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1. Goals and Learning Objectives.mp4 2.9M
1. Goals and Learning Objectives.vtt 1.1K
2.1 httpkrebsonsecurity.com201210the-scrap-value-of-a-hacked-pc-revisited.html 137
2.2 httpkrebsonsecurity.com201306the-value-of-a-hacked-email-account.html 132
2. Why You Need Security – The Value Of A Hack.mp4 29M
2. Why You Need Security – The Value Of A Hack.vtt 5.9K
3.1 httpsresearch.google.compubspub43963.html.html 107
3. The Top 3 Things You Need To Stay Safe Online.mp4 2.5M
3. The Top 3 Things You Need To Stay Safe Online.vtt 1.4K
4.1 Exploit Kit Landscape Map.html 99
4.2 CVE details.html 88
4.3 httpswww.exploit-db.comsearch.html 95
4. Security Bugs and Vulnerabilities - The Vulnerability Landscape.mp4 38M
4. Security Bugs and Vulnerabilities - The Vulnerability Landscape.vtt 11K
5. Hackers, crackers and cyber criminals.mp4 7.7M
5. Hackers, crackers and cyber criminals.vtt 3.0K
6.1 SophosLabs 2018 Malware Forecast.html 162
6.2 Chef Jamie Oliver’s website hacked for the third time.html 106
6.3 Malware stats.html 107
6.4 Report - Spotlight perils of malvertisements.html 142
6.5 7 most common RATs.html 149
6. Malware, viruses, rootkits and RATs.mp4 12M
6. Malware, viruses, rootkits and RATs.vtt 7.3K
7.4 httpwww.mcafee.comusresourcesreportsrp-quarterly-threat-q4-2014.pdf.html 135
7. Spyware, Adware, Scareware, PUPs & Browser hijacking.mp4 11M
7. Spyware, Adware, Scareware, PUPs & Browser hijacking.vtt 5.3K
8.1 Homograph attack using internationalized domain name.html 134
8.2 XSS example vulnerability.html 136
8.3 Live phishing links.html 87
8. What is Phishing, Vishing and SMShing.mp4 26M
8. What is Phishing, Vishing and SMShing.vtt 15K
9.1 Spam stats.html 104
9.2 Spam example.html 142
9. Spamming & Doxing.mp4 4.8M
9. Spamming & Doxing.vtt 3.5K
10.1 httpwww.actionfraud.police.uktypes_of_fraud.html 108
10.2 Top 10 scams.html 127
10.3 httpwww.consumerfraudreporting.org.html 98
10. Social engineering - Scams, cons, tricks and fraud.mp4 12M
10. Social engineering - Scams, cons, tricks and fraud.vtt 5.9K
11.1 httpbgr.com20180213android-malware-mining-cryptocurrency-monero-xmr.html 136
11.4 httpsaddons.mozilla.orgen-GBfirefoxaddonno-coin.html 116
11.5 httpsthehackernews.com201802cryptojacking-malware.html.html 121
11.6 httpscoinhive.com.html 82
11.7 httpsaddons.mozilla.orgen-USfirefoxaddonublock-origin.html 122
11.8 httpsgithub.comhoshsadiqadblock-nocoin-list.html 110
11. CPU Hijackers - Crypto Mining Malware and Cryptojackers.mp4 16M
11. CPU Hijackers - Crypto Mining Malware and Cryptojackers.vtt 9.6K
12.1 httpswww.deepdotweb.comdark-net-market-comparison-chart.html 121
12. Darknets, Dark Markets and Exploit kits.mp4 32M
12. Darknets, Dark Markets and Exploit kits.vtt 8.2K
13. Governments, spies and secret stuff part I.mp4 27M
13. Governments, spies and secret stuff part I.vtt 5.9K
14.1 Through a PRISM, Darkly - Everything we know about NSA spying [30c3].html 104
14.2 httpsnsa.gov1.infodninsa-ant-catalog.html 103
14.3 httpstheintercept.com.html 86
14.4 httpscryptome.org201401nsa-codenames.htm.html 107
14.5 httpswikileaks.org-Leaks-.html.html 95
14.6 httpwww.nsaplayset.org.html 87
14. Governments, spies and secret stuff part II.mp4 30M
14. Governments, spies and secret stuff part II.vtt 11K
15.1 Clipper chip.html 192
15.2 WhatsApp was Banned for 48 Hours in Brazil.html 112
15.4 The Case against Regulating Encryption Technology.html 112
15.5 httpcis-india.orginternet-governancebloghow-india-regulates-encryption.html 137
15.6 A Worldwide Survey of Encryption Products - pdf.html 153
15.7 Kazakhstans new encryption law.html 185
15.10 Matt Blaze Speaking to a US congressional committee.html 107
15.11 httpwww.crypto.compapersgovernmentreform-blaze2015.pdf.html 120
15.12 A Worldwide Survey of E ncryption Products - xls.html 154
15.13 UK data communications bill.html 121
15. Regulating encryption, mandating insecurity & legalizing spying.mp4 43M
15. Regulating encryption, mandating insecurity & legalizing spying.vtt 16K
16.1 Examples of backdoors.html 123
16.3 httpblog.cryptographyengineering.com201512on-juniper-backdoor.html.html 133
16.4 httpsreproducible-builds.org.html 93
16.5 Apple removes malware infected apps from the app store.html 165
16.6 Apple backdoor order.html 112
16.7 Formal methods.html 105
16.8 Video on how to build your own software reproducibly.html 142
16. Trust & Backdoors.mp4 24M
16. Trust & Backdoors.vtt 11K
17.1 httpswww.google.comtransparencyreportremovalsgovernmenthl=en.html 129
17.3 httpswww.google.comtransparencyreportremovalseuropeprivacyhl=en.html 132
17. Censorship.mp4 6.5M
17. Censorship.vtt 2.7K
18.1 httpwww.stationx.netalerts.html 91
18. Cyber Threat Intelligence – Stay Informed.mp4 2.6M
18. Cyber Threat Intelligence – Stay Informed.vtt 1.1K
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