1 00:00:09,890 --> 00:00:16,880 Welcome to networking practicals in this practical, we are going to see how to find out the physical 2 00:00:16,880 --> 00:00:20,030 address of a machine that is the Mac address. 3 00:00:21,470 --> 00:00:29,090 Mac address is a 12 digit hexadecimal number that is a six byte binary number, which is mostly represented 4 00:00:29,090 --> 00:00:31,100 by Kolon hexadecimal notation. 5 00:00:33,290 --> 00:00:37,910 So go to the search window and type command prompt. 6 00:00:41,470 --> 00:00:42,540 And press enter. 7 00:00:45,210 --> 00:00:55,320 You can see it is C colon slash user slash admin nowadays, admin admin is the name of my computer, 8 00:00:55,710 --> 00:01:02,370 the person who is using this PC and the person who's logged in into this account right now, this name 9 00:01:02,370 --> 00:01:04,230 may change your environment. 10 00:01:04,980 --> 00:01:12,590 So the command to find out the Mac address is similar to command finding IP address with a slight difference. 11 00:01:13,020 --> 00:01:17,780 So type IP configuration before pressing enter. 12 00:01:18,090 --> 00:01:25,080 If you're using a Linux based machine, Ubuntu based machine, then the command to find out the IP address 13 00:01:25,080 --> 00:01:28,150 is I think it's not IP config. 14 00:01:28,500 --> 00:01:30,030 So now press enter. 15 00:01:32,250 --> 00:01:39,530 A lot of stuff appears on the screen and do not worry, we will tell you how to calculate the Mac address. 16 00:01:39,990 --> 00:01:43,680 So in the first column, you can see the hostname. 17 00:01:44,460 --> 00:01:46,770 It is the name of my PC. 18 00:01:47,220 --> 00:01:54,300 It's not Admon because it is a name by the manufacturer coming down to Ethernet adapter Ethernet. 19 00:01:54,460 --> 00:01:57,040 You can see it is disconnected. 20 00:01:57,490 --> 00:01:58,600 Now, what does that mean? 21 00:01:59,250 --> 00:02:06,180 That means that right now nothing is connected externally to my computer, not a printer on either USB, 22 00:02:06,180 --> 00:02:06,680 nothing. 23 00:02:07,260 --> 00:02:11,460 So if anything, it's connected to a computer and external media. 24 00:02:11,730 --> 00:02:18,900 My Mac address will be three four six four eight nine six zero eight nine that you can see. 25 00:02:19,170 --> 00:02:27,360 The Mac address is for wireless LAN adapter local area connection star three is different than the Mac 26 00:02:27,360 --> 00:02:28,830 address for Internet adapter. 27 00:02:29,460 --> 00:02:36,660 This happens because Windows creates virtual connections which are reserved for specific purposes and 28 00:02:36,660 --> 00:02:38,100 only in such cases. 29 00:02:38,100 --> 00:02:45,060 The Mac addresses can change because each connection has its own Mac address coming down. 30 00:02:46,610 --> 00:02:49,140 Two wireless LAN adaptive Wi-Fi. 31 00:02:49,280 --> 00:02:54,590 It's a big information table there you can find the physical address. 32 00:02:55,710 --> 00:03:01,710 That is easy for easy for for nine, easy e three. 33 00:03:02,870 --> 00:03:11,570 That is the Mac address of my PC currently in which I'm loving, you can see the dynamic host configuration 34 00:03:11,570 --> 00:03:21,140 protocol is also enabled for my PC, which clearly means that the XO can assign IP addresses dynamically. 35 00:03:21,470 --> 00:03:24,580 And yes, auto configuration is also enabled. 36 00:03:26,040 --> 00:03:32,970 In the last lecture, in the previous practical, we have used IP Conflict Command to find out the IP 37 00:03:33,390 --> 00:03:36,700 address and you can see the IP address is seen. 38 00:03:37,770 --> 00:03:42,510 Then we find out the IP address and you can cross-check that. 39 00:03:42,510 --> 00:03:46,380 The address is seen in this lecture as well as in the last lecture. 40 00:03:47,290 --> 00:03:55,570 And since my IP address belongs to Class C, the default subnet mask is two fifty five point two, fifty 41 00:03:55,570 --> 00:04:03,400 five point two fifty five point, all the information also states its some information about the server 42 00:04:03,850 --> 00:04:05,290 and the client. 43 00:04:06,270 --> 00:04:13,870 You can see that the servers address is one ninety two point one sixty eight point forty three point 44 00:04:13,870 --> 00:04:14,420 to zero. 45 00:04:15,510 --> 00:04:21,030 So you can see another one last column, Ethernet adapter, Bluetooth network connection. 46 00:04:21,460 --> 00:04:27,390 Right now, my device isn't connected to any other Bluetooth device, and hence it is showing disconnected. 47 00:04:27,960 --> 00:04:34,280 So if my device is connected to another physical device, then my physical address will be e c, e, 48 00:04:34,290 --> 00:04:35,910 c four four nine. 49 00:04:35,930 --> 00:04:39,020 You know, all these are hexadecimal digits. 50 00:04:39,840 --> 00:04:47,910 So we have seen commands, IP config to find out the IP address and IP config, all to find out the 51 00:04:48,210 --> 00:04:52,260 entire information in which your Mac address is also shown.