1 00:00:03,430 --> 00:00:04,460 Who granulation? 2 00:00:04,610 --> 00:00:10,000 You've made it almost to the end of setting up your virtual ethical hacking lab and all the virtual 3 00:00:10,000 --> 00:00:12,220 machines you'll need for this course. 4 00:00:12,970 --> 00:00:15,220 The last one is actually a Web server. 5 00:00:15,250 --> 00:00:16,630 So we've hacked. 6 00:00:16,840 --> 00:00:21,970 Well, we've setup our virtual box infrastructure, our CALEIGH Linux, which is our ethical hacking 7 00:00:21,970 --> 00:00:22,720 platform. 8 00:00:23,110 --> 00:00:28,630 We've set up a Windows 10 desktop because that's the most popular desktop flavor out there in businesses 9 00:00:28,630 --> 00:00:29,350 and in homes. 10 00:00:29,590 --> 00:00:33,280 We want to protect ourselves if we want to protect our businesses, our families. 11 00:00:33,760 --> 00:00:35,530 That Windows 10 is a really important one. 12 00:00:35,980 --> 00:00:39,400 We download an Android virtual machine. 13 00:00:39,430 --> 00:00:45,190 That is a great thing for practicing keeping yourself safe on your mobile device, on your tablets, 14 00:00:45,250 --> 00:00:47,860 on smart devices around your home. 15 00:00:48,430 --> 00:00:54,010 And now we're going to see one last massive frontier for hacking, and that is Web servers. 16 00:00:54,790 --> 00:01:02,050 Anytime you hack into one Windows 10 device or one mobile phone, whether that's an ice or Android phone, 17 00:01:02,560 --> 00:01:07,750 you're gonna be able to get a little information about one or two or a few people when you hack into 18 00:01:07,750 --> 00:01:08,680 a Web server. 19 00:01:08,920 --> 00:01:12,880 You may be able to get millions of usernames and passwords. 20 00:01:13,300 --> 00:01:19,690 That's why it's so important that we learn how to attack and how to defend Web servers using the Metis 21 00:01:19,690 --> 00:01:20,950 floatable to platform. 22 00:01:21,340 --> 00:01:27,700 It turns out I've actually put together a custom build of Meadow's political two that is made just for 23 00:01:27,700 --> 00:01:29,230 my books and my courses. 24 00:01:29,610 --> 00:01:34,150 It has a few nice changes that make this easier to use for just about anybody. 25 00:01:34,630 --> 00:01:41,470 We're going to click on the GitHub link, GitHub slash Bryce and Payne dot com slash ethical dash hacking. 26 00:01:41,800 --> 00:01:44,680 And we're going to download a customized Medda spoil, too. 27 00:01:45,010 --> 00:01:49,360 If you want to use just a regular Metis political to virtual machine, you can find them out there as 28 00:01:49,360 --> 00:01:49,690 well. 29 00:01:49,690 --> 00:01:53,890 You can find one on SourceForge from rapid, seven from lots of other places. 30 00:01:54,190 --> 00:01:56,980 But let's go out to the Web and see if we can get that downloaded. 31 00:01:58,670 --> 00:02:04,100 So if you come out to get hub dot com slash Bryce and pain slash ethical hacking, you'll see that I'm 32 00:02:04,100 --> 00:02:09,530 putting resources here for just about anything that you might need related to this course or any of 33 00:02:09,530 --> 00:02:11,960 my online courses or books. 34 00:02:12,590 --> 00:02:16,220 My new book, Hacking for Kids, will use links from this site. 35 00:02:16,550 --> 00:02:21,200 You'll see I've got links to everything that we've used today, including the medicine floatable that 36 00:02:21,200 --> 00:02:23,060 I've set up, especially for you guys. 37 00:02:23,390 --> 00:02:27,770 So if you will click on the meds floatable to link here, it's a Bitly link, but it just takes you 38 00:02:27,770 --> 00:02:33,770 to download of this file Metis Floatable two from my Hacking for Kids Web site. 39 00:02:35,400 --> 00:02:39,930 And you can say, I've got that linked out to a Google Drive file, that you download this if you want 40 00:02:39,930 --> 00:02:45,000 to run virus total against it, just to make sure that you're not getting anything from the Web that 41 00:02:45,000 --> 00:02:46,290 you shouldn't be downloading. 