1 00:00:01,020 --> 00:00:06,720 If I switch back to my Linux box and come back to the terminal window that's still running the social 2 00:00:06,720 --> 00:00:10,350 engineering tool kit, you will see a lot more information. 3 00:00:10,350 --> 00:00:17,100 And right here is the Wilma Flintstone dotcom and password, Fred, that I just entered a moment ago. 4 00:00:18,180 --> 00:00:22,680 And it's not sent any of these credentials to Facebook yet, because if you remember, it pulled up 5 00:00:22,680 --> 00:00:24,600 the Facebook dotcom login. 6 00:00:24,990 --> 00:00:30,360 So Facebook is still sitting there and the user thinks, well, I thought I had my password correctly. 7 00:00:30,360 --> 00:00:31,770 I'll just enter it one more time. 8 00:00:32,080 --> 00:00:38,040 Unfortunately, they sent their username and password to this Calli Linux computer running at ten point 9 00:00:38,340 --> 00:00:45,960 nine four, even though the Web address that we used was something more like this Facebook dotcom at 10 00:00:46,260 --> 00:00:51,150 and some integer or at the number ten point nine to four it gave us. 11 00:00:52,180 --> 00:01:00,940 Our fake Calli Linux log in instead, and so I can switch back to my terminal using the alt tab key 12 00:01:01,390 --> 00:01:05,560 or I can switch back to Chrome or to Firefox, ESR, either one is fine. 13 00:01:07,390 --> 00:01:09,700 If I enter a new username and password. 14 00:01:11,270 --> 00:01:11,990 Barney 15 00:01:14,390 --> 00:01:16,040 at Flintstone. 16 00:01:17,240 --> 00:01:18,140 Blackcomb. 17 00:01:19,560 --> 00:01:21,210 With the password of Betty. 18 00:01:23,530 --> 00:01:27,340 And try to log in on this ten point ninety four address. 19 00:01:29,360 --> 00:01:34,430 It'll look like it just failed and tried to again, but it's actually sent me to the real Facebook dot 20 00:01:34,430 --> 00:01:38,810 com address and if I enter my user information here, that would actually log me into Facebook. 21 00:01:39,590 --> 00:01:43,520 But if I switch back to the terminal window, I can use alt tab and Linux. 22 00:01:48,190 --> 00:01:52,810 I will see Barney Flintstone dotcom with a password of Betty. 23 00:01:53,320 --> 00:01:59,410 Now, the whole time that I leave this terminal window running with social engineer toolkit in the background, 24 00:01:59,680 --> 00:02:04,110 I will be collecting usernames and passwords from this phishing email. 25 00:02:04,540 --> 00:02:10,960 If you're doing this inside an organization, again, with the express written consent of the CEO and 26 00:02:10,960 --> 00:02:16,780 or CIO, the chief information officer or the chief executive officer or the owner, the president of 27 00:02:16,780 --> 00:02:17,380 the business. 28 00:02:18,580 --> 00:02:24,100 Then what will you do after we get these usernames would be to go educate those individuals and just 29 00:02:24,100 --> 00:02:29,320 let them know, hey, you're not in any trouble, but you just fell for an inside phishing attempt? 30 00:02:29,330 --> 00:02:30,940 We were doing some fishing training. 31 00:02:31,510 --> 00:02:36,670 We sent you an email that looked just like Facebook, but unfortunately, you clicked through a bad 32 00:02:36,670 --> 00:02:37,380 Web address. 33 00:02:37,630 --> 00:02:39,010 Let me show you how to spot those. 34 00:02:39,010 --> 00:02:42,040 And you show them the same kind of things that we just went through. 35 00:02:42,580 --> 00:02:48,340 Malicious attackers will take these usernames and passwords and immediately try them not just at Facebook, 36 00:02:48,730 --> 00:02:53,150 but at Flintstone dotcom or at Gmail dotcom. 37 00:02:53,440 --> 00:03:00,400 That's one reason you should never use the same username and password for multiple Web sites, especially 38 00:03:00,400 --> 00:03:01,600 for your email. 39 00:03:02,530 --> 00:03:08,260 Log in, if someone has your e-mail log in, then they can reset all of your other passwords because 40 00:03:08,260 --> 00:03:11,740 they typically just send an email with a link to your email address. 41 00:03:12,220 --> 00:03:19,450 And so if Barney Flintstone dotcom is using Betty as his password, both at Facebook and Gmail, then 42 00:03:19,450 --> 00:03:23,260 someone can go to Gmail, login using Barney and Flintstone Dotcom. 43 00:03:23,260 --> 00:03:28,570 And Betty is the password and reset Barney's Facebook account reset. 44 00:03:29,940 --> 00:03:35,430 His username and password to his bank accounts, there are lots of dangerous things that are possible 45 00:03:35,430 --> 00:03:36,090 with this attack. 46 00:03:36,120 --> 00:03:37,910 That's why you need to understand phishing. 47 00:03:37,920 --> 00:03:39,020 It's why it's so important. 48 00:03:39,030 --> 00:03:42,030 It's not just your Facebook account out there that's at risk. 49 00:03:42,030 --> 00:03:46,160 It's every account that you have that uses the same login information. 