1 00:00:00,520 --> 00:00:01,310 All righty. 2 00:00:01,410 --> 00:00:03,350 Now we've got to Google collab notebook running. 3 00:00:03,570 --> 00:00:06,620 Let's get it set up for our project. 4 00:00:06,900 --> 00:00:13,980 Now if you read through the external data Google lab the notebooks Io that I Spy and b Oh that's a little 5 00:00:13,980 --> 00:00:15,010 tidbit too. 6 00:00:15,030 --> 00:00:21,000 So even though we're working on Google's program here Google Code that it's still running the same extension 7 00:00:21,660 --> 00:00:23,420 as our Jupiter notebook. 8 00:00:23,440 --> 00:00:25,540 So i pi and B. 9 00:00:25,710 --> 00:00:33,330 So we can go here download i pi and B so if we did that it would download this notebook here from Ecolab 10 00:00:33,510 --> 00:00:40,690 in the format of a Jew but a notebook that we could load in Jupiter the workspace we've been using previously. 11 00:00:40,860 --> 00:00:42,980 So that's just a little tidbit to know. 12 00:00:43,200 --> 00:00:50,260 Now if you read through that you would find that there's one way if we wanted to upload files to collab 13 00:00:50,260 --> 00:00:55,740 we could go to this little file tab here and click upload now. 14 00:00:55,770 --> 00:00:57,450 That is definitely one way to do it. 15 00:00:57,870 --> 00:01:03,720 However what you might find is that when you Google collab runtime disconnects and you might be wondering 16 00:01:03,720 --> 00:01:05,120 Daniel what's runtime. 17 00:01:05,250 --> 00:01:06,830 Well that's over here. 18 00:01:06,900 --> 00:01:08,720 So you see this little tick. 19 00:01:08,980 --> 00:01:14,880 And if we read that connected to Python three Google compute engine back end. 20 00:01:15,390 --> 00:01:23,640 So this is where we can access a GP you write this co lab notebook is actually not running on our computer 21 00:01:23,650 --> 00:01:26,120 anymore it's running on Google's servers. 22 00:01:26,160 --> 00:01:29,130 That's where you can see they're connected to Python 3. 23 00:01:29,310 --> 00:01:31,110 Google compute engine back in. 24 00:01:31,610 --> 00:01:36,510 So this notebook has been powered by one of Google's computers in their warehouse. 25 00:01:36,510 --> 00:01:44,760 And if we upload a data through here if our runtime disconnected like what you'll see a message like 26 00:01:44,760 --> 00:01:52,280 this it's going to remove all of the data from here because we can't just keep storing data on Google's 27 00:01:52,280 --> 00:01:52,900 machines. 28 00:01:52,970 --> 00:01:58,100 Otherwise they just get overflowed and we'd we'd lose data and some some data you might have might be 29 00:01:58,100 --> 00:01:58,640 private. 30 00:01:58,640 --> 00:02:01,520 So it shouldn't be stored in Google's machine anyway. 31 00:02:01,550 --> 00:02:07,940 Now if you're wondering okay Daniel a lot of this sounds confusing run times or this sort of stuff but 32 00:02:07,940 --> 00:02:13,700 it's important to know because if you were to upload your files here and then the runtime disconnects 33 00:02:13,760 --> 00:02:18,350 say Google's machine just shuts down on you you'd lose everything that you're working on which is not 34 00:02:18,350 --> 00:02:20,050 an ideal scenario. 35 00:02:20,060 --> 00:02:23,540 Now if you're wondering how long does a session last. 36 00:02:23,540 --> 00:02:28,820 Well this is again something that's really hard to answer because I've had times where I'm sitting here 37 00:02:29,090 --> 00:02:30,880 coding away that wasn't code. 38 00:02:30,890 --> 00:02:38,820 But you can pretend I was coding and the runtime I get a message like this runtime disconnected so I've 39 00:02:38,820 --> 00:02:41,430 written here Ecolab connection will sometimes drop out. 40 00:02:41,460 --> 00:02:47,720 It's hard to tell when if it does you need to reconnect and potentially rerun all of your cells. 41 00:02:47,760 --> 00:02:51,080 So if you see this message right. 42 00:02:51,240 --> 00:02:56,810 It won't always come up so I can't guarantee that it comes up during the video's press reconnect. 43 00:02:57,090 --> 00:03:02,880 And you might have to rerun yourselves like this and if you're wondering about more information about 44 00:03:02,880 --> 00:03:06,920 how Ecolab workspace runs I'll leave this in the resources as well. 45 00:03:07,410 --> 00:03:11,570 So if we go google collab EFF HQ. 46 00:03:11,670 --> 00:03:16,480 So these are some frequently asked questions a great little resource here. 47 00:03:16,480 --> 00:03:19,760 This is your homework before the next videos to read through this. 48 00:03:19,780 --> 00:03:22,120 So what is collaboratively is a free to use. 49 00:03:22,120 --> 00:03:23,970 Yes it is free. 50 00:03:24,010 --> 00:03:25,300 One of the limitations. 51 00:03:25,540 --> 00:03:32,020 So this is what we're looking at collab resources are not guaranteed and are not unlimited. 52 00:03:32,160 --> 00:03:35,050 The usage limits sometimes fluctuate. 53 00:03:35,890 --> 00:03:44,170 So that's why we might randomly see one of these run times disconnected and you might also see one of 54 00:03:44,170 --> 00:03:45,240 these messages. 55 00:03:45,430 --> 00:03:47,910 But we haven't connected Google Drive to collab yet. 56 00:03:47,920 --> 00:03:49,910 So this won't appear just yet. 57 00:03:50,020 --> 00:03:52,770 We're still in the process of getting our workspace set up. 58 00:03:53,080 --> 00:03:58,840 So as quick as collab is to get started compared to Jupiter there are still a couple of little issues 59 00:03:58,870 --> 00:04:03,590 because providing a free service like this is what Google's doing is no easy thing to do. 60 00:04:03,610 --> 00:04:06,600 So we'll see where this might come up in the next video. 61 00:04:06,760 --> 00:04:12,340 But in the meantime I want you to read through the CO laboratory frequently asked questions I'll leave 62 00:04:12,340 --> 00:04:17,350 that in the resources section and just make sure that you've got a little green tech here. 63 00:04:17,350 --> 00:04:20,240 And if you don't this will change to connect. 64 00:04:20,240 --> 00:04:22,240 And I want you to click on that and see what it says.