
If you would like to see the completed source code for each lesson, be sure to head over to the GitHub repository for this module and git clone the repo.

Then you can use git log to see all the commits. You should see something like this:

commit 98ce8958d78eadfeb37cc7fb95c41cadf86fbd4f
Level 6 - Google OAuth 2.0 Authentication

commit 4e8349702f16a5570f9ff9b80f7a3740ddd8b108
Level 5 - Cookies and Sessions

commit d3b3b3a908fc01e72b99616db45e2c28f8975369
Level 4 - Hashing and Salting with bcrypt

commit 17696f8cfe68c8f91082a98e9750d45e9e176bc3
Level 3 - Hashing with md5

commit 92a07aa559eb29e5c9c0f50304e7b5e0674a25d1
Add Environment Vars

commit 1702e1d3f75bfbeb0e43848c8bd921863ea21147
 Level 2 - Encryption

commit 7078af837299a4ff50121d67afe17d9fa522ec68
Level 1 - Username and Password Only

If you would like to see the code after Level 1 - Username and Password Only for example, you can simply type:

git checkout 7078af837299a4ff50121d67afe17d9fa522ec68 .

into the Hyper terminal.

NOTE: the dot at the end is very important, don't miss it out.

If any of the above is confusing be sure to revise the Git and GitHub module where we went through all of this in more detail.