1 00:00:01,110 --> 00:00:11,130 Hello and welcome back, none that you have in start two versions of Ghidorah on your computer, one 2 00:00:11,130 --> 00:00:18,670 for Linux and one for Windows, which one should you use when you are reversing binaries? 3 00:00:19,740 --> 00:00:26,100 So this is like where I going to share with you reversing workflows? 4 00:00:31,000 --> 00:00:39,040 So for Linux and binaries, you have to run it on the Linux itself. 5 00:00:39,550 --> 00:00:43,510 So Linux binaries, also known as Alpha House. 6 00:00:44,860 --> 00:00:54,190 So to test the binary, you were running on Linux and then when you are reversing on the right is a 7 00:00:54,190 --> 00:01:03,070 diagram for everything you also represent on Linux using the same machine that you are using for running 8 00:01:03,070 --> 00:01:04,990 the binary files. 9 00:01:06,700 --> 00:01:13,710 However, when you are testing windows boundaries, you have a choice. 10 00:01:14,770 --> 00:01:25,810 You could run your XP on Windows and then reverse it on Linux. 11 00:01:29,100 --> 00:01:38,630 Or you could run it on windows and reverse it also on windows, so you have an option here. 12 00:01:42,290 --> 00:01:44,630 So coming back to this diagram. 13 00:01:47,150 --> 00:01:55,880 Windows binaries are executable files known as b B files dislike for Linux are known as Alphons. 14 00:01:57,140 --> 00:02:08,980 So on for Linux you need to run the binary only and then test it reversely on Linux to buy for Windows, 15 00:02:08,990 --> 00:02:09,680 you have a choice. 16 00:02:11,060 --> 00:02:18,860 You can reverse the Windows binary using Gaja, which is running on Linux. 17 00:02:22,330 --> 00:02:34,210 Similarly, for the case of binaries, you could also reverse the Linux bindery using Windows, which 18 00:02:34,210 --> 00:02:35,500 is running Giurgiu. 19 00:02:39,890 --> 00:02:49,730 Coming back to this in both situations, whether or not you are using ground Windows or Linux, you 20 00:02:49,730 --> 00:02:53,810 would typically use virtual machines. 21 00:02:54,920 --> 00:03:05,360 This is especially so for those executable running on Windows, because now malware typically targets 22 00:03:05,720 --> 00:03:06,430 Windows. 23 00:03:07,220 --> 00:03:10,310 So it is strongly advisable to run. 24 00:03:10,310 --> 00:03:19,640 He'll be business inside Windows with your machine and have already shown you how to do that in your 25 00:03:19,640 --> 00:03:21,170 previous lecture. 26 00:03:24,950 --> 00:03:36,690 So now you have an overview of the work flow, sometimes I will be running the reversing on Linux, 27 00:03:36,860 --> 00:03:40,640 sometimes I will run it on Windows. 28 00:03:46,360 --> 00:03:52,890 So this is how I want to share with you in this video. 29 00:03:53,530 --> 00:03:54,480 Thank you for watching.