1 00:00:04,830 --> 00:00:05,670 Welcome back, class. 2 00:00:05,700 --> 00:00:11,010 This is Bryson and I'm back with some updates for 2020 and newer versions of Caleigh Lennix. 3 00:00:11,250 --> 00:00:16,560 But first, I want to take a quick second to say thank you to every one of the thousands of students 4 00:00:16,560 --> 00:00:23,160 who signed up for real world ethical hacking, making us one of the top five percent of courses on all 5 00:00:23,160 --> 00:00:23,630 of Udemy. 6 00:00:24,090 --> 00:00:28,950 Thank you so much for signing up for this class and thank you for working through ethical hacking with 7 00:00:28,950 --> 00:00:29,160 me. 8 00:00:29,610 --> 00:00:33,120 Today, we're going to build our hands on Ethical Hacking Lab. 9 00:00:33,270 --> 00:00:38,970 This is going to be a complete virtual lab built right on your computer that will help you practice 10 00:00:39,090 --> 00:00:46,530 all of the ethical hacking exercises we'll do in this entire course safely, ethically and legally on 11 00:00:46,530 --> 00:00:48,630 a computer that you own and control. 12 00:00:49,170 --> 00:00:54,570 So a virtual machine is just a computer or an operating system running inside another computer. 13 00:00:54,870 --> 00:01:00,870 So we're going to run an entire lab full of computers inside your laptop or desktop computer. 14 00:01:01,350 --> 00:01:04,860 Virtual machines are great for hands on ethical hacking exercises. 15 00:01:05,190 --> 00:01:09,150 And you can create news VIMS using completely free software. 16 00:01:09,270 --> 00:01:13,980 Everything that we download in this section is going to be 100 percent free. 17 00:01:14,340 --> 00:01:20,220 So let's start by laying the foundation for our virtual lab by downloading virtual box. 18 00:01:20,310 --> 00:01:26,280 Virtual Box from Oracle is a piece of software that allows us to install multiple operating systems 19 00:01:26,370 --> 00:01:31,260 on our regular laptop or desktop for Mac, Linux or Windows. 20 00:01:31,680 --> 00:01:33,750 So if we'll go out to a virtual box dot org. 21 00:01:35,440 --> 00:01:39,370 You'll see the trademark huge download box for a virtual box. 22 00:01:39,700 --> 00:01:44,560 We're going to click download virtual box six point one and there are actually two things that we want 23 00:01:44,560 --> 00:01:46,540 to download from the virtual box Web site. 24 00:01:47,020 --> 00:01:51,640 We want to get virtual box six point whatever and virtue of the version. 25 00:01:51,640 --> 00:01:57,220 No virtual box is current virtual box updates several times per year. 26 00:01:57,250 --> 00:02:00,850 So if yours is significantly newer than six point one, you're in good shape. 27 00:02:01,210 --> 00:02:03,010 I'll update if it gets very different. 28 00:02:03,160 --> 00:02:09,140 Again, you download for Windows for Mac OS or OS 10. 29 00:02:09,310 --> 00:02:15,100 And for Linux distributions, you can just click to download your particular version. 30 00:02:15,340 --> 00:02:17,740 I'm downloading Mac OS 10. 31 00:02:19,200 --> 00:02:24,830 In addition to installing virtual box, we're going to download install the virtual box extension pack. 32 00:02:25,170 --> 00:02:29,940 That'll give us a little extra control of our virtual machines, allow us to add things like a Web cam 33 00:02:30,330 --> 00:02:33,480 and USV devices to each of our virtual machines. 34 00:02:33,780 --> 00:02:37,910 So after you've downloaded virtual box, let's download the virtual box extension pack. 35 00:02:38,190 --> 00:02:41,790 And it's just one executable for all different platforms. 36 00:02:43,290 --> 00:02:46,770 And once both of those are downloaded, we're just going to open them up. 37 00:02:47,920 --> 00:02:53,680 So with virtual box on a Windows machine, it's important to remember that you want to right click and 38 00:02:53,680 --> 00:02:56,020 go to run as administrator. 39 00:02:56,410 --> 00:03:01,220 So on virtual box, when you're running the download that you just pulled from the virtual box Web site. 40 00:03:01,540 --> 00:03:01,810 Right. 41 00:03:01,840 --> 00:03:08,020 Click on Windows, go to run as administrator or you can control click on a Mac. 42 00:03:09,030 --> 00:03:15,690 And say open, and that will let us open this, even though we downloaded it from the Internet and it'll 43 00:03:15,720 --> 00:03:18,360 help us on Windows when we run as administrator. 44 00:03:18,720 --> 00:03:20,760 It'll help us install the software successfully. 45 00:03:22,140 --> 00:03:27,060 Follow the instructions for installing the software, just like you would any other software. 46 00:03:27,870 --> 00:03:31,410 So I'm going to double click on my Mac for the virtual box package. 47 00:03:33,660 --> 00:03:37,350 If you're prompted, enter your password, just enter the password for your machine. 48 00:03:59,260 --> 00:04:01,990 Virtual box will take just a couple of moments to install. 49 00:04:02,470 --> 00:04:09,460 You can close the installer and then come to your launcher or to your programs menu on a Windows machine. 50 00:04:13,190 --> 00:04:15,350 Find where virtual bikes installed and run it. 51 00:04:16,380 --> 00:04:21,330 And the first time you're on virtual box, we want to open that Oracle virtual box extension pack. 52 00:04:21,840 --> 00:04:23,670 So going to come back down to my downloads. 53 00:04:25,630 --> 00:04:31,880 And we can close the virtual box installer and find of Oracle virtual box extinction, pack DoubleClick 54 00:04:31,900 --> 00:04:32,410 and run it. 55 00:04:33,810 --> 00:04:37,490 And the oracle of virtual machine, virtual box extension pack. 56 00:04:38,010 --> 00:04:40,230 We'll ask you a couple of questions while it runs. 57 00:04:40,260 --> 00:04:44,520 But as long as you've got virtual box manager open, it will allow you to install that. 58 00:04:45,000 --> 00:04:46,920 You may have to agree to a license. 59 00:04:47,550 --> 00:04:49,100 You just scroll down to the bottom. 60 00:04:50,470 --> 00:04:53,200 And read through this with a parent, with a guardian. 61 00:04:53,260 --> 00:04:54,670 If you are under 18. 62 00:04:56,640 --> 00:05:02,460 And once again, you may have to enter your password, and once the Oracle virtual black box extension 63 00:05:02,460 --> 00:05:04,140 pack is installed successfully. 64 00:05:04,320 --> 00:05:07,440 You're ready to install your first virtual machine. 65 00:05:07,920 --> 00:05:12,270 And we're going to open up a Caleigh Linux virtual machine in the next lesson.