1 00:00:00,670 --> 00:00:03,110 Hello and welcome back. 2 00:00:03,760 --> 00:00:09,490 In this lesson, I will show you how to create snapshots. 3 00:00:12,590 --> 00:00:17,090 This is Oracle Virtual Box, as you can see. 4 00:00:18,970 --> 00:00:31,120 In the previous earlier lesson, I have showed you how to install Linux, and if you click on Linux 5 00:00:31,870 --> 00:00:41,050 a machine, you will see that over here there is a list of all the snapshots. 6 00:00:44,450 --> 00:00:56,810 Snapshots, a recall of the current of previous state of the virtual machine, if I select an earlier 7 00:00:56,810 --> 00:01:05,240 voting machine, for example, Windows seven, you will see that I have a list of snapshots. 8 00:01:07,900 --> 00:01:19,120 If I wanted to revert back to an earlier state, I could easily select the snapshot that I want and 9 00:01:19,120 --> 00:01:20,620 then click on the Star. 10 00:01:22,510 --> 00:01:33,130 And then you ask me to confirm if I want to restore, if I wanted to restore, I would then check this 11 00:01:33,130 --> 00:01:36,670 box and click on the button restore. 12 00:01:38,320 --> 00:01:49,210 After that, he would then do all these other later states and go back to the state of the witch machine 13 00:01:50,290 --> 00:01:52,160 as of this snapshot. 14 00:01:53,380 --> 00:02:00,130 So this is very useful because sometimes when you are doing reverse engineering. 15 00:02:01,930 --> 00:02:10,810 You might want to undo any changes that has been made to your operating system in the virtual machine. 16 00:02:12,070 --> 00:02:22,470 Sometimes a tool or a program which you install might alter or make changes to your operating system. 17 00:02:24,160 --> 00:02:36,670 For example, it might modify your registry settings or create other files in unknown locations. 18 00:02:37,760 --> 00:02:47,150 So the easiest way to undo all those changes is simply to revert back to an earlier snapshot. 19 00:02:48,230 --> 00:02:56,510 This is especially useful when you are trying to learn reverse engineering. 20 00:02:57,450 --> 00:03:07,650 And want to undo changes made by the software, it is also useful in malware analysis when you are trying 21 00:03:07,650 --> 00:03:16,410 to analyze a software which you suspect might be a virus or some Trojan. 22 00:03:18,140 --> 00:03:20,970 So even ransomware. 23 00:03:21,440 --> 00:03:29,510 So in order to undo the damage done by the virus, you can easily revert to an earlier snapshot. 24 00:03:30,350 --> 00:03:32,820 So how do you create a snapshot? 25 00:03:34,160 --> 00:03:38,770 We are going to try it on our colleague Linux Virtual Machine. 26 00:03:39,920 --> 00:03:43,180 The first step is to select the virtual machine. 27 00:03:44,210 --> 00:03:54,740 And then over here on the toolbar, you will see an icon button called Take. 28 00:03:56,240 --> 00:04:00,440 If you hover your mouse over it, you will see. 29 00:04:01,790 --> 00:04:14,090 The text take a snapshot, so all you need to do is just click on it, then he will ask you for a name, 30 00:04:14,090 --> 00:04:15,080 for a snapshot. 31 00:04:16,940 --> 00:04:23,960 So we can give it a name, we can give it a date, even if you prefer to call it by date. 32 00:04:25,030 --> 00:04:37,330 So I can call it two to one much seven today's date, and I can put in some description if I wanted 33 00:04:37,330 --> 00:04:43,140 to and if I didn't want, I can just leave it empty and then click, OK? 34 00:04:45,330 --> 00:04:52,080 And now he has created the snapshot, I can then start my widget machine. 35 00:05:05,300 --> 00:05:14,360 I will now log in using Carly as a login name and Carly as the password. 36 00:05:15,270 --> 00:05:16,520 And it log-in. 37 00:05:29,780 --> 00:05:38,090 I will now go into full screen mode by clicking and view and selecting full screen mode. 38 00:05:39,790 --> 00:05:42,430 And then I will click on the switch button. 39 00:05:46,310 --> 00:05:49,970 I will now demonstrate how to. 40 00:05:51,300 --> 00:05:52,860 Create a file. 41 00:05:53,860 --> 00:06:03,720 And then undo it by reverting to the earlier snapshot, so I will now right click here. 42 00:06:04,980 --> 00:06:05,640 And then. 43 00:06:08,410 --> 00:06:18,100 Create a folder right on the desktop and call it test and click create. 44 00:06:20,110 --> 00:06:23,460 And now I have a new folder on the desktop. 45 00:06:25,090 --> 00:06:26,470 Open the folder. 46 00:06:27,530 --> 00:06:28,580 By double clicking in. 47 00:06:30,080 --> 00:06:31,760 And inside this hall, the. 48 00:06:33,180 --> 00:06:37,080 I will create a document and file. 49 00:06:39,430 --> 00:06:43,540 Khalid testified that. 50 00:06:49,360 --> 00:06:56,520 So now I'm going to undo this by reverting back to the earlier snapshot. 51 00:06:58,890 --> 00:07:08,990 So to do that, I will now shut down this killing machine first, I will restore it to its window mode 52 00:07:09,720 --> 00:07:22,050 by hovering my mouse at the bottom so that the toolbar will pop up and then selecting on the window 53 00:07:22,050 --> 00:07:25,610 restor to go back to Windows mode. 54 00:07:27,360 --> 00:07:34,760 And now I will shut down Cali by clicking this button on the top right corner. 55 00:07:35,850 --> 00:07:37,380 And he shut down. 56 00:07:41,850 --> 00:07:52,500 Now, my coffee machine has shut down, so as you can see, when I select on the machine, I can see 57 00:07:52,890 --> 00:07:55,820 that the current state has changed. 58 00:07:57,700 --> 00:08:04,620 So if I wanted to undo this change, all I need to do is select the previous state. 59 00:08:05,780 --> 00:08:10,100 And then hit the rest button on the top. 60 00:08:12,360 --> 00:08:14,280 You ask me to confirm. 61 00:08:15,730 --> 00:08:21,000 So I uncheck this box and click on the restart button. 62 00:08:23,210 --> 00:08:32,600 And now you will notice that the current state has updated to the two or two to my seven current state 63 00:08:34,100 --> 00:08:38,140 so I can now restart my coffee machine and check it out. 64 00:08:45,290 --> 00:08:55,300 My colleague machine has fully booted up, you will now notice that the folder which I created earlier 65 00:08:55,660 --> 00:08:56,340 is gone. 66 00:08:57,880 --> 00:09:01,450 So this is how you can use snapshots. 67 00:09:03,320 --> 00:09:11,570 So use it often when you are reversing Saturday, so that is all for this video. 68 00:09:12,050 --> 00:09:13,430 Thank you for watching.