1 00:00:04,060 --> 00:00:07,180 Congratulations on everything that you've gotten going so far. 2 00:00:07,630 --> 00:00:14,260 If you've made it this far successfully, you've already got a virtual ethical hacking lab that has 3 00:00:14,320 --> 00:00:20,500 a Caleigh Linux virtual machine and a Windows 10 virtual machine, which will be more than most people 4 00:00:20,560 --> 00:00:22,360 ever get a chance to put their hands on. 5 00:00:22,660 --> 00:00:24,100 So great work getting this far. 6 00:00:24,640 --> 00:00:29,470 I'm also going to show you how to do two additional virtual machines in this lesson and the next one. 7 00:00:29,980 --> 00:00:35,260 Now, if you are on a very slow download speed at home or if you just want to get into doing some of 8 00:00:35,260 --> 00:00:40,870 the ethical hacking and Caleigh in windows, you can wait to download and install these last two virtual 9 00:00:40,870 --> 00:00:42,460 machines until a little later. 10 00:00:42,790 --> 00:00:45,280 But we're going to do an Android virtual machine. 11 00:00:45,280 --> 00:00:50,980 A lot of attacks these days are coming on mobile devices, your phone, your tablet and other Internet 12 00:00:50,980 --> 00:00:52,000 of Things devices. 13 00:00:52,390 --> 00:00:57,970 And then Metis Floatable two is a Web server that we're going to learn how to attack and then how to 14 00:00:57,970 --> 00:00:58,540 defend. 15 00:00:59,080 --> 00:01:03,280 So let's get started with the Android virtual machine. 16 00:01:03,880 --> 00:01:08,550 The great thing about Android VIMS is that there's a Web site called OS Boxes. 17 00:01:08,590 --> 00:01:15,280 If you've never used OS boxes before, their terrific Web site for virtual machine images of dozens 18 00:01:15,280 --> 00:01:18,730 of different kinds of free and open source platforms. 19 00:01:19,090 --> 00:01:24,760 And one of those is the Android XIV six platform so that you can run an Android tablet or phone right 20 00:01:24,790 --> 00:01:27,190 on your computer in a virtual machine. 21 00:01:27,640 --> 00:01:33,010 So we're going to go to OS boxes, dot org slash Android dash x 86. 22 00:01:34,450 --> 00:01:39,290 And once you get OS boxes, you find that there are some Android virtual machines. 23 00:01:40,930 --> 00:01:47,830 And you can scroll down just a little bit that you will find several versions of Android dating all 24 00:01:47,830 --> 00:01:56,650 the way back to some of the very early Android, one Android two, four, five, six, seven, eight, 25 00:01:57,040 --> 00:02:01,330 and even some of the latest Android version nine. 26 00:02:02,470 --> 00:02:05,410 We were using ORIO just a year or two ago. 27 00:02:05,800 --> 00:02:09,400 Now we're using PI, so we're already to the PE's. 28 00:02:09,400 --> 00:02:14,350 We'll see what comes next with Q and R and and so on down the alphabet. 29 00:02:14,800 --> 00:02:22,150 But if you come down to any of the flavors from Orio forward, I've had some really good success using 30 00:02:22,420 --> 00:02:29,170 the Android Oreo distributions eight, not one, and later for ethical hacking to teach my students. 31 00:02:29,680 --> 00:02:31,870 But I'm going to try something a little newer. 32 00:02:32,050 --> 00:02:38,830 We're gonna go to the first release of Android X eighty six nine point o pi and you'll find the virtual 33 00:02:38,830 --> 00:02:44,290 box download and click the download button for the 64 bit virtual box. 34 00:02:44,320 --> 00:02:45,280 Virtual machine. 35 00:02:46,790 --> 00:02:51,050 You'll notice this takes you to SourceForge and it will start a download. 36 00:02:51,620 --> 00:02:53,810 It'll take just a few moments for that to download. 37 00:02:54,190 --> 00:02:56,810 You'll notice it's giving us a seven zip file. 38 00:02:57,200 --> 00:03:02,600 While this virtual machine is pretty much ready to go, it still has a few pieces that we have to take 39 00:03:02,600 --> 00:03:03,650 care of ourselves. 40 00:03:04,280 --> 00:03:07,850 So we'll go into our downloads folder as soon as that finishes. 41 00:03:09,330 --> 00:03:09,690 All right. 42 00:03:09,720 --> 00:03:14,460 When the download completes, you should have an Android 64 bit. 43 00:03:14,580 --> 00:03:21,750 And whichever version of Android device you chose with a seven zip extension, that means we'll need 44 00:03:21,750 --> 00:03:24,360 another application to unzip that. 45 00:03:24,450 --> 00:03:30,030 If you're on a Windows computer, you can just go to two seven zip dawg, or you can do a search for 46 00:03:30,030 --> 00:03:30,870 seven zip. 47 00:03:32,840 --> 00:03:37,420 And you'll find seven zip dot org, it's a free download, just like everything else that we're using. 