1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:13,000 So we've been told that we need to recover the passwords on these devices. 2 00:00:13,900 --> 00:00:15,340 Let's start with router 1, 3 00:00:17,800 --> 00:00:24,040 here's router 1 we can see some neighbor relationships have come up, so EIGRP neighbor relationships 4 00:00:24,040 --> 00:00:28,740 have been formed, type enable don't know what the password is. 5 00:00:29,260 --> 00:00:31,080 So there's not much we can do here. 6 00:00:31,750 --> 00:00:36,010 We can't reload the router for password recovery 7 00:00:36,020 --> 00:00:37,510 you need physical access. 8 00:00:38,590 --> 00:00:46,330 So on the router, I'm going to turn off the power and then turn it on again, and then I'm going to press 9 00:00:46,330 --> 00:00:54,280 control C, which works as a control break on my keyboard, the brake sequence depends on your 10 00:00:54,280 --> 00:01:01,260 keyboard and operating system, such as Windows or Mac and the application that you're using. 11 00:01:01,600 --> 00:01:08,200 So on Windows, you could use putty, could use terror term or some other terminal emulation software. 12 00:01:08,830 --> 00:01:13,980 You'll have to look at what the brake sequence is on that specific device. 13 00:01:14,440 --> 00:01:21,400 So have a look on your keyboard for a brake key and press control brake as an example, or control C 14 00:01:21,760 --> 00:01:25,300 to break the start up process. 15 00:01:26,570 --> 00:01:35,600 Question mark Enter shows us various options available in ROM mon or ROM monitor mode, help also gives 16 00:01:35,600 --> 00:01:37,520 us the same list of commands. 17 00:01:38,150 --> 00:01:45,470 We're going to want to bypass the startup configuration by setting the configuration register to 0 18 00:01:45,470 --> 00:01:47,480 x2142. 19 00:01:48,750 --> 00:01:56,400 You can find a list of configuration register values by doing a search on Google, just search for Cisco 20 00:01:56,400 --> 00:02:04,500 configuration register and you'll find documents such as the following that allow you to see various 21 00:02:04,500 --> 00:02:12,930 configuration register values, 0x2142 allows you to ignore the startup configuration. 22 00:02:13,470 --> 00:02:21,330 In other words, the router ignores NVRAM and boots without a startup configuration. I'll then 23 00:02:21,420 --> 00:02:24,180 reset the device to get it to reboot. 24 00:02:25,430 --> 00:02:27,650 So that's router 1, router 2 25 00:02:31,100 --> 00:02:37,430 has a similar problem when I type enable, I don't know the password of router 2. 26 00:02:38,480 --> 00:02:45,620 Now, before I restore the password on router 2, let's complete router 1 because it's now booted up. 27 00:02:46,770 --> 00:02:55,230 I'll use No to bypass the initial configuration dialog, I now have a router using a default configuration 28 00:02:55,920 --> 00:02:56,580 type enable. 29 00:02:58,650 --> 00:03:01,530 This router has a default configuration 30 00:03:03,420 --> 00:03:12,480 but notice, the startup configuration shows me the enable password that is shown in clear text so we 31 00:03:12,480 --> 00:03:19,920 would know that password here, but you can bypass that even if you don't know what the password is. 32 00:03:20,970 --> 00:03:28,380 Notice, we are currently in enable mode, so again, the startup-configuration shows us the password 33 00:03:28,890 --> 00:03:32,860 but that's because service password encryption has not been set. 34 00:03:33,450 --> 00:03:43,050 If that was set, I wouldn't know what the password was, but I could still restore the routers configuration 35 00:03:43,440 --> 00:03:53,430 by using the command copy startup configuration running configuration, show run now shows us the configuration 36 00:03:53,430 --> 00:03:55,650 including the password 37 00:03:56,280 --> 00:04:03,480 but notice loopback, addresses and physical interface addresses are now configured on the router. If 38 00:04:03,480 --> 00:04:06,640 a service password encryption was set, 39 00:04:07,950 --> 00:04:14,020 I wouldn't know what the password was, but I could still restore the configuration. 40 00:04:14,520 --> 00:04:16,560 Now you can hack this password 41 00:04:17,130 --> 00:04:24,720 but notice on devices such as router 2 and switch 1 that are using the secret password, you will not 42 00:04:24,720 --> 00:04:27,780 easily be able to work out what the password is. 43 00:04:28,560 --> 00:04:37,080 But we can still bypass the configuration and then sent the enable password to Cisco. 44 00:04:38,030 --> 00:04:45,920 So even if I don't know what the password is, I can bypass the device configuration by setting the 45 00:04:46,400 --> 00:04:55,490 configuration register to 0x2142 rebooting the router and then going to privilege mode or enable 46 00:04:55,490 --> 00:05:00,170 mode and then copying the configuration and then setting the password. 47 00:05:00,620 --> 00:05:05,720 One thing to be aware of is notice the physical interfaces are shut down. 48 00:05:07,010 --> 00:05:14,840 So even though you restore the configuration, you will need to go and no shut the physical interfaces 49 00:05:15,890 --> 00:05:23,720 once you've done that, restore. So show IP interface brief notice, the interfaces are now up and I can 50 00:05:23,720 --> 00:05:31,220 save the router configuration by using the WR command or in the exam copy running-config, startup 51 00:05:31,220 --> 00:05:31,760 config. 52 00:05:32,950 --> 00:05:34,720 So now if I exit out of the router 53 00:05:37,060 --> 00:05:44,530 and then go back in and type enable the password now used is Cisco, I've encrypted that password 54 00:05:45,340 --> 00:05:51,650 but if I hadn't encrypted the password, this would be displayed in clear text. In the exam 55 00:05:52,090 --> 00:05:53,530 do what you're told. 56 00:05:53,810 --> 00:05:56,520 Don't do extra things like I'm doing here. 57 00:05:56,860 --> 00:05:58,310 Do what's required. 58 00:05:58,780 --> 00:06:04,390 I'm trying to show you extra options and teach you various options on the routers. 59 00:06:06,030 --> 00:06:12,540 Now, just be careful, even though we've saved the configuration and we can log back into the router. 60 00:06:13,920 --> 00:06:18,250 The running configuration doesn't affect the configuration register. 61 00:06:19,140 --> 00:06:26,820 I need to configure the configuration register, so I'm going to set that to 2102. 62 00:06:28,730 --> 00:06:31,520 So show version, 63 00:06:32,930 --> 00:06:39,770 shows us that the configuration register will be set to this at next reload, the configuration 64 00:06:39,770 --> 00:06:42,680 register is separate to the running configuration. 65 00:06:43,340 --> 00:06:50,360 So even though you've saved the running configuration, it doesn't change the configuration register. 66 00:06:50,960 --> 00:06:54,110 The configuration register needs to be set separately. 67 00:06:54,950 --> 00:06:55,610 So that's router 68 00:06:55,640 --> 00:06:56,410 1 completed. 69 00:06:56,570 --> 00:06:57,980 Let's have a look at router 2.