1 00:00:00,580 --> 00:00:06,550 What if I told you that almost everything in Java is an object, I'm going to circle back to the statement 2 00:00:06,550 --> 00:00:07,720 because it's pretty bold. 3 00:00:10,300 --> 00:00:14,550 First, you need to learn the difference between primitive versus class types. 4 00:00:21,200 --> 00:00:23,810 Primitive types are the most basic types of data. 5 00:00:26,090 --> 00:00:28,730 Int double boolean car. 6 00:00:32,460 --> 00:00:35,790 A variable of the primitive type stores, a value directly. 7 00:00:39,020 --> 00:00:45,620 Remember, this primitives represent a value, nothing more like the boolean true, or the number six 8 00:00:46,310 --> 00:00:47,870 primitives cannot be No. 9 00:00:50,180 --> 00:00:51,620 They have no methods. 10 00:00:57,360 --> 00:01:02,460 Class types, also known as reference types, are classes that you can create objects from. 11 00:01:05,180 --> 00:01:11,420 Dealership and car were class types from which we created dealership and car objects. 12 00:01:15,020 --> 00:01:18,620 Remember this, a class type variable points to an object. 13 00:01:20,100 --> 00:01:21,240 It can be no. 14 00:01:22,930 --> 00:01:25,210 And it can call methods from middle class. 15 00:01:28,040 --> 00:01:31,220 Here's a table that summarizes primitive versus class types. 16 00:01:31,310 --> 00:01:32,600 It's in your cheat sheet. 17 00:01:36,520 --> 00:01:39,730 Now, here's a fun fact for you, string is a class type. 18 00:01:42,110 --> 00:01:49,220 First, ask yourself why String capitalized because string is actually a class and class names, as 19 00:01:49,220 --> 00:01:51,860 you know, start with a capital letter Kemel case. 20 00:01:52,860 --> 00:01:57,630 So according to our table string variables, should story reference that points to an object. 21 00:01:57,960 --> 00:01:59,390 And guess what they do? 22 00:02:01,880 --> 00:02:07,940 When you define a string variable, you're actually creating an object of the string class, the variable 23 00:02:07,940 --> 00:02:10,490 stories, a reference that points to a string object. 24 00:02:13,360 --> 00:02:18,430 And it follows that when you said a string variable equal to another, it copies the reference inside 25 00:02:18,430 --> 00:02:22,150 both variables share a reference to the same string object. 26 00:02:23,260 --> 00:02:24,120 Wait a second. 27 00:02:24,160 --> 00:02:26,110 Shouldn't we worry about the reference trap? 28 00:02:27,380 --> 00:02:27,910 Nope. 29 00:02:29,480 --> 00:02:34,130 When you assign the variable and you string, it equals a brand new string object. 30 00:02:35,430 --> 00:02:39,480 In other words, the reference trap doesn't apply, so you don't have to worry. 31 00:02:48,950 --> 00:02:54,890 Back to our table, string variables can be know there are many methods we can call from the string 32 00:02:54,890 --> 00:02:55,340 class. 33 00:02:59,550 --> 00:03:02,700 Try calling them yourself from a random string and see what they do. 34 00:03:07,310 --> 00:03:10,760 Skinner is also a class type that you've seen many times. 35 00:03:14,370 --> 00:03:20,400 So according to our table Skinner variables should story reference that points to an object they do 36 00:03:21,120 --> 00:03:25,740 when you define a scanner variable, you're creating a new object of the scanner class. 37 00:03:29,170 --> 00:03:31,210 The scanner variable can indeed be no. 38 00:03:32,830 --> 00:03:35,650 And there are many methods we can call from the scanner class. 39 00:03:36,040 --> 00:03:40,960 In fact, we've been using them all along, like next int next, double next, long, next and next 40 00:03:40,960 --> 00:03:41,440 line. 41 00:03:42,490 --> 00:03:47,950 These are all methods that are defined in the scanner class, which you can call from your scanner object. 42 00:03:52,980 --> 00:03:58,170 Let's talk about the null value I mentioned earlier that primitive variables cannot be null. 43 00:04:01,240 --> 00:04:03,460 Variables, objects can be no. 44 00:04:05,750 --> 00:04:13,310 No, only applies when memory size is not fixed, primitive types have a fixed memory size and as four 45 00:04:13,310 --> 00:04:15,440 bytes long is eight bytes. 46 00:04:24,020 --> 00:04:30,140 Class types don't have a fixed memory, an object with 20 fields takes up more memory than an object 47 00:04:30,140 --> 00:04:30,620 with one. 48 00:04:30,680 --> 00:04:31,790 Generally speaking. 49 00:04:33,230 --> 00:04:37,340 An array of 50 elements is going to take up more memory than an array with one. 50 00:04:37,640 --> 00:04:42,020 For this reason, primitives cannot be null and class types can be. 51 00:04:42,620 --> 00:04:45,230 By the way, arrays are also objects as well. 52 00:04:45,930 --> 00:04:51,710 When you create a new era, you're creating a new object of the array class that can store elements. 53 00:04:51,920 --> 00:04:54,020 Everything is just happening behind the scenes. 54 00:04:54,950 --> 00:04:59,600 That being said, almost everything in Java is a class variable, an object. 55 00:05:00,610 --> 00:05:06,670 As long as it stores a reference, can be no can call methods, then it's a class variable. 56 00:05:11,020 --> 00:05:16,210 In this lesson, you learn to tell the difference between a primitive type and a class type, a primitive 57 00:05:16,210 --> 00:05:17,780 represent value and nothing more. 58 00:05:18,070 --> 00:05:20,620 It cannot be, no, and it doesn't have methods. 59 00:05:21,100 --> 00:05:25,060 Examples of primitive types are Ent., long car and boolean. 60 00:05:29,380 --> 00:05:36,040 A class variable story, a reference it can be no, and it can call methods, examples of class types 61 00:05:36,040 --> 00:05:39,430 that we created objects from our scanner dealership and car.