package src.main; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.Scanner; import src.main.model.account.Account; import src.main.utils.Color; public class Main { static Account account; static final double INITIAL_DEPOSIT = 4000; static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; public static void main(String[] args) { } public static void explainApp() { System.out.print(Color.BLUE + "\n - PERSONAL: "); System.out.println(Color.YELLOW + "Every sale made in a personal account is charged a 5% fee."); System.out.print(Color.BLUE + "\n - TFSA: "); System.out.println(Color.YELLOW + "Every trade (buy/sell) made from a TFSA is charged a 1% fee.\n"); System.out.println(Color.BLUE + " - Neither account has a limit on the amount of trades that can be made." + Color.RESET); } public static void initialBalance() { System.out.print("\n\n You created a " + Color.YELLOW + account.getClass().getSimpleName() + Color.RESET + " account."); System.out.println(" Your account balance is " + Color.GREEN + "$" + "" + Color.RESET); System.out.print("\n Enter anything to start trading: "); scanner.nextLine(); } public static String accountChoice() { System.out.print("\n Respectively, type 'a' or 'b' to create a Personal account or TFSA: "); String choice = scanner.nextLine(); while (!choice.equals("a") && !choice.equals("b")) { System.out.print(" Respectively, type 'a' or 'b' to create a Personal account or TFSA: "); choice = scanner.nextLine(); } return choice; } public static String buyOrSell() { System.out.print("\n\n Would you like to 'buy' or 'sell': "); String choice = scanner.nextLine(); while (!choice.equals("buy") && !choice.equals("sell")) { System.out.print(" Would you like to 'buy' or 'sell': "); choice = scanner.nextLine(); } return choice; } public static String chooseStock() { System.out.print(" Choose a stock: "); String stock = scanner.nextLine(); while (!stock.equals("AAPL") && !stock.equals("FB") && !stock.equals("GOOG") && !stock.equals("TSLA") ) { System.out.print(" Choose a stock: "); stock = scanner.nextLine(); } return stock; } public static int numShares(String choice) { System.out.print(" Enter the number of shares you'd like to " + choice + ": "); int shares = scanner.nextInt(); scanner.nextLine(); //throwaway nextLine while (shares <= 0) { System.out.print(" Enter the number of shares you'd like to " + choice + ": "); shares = scanner.nextInt(); scanner.nextLine(); //throwaway nextLine } return shares; } /* TODO public static void displayPrices(int day) { System.out.println("\n\n\t DAY " + day + " PRICES\n"); System.out.println(" " + Color.BLUE + Stock.AAPL + "\t\t" + Color.GREEN + getPrice(Stock.AAPL, day)); System.out.println(" " + Color.BLUE + Stock.FB + "\t\t" + Color.GREEN + getPrice(Stock.FB, day)); System.out.println(" " + Color.BLUE + Stock.GOOG + "\t\t" + Color.GREEN + getPrice(Stock.GOOG, day)); System.out.println(" " + Color.BLUE + Stock.TSLA + "\t\t" + Color.GREEN + getPrice(Stock.TSLA, day) + Color.RESET); } */ public static void tradeStatus(String result) { System.out.println("\n The trade was " + (result.equals("successful") ? Color.GREEN : Color.RED) + result + Color.RESET + ". Here is your portfolio:"); System.out.println(account); System.out.print("\n Press anything to continue"); scanner.nextLine(); } /* TODO public static String getPrice(Stock stock, int day) { return "15.2343"; } public static Path getPath(String stock) { return null; } */ }