48 00:03:37,960 --> 00:03:43,900 But if you're on your Mac, you've already got an application that will unzip that archive. 49 00:03:44,290 --> 00:03:49,930 We're going to open it with the UN archives are the same thing that we use to expand that huge Windows 50 00:03:49,990 --> 00:03:50,890 virtual machine. 51 00:03:51,520 --> 00:03:58,060 So once you an archive or once you extract with seven zip, all you have to do is open up the 64 bit 52 00:03:58,060 --> 00:03:58,600 folder. 53 00:03:59,880 --> 00:04:07,500 Inside that 64 bit of folder, you'll notice that we don't have an OVA, a an open virtualization archive 54 00:04:07,500 --> 00:04:09,540 or an open virtual appliance file. 55 00:04:09,960 --> 00:04:11,400 We have a VDI. 56 00:04:11,450 --> 00:04:13,680 That's the virtual disk infrastructure. 57 00:04:14,280 --> 00:04:20,610 What we're going to do is attach this machine to a new virtual box VM. 58 00:04:21,090 --> 00:04:26,340 So this is not as ready made as our Caleigh and Windows virtual machines, but it's just one or two 59 00:04:26,340 --> 00:04:27,180 more steps. 60 00:04:27,540 --> 00:04:29,820 So we're going to go through that process right now. 61 00:04:30,060 --> 00:04:35,580 We're going to create a new virtual machine that will use this Android disk file. 62 00:04:35,610 --> 00:04:41,850 So this is like the virtual disk or the the flash memory inside your Android phone or tablet. 63 00:04:42,330 --> 00:04:45,420 So we're going to start a new virtual box machine. 64 00:04:45,420 --> 00:04:47,340 We'll call this Android nine DRDO. 65 00:04:52,110 --> 00:04:57,600 And we'll change the type to Linux and we'll just change it to other 64 bit Linux. 66 00:04:57,630 --> 00:04:58,860 That should work just fine. 67 00:05:00,620 --> 00:05:06,260 So we're creating a new virtual machine that will house our virtual Android phone or tablet. 68 00:05:07,320 --> 00:05:12,180 We're going to give it about two gigs of RAM, the same as our Kelly Box. 69 00:05:14,760 --> 00:05:18,450 And we're going to use an existing virtual hard disk. 70 00:05:18,810 --> 00:05:24,660 That existing disk is this Android X 86 virtual disk infrastructure file. 71 00:05:25,110 --> 00:05:29,000 So we're going to use an existing disk create. 72 00:05:29,110 --> 00:05:29,230 OK. 73 00:05:29,700 --> 00:05:31,080 First, we need to find that disk. 74 00:05:31,590 --> 00:05:34,530 So we're going to choose that virtual hard disk file. 75 00:05:35,160 --> 00:05:38,370 And we just need to go to wherever we downloaded this folder. 76 00:05:38,550 --> 00:05:39,870 So we'll click add. 77 00:05:43,250 --> 00:05:48,640 And I've downloaded mine to an external disk because we're downloading a whole lot of big files and 78 00:05:48,640 --> 00:05:50,420 I'll find that 64 bit folder. 79 00:05:50,510 --> 00:05:52,760 And there's my Vehbi I file. 80 00:05:53,300 --> 00:05:54,650 All I have to do is click open. 81 00:05:56,090 --> 00:06:00,860 And now I've got that available in my list of disk drives and I can choose it. 82 00:06:02,220 --> 00:06:07,020 And now I have a hard disk for my Android 686 nine DRDO. 83 00:06:08,600 --> 00:06:12,890 And that is almost enough to get our virtual Android device up and running. 84 00:06:12,920 --> 00:06:19,100 But we need to make one additional change for any of the Android eight DRDO and newer virtual machines. 85 00:06:19,400 --> 00:06:21,710 We need to change the graphics controller. 86 00:06:22,130 --> 00:06:28,910 If you ever start an Android device from a virtual box and you see that there is just a black screen 87 00:06:28,910 --> 00:06:36,730 or a console log in a terminal prompt, you're probably you're probably suffering from the same errors. 88 00:06:36,800 --> 00:06:41,840 A lot of my students and you have the graphics controller sent to the wrong adapter. 89 00:06:42,320 --> 00:06:46,790 So we're going to use the V box s v g a graphics controller. 90 00:06:46,790 --> 00:06:48,050 I got there by clicking here. 91 00:06:48,050 --> 00:06:56,120 You can also double click on the display and just change this to V box s BGA instead of the V MSBA. 92 00:06:57,060 --> 00:06:57,320 Press. 93 00:06:57,390 --> 00:06:57,910 OK. 94 00:06:58,820 --> 00:07:00,640 And it may say in ballad settings, Detective. 95 00:07:00,680 --> 00:07:01,260 But that's OK. 96 00:07:01,310 --> 00:07:02,750 It's still gonna work just fine. 97 00:07:03,380 --> 00:07:04,580 So we will start. 98 00:07:06,070 --> 00:07:10,960 And just like we did with our other virtual machines, it's a good idea to change the view on the virtual 99 00:07:10,960 --> 00:07:13,290 screen to 200 percent. 100 00:07:13,450 --> 00:07:15,670 And you'll see it is getting to a console screen. 