1 00:00:00,300 --> 00:00:03,420 Now, let's try to recap what we have discussed in this section. 2 00:00:03,630 --> 00:00:09,990 We started this section with the discussion around authentication provided what is its role in the spring 3 00:00:09,990 --> 00:00:16,290 security architecture and what are the scenarios that we need to go for an option of customizing this 4 00:00:16,290 --> 00:00:22,770 authentication provider so that we can skip off adhering, heading to the user details and user details 5 00:00:22,770 --> 00:00:24,330 of these user details. 6 00:00:24,330 --> 00:00:26,970 Manager contact provided basically security. 7 00:00:27,060 --> 00:00:33,780 We also looked at the definitions of authentication for the authentication manager and the methods inside 8 00:00:33,780 --> 00:00:40,980 them and observed that authentication provider has two methods authenticate and supports, whereas authentication 9 00:00:41,000 --> 00:00:44,310 manager has only one method, which is authenticate. 10 00:00:44,640 --> 00:00:50,790 The difference between authentication provider and authentication manager is only supports method was 11 00:00:50,790 --> 00:00:57,870 that we also discussed about the important interface, which is authentication followed by principle 12 00:00:58,140 --> 00:01:04,560 and how they are similar to user details and also looked at how the user details will become with the 13 00:01:04,739 --> 00:01:11,400 authentication object in the scenarios where we are using the default authentication provider, which 14 00:01:11,400 --> 00:01:15,400 is the authentication provider from the spring security framework. 15 00:01:15,900 --> 00:01:23,070 After that, we also looked into the provider manager and the authentication provider, which are default 16 00:01:23,070 --> 00:01:27,110 implementations of authentication manager and authentication provider. 17 00:01:27,390 --> 00:01:34,350 And so it's been security and we saw like how provider manager handles all the providers configured 18 00:01:34,350 --> 00:01:35,970 inside my application. 19 00:01:35,970 --> 00:01:45,030 How would we look each provider by provider and how it performs authentication authenticate method in 20 00:01:45,270 --> 00:01:46,230 all the providers. 21 00:01:46,530 --> 00:01:53,490 Finally, we enhanced our application to have a custom authentication provider and perform authentication 22 00:01:53,670 --> 00:01:55,930 using it without any issues. 23 00:01:56,130 --> 00:02:00,810 With that, we are concluding the authentication provider concept. 24 00:02:00,990 --> 00:02:04,640 If you have any questions, please post in the comments section. 25 00:02:04,680 --> 00:02:05,330 Thank you. 26 00:02:05,340 --> 00:02:05,850 And Mike.