1 00:00:03,130 --> 00:00:11,590 Now that we've created a Trojan, a virus that will give us remote access to a P.C. across the Internet, 2 00:00:11,980 --> 00:00:16,990 we've got fortnight, all skins or whatever you called your virus sitting on our desktop, it's time 3 00:00:16,990 --> 00:00:23,890 to share that so that we can use it cross so that we can access it on our Windows computer to infect 4 00:00:23,890 --> 00:00:25,510 that virtual machine. 5 00:00:26,470 --> 00:00:29,170 So we've already run our MSF Venom Command. 6 00:00:30,560 --> 00:00:37,450 Next, we're going to run three commands that will give us the ability to create a shared folder in 7 00:00:37,460 --> 00:00:41,510 our default web server, your CALEIGH machine is a regular Linux computer. 8 00:00:41,780 --> 00:00:45,380 So it's got the ability to run the Apache Web server already built into it. 9 00:00:45,740 --> 00:00:50,390 We're going to make a directory to share that file and IVR, W-W HCM L folder. 10 00:00:50,750 --> 00:00:56,360 We're going to share it by copying over the Trojan into our shared folder. 11 00:00:56,510 --> 00:01:00,460 And then we're gonna start our Apache Web server, Apache to service. 12 00:01:00,830 --> 00:01:03,230 We need to do all three of those with a pseudo command. 13 00:01:03,620 --> 00:01:05,540 So we're going to first click into Kalli. 14 00:01:05,660 --> 00:01:07,820 Let's open up either one of our two shells. 15 00:01:07,820 --> 00:01:10,820 We can do it from an interpreter show where we just created the virus. 16 00:01:11,240 --> 00:01:22,610 We say pseudo make a directory and KBI are we're gonna call it var slash, w-w slash H2, CML slash 17 00:01:22,620 --> 00:01:23,270 chere. 18 00:01:24,720 --> 00:01:26,450 We just created that folder. 19 00:01:26,830 --> 00:01:29,550 We may need to enter the password for a pseudo again. 20 00:01:29,580 --> 00:01:30,050 K. 21 00:01:30,080 --> 00:01:30,350 L. 22 00:01:30,460 --> 00:01:30,770 I. 23 00:01:30,810 --> 00:01:32,960 If you're on a newer machine or tour. 24 00:01:33,000 --> 00:01:33,990 T double o r. 25 00:01:33,990 --> 00:01:37,740 T o r on an older version of Caleigh before 2020. 26 00:01:39,120 --> 00:01:45,120 Now that we've created that folder called Share, we're going to copy pseudo c.p. 27 00:01:47,360 --> 00:01:54,050 Our virus, Tilda's slash desktop slash, and we do have to spell this correctly, fortnight all skins 28 00:01:54,590 --> 00:01:58,220 and copy it into our var w-w HD MLS share. 29 00:02:00,080 --> 00:02:01,900 So I'm going to copy Slash. 30 00:02:02,190 --> 00:02:06,920 Ah, Tilda, you could say slash home, slash Kelly, slash Jessopp or slash Tilda. 31 00:02:07,430 --> 00:02:13,610 And in this case actually I might even just want to copy this entire path just so that I don't misspell 32 00:02:13,610 --> 00:02:13,760 it. 33 00:02:13,820 --> 00:02:14,120 Right. 34 00:02:14,120 --> 00:02:15,590 Click copy selection. 35 00:02:15,620 --> 00:02:16,340 Come down here. 36 00:02:16,340 --> 00:02:16,610 Right. 37 00:02:16,610 --> 00:02:18,620 Click pay selection. 38 00:02:20,460 --> 00:02:25,590 Sometimes copying and pasting is just a little safer than trying to type it all perfectly, and sometimes 39 00:02:25,590 --> 00:02:26,760 we mistype things. 40 00:02:27,810 --> 00:02:34,560 And I'm going to send that to slash bar, slash w w w slash h demo, slash Cher. 41 00:02:34,710 --> 00:02:40,140 So we're copping that exploit file that virus file up into our shared folder. 42 00:02:40,500 --> 00:02:47,610 And now we need to run the service pseudo service Apache to start. 43 00:02:48,690 --> 00:02:51,990 We're going to start the Apache Web server on our Caleigh Linux machine. 44 00:02:52,380 --> 00:02:58,050 And we can actually check that by just opening up our Web browser, Firefox Web browser that's built 45 00:02:58,050 --> 00:03:00,780 into Caleigh and come to local host. 46 00:03:02,390 --> 00:03:06,020 So if we type local host, we'll see that we've got the Apache Web server running. 47 00:03:06,050 --> 00:03:13,370 If we say local host slash share, which is that shared folder, we should see our virus sitting here 48 00:03:13,400 --> 00:03:15,170 ready to go if you prefer. 49 00:03:15,190 --> 00:03:17,060 You can also put your Kelly IP address. 50 00:03:17,090 --> 00:03:22,910 That's 10 dot o dot nine seven slash share for me. 51 00:03:23,390 --> 00:03:28,640 Both of those local host is always your local machine's information, no matter where it is on the Internet. 52 00:03:29,030 --> 00:03:30,140 And Tendo dot nine. 53 00:03:30,140 --> 00:03:34,340 Dot seven is my particular Caleigh Linux IP address on my network. 54 00:03:34,610 --> 00:03:41,390 If you don't remember yours, make sure you use IP space A from a command line prompt to get that location 55 00:03:41,390 --> 00:03:41,750 again. 56 00:03:42,020 --> 00:03:49,730 But the important thing is we've got our fortnight, all skins or important HRR document or invoice 57 00:03:49,790 --> 00:03:56,780 or funny cat videos to Huddy XY ready to share for our Windows machine to come over and get infected. 58 00:03:57,200 --> 00:04:01,970 In the next lesson, we're going to see how to do a couple of setup items that are going to make it 59 00:04:02,030 --> 00:04:06,710 easier to infect a Windows 10 computer that are still not unrealistic. 60 00:04:07,040 --> 00:04:12,440 But we'll give us a little bit of an advantage since this is your first virus that you've ever created. 61 00:04:12,440 --> 00:04:15,440 And Kelly, I hope we'll see you in the next lesson.