1 00:00:00,860 --> 00:00:07,610 Now rather than configuring switch to manually, I've created the script that accomplishes the same 2 00:00:07,610 --> 00:00:08,150 thing. 3 00:00:08,330 --> 00:00:15,170 So tap enable conf to change the host name to switch to shut down any unused interfaces. 4 00:00:15,170 --> 00:00:26,960 So gigabit 1/123 gigabit 2/023 gigabit 3/023 will change the mode to transparent and then configure 5 00:00:26,960 --> 00:00:28,490 the VLANs on the switch. 6 00:00:29,030 --> 00:00:31,280 So I'll simply copy that config. 7 00:00:32,090 --> 00:00:34,970 Go to the console of switch two. 8 00:00:35,180 --> 00:00:41,810 So iOS vl2 hyphen to the switch and then I'll paste that config in. 9 00:00:43,330 --> 00:00:45,130 Interfaces have gone down. 10 00:00:45,370 --> 00:00:48,310 So as you can see, the host name of the switch has changed. 11 00:00:48,340 --> 00:00:55,930 Previously it was called switch, but now it's switched to show VLAN. 12 00:00:56,020 --> 00:01:07,690 Brief shows me VLAN ten and 20 show http status shows me that this switch is configured in transparent 13 00:01:07,690 --> 00:01:08,350 mode. 14 00:01:08,830 --> 00:01:11,590 Show IP interface brief. 15 00:01:12,190 --> 00:01:16,510 Shows me that all unused interfaces have been shut down. 16 00:01:17,140 --> 00:01:21,880 Show Run will allow me to see the full config of the switch. 17 00:01:22,120 --> 00:01:26,020 So as an example, here you can see the VLANs that were configured. 18 00:01:27,280 --> 00:01:30,070 You can see that ports have been shut down. 19 00:01:30,520 --> 00:01:35,830 Now, what I didn't do on the previous switch is save the config. 20 00:01:35,980 --> 00:01:40,000 So let's save the config on both these switches before we go any further. 21 00:01:40,630 --> 00:01:46,910 So on switch one, I've saved the config and on switch two, I've saved it. 22 00:01:46,930 --> 00:01:52,280 You can see that the configuration was compressed and has been saved successfully. 23 00:01:52,300 --> 00:01:54,310 So shows start up. 24 00:01:57,550 --> 00:02:03,280 Config shows me the configuration that we saved. 25 00:02:03,820 --> 00:02:09,100 As you can see here shows startup and we're using so many bytes out of so many bytes. 26 00:02:09,400 --> 00:02:12,850 Last configuration change was made on the 5th of July. 27 00:02:13,030 --> 00:02:16,030 Now for switch three. 28 00:02:16,060 --> 00:02:17,740 What do we need to configure here? 29 00:02:18,220 --> 00:02:20,110 Well, we need to change the switch name. 30 00:02:20,320 --> 00:02:23,710 We need to shut down any unused interfaces. 31 00:02:26,340 --> 00:02:32,490 Under this switch we are only using interfaces gigabyte 0001 and zero two. 32 00:02:32,610 --> 00:02:40,800 So gigabit zero three is not being used so that interface can be shut down and then any other interfaces 33 00:02:40,830 --> 00:02:42,720 on the switch can be shut. 34 00:02:43,560 --> 00:02:46,650 Now it's a good idea just to confirm the interfaces on the switch. 35 00:02:46,650 --> 00:02:49,320 So show IP interface brief. 36 00:02:50,060 --> 00:02:52,760 Shows me the various interfaces. 37 00:02:52,850 --> 00:02:57,890 So the only interfaces that we need are 0001 and zero two. 38 00:02:57,920 --> 00:02:59,640 Those three interfaces. 39 00:02:59,660 --> 00:03:05,780 All other interfaces on the switch can be shut down, and that's what we're going to do through this 40 00:03:05,780 --> 00:03:06,740 config. 41 00:03:06,920 --> 00:03:12,320 I'm also going to enable the switches of transparent switch and configure VLANs ten and 20. 42 00:03:12,470 --> 00:03:14,690 So let's paste that config in. 43 00:03:16,600 --> 00:03:17,740 Top End. 44 00:03:18,410 --> 00:03:22,130 And then I'll save the config. 45 00:03:22,340 --> 00:03:23,870 Now for CNA. 46 00:03:24,170 --> 00:03:29,630 You would be expected to know the full command copy running config. 47 00:03:29,630 --> 00:03:31,100 Startup config. 48 00:03:31,860 --> 00:03:36,030 And then press enter to save the configuration to the startup config. 49 00:03:36,510 --> 00:03:39,900 But for the real world, war is the old command. 50 00:03:40,440 --> 00:03:46,460 That saves a lot of time and it doesn't prompt you to specify where you want to save the file. 51 00:03:46,470 --> 00:03:49,200 It simply saves it to the startup config. 52 00:03:49,200 --> 00:03:52,470 So that's a lot quicker and hence we're using that here. 53 00:03:52,830 --> 00:03:58,140 So we've configured switch three, let's configure switch for switch over here. 54 00:03:58,170 --> 00:04:05,340 So this will be exactly the same as switch three same interfaces gigabyte 0001 and zero two will be 55 00:04:05,340 --> 00:04:05,910 used. 56 00:04:05,910 --> 00:04:12,810 All other interfaces will be shut down and we'll configure VLAN ten and 20 onto that switch. 57 00:04:13,050 --> 00:04:20,490 Now you might say that you don't actually need a VLAN ten on the switch because we only have hosts in 58 00:04:20,490 --> 00:04:23,640 VLAN 20 connected to the switch and that would be correct. 