101 00:07:16,180 --> 00:07:21,490 But this should boot up into a really nice Android display. 102 00:07:22,270 --> 00:07:22,930 There we go. 103 00:07:24,030 --> 00:07:28,460 And it'll take a few moments for Android to boot up the first time, but once it gets up and running, 104 00:07:28,460 --> 00:07:32,480 we'll be able to see a real Android phone or tablet operating system. 105 00:07:32,780 --> 00:07:36,140 The nine DRDO release one is a tablet operating system. 106 00:07:36,140 --> 00:07:40,970 So you can see that it's already got our virtual desktop in front of us. 107 00:07:41,330 --> 00:07:43,100 Your machine may be a little bit slower. 108 00:07:43,220 --> 00:07:43,790 That's OK. 109 00:07:43,850 --> 00:07:47,150 We're running a virtual machine inside your computer. 110 00:07:47,570 --> 00:07:51,260 So sometimes it takes a little extra time to get everything loaded. 111 00:07:51,590 --> 00:07:56,270 The first time you run your Android virtual machine, you'll notice it's going to do a lot of settings. 112 00:07:56,270 --> 00:08:00,320 It'll go out to the Internet and connect and get some additional information. 113 00:08:00,650 --> 00:08:05,380 But you've got the same types of applications that you would expect just on a regular Android device. 114 00:08:05,390 --> 00:08:12,110 You can open up your contacts, you can open up the Google Play store and don't put any of your actual 115 00:08:12,110 --> 00:08:19,460 Google account information in to this device because it is not your real phone and you don't want to 116 00:08:19,460 --> 00:08:23,540 leave any information in here that could be taken advantage of by someone else. 117 00:08:24,110 --> 00:08:27,380 But you will see you've got your home button down at the bottom. 118 00:08:27,830 --> 00:08:34,790 You've got I you can see the square button will show you all your active applications and you can get 119 00:08:34,790 --> 00:08:38,270 rid of those so you can get rid of all of the apps that are running. 120 00:08:38,810 --> 00:08:40,310 And we've got g mail. 121 00:08:40,310 --> 00:08:46,850 And if you say push up from the middle, click and drag up, you'll be able to see a number of apps 122 00:08:46,910 --> 00:08:50,180 already installed and working on your phone. 123 00:08:50,620 --> 00:08:54,560 And you won't be able to make phone calls from this virtual Android device, of course, because it 124 00:08:54,560 --> 00:08:55,790 doesn't have a SIM card. 125 00:08:56,210 --> 00:08:59,330 That's the little card that lets you connect to telephone networks. 126 00:08:59,600 --> 00:09:05,930 But it will let us do just about everything else, including G mail, YouTube, using the Web browser 127 00:09:06,230 --> 00:09:10,240 and and connecting and testing different applications app. 128 00:09:10,790 --> 00:09:16,040 So once you've got this machine up and running, if you ever need to leave the virtual machine, you 129 00:09:16,040 --> 00:09:23,570 can press your right control button on a P.C. or your left command button on a Mac. 130 00:09:25,020 --> 00:09:28,650 Know that'll get you outside this window if you ever get stuck inside there. 131 00:09:28,920 --> 00:09:34,410 And if you ever have any mouse trouble in an Android device, an Android virtual device, you can turn 132 00:09:34,410 --> 00:09:41,190 off mouse integration on a Windows box that'll be in the menu bar at the top of the virtual machine. 133 00:09:41,610 --> 00:09:46,020 You just click input and turn off mouse integration on a Mac. 134 00:09:46,140 --> 00:09:49,720 It will be at the top of your screen input. 135 00:09:49,890 --> 00:09:53,490 And just check mouse integration that will turn off the regular mouse. 136 00:09:53,520 --> 00:09:58,200 And then you have a little bit slower mouse inside the application to get back out. 137 00:09:58,260 --> 00:09:59,700 Again, we can use that. 138 00:10:00,870 --> 00:10:02,580 Left or right? 139 00:10:02,820 --> 00:10:10,770 Control key on Windows device or the lift command key on a MAC to get back out of that window. 140 00:10:10,890 --> 00:10:12,810 And then we'll turn on mouse integration again. 141 00:10:12,810 --> 00:10:16,460 It seems to be working just fine on the Android version nine DRDO. 142 00:10:17,580 --> 00:10:22,770 So once you've got your Android nine Dotto device, we can hit the back button here. 143 00:10:24,380 --> 00:10:24,920 There we go. 144 00:10:25,100 --> 00:10:27,860 And we got our lock screen, we got everything just like we like it. 145 00:10:28,640 --> 00:10:35,660 We will give this a run in a later section and we'll actually learn how attacker's getting to your virtue. 146 00:10:35,780 --> 00:10:41,660 Get into your cell phone and your tablet by safely practicing in this virtual machine.