42 00:02:46,620 --> 00:02:53,970 This is a free open source distribution of Meadow's political to just one that I've made some changes 43 00:02:53,970 --> 00:02:57,870 to to make it easier for beginning hackers to get started. 44 00:02:58,200 --> 00:03:00,570 So you download that and we'll come to the downloads folder. 45 00:03:02,070 --> 00:03:02,480 All right. 46 00:03:02,520 --> 00:03:06,690 And once the medics floatable to H four, K is sure for hacking for kids. 47 00:03:07,110 --> 00:03:11,490 I put this distribution together with a few changes to make it a little more kid friendly, a little 48 00:03:11,490 --> 00:03:16,710 more beginner friendly, good for teens and for adults wanting to learn about meds, floatable and web 49 00:03:16,710 --> 00:03:17,100 hacking. 50 00:03:17,790 --> 00:03:19,500 You'll notice it's an ovie a file. 51 00:03:19,530 --> 00:03:24,180 So we should be able to just click it and open it like we had before. 52 00:03:25,970 --> 00:03:30,440 You'll see it's going to import one gig of RAM is fine for this to very small Web server. 53 00:03:31,610 --> 00:03:32,330 Import. 54 00:03:34,030 --> 00:03:38,260 And now, once the Metis political, too, has downloaded, we can double click it to make sure that 55 00:03:38,260 --> 00:03:42,670 it works or click on the entry in the menu on the left. 56 00:03:43,090 --> 00:03:44,050 And press start. 57 00:03:45,410 --> 00:03:48,310 And just like we did before, we're going to change the view. 58 00:03:49,710 --> 00:03:53,850 And increase the scale so that we can see it a little better. 59 00:03:55,970 --> 00:03:56,700 Now we are. 60 00:03:59,430 --> 00:04:03,240 In fact, for this one, I'm going to increase the view just a little bit more. 61 00:04:03,690 --> 00:04:08,220 You'll notice that this time we have a text based interface. 62 00:04:08,640 --> 00:04:13,680 Unlike our other virtual machines, this web server is just like a lot of real life Web servers out 63 00:04:13,680 --> 00:04:13,920 there. 64 00:04:14,220 --> 00:04:16,590 It uses a command line interface. 65 00:04:16,950 --> 00:04:23,760 So we will see right in the screen itself, in the log, in screen, it says MSF admin, MSF admin. 66 00:04:24,120 --> 00:04:25,110 We'll get you started. 67 00:04:25,620 --> 00:04:36,660 So we're going to use MSF admen, MSF admin as our log insert n s f a b m i n enter and the password 68 00:04:36,690 --> 00:04:37,500 as you type it. 69 00:04:37,590 --> 00:04:41,400 It won't show up because this is a text based interface so carefully. 70 00:04:41,400 --> 00:04:42,180 Type M. 71 00:04:42,270 --> 00:04:43,830 S f a d. 72 00:04:43,980 --> 00:04:45,240 Am I in. 73 00:04:45,300 --> 00:04:49,440 Won't look like anything's happening there because the password doesn't show up. 74 00:04:49,470 --> 00:04:50,190 It doesn't reflect it. 75 00:04:50,220 --> 00:04:52,440 But press enter after typing MSF admin. 76 00:04:52,690 --> 00:04:58,830 The second time and we are in our midst floatable to web server. 77 00:04:59,130 --> 00:05:01,970 There's not a lot we're gonna be able to do with it right now. 78 00:05:02,100 --> 00:05:08,100 But when we get to the section on Web hacking, we're gonna see how to use this Medda split-Level Web 79 00:05:08,100 --> 00:05:14,430 server to test our ethical hacking skills, our ability to find vulnerabilities in a Web server, and 80 00:05:14,430 --> 00:05:21,570 then we'll learn how to use that knowledge to harden or make our Web server much more difficult for 81 00:05:21,570 --> 00:05:22,920 attackers to break into. 82 00:05:23,850 --> 00:05:29,100 So I think we've done it there with all four of our virtual machines. 83 00:05:29,130 --> 00:05:36,180 Kalli Linux, Windows 10 and Android mobile device and the meta split-Level to Web server. 84 00:05:36,540 --> 00:05:43,230 Everything you're going to need to get started ethical hacking safely with the rest of this course. 85 00:05:43,290 --> 00:05:45,780 So I look forward to working with you in the next section.