elhacker.INFO Downloads
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1. Goals and Learning Objectives.mp4 2.4M
1. Goals and Learning Objectives.vtt 852
2. Security Features and Functionality.mp4 58M
2. Security Features and Functionality.vtt 6.9K
3.1 Top 50 products vs security bugs.html 114
3.2 Report - Buying Into the Bias Why Vulnerability Statistics Suck.html 168
3. Security Bugs and Vulnerabilities.mp4 84M
3. Security Bugs and Vulnerabilities.vtt 6.2K
4.1 OS usage share.html 125
4. Usage Share.mp4 34M
4. Usage Share.vtt 5.5K
5.2 Microsoft Privacy Statement.html 114
5.3 Microsoft Service Agreement.html 123
5.4 Cortana privacy faq.html 126
5. Windows 10 - Privacy & Tracking.mp4 80M
5. Windows 10 - Privacy & Tracking.vtt 7.0K
6.1 httpsgithub.com10se1ucgoDisableWinTrackingreleases.html 117
6. Windows 10 - Disable tracking automatically.mp4 68M
6. Windows 10 - Disable tracking automatically.vtt 5.7K
7.1 httpsgithub.com10se1ucgoDisableWinTrackingreleases.html 117
7. Windows 10 - Tool Disable Windows 10 Tracking.mp4 98M
7. Windows 10 - Tool Disable Windows 10 Tracking.vtt 7.6K
8.1 How to disable cortana-on Windows 10.html 147
8.2 Cortana privacy faq.html 126
8.3 How to Disable Cortana in Windows 10’s Anniversary Update.html 130
8. Windows 10 – Cortana.mp4 41M
8. Windows 10 – Cortana.vtt 3.8K
9.1 Complete guide windows 10 privacy settings.html 134
9.2 SmartScreen Filter FAQ.html 145
9. Windows 10 – Privacy Settings.mp4 86M
9. Windows 10 – Privacy Settings.vtt 9.6K
10. Windows 10 - WiFi Sense.mp4 60M
10. Windows 10 - WiFi Sense.vtt 4.9K
11.1 Microsoft - How to manage Windows 10 notification and upgrade options.html 107
11.2 Never 10 by Steve Gibson (Use this!).html 92
11.3 GWX Control Panel.html 100
11. Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 - Privacy & Tracking.mp4 106M
11. Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 - Privacy & Tracking.vtt 7.7K
12.1 Fix Mac OS X.html 84
12.2 httpsgithub.comfix-macosxnet-monitor.html 102
12.3 httpsgithub.comkarek314macOS-home-call-drop.html 109
12.4 httpsgithub.comfix-macosxyosemite-phone-home.html 110
12.5 Washingtonpost - How apples os x yosemite tracks-you.html 213
12. Mac - Privacy & Tracking.mp4 58M
12. Mac - Privacy & Tracking.vtt 5.1K
13.1 httpdistrowatch.com.html 84
13.2 httpswww.openbsd.org.html 85
13.3 httpswww.debian.org.html 84
13.4 httpswww.archlinux.org.html 87
13. Linux and Unix “like” Operating systems.mp4 46M
13. Linux and Unix “like” Operating systems.vtt 3.8K
14.1 Ubuntu - httpswww.ubuntu.com.html 84
14.2 Manjaro - httpsmanjaro.org.html 81
14.3 Linux Mint - httpslinuxmint.com.html 83
14. General Use Operating Systems (Windows, MacOS and Linux).mp4 47M
14. General Use Operating Systems (Windows, MacOS and Linux).vtt 5.0K
15.1 OpenBSD - httpswww.openbsd.org.html 85
15.2 Debian - httpswww.debian.org.html 84
15.3 Archlinux - httpswww.archlinux.org.html 87
16.1 Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) - httpsgithub.comSELinuxProject.html 94
16.2 Subgraph OS - httpssubgraph.comsgos.html 87
16.3 Hardened Gentoo Linux - httpswiki.gentoo.orgwikiProjectHardened.html 106
16.4 PureOS - httpswww.pureos.net.html 84
16.5 Astra Linux - httpastralinux.ru.html 82
16.6 Trisquel OS - httpstrisquel.info.html 83
16.7 Qubes OS - httpswww.qubes-os.org.html 86
17.1 Qubes OS - httpswww.qubes-os.org.html 86
17.2 Tails OS - httpstails.boum.org.html 84
17.3 Whonix - httpswww.whonix.org.html 84
17. Anonymity Focused Operating Systems (Tails and Whonix OS).mp4 22M
17. Anonymity Focused Operating Systems (Tails and Whonix OS).vtt 3.5K
18.1 Kali Linux - httpswww.kali.org.html 82
18.2 BackBox Linux - httpsbackbox.org.html 81
18.3 Pentoo - httpswww.pentoo.ch.html 83
18.4 Parrot GNULinux - httpswww.parrotsec.org.html 87
18.5 BlackArch Linux - httpsblackarch.org.html 83
18. Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Focused Operating Systems.mp4 13M
18. Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Focused Operating Systems.vtt 1.1K
19.1 Android - httpswww.android.com.html 85
19.2 MicroG - httpsmicrog.org.html 80
19.3 iOS - httpsdeveloper.apple.comios.html 93
19.4 OmniROM - httpswww.omnirom.org.html 85
19.5 LineageOS - httpslineageos.org.html 83
19.6 PureOS Librem 5 - httpspuri.smshoplibrem-5.html 91
19.7 Replicant - Httpswww.replicant.us.html 86
20.1 Debian Live CDDVD.html 92
20.2 Download Debian.html 92
20.3 Free Debian Books and Guides.html 93
20. Linux - Debian 8 Jessie - Virtual box guest additions Issue.mp4 58M
20. Linux - Debian 8 Jessie - Virtual box guest additions Issue.vtt 5.8K
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