1 00:00:04,940 --> 00:00:08,660 Not IPV for an IPV six. 2 00:00:08,900 --> 00:00:09,740 Hello, everyone. 3 00:00:09,770 --> 00:00:16,620 Today we're going to talk about not and pretty much what it is and what it is used for. 4 00:00:17,030 --> 00:00:25,370 So not pretty much is a mechanism that makes the traffic from a private network to becoming just a single 5 00:00:25,370 --> 00:00:28,770 vital Internet address, but not to everywhere. 6 00:00:28,880 --> 00:00:38,090 And so, in the most simple words, not is basically the service which effectively hides the private 7 00:00:38,270 --> 00:00:40,040 addresses from the Internet. 8 00:00:40,190 --> 00:00:46,320 So, yes, some of the addresses are actually private and they're used by different devices. 9 00:00:46,580 --> 00:00:52,850 So, for example, if you want your network to use multiple IP addresses, you can locally use multiple 10 00:00:52,850 --> 00:00:59,210 private IP addresses and connect the Internet by only a single IP address. 11 00:00:59,510 --> 00:01:06,800 In that way, you are saving quite a lot of public IP addresses that you actually don't need to use 12 00:01:06,800 --> 00:01:12,020 because in your private network you can pretty much choose any IP address for any device. 13 00:01:12,200 --> 00:01:20,900 So, for example, if you're a company and you have a lot, a lot, a lot of machines in your seat, 14 00:01:21,500 --> 00:01:26,620 this doesn't mean that you need to have public IP addresses for all of them. 15 00:01:26,630 --> 00:01:33,560 Instead, you can hear for all of your machines, different local or private IP addresses and only one 16 00:01:33,710 --> 00:01:37,650 public IP addresses, which will connect all these machines to Internet. 17 00:01:37,670 --> 00:01:42,590 So in terms of that, there are two types of the nut operations. 18 00:01:42,820 --> 00:01:50,040 The first one is static, where a private IP address is always translated to the same public IP address. 19 00:01:50,060 --> 00:01:56,110 And by doing this, you, your host within the network, will be visible in Internet. 20 00:01:56,330 --> 00:02:00,980 There were social economic way where a router is assigned to different IP addresses. 21 00:02:01,190 --> 00:02:09,560 So each private IP address is mapped using only one of the IP addresses or the router that has been 22 00:02:09,560 --> 00:02:10,330 assigned to it. 23 00:02:11,120 --> 00:02:18,560 And when doing that, it is actually very important when using the service to have an increased security 24 00:02:18,860 --> 00:02:27,350 because we need to make it difficult for external host to enter the network through the public IP address. 25 00:02:27,350 --> 00:02:34,160 For example, you wouldn't want somebody to assess your IP address and consequently your devices tend 26 00:02:34,160 --> 00:02:36,920 to login into your mushiness through Internet. 27 00:02:37,130 --> 00:02:43,370 Now let's talk about the different IP types and we're going to start by IP reform. 28 00:02:43,700 --> 00:02:52,280 So IP before the basic idea behind it is to allow computers to connect to Internet regardless why device, 29 00:02:52,610 --> 00:02:54,020 what device we use. 30 00:02:54,200 --> 00:03:01,220 So basically each device that is connected to Internet gets a unique code that can be used to receive 31 00:03:01,910 --> 00:03:04,430 data from our connections. 32 00:03:04,880 --> 00:03:13,970 The IP protocol pretty much consists of 32 bits lens, which means that we have access with the IP before 33 00:03:14,300 --> 00:03:19,840 to over four point three billion IP addresses out there. 34 00:03:19,880 --> 00:03:24,630 And as we said, the IP before is already to its maximum capacity. 35 00:03:25,160 --> 00:03:30,300 So all of those IP addresses, all of these numbers have already been reached. 36 00:03:30,350 --> 00:03:40,790 So usually the IP addresses from the IP before consist normally of four groups of eight bits. 37 00:03:41,090 --> 00:03:47,780 Eight bits means that there are 256 possible numbers for each position. 38 00:03:47,990 --> 00:03:52,860 For each of those four positions, you have 256 possible numbers. 