1 00:00:00,210 --> 00:00:07,350 So the next important concept that we are going to see is availability, the information availability 2 00:00:07,350 --> 00:00:10,340 is crucial for modern information security. 3 00:00:10,830 --> 00:00:19,440 It is the information being accessible as required, when required, were required and to whom required. 4 00:00:20,250 --> 00:00:27,000 So basically, information availability is that information must be easily accessible by individuals 5 00:00:27,120 --> 00:00:27,990 who need it. 6 00:00:28,860 --> 00:00:34,340 For example, data related to customers must be accessible in the marketing department. 7 00:00:34,830 --> 00:00:41,010 In practice, availability of information requires a control system such as, for example, the big 8 00:00:41,010 --> 00:00:49,500 backup of data and the capacity planning procedures and criteria for approval of the systems. 9 00:00:50,130 --> 00:00:56,460 Now, the incident management procedures, the management of removable media, the information processing 10 00:00:56,460 --> 00:01:03,420 procedures, the maintenance and testing of equipment, continuity consent procedures, as well as the 11 00:01:03,420 --> 00:01:10,590 procedures to control the usage of systems, ensure that the data is available then and that it is needed. 12 00:01:13,120 --> 00:01:20,170 Now, when it comes to information security, physical security is not provided in an organization, 13 00:01:20,170 --> 00:01:26,590 if the physical security is not provided, the access to unauthorized personnel would be unchallenged. 14 00:01:27,130 --> 00:01:33,400 This means that if information is not protected through physical security, the organization would be 15 00:01:33,610 --> 00:01:42,070 subject to theft, natural disaster and other physical security addresses reliability and accessibility 16 00:01:42,070 --> 00:01:42,880 of the data. 17 00:01:44,290 --> 00:01:47,830 Now auditing and system effectiveness of evaluation. 18 00:01:48,730 --> 00:01:54,790 A type of audit, which is very important, what availability is the system effectiveness evaluation, 19 00:01:55,030 --> 00:02:02,140 which shows how well the system meets the need of the organization by taking a larger view of the system 20 00:02:02,380 --> 00:02:06,060 and the organization's auditing systems? 21 00:02:06,080 --> 00:02:09,850 And this is the clarity and timeliness of the information. 22 00:02:11,620 --> 00:02:18,820 Next comes security policies, the security policy of a system should determine who is using the system 23 00:02:19,150 --> 00:02:26,410 and set the user privileges, current and future decisions should be based on the enterprise, the security 24 00:02:26,410 --> 00:02:26,890 policy. 25 00:02:27,850 --> 00:02:35,410 Security policies addresses impliedly timeliness and the accessibility of information, we have seen 26 00:02:35,410 --> 00:02:37,390 security policies in all directions. 27 00:02:37,420 --> 00:02:43,570 I have also explained to you about security policies, so I would not I will not stress upon this point 28 00:02:43,570 --> 00:02:44,340 in this lecture. 29 00:02:45,450 --> 00:02:48,430 System monitoring and operational control as well. 30 00:02:48,840 --> 00:02:50,940 Operational controls are rules. 31 00:02:51,750 --> 00:02:52,770 Please listen closely. 32 00:02:53,130 --> 00:03:00,870 Operational controls are the rules that should be implemented and monitored in order to protect the 33 00:03:00,870 --> 00:03:05,280 information of the organization, the implement the security policy. 34 00:03:05,760 --> 00:03:11,130 And in this, we provide greatly to enforce the security policy. 35 00:03:11,670 --> 00:03:14,280 So you can see that all these things are interdependent. 36 00:03:14,280 --> 00:03:17,370 System monitoring is dependent on security policies. 37 00:03:17,670 --> 00:03:24,570 And while auditing, we ensure that all the security policies are in place and they can be enforced. 38 00:03:24,930 --> 00:03:28,350 The system monitoring and the operational controls work toolkit. 39 00:03:29,280 --> 00:03:33,180 So this is how basically availability is very important. 40 00:03:33,760 --> 00:03:36,690 Now, next comes business continuity. 41 00:03:37,260 --> 00:03:44,480 Business continuity is a very important component in maintaining operations in cases of network attack. 42 00:03:45,060 --> 00:03:51,960 Now, without a business continuity plan, the organization will not be sure that the last information 43 00:03:51,960 --> 00:03:53,280 can ever be restored. 44 00:03:53,790 --> 00:03:58,470 That is why business continuity addresses the timeliness and the accessibility. 45 00:03:59,520 --> 00:04:01,410 Backups are very important. 46 00:04:01,530 --> 00:04:09,300 Backups are a copy of all the information applications on operating system settings that are stored 47 00:04:09,300 --> 00:04:16,590 within the computer to reduce the amount of loss and provide maximum restorable capability to the organization. 48 00:04:17,280 --> 00:04:20,010 Backups at risk, timeliness and accessibility. 49 00:04:20,400 --> 00:04:27,390 That is why I always tell my students to backup their data at least once a month, either in the cloud 50 00:04:27,600 --> 00:04:29,150 or in their hard drives. 51 00:04:30,180 --> 00:04:36,690 Now we'll see what is available to me by taking the example of Bob, Judy and a server. 52 00:04:39,050 --> 00:04:46,730 Now, you can see that Bob is trying to access some data from the server here, but since the definition 53 00:04:46,730 --> 00:04:51,910 of availability speeds, that data should be a bit available when and where it is needed. 54 00:04:52,400 --> 00:04:59,090 Now, let us have Trudy, who is completely, you know, bombarding the packets on the server and the 55 00:04:59,090 --> 00:05:01,500 server is not functioning anymore. 56 00:05:01,940 --> 00:05:09,740 So Bob here will not be receiving any data, which means the availability principle of information security 57 00:05:10,070 --> 00:05:11,460 is being violated. 58 00:05:12,230 --> 00:05:19,310 Now, many cases when the server is not able to deliver the messages, all the information to its customers, 59 00:05:19,310 --> 00:05:23,990 mostly, it's probably because of the availability issues. 60 00:05:23,990 --> 00:05:29,160 And the most obvious reason is the denial of service attack by malicious hackers. 61 00:05:29,900 --> 00:05:35,960 So I hope you understood the meaning of the security element of availability and what are the different 62 00:05:35,960 --> 00:05:38,160 factors that affect availability? 63 00:05:38,810 --> 00:05:39,450 That's it. 64 00:05:39,470 --> 00:05:45,830 Those are the three lectures that we just see of a man to have an overview of the CIA tried to you. 65 00:05:46,220 --> 00:05:51,550 And we will be looking after the CIA in upcoming elections in that in depth. 66 00:05:51,710 --> 00:05:53,620 So don't worry for time. 67 00:05:53,630 --> 00:05:59,300 We just make sure that you have understood the definitions of these terms and what are the elements 68 00:05:59,300 --> 00:06:08,390 of information security in the next lecture will talk about different and distinct with respect to ethical 69 00:06:08,390 --> 00:06:08,810 hacking. 70 00:06:09,260 --> 00:06:11,270 I will see you in the next lecture.