer value print(type(_x)) y = "78746287" #string value print(type(y)) print(_x , y) ##casting : convert from variable type two another type print(type(str(_x))) print(type(int(y))) ### name of variable FirstVriable = 10 ## assign multi values to variable x , y, z = 1, 2 ,3 n, m, l = "dfsd", "adas", "sadad" q=w=e=5 print(q, w,e) ### output variable print() #c =_x+y # format string : you can include a number in side text print("the summation of two variables: {} cm".format(_x +y)) #### variable datatype x = 12 u = "dfdsfsf" h = 21.5343 lst = [2, 3,554] print(lst[2]) n = b'fjhfgjhsd' print(type(n)) ### Python Numbers are 3: int, float, complex x = 232 v = 4343.656 # double v1 = 32.434354334534534534 ### generate random number import random y = int(random.random() * 1000) print(y) m = random.randrange(100, 200) print(m)