39 00:03:53,180 --> 00:03:59,090 And this is how actually we're calculating how many IP before IP addresses are. 40 00:03:59,300 --> 00:04:04,520 You just need to multiply 256, four times. 41 00:04:04,520 --> 00:04:13,010 So 256 multiplied by 256, multiplied by 256, multiplied by 256. 42 00:04:13,010 --> 00:04:15,780 And you get some number around four point three billion. 43 00:04:15,980 --> 00:04:24,590 So according the rules for obtaining the IP before their few classes, that arranging different IP addresses 44 00:04:24,830 --> 00:04:33,580 Class A, Class B, class C, class duties, which is the multicast, and also Class E, which is the 45 00:04:33,710 --> 00:04:35,120 experimental class. 46 00:04:35,450 --> 00:04:42,610 So the multicast and the experimental IP addresses usually cannot be used as a source of addresses. 47 00:04:42,620 --> 00:04:46,010 So we cannot usually use this Halverson's because they are already in use. 48 00:04:46,010 --> 00:04:53,610 We normally have the IP address is zero point zero point zero point zero as an identifier of the IP 49 00:04:53,610 --> 00:04:57,400 before and 127 Doderer. 50 00:04:57,620 --> 00:05:03,260 Zero zero US identifier of the physical complex over the network. 51 00:05:03,450 --> 00:05:13,770 And also, we have the two hundred fifty five zero zero zero, which basically identifies the broadcast 52 00:05:13,770 --> 00:05:16,290 overseas, so we can also not choose just once. 53 00:05:16,560 --> 00:05:22,320 Now, what is IPV six and what is the use for it and what is the need for it? 54 00:05:22,800 --> 00:05:30,600 Well, basically, the IPV six consists of arsenate and with the eight bits, which is way more numbers 55 00:05:30,600 --> 00:05:32,340 comparing to IP before. 56 00:05:32,550 --> 00:05:40,660 And we created this space with IP addresses simply because we run out of IP addresses over the Web. 57 00:05:40,890 --> 00:05:49,260 So we wanted to ensure that we have the space and the IPV six addresses are nowhere near to getting 58 00:05:49,260 --> 00:05:53,730 expired because there are so many of them that we'll never be able to reach. 59 00:05:53,970 --> 00:05:58,010 They basically consist of aid groups of 16 bits. 60 00:05:58,290 --> 00:06:08,370 And as you can see, an example of IPV six Andrius, you can see that 16 bits means that this aid groups 61 00:06:08,370 --> 00:06:17,060 can include not only numbers, but also letters which increase further the number of possible IP addresses. 62 00:06:17,100 --> 00:06:23,040 For example, if we go now to the terminal, we can actually check that. 63 00:06:23,910 --> 00:06:30,800 Let's exit here and then I will write you config. 64 00:06:31,800 --> 00:06:39,570 And if you take a look here, you can see that in the Ethernet sorry, in the eye net or the Internet, 65 00:06:39,840 --> 00:06:44,640 we can see an example of the IPV six outrace. 66 00:06:44,850 --> 00:06:55,620 And you can see in Init six, which is saying to us that is IPV six format of outrace and you can see 67 00:06:55,650 --> 00:06:56,580 all the letters. 68 00:06:56,610 --> 00:06:59,160 So this is actually an IP address. 69 00:06:59,160 --> 00:07:07,110 And for example, if the most of the IP address is IP before you can actually see that here we get it 70 00:07:07,110 --> 00:07:08,000 in that format. 71 00:07:08,310 --> 00:07:16,320 So you can make the difference between the IPV six, which is this type of galleries, and Iku four, 72 00:07:16,320 --> 00:07:18,690 which is the type of IP address. 73 00:07:18,870 --> 00:07:25,380 And if you want to take a look at your computer, you can definitely do it with the IF config command, 74 00:07:25,380 --> 00:07:31,590 which will basically show you all the IP addresses on all the devices connected to your computer that 75 00:07:31,680 --> 00:07:31,840 say. 76 00:07:31,920 --> 00:07:34,020 Guys, thanks very much for watching that video. 77 00:07:34,350 --> 00:07:41,580 I hope now you're pretty clear about how your computer connects to Internet and how our devices are 78 00:07:41,580 --> 00:07:43,410 basically connected to your computer. 79 00:07:43,710 --> 00:07:44,180 That's it. 80 00:07:44,180 --> 00:07:47,390 Thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next video.