50 00:03:46,620 --> 00:03:50,700 So let's see what the social engineers toolkit does with as a report. 51 00:03:50,880 --> 00:03:53,550 If I hit control, see to finish. 52 00:03:53,550 --> 00:03:55,140 So you've run your phishing test. 53 00:03:55,500 --> 00:04:02,700 On average, you'll see about 23 percent of employees click through and maybe even log in to a fake 54 00:04:02,700 --> 00:04:04,220 phishing email like this. 55 00:04:04,620 --> 00:04:09,030 And then you've got some people that you can go follow up with, do a little extra training, make sure 56 00:04:09,030 --> 00:04:13,410 you make phishing part of your annual or quarterly or monthly. 57 00:04:14,610 --> 00:04:20,820 Information security training regimen, your employees, your family needs to know about this, but 58 00:04:20,820 --> 00:04:25,620 I will hit control, see to generate the report and stop running the fishing harvester. 59 00:04:26,070 --> 00:04:27,840 And it says it created a report. 60 00:04:27,840 --> 00:04:31,800 The file was exported to route set reports. 61 00:04:32,220 --> 00:04:34,530 And so let's see what that looks like. 62 00:04:34,980 --> 00:04:40,620 First of all, you can just copy this address and paste it directly into a browser. 63 00:04:41,650 --> 00:04:43,300 On your call, Linux, Xbox. 64 00:04:45,270 --> 00:04:51,780 And it's going to tell you that the social engineering toolkit ran this well, let's scroll down and 65 00:04:51,780 --> 00:04:54,990 see what some of the user names and information might have been. 66 00:04:56,520 --> 00:05:01,210 You can do a search for email and pass, I'll make this larger. 67 00:05:01,980 --> 00:05:07,920 We can see the first victim was Fred Flintstone dotcom and his password was this space is space a bad 68 00:05:07,920 --> 00:05:08,430 password? 69 00:05:08,640 --> 00:05:10,320 Space is get turned into Plus's. 70 00:05:10,950 --> 00:05:15,480 We scroll down a little bit more and we'll find Wilma or Fred Flintstone dotcom. 71 00:05:15,480 --> 00:05:17,040 He changed his password to Wilma. 72 00:05:17,550 --> 00:05:22,500 Scroll down a bit more and we'll find that Wilma Flintstone dotcom uses a password of Fred. 73 00:05:22,890 --> 00:05:31,920 If you want to get this even faster or you have to do is control F and control F will find so passe 74 00:05:32,850 --> 00:05:33,600 equals. 75 00:05:34,140 --> 00:05:37,740 And that will let you jump from one to the next to the next. 76 00:05:37,740 --> 00:05:40,080 And we can see all the email addresses and passwords. 77 00:05:40,410 --> 00:05:44,580 We've got a total of four of those out of this quick phishing attempt. 78 00:05:44,880 --> 00:05:46,050 All of those were me. 79 00:05:46,260 --> 00:05:51,570 Again, do not use this to get someone else's username and password. 80 00:05:51,570 --> 00:06:00,270 You are stealing those pieces of ID from that user only use this to train your family, your friends, 81 00:06:00,450 --> 00:06:08,490 your co-workers and your employees so that they can spot phishing emails before they happen in the workplace. 82 00:06:09,090 --> 00:06:16,080 The other way you can look at these passwords is just to go to this address in your file system so I 83 00:06:16,080 --> 00:06:20,970 can either use the terminal, start a new terminal window, getting out of social engineering toolkit 84 00:06:21,180 --> 00:06:30,660 and surf to that location in a new window by saying KD space and then paste that long address minus 85 00:06:30,660 --> 00:06:32,070 the HTML at the end. 86 00:06:35,930 --> 00:06:37,370 And then I can more. 87 00:06:42,880 --> 00:06:48,940 And just to add tab, because it's a long time stamp and choose the dot html tab. 88 00:06:50,200 --> 00:06:53,770 And I can more through that document just by hitting the space bar. 89 00:06:57,010 --> 00:06:58,390 And I'm coming down to. 90 00:06:59,740 --> 00:07:06,800 My first username and password, Fred Flintstone, Fred Flintstone Dotcom with his first password. 91 00:07:06,820 --> 00:07:08,020 This is a bad password. 92 00:07:08,440 --> 00:07:09,640 Go down a little further. 93 00:07:10,980 --> 00:07:19,020 And I'll find another password, another username, you can also just open up your file explorer, so 94 00:07:19,020 --> 00:07:24,350 I go to files and I can come to home and I'll change my properties here. 95 00:07:24,360 --> 00:07:31,410 I'm going to show those hidden files because that dot set set is a social engineer tool kit folder. 96 00:07:31,710 --> 00:07:37,710 And then under their reports and then I can find my HTML file and if I double click on that, it'll 97 00:07:37,710 --> 00:07:38,250 open it up. 98 00:07:40,380 --> 00:07:42,660 And that's how I can get in on my report as well. 99 00:07:43,350 --> 00:07:49,710 Let's do a quick review and then we'll see how to stop fishing in your organization as a final bonus. 100 00:07:49,720 --> 00:07:50,100 Listen.