59 00:04:23,790 --> 00:04:29,820 But I'm going to keep the VLANs consistent on all my switches because we may want to add a host in VLAN 60 00:04:29,820 --> 00:04:34,110 ten to the switch and a host in VLAN 20 to the switch. 61 00:04:34,110 --> 00:04:36,240 So copy the config. 62 00:04:36,270 --> 00:04:39,720 Go to the console of switch four. 63 00:04:40,050 --> 00:04:43,980 So notice four and then paste it in. 64 00:04:46,730 --> 00:04:50,180 Control Z or control Z, save the config. 65 00:04:50,660 --> 00:04:56,000 So we've configured the links on the switches, configured the names of the switches. 66 00:04:56,000 --> 00:04:58,380 We now need to configure the routers. 67 00:04:58,400 --> 00:05:03,260 So on router one and I'll just do this manually because it'll be quick. 68 00:05:03,650 --> 00:05:09,320 Rather one is just booted and we've got the initial system configuration dialog asking us whether we 69 00:05:09,320 --> 00:05:10,190 want to enter that. 70 00:05:10,190 --> 00:05:16,100 I'm going to say no, I'm going to manually configure the router, so I don't want to go through the 71 00:05:16,100 --> 00:05:22,610 initial configuration dialog in this example and I press return to continue. 72 00:05:25,590 --> 00:05:27,810 You can see various interfaces are coming up. 73 00:05:30,080 --> 00:05:35,930 So top enable conf tt interface if 0/0. 74 00:05:35,960 --> 00:05:43,070 Now before I configure interfaces, notice when I type do show IP interface brief on the router. 75 00:05:44,000 --> 00:05:50,630 Router interfaces are administratively down by default unlike switch interfaces, so I don't need to 76 00:05:50,780 --> 00:05:51,980 disable interfaces. 77 00:05:51,980 --> 00:05:54,680 What I need to do is enable the interface. 78 00:05:55,130 --> 00:05:59,780 Before I enable the interface, I'll configure the IP address of this router. 79 00:05:59,870 --> 00:06:08,360 So I'll configure this 10.1, 10.11 with a subnet mask of slash 24 and then I'll no shut the interface 80 00:06:08,360 --> 00:06:09,140 of the router. 81 00:06:10,160 --> 00:06:19,520 I also need to configure the name, so I'm just going to configure that as router one and then save 82 00:06:19,520 --> 00:06:20,540 the config. 83 00:06:20,750 --> 00:06:26,930 So all I've done is know shut the interface and configure an IP address on Fost Ethernet zero zero on 84 00:06:26,930 --> 00:06:30,920 router one on router two will do something similar. 85 00:06:33,150 --> 00:06:37,830 So we'll bypass the initial configuration dialog press enter to continue. 86 00:06:42,310 --> 00:06:48,840 Top enable top tx change the name of the strata to route A to go into the first Ethernet interface. 87 00:06:48,850 --> 00:06:51,220 No, shut it and give it an IP address. 88 00:06:53,200 --> 00:06:55,450 Of 10.1 to 20.12. 89 00:06:56,800 --> 00:07:02,380 And Slash 24 Mosk show IP interface brief. 90 00:07:04,280 --> 00:07:07,970 That IP address is configured and the interface is up, up. 91 00:07:08,390 --> 00:07:09,860 Save the config. 92 00:07:11,520 --> 00:07:14,730 The lost device to configure initially is router three. 93 00:07:15,270 --> 00:07:16,410 Here it is. 94 00:07:16,830 --> 00:07:20,430 It's already been configured with the hostnames interface brief. 95 00:07:23,450 --> 00:07:25,250 Interfaces all shut down. 96 00:07:26,420 --> 00:07:31,550 So on first Ethernet zero zero, I'm going to shut it. 97 00:07:31,550 --> 00:07:39,260 And in this case I'll give it an IP address of ten .1. 102.253. 98 00:07:39,680 --> 00:07:49,670 We'll use 2544 HSP later, so I'll configure an IP address on this interface of ten. 99 00:07:49,970 --> 00:07:52,670 So at 1.102 five three. 100 00:07:54,610 --> 00:08:02,110 So that's the IP address of router three on fast Ethernet zero zero interfaces up going to the Fost 101 00:08:02,110 --> 00:08:09,250 Ethernet zero one interface that interfaces currently down and hasn't got an IP address assigned to 102 00:08:09,250 --> 00:08:09,700 it. 103 00:08:10,330 --> 00:08:17,680 So rather than configuring the IP address manually, I'm going to type IP address DHCP so that it gets 104 00:08:17,680 --> 00:08:22,660 an IP address from my local physical network. 105 00:08:23,440 --> 00:08:30,820 And when I no shut the interface, what we should see in a moment is that it gets an IP address through 106 00:08:30,820 --> 00:08:31,870 DHCP. 107 00:08:32,289 --> 00:08:37,059 At the moment we still waiting for an address to be assigned, but there you go. 108 00:08:37,120 --> 00:08:44,169 This address, 1921681 128 has been assigned via DHCP to router three. 109 00:08:44,380 --> 00:08:52,450 So show IP interface brief once again, notice IP address is configured on this interface that was allocated 110 00:08:52,540 --> 00:08:58,210 via my local DHCP server, which is actually my DSL router here at home. 111 00:08:58,870 --> 00:09:00,250 I'll save the config. 112 00:09:00,250 --> 00:09:05,830 So we have an IP address configured on Fost Ethernet zero zero and we have an IP address configured 113 00:09:05,830 --> 00:09:07,690 on Fost Ethernet zero one. 114 00:09:08,170 --> 00:09:12,250 What I haven't done is configure IP addresses on the switches. 115 00:09:12,250 --> 00:09:13,570 So let's do that.